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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. Come to Vancouver, we’ve had nothing but rain (though we had a sunny weekend!) Stay cool!
  2. Kicking him out is the best birth control. 100% effective.
  3. Hi all! I just received an Instagram message from some guy in Nigeria. I’m tempted to reply to him, for”research” purposes as a gift for all my fellow snarkers.
  4. Thank you @akr for posting the link to the recipe. I just made it, and it is spectacular! It is possibly the best tiramisu that I have ever had. And, it doesn’t make a huge amount, so I don’t have to feel as guilty not sharing It with anyone.
  5. He said half white, half sexy. Either way, it’s eye rolling and cringe inducing.
  6. I unliked your post, so that I could like it again. I’m feeling like It should be called World of Tricks. I love a well-placed “wow” moment, but the constant reliance on what seem like potentially career ending tricks cheapens the show for me. I love dance. Dance brings me life. This show is increasingly not.
  7. Ooh, non stereotypical “India” music! edit: I stand corrected.
  8. I'd be right beside you! There is so much amazing dance in the world, and it's sad that all we see are the same few styles.
  9. We have an very popular restaurant where I live, called Kissa Tanto, that is a fusion of Japanese and Italian. I haven't eaten there yet, as I can't get in. Melissa's menus sounded absolutely fabulous. Thank you @akr for posting the recipe for the tiramisu. I have some milk tea at home that I was going to use for another recipe, so I know what I'm going to make next weekend to celebrate the end of the school year! Thanks to everyone who posted about WWHL. Living in Canada, we dont' get the US Bravo channel coincidentally watch Top Chef on Food Network Canada, so I rely on all of you to let me know what happens. This was a wonderful ending to a wonderful season. I wish all cheftestants the best with restaurants being able to open again sometime. There was so much talent amongst all the chefs, and it was bittersweet to watch, knowing that they aren't going home to share it with customers right now.
  10. The Canadian version is only an hour (must be the exchange rate), so I’m not going to spoil for the American viewers. The judges must have deliberated for a long time. What a wonderful finale!
  11. Even though I’ll be happy no matter who wins (with an edge to Melissa), I’m still so nervous!
  12. I read an article somewhere that said they finished in March, just before everything closed up.
  13. Their dance style is tutting, in which the hand/arm movements are the focus of the dance. We rarely see tutting solely as a dance form on TV--usually it's smaller bits of tutting inserted into other choreography.
  14. As a Canadian, he will always be the “My Secret Identity” kid
  15. Though, I wouldn’t mind having Target back (ok, they did a crappy job when they were here the first time, but I’d give them a second chance). I don’t miss Target enough to invade, but enough to send an angry letter or tweet.
  16. Hi all! I only started watching a year ago, so some of these couples are new to me. I’m here for it, though!
  17. I’m really looking forward to the finale, as I’ll be happy with any of the cheftestants as the winner. Gail’s dress reminded me of the peacock outside.
  18. Stephanie “I put a post out about how I’m not intimate with a lot of people”. Umm, shouldn’t this be something you discuss with a partner, not expect her to watch your online video.
  19. Erika, you hit the nail on the head in your description of Ed. You continue to be awesome!
  20. I once dated a guy who lied about whether or not he had been to Scotland. Sometimes, the small things are the big things. So glad Avery is done with Ash.
  21. I loved the Navajo (they were Navajo, right?) hoop dancers, except I’ve never seen it as a choreographed group dance.the regalia of that one dancer was stunning! While I really wish they could have been on the show to provide variety from the contemporary, hip hop, salsa that is on the show, I sadly agreed with the judges.
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