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Everything posted by zoey1996

  1. Week 42: 1/5, no * YTD: 89/210 fourteen*
  2. The Trivia Quiz was indicative of the relationship between Douglas and Connie, and I found myself feeling badly for each of them, Albie too. I was satisfied with the ending. It looks like Douglas is coming to terms with the end of the marriage. Pleased that Connie and Douglas are able to come together to support Albie. I found myself hoping that Connie will find whatever she's searching for. Douglas and Freja together at the end indicated he is moving on to find some happiness for himself. I started reading the book before watching the second episode. Douglas has just met Connie at one of his sister's parties. I felt for him there. I'm introverted, and while I enjoy being around others for short periods of time, my favorite time at a party is when I can leave. For him to stick around and start a relationship is taking him outside his comfort zone. Things develop from there.
  3. I agree, very satisfying. In the third book, it is being handled well. Combination of relief, guilt, etc. So many widows in that village!
  4. I missed the FJ today also, and it was an asterisk. Sob!
  5. I’ve heard of both French and Prussian blue, but came up with only Prussia in time.
  6. Japanese Chin. We have 3, ages 12, 14, & 15. We have had Chin, two or more at a time, for 30 years. Most we had at one time was 7 including a foster, all rescues. So far weather has been good, warm/hot and humid. Pool felt good this afternoon. Pictures will get shared when we’re home. Thank you for the birthday wishes!
  7. I think it’s OK to discuss the books without spoiler tags, but I’m cautious not to be too specific in case someone prefers not to know.
  8. I agree, but I thought, going by appearances, he was late 50’s early 60’s, and she was early 40’s. I didn’t check the actors ages before I posted, and I said “a bit” not “a lot.” My mom was 7 years older than my dad, but their appearance looked like closer to the same age.
  9. We’re here! Made it across the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel and the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnels without incident. Had lunch at the Great Machipongo Clam Shack. For dinner, we had a time finding a place open with availability. We got in at Maria’s, a seafood/Italian restaurant. Fried oysters for the second time today, followed by a cup of birthday cake ice cream at Island Creamery. Tomorrow I’m taking a guided walk in downtown Chincoteague and making reservations for Tuesday & Wednesday dinners. We miss our Chinnies so much, but I’m sure they are OK. And we’re having a good time.
  10. No! I didn't know about it. I'll be on the lookout now!
  11. Rainbow Rowell had a column in the Omaha newspaper before she started getting books published. Her columns were always well-written and interesting. More recently, I’ve read several Ivan Doig books. Sue Grafton was a favorite, and I’ve enjoyed Diane Mott Davidson, Sue Henry, Martin Edwards, and Sandra Dallas. I’m currently reading Mark Twain’s Roughing It and Mo Rocca’s Mobituaries. CC Tillery and Lisa Wingate are two more I like.
  12. Week 41: 1/5, one * YTD: 88/205 fourteen*
  13. I dredged up these old posts to comment. I also loved This Perfect Day. It could be a marvelous movie, too, IMHO. It’s been a while since I re-read it, but I do every once in a while.
  14. Helen Mirren narrates a humorous look at the lighter side of the natural world. I recorded this and just now started watching. I am amused. Cute and witty? I’m in!
  15. I too liked Arman, but the new champ is fine. Didn’t care for Nikkee,but that was a nice jacket. I prefer the more muted suit from today. For FJ, it was an instaget for the first time this week, and an asterisk too!
  16. I have done just that! I hope other readers will continue the discussion. I’ve just gotten the third book. If you read reviews, as I started to, beware of spoilers!
  17. I’m starting this thread to discuss the books that continue the story that began in the series Home Fires. The series ended with a lot of loose ends and cliffhangers, so I was happy to learn about the books. I’ve read two of them; Home Fires (Keep the Home Fires Burning) is in four parts with chapters within the parts. A Woman’s War is in chapters. Both have a map of Great Paxford, which helped me visualize the area better. I just purchased the third one, A Woman’s Courage, but haven’t started it yet. I’m reading these on kindle. The story lines are wrapping up nicely. While I’d have preferred it to have happened sooner, despicable Bob got his just reward by the end.
  18. I enjoyed this one. We learn about Riley & Lizzie's mother, Art's late wife. Really liked Lois. She seems a bit too young for him, but they had an easiness with each other that's not easy to find. This show has a lot of heart. I love Riley and Al's relationship.
  19. Yes, that’s where mine cut off too. Glad I was able to see the remainder as well. I was raised in the 50’s and 60’s, and we were raised as not being special, so that seemed OK to me. We were told that if we worked hard, made good choices, had some good luck, and made use of our talents, that we could be successful, but it wouldn’t happen just because we were “special” or “exceptional.”
  20. I did! A former classmate made a living of sorts as a storyteller. Here at Colonial Williamsburg there were storytellers too. During the pandemic, that activity diminished, but will come back to an extent.
  21. Question - what is she reading? I could see he’s reading about WW II (and is it a real book?) but I haven’t been able to see what she’s reading, or if it’s a real book.
  22. My recording cut off before the end; I’m trying to catch it in a repeat. edited to add, I was able to catch the ending on streaming just now. I didn’t think young Connie looked that different from older Connie. They married before she’d had a chance to explore life more, and (possibly) because they were expecting a baby, not because they were in love (or at least matured a bit more). From what was said, the baby girl died. A loss like that has a profound effect on the parents. The bickering sounds like a lot of longer-term married couples. They get along well enough, but have fallen in a rut, neither knowing how to bring changes that might be welcome. I’m looking forward to the coming episodes.
  23. I’m not much into game shows (with the exception of Jeopardy!), but I watched the last half of the last two episodes, and enjoyed them. A little of Anthony’s mama goes a long way. Mostly didn’t know anything about the judges except for Nealon and Alexander. Didn’t recognize Jaleel White until they said his name. Still, not a bad way to kill time on a Sunday night.
  24. A father brings up his baby girl as a single dad after the unexpected death of his wife who died a day after their daughter's birth. I watched this tonight. Well done. I can’t begin to imagine being widowed and thrust into the role of raising a child alone, but this brought up many of the emotions. Watching Matt try to cope from those early days when everything is new and mysterious, not in small part tinged by sleep deprivation, then thinking things are going well until life hands out more lemons, brought on so many memories of my own child-raising days.
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