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Everything posted by zoey1996

  1. I knew FJ sort of. It was the first play that came to mind, so I stuck to it. When I was in high school, two drama students performed it in assembly after they’d won a first at the state high school drama meet, and it stayed with me.
  2. Week 15: 3/5, 2A* YTD: 33/75, 2A*, 2M*, 1* It would have been 4/5, but I couldn't pull Federalist Papers out of my brain after first thinking of Thomas Paine.
  3. Murry Christmas (Gunsmoke) was on this week, so we watched it again. I never get tired of it. Starz Westerns afternoon line up now includes Wyatt Earp, two Death Valley Days, Tales of Wells Fargo, and The Rifleman. I’m enjoying The Rifleman; I haven’t seen any of them before that I recall.
  4. Yes! Another A*! Does make me feel smarter too!
  5. Another instaget. Made me think of the movie, The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain.
  6. Yes, it was, but two missed it as the third didn’t qualify for FJ. Nov. 25, I think.
  7. Has no one read or seen, National Velvet by Enid Bagnold? That’s when I learned about Steeplechase racing.
  8. It seemed too obvious, so I was surprised when it was correct. I hadn’t a clue of what else it could have been, though.
  9. A number of years back, I visited the cemetery where the Alcotts, Hawthorne, Emerson, and other notables are buried. It’s called Sleepy Hollow, in Concord. I did get FJ easily.
  10. If you have a Trader Joe's, the Peppermint Jo-Jos are amazing!
  11. Week 14: 2/5 YTD: 30/70, 2M*, 1* I had just watched a CBS Sunday Morning with Patti Lupone interviewing Stephen Sondheim (part of a Sondheim tribute), and of course, Sunday in the Park With George was discussed. Not sure I would have gotten it without that recent reminder.
  12. There are also badlands in North Dakota. The National Park near Medora ND is the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I was in the area one time. Beautiful. I know little about L’amour, and didn’t get FJ.
  13. I just watched part of the Outlander holiday special, with fires crackling, dogs resting in front of a fireplace, babbling brook. Very relaxing and getting me in the mood for the holidays and Outlander's new season.
  14. Sort of lucked in to FJ, though I have some knowledge of English monarchs, so a guess based on a smattering of knowledge.
  15. I think she was just "visiting," but she still should not be there at all. Nice for Lloyd to replace the guitar he smashed. Beth is such a rude person. Why not make nice her first time in the office? More flies with honey than vinegar and all that. Agreed, her "fired" assistant should have kept walking. I grew up on a farm, and I really enjoy the cattle herding, horse scenes, etc. But I didn't understand the getting the horses back to tribal land. I thought it was said that they wouldn't be able to do it with horses, and yet that's what they did.
  16. Week 13: 1/5, 1* YTD: 28/65, 2M*, 1*
  17. I've always associated the Barbary Coast with San Francisco. It was an unsavory part of town, nicknamed Barbary Coast that was associated with crime, being "shanghaied", where treatment was "barbaric." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_Coast,_San_Francisco I didn't know the reference was to an area of Africa.
  18. I’m still reading “Moby Dick” and have been for years, on and off. I am determined to finish it.
  19. My Custer connection: In 1868, Sarah White was captured by Cheyenne renegades. About a month later, Anna Brewster Morgan was captured by Sioux, and traded to the Cheyenne who was holding White. Morgan is my distant cousin. In the spring of 1869, Custer “negotiated” the release of the two women. Both seemed to have suffered during their period of capture. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/9796727/amanda-belle-morgan Morgan gave birth to a boy a few months after her return. He died around two years later, shortly after she gave birth to her daughter. Morgan’s life was not a happy one for several reasons. The TV movie, Stolen Women: Captured Hearts, was a highly fictional tale of Anna & Sarah’s lives in captivity. I’ve been reading a book by Elizabeth Custer, Boots and Saddles, which had references to the Little Big Horn Battle, with the year.
  20. Week 12: 2/5 YTD: 27/60, 2M* Notre Dame and Wishes for me. I should have remembered Custer. Taking to small talk.
  21. When I was watching John in the first scene talking about Beth, saying something like he wouldn’t want to be in this world without her, I thought, “John, have you met your daughter? I see nothing of worth in her.” She is angry, foul mouthed, cruel, unattractive, alcoholic, enjoys ruining lives, etc. I feel badly for Carter, who got taken in by Beth at the hospital. Poor kid had no idea what he was in for.
  22. Here's a link to the books thread for Home Fires: https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/120175-home-fires-a-woman’s-war-and-a-woman’s-courage/?tab=comments#comment-6923416 I did not recognize the actress from Home Fires as Sr Hilda! It will be good if we get to see more of her on CtM. I love Lucille, I think because she is quiet and more of an introvert than some of the others, I relate to her more. Love watching the Turner family grow. Some of the Case of the Week families could have interesting follow-ups, even just a few words of how they're getting on. What was FGM?
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