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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. Thank you! I feel like people have difficulty with the concept of modest dressing. It doesn't mean plain, it simply means that your arms and legs (and chest) are covered. Clothes can be close fitting, colourful, and very fashionable. To assume that women who dress modestly have no fashion style or "can't" wear fashionable clothing is just a stereotype. A quick search online for modest fashion will put that stereotype to rest quickly. And, it's becoming huge business in the fashion world.
  2. You can get international drivers licences. Mine lasted for a year. You just need a license from your home country.
  3. I got the sense from when she talked about him at the very beginning that he was abusive or very domineering, maybe not to the kids, but to her.
  4. Didn’t she just say that she’s been putting off going?if it was something she’s wanted to do for years, why would she procrastinate? Oh wait, it’s Tania we’re talking about.
  5. I read a stat once that stated that over 50% of marriages worldwide are arranged. Have no idea where I read it.
  6. A benefit of living in Canada is that we don't get the same commercials, so no Hester during our airing!
  7. I hate Red Rock guy. I’m worried that I’ll see the actor somewhere and forget that he’s just playing a character and mean mug him (or loudly whisper what a jerk he is). i don’t remember the princess saying she was married.
  8. They’ve only known about her for 2 days? While he doesn’t need to share his life with the grandparents, you would think he would have said something earlier.
  9. Thank you! I was wondering why everyone glossed over the fact that he slept with a student (though I thought it was a High School student, so I was even more horrified that the focus was on his sexual orientation, not the fact that he slept with a student).
  10. I used to love this show! It made me feel better about my own bad dates. I’m here for the mess that is this new version. As an aside, I remember a letter to an advice columnist where a woman was dating a man who wouldn’t tell her his name (he would answer things like “low down in the ghetto” or “man done wrong”). She was worried because if she had children with him, what name would she put on the birth certificate?
  11. I remember that when my sister’s children were young, we agreed that if a big milestone happened while we were babysitting, we would keep quiet, and pretend we saw nothing. Kate needed to keep quiet about the avocado. It’s not like little Jack would say anything. While I’m concerned that Randall and Kevin aren’t speaking, the 10 years in the future flash forward they are, so it gives me hope.
  12. To any Canadian viewers, CTV Drama (the renamed Bravo channel) confirmed that they will be airing Project Runway starting December 5.
  13. Crap, and I’m flying on Friday.
  14. This is my first time watching this show from the first episode. I am so excited to watch it with you!
  15. My sister and I were the only black kids in our elementary school, so Tootie’s character always resonated with me. I agree with the poster size above who stated that Tootie was not a token character on the show, even though she wasn’t the only black kid. But, I like the general theme of this episode, and this show continues to grow on me. As an aside, adult me once went as Tootie for my Halloween costume. I even made it up and down my school stairs in my roller skates. Tootie would have been so proud.
  16. So Mr. Hula-la told me he was walking through the house singing “I can tote it, I just need the egg”. My work is done.
  17. But that’s the Canadian tuxedo. He’s looking fancy!
  18. I feel bad for Zied, as he’s trying so hard to concentrate on what people are saying (as his English is not that strong).
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