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Everything posted by zoey1996

  1. MGG was spotted in Colonial Williamsburg this weekend! I haven't seen him, but loved all the pictures CW posted on their facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/ColonialWilliamsburg
  2. I just saw that Kelli and her husband have welcomed their new baby boy, Ludo, born yesterday. Congratulations! http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/congrats-svus-kelli-giddish-has-welcomed-her-first-child/ar-AAfaIqn?ocid=ansmsnent11
  3. Yes, I could almost feel my skin turning red and crispy, out in the sun like that! IIRC, the hashtags were used last season also. I think it's just a thing to do at this point. Glad to have the show back. I, too, was not sorry about Team TMZ's early out. Rio is amazingly beautiful, but I'm sure not all of it is as pretty as much of what we saw.
  4. He'd already given her the money back at that point. He won the Bingo and won the money he needed to pay back (part of) the loan from the blonde prostitute whose name escapes me at the moment. It's a sitcom, most of it amusing or funny. Nice summer show, but I can't see it lasting past a season. On the other hand, it's on TVLand, and I could easily be mistaken.
  5. Yes, we often zoom through commercials. Makes it much more pleasant! Love watching the ones with guest stars who aren't around now. Some of the story lines are pretty hokie, but still fun to watch. My dad's favorite was Bonanza; one of my grandpas loved Wagon Train. I always like Bonanza and Gunsmoke. I've been watching The Pinkertons, but would love to watch the ones I've missed. It's kind of difficult to track down, but I'm hoping the one station that is broadcasting it here will re-run some of the ones I've missed.
  6. Mr. Z likes ABC evening news (I don't) so I've seen Ginger Zee several times. Her forecasts are about as reliable as any other meteorologists on national news.
  7. I started laughing hysterically at the Belsomra commercial - the one with the furry wake/sleep creatures. I'll try to link it. Part of the ad mentions possible hallucinations. Like the wake/sleep creatures? Ha! http://youtu.be/_kMzVNnv78w
  8. That one I can answer - he bought espresso beans because he was buying coffee beans and didn't read the label. After buying them, he felt like he had to use them up before buying more. Jane didn't like them; he was trying to make the best of the situation.
  9. I looked to see how many episodes are left. Five! So I'm out. I could have watched another episode or two, but not five! And this is from someone who watched all of The Following episodes!
  10. Mr. Zoey and I enjoy watching old Gunsmokes. We DVR them from TV Land. Most we've seen multiple times, but every once in a whiile we will see one that we don't remember. Mr. Zoey watches a lot of the old ones he grew up watching, like Maverick and Bat Masterson on Encore Westerns, and Lone Ranger and Roy Rogers. I always like Wagon Train, too. For one that's newer, I've started watching The Pinkertons. It's a syndicated show with no set time for airing across the board, but where I live, two stations carry it at different times. I've been DVRing and then catching up when I can.
  11. A storm will wreak havoc on our satellite TV, so I missed the fall off the cliff and the Tree of Cats! Also didn't get the pupil/pupil reference while I was watching. It was such a duh moment when I came over here to read the forum, but I'm blaming poor reception on missing that! So far, so good. But I watched every episode of The Following, so what do I know?
  12. Thanks for that! I was able to find season 3 episode 1, plus additional eps, on YouTube. Looking forward to watching more!
  13. The best Jefferson I've ever seen is Bill Barker, who portrays Jefferson at Colonial Williamsburg. Parts of the Adams miniseries were filmed at various locations at Colonial Williamsburg. I was able to watch some of the filming, which was interesting to watch (patience is a virtue useful to have when watching filming). I have the DVDs, so I have watched this several times, but I'm thinking it's time for another watching!
