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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. It’s actually a conspiracy theory. I feel my world was better before I knew this (it’s about midway down the page). https://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/g22026064/royal-family-conspiracy-theories/
  2. To me, World of Dance should showcase (or, I guess “duel”) the amazing types of dance out there in the world. I love me a great hip hop group, but even I stopped paying attention after a while.
  3. I did go to a shower that was cut short, as the mom to be went into labour. She was in labour during the event, but it got serious and she left to go to the hospital. We stayed and cleaned up. She delivered that night. Can’t remember how far along she was, though.
  4. I bet bad guys don't wear seat belts, so the same though occurred to me.
  5. Ne-Yo, I’d love to know how a duel dance is different from a showcase dance. Shouldn’t the duel be about showcasing who you are as a dancer? On a personal note, I could never do said duels, as I never watch the dances that I’m competing against. I watch the floor or the wall, but never the dancers. And to have to watch them rehearse for a few days? Not gonna happen.
  6. As someone who sews, I cried at all that beautiful silk being ruined in some of those dresses. But, at least I saw Iris Apfel! I really appreciate her comment about women wanting sleeves, and thinking about a wide range of ages and types of women who might wear their designs. I direct that towards the judges, who are always harping on designers’ outfits being too “old/matronly/not for someone who is 20”.
  7. I can't speak for hospitals, but in the school district in which I teach, there are plenty of teachers whose spouses are administrators (principals/ vice-principals). They will never move an admin to a school where a spouse is teaching, and vice versa (though, they can be an admin if their child attends that school, just not their spouse).
  8. New Season begins Monday, April 1. https://www.foodnetwork.ca/shows/top-chef-canada/blog/top-chef-canada-season-7-reveals-new-twist/
  9. I have heard about this dress--thanks for sharing the video @LennieBriscoe! As for AR, I live about a 2 hour drive from Whistler Mountain. Nobody would be wearing that anywhere. I'm sadly not surprised that we're only down to one International contestant. I wonder if Biddell will actually make it to the finale, or if it will be an all-American "International" finale?
  10. As a teacher, there's no way that I would have published a student's writing without their permission. I specifically ask permission of any student to keep an assignment or project to show future students, or if it's a poster-type project that is being posted in the class, I specifically have them put their names on the back, so others can't see it. Students deserve their privacy as much as adults do. I felt a little bad that the teacher cried, but only a tiny, tiny bit. And Randall. I thought bad words when you had the audacity to tell your wife that she needs to quit her job. I agree with all the above posters that there are lots of qualified college/university students who would do a fabulous job with the girls. It's only that phone call that saved you from getting a whole world of hurt from Beth.
  11. I believe that in the So You Think you Can Dance Forum, it's called HMTaB (for Twig and Berries).
  12. And for Canadians, it’s airing on our Bravo starting the same date!
  13. I didn’t know who he was, but that’s probably because I’m Canadian, and while we know many prominent African-Americans, we won’t know them all, as we also know about our prominent black Canadians, Having said that, I’ve got a Viola Desmond $10 bill hidden in my wallet, that I’ll never spend.
  14. I watched in Canada, so nothing got bleeped. And apparently, the ending was changed at the last minute. Speaking of swearing, Aaron Korsch tweeted that it was going to be a "f#$%storm", and he was right! https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/suits-creator-changed-season-8-finale-at-the-last-minute/
  15. Both of your comments really resonated with me, and it's one of my big issues with watching dance competitions on TV (as well as in real life). I get that the audience needs to have something to watch, but the preference of tricks over actual dance ability and technique cheapens dance and cheapens the show. It's not that tricks aren't amazing to watch--they are. But when the whole performance becomes about bigger and more amazing (and potentially more career-ending dangerous) to watch, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. And don't get me started about whoever decided that pulling faces was something that we wanted to see in dance. It drove me crazy in Cheer, and it makes me irrationally angry in a dance performance!
  16. My class had a discussion about his (in my opinion fabulous) outfit, and who "can" wear what. Why is it considered ok for a woman to wear a pantsuit or even a tuxedo, but it's shocking for Billy to wear (the hell out of) a gown? It made for a great class discussion!
  17. Yes, it was Season 8, episode 1 (I just showed it to my students--somebody had to use Casanova's $1000 Dolce and Gabanna pants that he was wearing). They also did something similar during Season 2, where the designer went home partially because she didn't want to ruin her family heirloom Hermes scarf and Andre had a meltdown on the runway.
  18. He was on a TV show called "Crossing Lines, starting in Season 3". It's available on Netflix.
  19. We’re a few seasons behind in Canada (we’re on the season of the Angry, Angry Man and the “king” of seafood, Josh). I’ve heard some stories about the current season that makes me both want to watch it, and run far far away.
  20. I wonder if it's because of the reorganization. As there hasn't been a lot of people/posts on this, it's considered less popular, so got moved into this post (I know there's a fancy name for the different types of boards on this page, but can't remember what any of them are).
  21. Thoughts: The body language between Django and Anna during her critique in the workroom was so telling—there is no love lost between the two of them. Django’s dress was Chanel meets The Colour Purple. I loved the hat, but the rest, meh What the (insert bad word here) was Alyssa wearing?
  22. I would have loved to see how JC Penny reimagined the winning look for their site. It’s a shame that we’ll never know (or maybe it’s a blessing in disguise).
  23. It’s Evan Biddell. I guess he goes by one name now.
  24. I'm a total food safety person, it's one of the things that I teach, and totally agree with you. But, I was just reading this article about Adrienne being pregnant, and I'm wondering if it was pregnancy related sickness, which is why they allowed her to compete. https://www.foodandwine.com/news/top-chef/season-16/adrienne-wright-pregnant-chef-interview I don't know the timing of when they filmed this, and how far along she is to figure out whether or not she was actually pregnant then. Having said that, the show typically does not demonstrate great commitment to food safety, like the quickfire when they took cooking supplies from a Target (at least I think it was a Target), and simply took them out of the package and started using them, or every time they are sent to a location and simply start cooking--do they have access to a sink to at least wash their hands while they're cooking?
  25. I read Fauna Hodel’s book, One Day She’ll Darken (a greatbook, BTW), and it focuses more on her growing up years. I put one note behind a spoiler, as I’ve always wanted to use it! I get the sense from clips that I’ve seen that there’s a lot in this series that’s not related to her book. I don’t know much about the case, but I’m interested to see where this goes.
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