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Everything posted by zoey1996

  1. I will be watching new seasons. I don’t plan to rewatch season 1, but I’m planning to enjoy the story as it continues.
  2. I usually watch The Conners, though I wonder why I do. Anyway, saw the episode last night. Jackie does poorly, in the red for FJ. Aaron Rodgers was fine, like his guest host appearance. They showed the FJ category, something about cats, but we didn’t see the clue.
  3. I thought so too! Ben would be better off if he cut off his relationship with Darlene; she’s never relatable/likable. Why are they together at all? I never miss Jeopardy! and thought Rodgers was good as host. That said, why couldn’t the writers give Jackie a win, even if it was third place. I also wanted to see the cat question!
  4. Anyone else remember Oshkosh b’gosh, adverts from years ago? I remember one of my grandpas wore Oshkosh overalls. Anyway, that’s how I came up with Wisconsin.
  5. Did they know FDR & SS were there? While FDR may have been enamored with Martha, I have seen no evidence that it was reciprocated IRL. She may have felt grateful, and friendship, but only platonic. I think the writers had enough for a compelling show without the soapy components. I would have preferred it without many of the fictional situations.
  6. Lovely tribute. My hope is that someday, all pet animals will be loved and cared for all of their lives.
  7. It's available now on Tubi! I started watching last night. I'd seen a few episodes, but not the entire series, and had been looking for it for a while.
  8. Week 34: 3/5 no * YTD: 75/170 thirteen*
  9. So I’m thinking, suppose Ronald is parked/camped on the Kleinsasser land, they discover him, and it blows up all over, with everyone ending up dead/severely injured/in jail. What a mess that would be. And no more far-fetched than some of the plot we’ve seen so far. Liked that Jerrie is given something to do. I was hoping that Margaret would nail Horst’s carcass to the wall using a nail gun. He deserves some sort of grisly death.
  10. Thanks! I was sure I saw it spelled with a C. Now, what is 90DF? Liked the time/era grooms. They were all good. Lower drama, but still there. Mr. Zoey manages to stay happily ignorant of most pop culture celebs, etc. He’ll sometimes hear a reference and claim he’s never heard of whoever. It isn’t important to him, so he doesn’t retain it. Ask him anything about Presidential or other governmental history, and he’s your man.
  11. Who the heck is Cia; what is she known for? I tried to google, but it keeps giving me CIA references! Celeb grooms were fun. More later…
  12. With the glitches and downtime with primetime upgrade, etc. I’d like to exchange email addresses or some other way to stay in touch with a couple of primetimers when forums are down. If anyone’s interested, send me a pm, please.
  13. I didn’t notice any. I’ve watched him on 60 minutes for years, and really like him. I watched Friday’s show when it was shown here Saturday. Glad I could. It was a good game. I was screaming “Texas!” I’ve seen the Barbara Jordan statue at the Austin airport. I had no idea on any in the Prom Music category. I would have said head instead of skull; wonder if that would have been accepted. FJ was a near instaget.
  14. I saw it in a theater this afternoon. Well worth it!
  15. Week 33: 2/5 no * YTD: 72/165 thirteen*
  16. Stupid football draft! No J! here, but there’s usually a rerun Saturday (7:30 here), so they may show it then.
  17. @saber5055, thanks! Normal notifications confirmed!
  18. Re: recent website update It’s working for me on my iPhone! Haven’t had any notifications so don’t know if the avatar is still huge, but so far things seem to be working as intended.
  19. I liked the opener with both Rebel and the dog dressed like Cruella de Vil. Cute. I so dislike the OTT sob stories. The right groomer went home, but I hoped Riza would win best in show, for doing both her dog and helping Josh after Philip walked off. The formula for the show is way too predictable. Also, too much manufactured drama and not enough of the grooming itself.
  20. On iPhone SE, OS 14.4.2, using safari or Firefox, across all themes Sometimes get the "Community unavailable" message. Also have gotten a message re:server but don't remember exact message. Can't access any forum with more than one thread. Can access those with one thread, such as Atlantic Crossing. All available using PC or Kindle, but not with iPhone.
  21. I seem to remember "travellers" as a term, also used for other itinerant people, such as Irish travellers.
  22. I came up with Angelou and Colette. I cringed at the use of gypsies. When my grandma was a little girl in Iowa, around 1895 or so, she and her brothers and sister were warned against being kidnapped by gypsies, but that was then, this is now. No idea for FJ, but I guessed Memphis. Looked it up later and saw how wrong a guess that was.
  23. No, you did. I didn't know if it was because of the turn to war involvement, FDR's womanizing, or something else I hadn't picked up on. I understand your comment better now. I agree with that. I didn't realize that Martha understood that until she asked Eleanor to stay.
  24. Why did you feel angry at FDR? I suspect the adults know that Vimsla died but are keeping it from the children. Sweet that they got another dog for them in America. We heard that Ulla and Rolf are all right, whatever that means. The Roosevelt’s marriage has been hard for many to understand, me included. I thought It was...interesting that Martha asked Eleanor to stay while she talked to Franklin about helping Norway, and brought up help already being given to Great Britain. I didn’t understand that Lend/lease started prior to the US entering into WWII following Pearl Harbor. Was the general reaction to the USA entering into the war by supporting GB & Norway as negative as shown? It sometimes seems as if we’ve become numb to politicians flip-flopping positions/lying to us.
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