  14. I see what you did there - clever!
  15. We, the viewers, know that Susan/Caitlin is really pregnant, but I'm with those who wonder why Jackson would so readily believe it. Surely he can't be so besotted as to just take her at her word. I was always suspicious of Best and his motivation, but I didn't want him to die or even be tortured as he was. What delicious payback, leaving Swift to die in the abandoned property's "cell." Bennett and Rose getting married was sweet, but I just don't see the chemistry between them. Who was the young boy? I don't remember him. Love Reid and Mathilda at the seashore. But get out of the sun - believe it or not, it is possible to get sunburned on the English seaside! And lastly (for now) loved that Grace was not killed off!
  16. Mr. Zoey and I both grew up in Kansas, and I commented the other night that if we'd grown up in Texas, we'd know a lot more about this history and not nearly as much about Kansas! We've had storms that wreak havoc with DirecTV, so I'm finding I have to record episodes again in order to see the whole episode - gets frustrating! But we're interested in the series, so it's worth it.
  17. I agree with most of this post. I don't understand what is meant by, "the ruse." Was that when he revealed why he'd worn the "foot shoes?" I did like the new guy, and see nothing creepy about him. I thought the interaction with him and the rest of the team seemed realistic.
  18. The George and Mary Tait story brought to mind the Glenn Close film, "Albert Nobb," an excellent film that explores the paths available to women at the time. There were few, if any, options. Loved the safe cracking scenes. Susan is playing a very dangerous game with her business dealings. Factor in her fingerprints on the gun, and she may not get out of her troubles unscathed, nor do I think she should. There are consequences, even unintended consequences, for what she's done and how she's lived. And now daddy dearest shows up! Can't be good.
  19. I just re-watched Episode 101, Sassenach, and have a question. Claire narrates that she intends to keep using her maiden name, Beauchamp, because if she's to be ransomed, she doesn't want to be returned to Frank. Did she really mean Jack? Was it in the book? Because otherwise, to me it doesn't make sense that she wouldn't want, at that point in the plot, to return to Frank in 1945. Thanks!
  20. Some of the actors have been in other roles and have been mentioned in some of the episode threads. I have been catching up on Wolf Hall, and was surprised to recognise Jessica Raine (Jenny) as Jane Boleyn, Vicountess Rochford. There was a scene where Anne Boleyn was having a miscarriage, and sure enough, Jane and one of the other ladies-in-waiting rushed to her side. What are some other the other roles other of the actors have portrayed?
  21. I didn't understand the first scene, with the Bible (?) being read by More (?) and the woman in pain? What was that about? After that, I got most of it, but that first scene puzzles me. Any 'enlightenment' appreciated!
  22. I liked this episode, and I thought the exchange between Benson and Amaro was nicely done. Having had time to reflect, I think Olivia was just saying that the dynamic between her and Stabler was different than that between her and Amaro. She may have felt she was able to take more risks and grow more because she realized she didn't have to hang back and let her partner take the lead. I don't know if that was the thought behind it, but I didn't see it as a slam or dig at Stabler in any way. It also let us know what was happening with Amaro. I do think that better choices could have been made when the Stabler character was written out, because it's kind of weird that he's almost never mentioned, like he just dropped off the planet or something. I like the Noah stuff, too. He's so adorable. That said, I'm happy the adoption was finalized so that will no longer be an issue, and also glad his bio-dad is dead, so we don't have the fear that he'll try for custody again.
  23. Texas Rising is a mini-series on the History Channel that will be run over the Memorial Day weekend holiday. It has a cast that includes Bill Paxton and Brendan Fraser. It will cover the period after the Alamo, the rising of the Texas Rangers, and the Texas Revolution. It could be interesting, even if not 100% historically accurate. I hope it is mostly accurate, however. I searched for another thread on the topic, but didn't find one.
  24. I don't know either, though I have seen Pocahontas. In this part of Virginia, Custalow is a known Native American name, of the Mattaponi tribe, so I knew it was Pocahontas. Although Custalows are usually associated with the Mattaponi Tribe, Pocahontas was a member of the Pamunkey tribe. I've also been to the Pocahontas grave site in Gravesend, but I know there's a lot that I don't know about her.
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