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Everything posted by zoey1996

  1. Week 29: 4/5 YTD: 70/145, 5*, 6A*, 2M* I love minor league baseball! Taking to small talk.
  2. I would, until I tried to find something I used and that had been deemed clutter by the organizer. Or until I had to figure out if it was still in the house, where it might be.
  3. He did refer to a collegiate team/league, but I couldn’t figure out which one. There is a summer collegiate league and team based in Greensboro. There’s a team in Hampton VA called the Peninsula Pilots. I’m interested enough to do some more research. They may play against the Greensboro team.
  4. If Joey from Greensboro NC is the mascot for their minor league baseball, here he is:
  5. Rebecca and Miguel lived near Randall and Beth when they decided to move out to LA.
  6. I quite enjoyed this episode too. I need to remember to watch before I read here, but I wasn’t surprised at who left anyway. I’ve made mousse but not souffle. Now I want to try making one. Chocolate or cheese is the question. One minor nit-pick, and that’s I wish the longer-haired contestants would tie or pin their hair back. This is true for all cooking shows.
  7. I once spent close to $300 on a purse, and for me, that’s expensive. It was large enough so I could use just the one bag for work, though. Did we know Calvin had a wealthy via lottery win brother? I don’t remember Gemma’s pageant past either. I’m not a minimalist, but for dresses like that, wouldn’t pictures and memorabilia be enough to remember the glory days? Mr. Zoey & I are retired, but I relate much more to Calvin & Tina. I find both Gemma & Dave so annoying sometimes.
  8. I'm very intrigued by this series. I liked having an older DCI who had a lover. Far too often, women "of a certain age" are considered sexless, if they're considered at all. So far, a couple of twists have kept my interest. Sean's torture/murder was a bit much, but just underlines how amoral the crime family is. I'm wondering what year it was filmed and what years it's set in. The flip phones take me back a bit.
  9. Are you going to a rehab facility? My roomie at my rehab had back surgery and came to the facility to continue recovery. Glad yours went well.
  10. Week 28: 2/5 YTD: 66/140, 5*, 6A*, 2M* When "sea" comes to mind first, and you persist with Seattle, not thinking that it's not even the capital!
  11. If they’re pronounced the same, then “Want a little cheese with that whine?” isn’t as funny. For FJ, I knew it was the princess from Aladdin, but could not come up with her name!
  12. They couldn't get out because the brick that held the gate open had been moved. I'm guessing that the gate was ajar, held by the brick, and that's how Kevin, and then Kate and Randall, got in.
  13. Toby turned down the LA job without talking it over with Kate, and that wasn’t good, but Kate just told cruel boss that she wants to be considered for the open position without mentioning it to Toby, and that’s not good either. Looks like she’s made up her mind to stay in LA. Which we sort of knew, but more definitely now. If she’s flying back Sunday, why not do the planned day Saturday, and have a more relaxed Sunday until it’s time to go to the airport? I’ve always liked Kate, but it’s been more difficult as the marriage has unraveled. I feel badly for both of them.
  14. If you say “burr ees” and “mare ees” as some do, they don’t rhyme. Sorry I don’t know how to do phonetic spelling.
  15. I haven’t seen this VRBO ad mentioned. I generally dislike VRBO ads anyway, but why are they using a singer who sounds like Kermit the Frog? I love Kermit, but dislike that they are using his voice in this ad!
  16. Week 27: 3/5 YTD: 64/135, 5*, 6A*, 2M*
  17. One of our local bistros features French comfort food, and tvs above their bar area show Julia Child cooking shows on a continuous loop. Great to watch! Really enjoyed the first show, which I watched on demand since I missed it. They are now set up so I can watch every one!
  18. Hurricanes are more predictable than tornados, but a long time ago they were both harder. A good scene in “Places in the Heart” (Sally Field, Danny Glover) is when a tornado hits. Terrifying how quickly it came up and how unpredictable the path was. I lived in Wichita in the 1980s when there were several bad storms (hail, tornadoes etc.). There was some warning but not a lot. Here on the East Coast, we usually get plenty of warning for hurricanes and nor’easters, but the paths aren’t all that predictable. Also look at the Galveston hurricane of 1900.
  19. What a fabulous reset for Tina and Calvin's place! Calvin (and Tina) is much loved by their neighborhood, but the teasing really went too far. I'm glad they showed Dwight? apologizing and them getting tight again. I'm pretty sure this was the second sex talk for Grover. The scene where Gemma was scolding for the inappropriate sharing, then the reveal that Dave was being scolded, was laugh-out-loud funny.
  20. Loved D and Aunt Vi foiling the cheaters! I was kind of meh on the Mel’s friend/Harry still lives situation, but I liked Harry’s intervening and Mel & her friend making up. I don’t care how far-fetched the main case was, I just love Queen L/Robyn being strong and capable.
  21. Week 26: 3/5 YTD: 61/130, 5*, 6A*, 2M* Me as well!
  22. @853fisher “I don’t know that I would announce on national tv that I had been kicked out of one school and had to cycle through four more to get a degree, at least without some sort of clarification, but everyone seemed to think it was a cute story, so what do I know?” Trying to quote from S38 thread. I graduated from high school in 1969. Attended summer school & two semesters at state university. Dropped out, married, had a baby, returned to a junior college when she started school. We moved, went to another junior college. Moved back, finished associate degree at first junior college. Worked for a couple of years, moved again, worked for several years, went to university part time and then full time. Finished my bachelor’s degree 15+ years after high school graduation. Took a couple of post-grad classes at a third university while working full time in my profession. So five schools, although I finished in four schools and was never kicked out. So I say, good for her for persevering and completing that degree. TBH I didn’t think it was amusing, and I am curious about circumstances.
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