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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. Another great episode. Finding out that farmers make $0.05 for every box of cereal (but it costs them $0.07 to produce) was a little a lot shocking. The price of food has been rising, especially during the pandemic, but I know little to none of it is going to the people growing it.
  2. Hmm, Angela. To Not even want to learn To prepare some of the Nigerian dishes that Micheal loves? That’s not a man/woman thing, that’s wanting to learn more about your future spouse
  3. Thanks for sharing this list @Pepper Mostly! I read The Marriage Clock last year and loved it. I also highly recommend The Mango Season by Amulya Mulladi.
  4. Totally depends on the family. Some will still expect/demand a heterosexual marriage. Others will start arranging a homosexual marriage. Other parents are ok with their children being single. The colourism was apparent every time someone mentioned that they wanted their future spouse to be “fair” (tall, fair, and handsome). There’s a reason why skin lightening creams are big sellers in India and in South Asian communities. I read a stat somewhere that worldwide, 50% of all marriages are arranged. I’m liking this show.
  5. I made it for my colleagues when I was living in South Australia (I had a Canadian Thanksgiving). They were confused, but some liked it. They loved the Nanaimo Bars and butter tarts though!
  6. Like when I can get my hands on Mexican Fanta. Really hard in Canada.
  7. Why do they show Kenny and Armando in front of a slummy looking area, when that is definitely not where they are living? Oh, right—stereotypes.
  8. How dare Michael ask anyone else what it’s like living in the States. How dare he!
  9. I have a friend who doesn’t eat pork for religious reasons. When we go to events, I’m her pork patrol, on the lookout for hidden pork (especially in a Chinese dishes she may not know have pork in them). We have a secret pork signal.
  10. He mentioned this on last night’s episode. Apparently, the a/c is why he’s wearing the hoodies. We’ve had a cool, wet start to our summer, so I’m a little envious of people needing air conditioning.
  11. My ex’s mother sold her home for $2 million. I got to sit in the offers presentation (I kept my mouth shut). One of the offers was from the realtors, and they had a certified cheque ready to go. Like @Stan39 stated, money laundering is a big issue. I live on the west coast of Canada, where inflated real estate prices and empty homes are a huge issue. Our government has issued a foreign buyers tax and empty homes tax to help calm the market down. We know there are huge issues with money laundering as well, but the government is loathe to address that part.
  12. Poole was killed off because the actor chose to leave. I found this article, which explains why the various actors have left over the years. The show might be formulaic, but I still love it. https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a869058/death-in-paradise-ardal-o-hanlon-quit-danny-john-jules-kris-marshall/
  13. But it doesn’t show skin. We were modest in the 90’s. we just didn’t realize it.
  14. I notice that Brittany is dressed modestly in her talking head.
  15. Right? There are worrisome behaviours he’s exhibiting, but asking someone to respect the cultural practices of his country is not controlling. She’s fixating on the wrong behaviours.
  16. Ok, I thought for a moment that Armando said they were living in a gay community, and I was so excited for them.
  17. It’s a construction zone, not necessarily “poverty”. Oh, and mom, you are a snob.
  18. I don’t know if her dad speaks Samoan, but I wish he’d yell at Asuelu in it, as he would say some choice stuff that may or may not get translated.
  19. I went to Mexico and ate at Chili’s. in my defence, it was across the street from the bus station, and we were hungry and tired.
  20. Terri McMillan wrote a book about it (How Stella go her Groove Back). Didn’t end well for her IRL.
  21. My TV channel (CTV in Canada) was advertising a new episode for Tuesday, July 14. We had a repeat last night too.
  22. That’s how the chaiwalas (chai sellers) normally sell it. From what I understand, you’d drink it down, like a tea shot, then head on your way.
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