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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. What’s that quote? “When people show you who they are, believe them”.
  2. If she doesn’t have “work authorization”, how is she getting paid by TLC?
  3. I’m Jamaican and we call it “brought-upsie”.
  4. Was there ever a honeymoon period for those two?
  5. Oh, Tania. There are people from all over the world, All. Over. The. World. Thinking that the US has a monopoly on multiculturalism is such small minded thinking and a sign she really hasn’t travelled.
  6. Hi all, I just came from a 3 hour meeting, where my contributions were devalued as I was “only a Home Ec teacher”. I’m ready for snark. Watching Angela and Michael is horrifying. It’s abusive, it’s got racist undertones, and I need it off my tv.
  7. I think this has been my favourite ever episode of this show. None of Dre’s siblings were impressed by his player ways. I don’t know which was better—that he started flirting with the woman on the screen (I can’t remember her name), or when his sister showed up.
  8. As someone with family overseas, we’d pay for the flight. The assumption is that everyone in the US (in my case, Canada), is rich, so can easily pay for it. My family wasn’t obnoxious or expected money from us, though.
  9. Asuelu’s family has similar speech patterns.
  10. I don’t have a penis, but if I did, I don’t know if I’d want it to be warm.
  11. What does the body of a “healthy athlete” look like?
  12. I used to watch GLOW back in the day (my teenage brain thought that robbers wouldn’t come into homes when I was babysitting, because of the noise of wrestling). I have fond memories of it, but couldn’t remember any of the original wrestlers.
  13. Funnily enough, I was thinking of the Tinikling (the dance they were doing with the bamboo) this morning. This Is yet another issue I have with the show. If someone/group performs anything “ethnical”, anything outside of the strict triad of contemporary, hip hop, or Latin ballroom, the judges won’t like it. It’s the very antithesis of World of Dance.
  14. Notice she didn’t need her room key to get into the room?
  15. When my nieces were little and I was babysitting. Every diaper change became costume change. They used coloured cloth diapers and I had to match their outfits to the diaper colour.
  16. Right? I’m so bored I went to get started,then realized it’s only 5:30 (PST).
  17. Especially because the actual Indigenous Hoop Dancers were eliminated a long time ago because the judges didn't know what to do with them.
  18. Well, that ended badly for Keith.
  19. That’s Maori (from New Zealand). He’d do a Samoan Sasa. Sorry, Polynesian dancer here. Really, I’d just like to see a sasa.
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