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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. Shouldn’t he have offered you cake? Just don’t throw it in his face.
  2. Tom “I know what triggers Darcy”. Very telling.
  3. Have them join you. Use these people to teach your children how not to act the fool.
  4. They faked me out. I was hoping for a good tagine dish!
  5. I have never eaten tres leches cakes for that reason. I made one last year for Thanksgiving (a coconut chai version), and probably only used ⅓ of the milk called for in the recipe. Still scared of eating another one due to the potential sog factor.
  6. I just watched this episode. Why did I record it? Because the Princess Bride was on tv. Priorities.
  7. Watched the first episode. I’ve never watched anything by Tyler Perry, so was looking forward to it. Not sure what I think. The beating at the beginning really bothered me, and don’t know if I can keep watching it. Though, some of the other stories had me intrigued.
  8. I started following one of the contestants for the new season, and she posted that she met up with another contestant for lunch. I'm hoping that they continue with the positivity among contestants that we saw last season too. Oh, and I'm hoping that it airs in Canada too (I'm talking to you, CTV Drama channel)!
  9. Our federal election is tomorrow. Depending on which party comes to power, that may change.
  10. Right? If he doesn’t to explain himself, then send a text. They still know that you got married, and can explain when you see them in person.
  11. Cesar’s friend is trying really hard to keep a straight face in their conversation lol.
  12. No, she’s not using you, Caesar. And I’ve got some waterfront property in Florida to sell you.
  13. I love how Liam pronounces “marzipan”. I’m not a big fan of dark chocolate, but there were a lot of those chocolates that I’d happily try.
  14. My sister is a Physiotherapist, and I was reading an article in her professional association journal that was advocating for new physios to work at hospitals. Booty calls with doctors was amazingly not on the list of reasons.
  15. It’s also known as a Gâteau de crêpes (which translates to crepe cake), or mille crêpe (mille for thousand—referencing all the layers).
  16. I think if Laura ran out of money, it wouldn’t have been her pension, it’s because rent is crazy expensive in Qatar. I wonder if she worked for Sears, as their pensions got cut 30%. That would suck.
  17. I tried to wake up mr. Hula-la from his nap to watch, but he fell back asleep. I’m watching it without him.
  18. We had ours last night, so all set for tonight!
  19. While I’ve definitely missed characters, it hasn’t made me stop watching the show. It’s like original recipe Law and Order. They went through all sorts of cast changes and still were a popular show for many, many years.
  20. I loved this episode. My nieces are biracial, and they also complain when their (white) Dad does their hair. Though, I’ll give him props, he learned how to cornrow. The bit about hair reverting brought back the trauma of learning how to swim in school, then having to sit in class the rest of the day with messed up hair. I’m still on the fence with Santa Monica’s character. I see how she becomes the adult version of her, but not sure if I’m loving it on a kid.
  21. But if they’re not wearing coats, how will we know they are the doctors? 😉
  22. I haven't watched the Canadian version in a few years, but one of the things that I like about it is that the sob stories are few and far between.
  23. I'm not a dietitian (but someone who does have a lot of post-secondary nutrition courses under my belt), but I find it difficult to believe that one month of eating raw, natural, organic, and plant based can "cure" Type 2 diabetes. My mother basically no longer has Type 2 diabetes, but that was after years of hard work, weight loss, and sustained lifestyle changes. It didn't take a month--maybe if she had gone organic it might have?
  24. It’s really bugging me, as Betty looks so familiar. I’m kind of happy that she’s gone, as I would have spent every week trying to think of why I recognize her face.
  25. First a drink and now cake? People on this show love throwing food!
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