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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. Rose always looks at him with such disdain. I love it!
  2. I may have started dancing around the living room with this one. I have always loved this video!
  3. Watching Jo attack the mis en place quick fire reminded me of Hung Hunyh in Season 3. I can’t find a video, but he cut up a chicken in about 30 seconds. I really enjoyed the chefs rooting for each other, and the general camaraderie that I am seeing this season.
  4. I have hired dating and relationship coaches in the past. Ash, you are no coach of anything, except how to be a suave player.
  5. I’m sorry. I realised that and edited my earlier comment.
  6. They did. It was “you’re ugly”. Rose I saw my hero right now. Edit. I realise you mean translate it to Ed. Now way—leave him clueless and stupid. He deserves it.
  7. Showcasing his culinary heritage got him to the finals in his season, so I think the judges like his food. There are lots of commenters here complaining about Eric consistently using West African cuisine as his inspiration, but those same commenters aren't complaining about Leanne or Melissa using their Chinese cuisine, or Nini with her Vietnamese.
  8. Did Bryan say he wanted to pour the lacquer all over himself? That was the cutest awkward laugh.
  9. This episode is a good reminder to chefs going into competitions like this to try and learn about as many foods from as many different cuisines as possible. Yes, one lucked out with her Brazilian dish, but its usually the other way around.
  10. I had to laugh at Nini in Whole Foods telling the person at the meat counter to “remember her face”. Her outfit was so bright, you couldn’t miss it! I would have been happy to have any of the top 3 dishes—they sounded amazing. This was a great episode in terms of seeing all the family members working so well together. Made me tear up a little.
  11. I was so excited when I saw the McDLT! I yelled at the TV "it keeps the hot side hot and the cool side cool". That was the highlight of the episode for me.
  12. And it’s back! I want to know where that cheftestant got Blue Mountain coffee, as I can’t find any in Vancouver, and I’ve been searching for years! I just made pasta dough today, and want to try the laminated pasta. Like the American version of the show, it’s bittersweet watching, as I wonder how many of these chefs will have restaurants that survive the pandemic.
  13. I don’t have children, but my nieces make tons of slime. They use white glue and contact lens solution (I can’t remember what in the solution they need, but the cheap stuff works well). They’ve got it almost down to a science now, and they watch the YouTube kids. Who knew slime was such a thing?
  14. My grocery store had 2 10kg bags of flour last week, but no toilet paper. My sister did find tp at Costco and gave it to my parents to hold and dole out. I’m worried all that power will go to their heads.
  15. My useless bit of info from visiting my family’s farm in Jamaica, a pig penis is a corkscrew. Wonder if that’s where the term “screwing” came from.
  16. When I moved to Adelaide to teach, my first day of school was 46C. There was a/c in the living room, but a ceiling fan in the bedroom. I learned the exact spot to sleep. As for Erika, she’s a lesbian in a small town. Of course she would be friends with women she’s dated.
  17. Australians drive on the opposite side of the road, so she's actually not driving.
  18. I can’t remember the season, but I remember when the cheftestants were tasked with making a vegetarian meal and they freaked. It was cool to see them wholeheartedly embracing this challenge. There were a lot of great sounding dishes. This came across my IG feed, and just makes me happy.
  19. Ahh, Holts. Their daily email of beautiful things that only come to size 6 make my day (at least the perfume and makep fits me)!
  20. You haven’t had an everyday life to take a break from!
  21. I’m sad. The PBS station where I watch Death in Paradise is still showing reruns. I was all set for another murder on St. Marie.
  22. We did the Price is Right Live tour last year. The prizes were a trip to Vegas, a Roomba-style vacuum cleaner, a car, and one other thing. One woman bid $30,000 and the other bid $5,000. I'm in Canada and the first bidder is from the US, so she was actually over (probably because she was trying to figure out the exchange rate and messed up). The amazingly low bid won. Who'd have thunk it?
  23. They’re in small town Nigeria. It’s like the difference between hotels in big and small cities in any country.
  24. Remember when we were excited to get to 1000?
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