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Everything posted by zoey1996

  1. It’s not that Matt did it once, it’s that he nearly always did it, and even when it made sense to be more specific, it was rarely asked to be more specific. It’s not letting me put my comment below the quote here. Emma won 3 games only, including her defeat of James.
  2. For years, I had mono vision contacts, one eye corrected for near sightedness, the other for far vision. When I had my cataract surgery, my nearsighted eye got a lens implant for near vision. My other eye got a lens implant for distance vision. However, my astigmatism for that eye was over corrected. Now I wear glasses with no correction on my nearvision eye, and a lens that helps with far vision. eta: I now have the glasses as described, and the same prescription for sunglasses. Works well for me.
  3. Both of my parents read to us. I still remember Dad reading "Twas the night before Christmas" to us, and then when we got older, Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Lots of other Grimm Brothers and other fairy tales when we were quite young were read to us. My brother was a year ahead of me in school, and we had no kindergarten, so I taught myself to read using his school books, and the Sears and Montgomery (Monkey) Ward catalogs. When I went to first grade, I was way ahead of most of the other kids in my class for reading. Never that good in arithmetic/math, though. I had the worst time with telling time and also with Roman numerals. Oh yes please! That sounds lovely!
  4. Maybe I’ll add some boneless wings and bleu cheese dressing. I don’t drink Bloody Mary’s though.
  5. I liked the episode. I was hoping Frank would take the new job. It would have shaken up the family dynamics, for the better IMHO. I liked the ride along, especially with Eddie and Rachel (?) punking Sean. Could see him leaving the squad car from a mile away. He was lucky his injury wasn’t worse. The delivery job was a side gig. Of course, the murder wasn’t at all what it looked like at first. Nice to have a calmer pace with fewer stories crammed in. Evidently, Rachel is back at work. They kind of glossed over that part.
  6. Wonder Wednesday - blergh! Loved this episode. Lillian is so competent and accomplished. Overlooked as both a woman and Black, pretty much the norm back then. Dean is adorable. I didn't even notice an imagine spot! I guess they don't bother me.
  7. Was that Danica McKellar as the head of the school? I understood what Marina was trying to do with their kids. I don’t have a particular culture with which to relate, but there is some family history I’ve tried to pass on, and some that is already lost. Also, I’ve already lost forever some recipes from my grandmother, and some I used to know, but no longer have the skill or knowledge to faithfully reproduce them. This show has been worth it to me to give it time to find its feet.
  8. So now others from the team know about Jamie & Forrester. When supervisor/supervisee relationships are not allowed, and they’re choosing to ignore that rule because they’re in Europe, what does that say about their ethics? What other rules are they willing to break? If there wasn’t a rule, I wouldn’t be bothered. I don’t think otj couple relationships are a good idea, but I wouldn’t care if there was no rule.
  9. I know! I was struck by how much I appreciated hearing, "Who is (first name, last name)!
  10. This episode about losing the baby hit a little close to home. My DD had at least three pregnancies that were fine in the early weeks, but by around 12 weeks weren’t fine. She had one ectopic pregnancy that was very hard for her, as well as me. She lives in England, and I’m in the US and was unable to be with her. I think there are more early pregnancy losses than we hear about. During WW II, my own mother nearly died from an ectopic pregnancy. My brother and I were adopted around 10 years later. Now I have an adopted granddaughter who we all cherish.
  11. I don’t want to sound too gleeful, but I’m not sorry Matt finally lost! I don’t mind long winning streaks, but I don’t like too many runaways, where the challengers are just so much fodder with barely a chance. I liked Jessica, but I’m OK with the new champion, for now at least. Also liked I wasn’t spoiled for this game’s outcome.
  12. Matt's 30; Jennings is 47, and began his run in 2004, when Matt was 13 (if I calculated correctly). Yeah, I'm old!
  13. Eddie should know by now, honesty is the best policy! Granted, her parents weren't great role models for how to live with a spouse. The games between the mayor and the commissioner need to stop. Nobody wins, nobody looks good. Danny and Baez story was good, and it seems that Danny has learned something with the turn of events. Too bad the false report turned around to bite the brothers in the end.
  14. It’s Easy If You Know It. This needs to be added to the Glossary thread, if it’s not already there.
  15. In 2019, I was visiting family in the UK, and my 7-year old granddaughter knew the song and sung it a lot!
  16. So annoyed by those Marie Osmond Nutri System Zoom call ads! “How fun!” No they are no fun at all. Can’t mute fast enough!
  17. My 4-H project horse, Glory, liked chewing tobacco. Herman was her owner, but Dad had an arrangement where she lived on our farm. I was maybe 12. Hermie convinced me that I should pre-chew the tobacco for her, like he did. I got so sick, never did it again.
  18. I don’t get it. I’ve never seen it and have no idea what it’s about. My DD was like that with onions in chili. I tried cutting them very fine, chunky, average…didn’t matter, she always picked them out! Also taking to off-topic. FJ was another insta-get. I like those!
  19. No, that was the younger boy who was killed by his bio dad. The school bus shooter was a different guy. See @MTLCHICK below
  20. FJ was an instaget for me. Maybe because I’m a Kansan?
  21. Just when you think Beverley can't sink any lower, she does.
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