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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. We have Commencement tonight for my school. While the students and parents/family members in the audience will be stressed, as they are missing Game 6 of the NBA playoffs (I'm in Canada), I'm stressed, as I'm missing the finale of Project Runway. PVR has been set, and I'm nervously hoping for a win for Sebastian (and for the Raptors, too!)
  2. No one on Twitter mentioned the movie, but Nina did tweet this
  3. I don’t know if this applies just to PRAS, but Evan Biddell got his finale collection back. He had to buy it, and I wonder how much it cost him. He posted this on his FB page.
  4. I remember the judges commenting a few times on how well Hester's clothes are constructed (like the, as my mom calls it, "up the butt" swimsuit). Though, whether or not it is actually well sewn, or well sewn as compared to Tessa, remains to be seen. I do agree with you that it will be certainly colourful. And here I am using the term colourful in the same way that we describe art that does not make any sense and is kind of weird as interesting.
  5. Thanks for the update @pally. I programmed it in my pvr and a heads up that my guide has it starting at 9 pm, not 8 (which is great for me, as I get home from dance class at 9).
  6. My bad. I’m thinking inches in a foot, not a yard. This is why I like metric.
  7. People who sew, especially design, need to have fairly strong math skills, as you need to use them constantly. I tell my students that all the time. Heck, I'm Canadian, and we use the metric system, but I could quickly tell you that there are 48" in 4 yards.
  8. When Garo was walking with his client, I had flashbacks to the first season of Project Runway, when the designers created a new uniform for postal workers. If I remember correctly, Jay’s model didn’t show up so fellow contestant Austin Scarlett modelled for him.
  9. I saw an Instagram post from Oded Fehr in which he said that he was filming in Montreal Canada. Quebec would give you that old world European charm at Canadian prices (the USD is worth $1.34 CAD right now).
  10. I'm tempted to unlike you rpost, so I can like it again, and again! While I'm happy that Paul won, I was really hoping for Phil to come out on top. Paul kind of lost it for me when he kept talking about "Asian flavours". Asia is a continent, with a wide variety of flavour profiles. Food from Thailand is vastly different from food from India (not even to mention the regional differences within a country). It really irks me when chefs use that phrase. We don't say "North American flavours". Maybe we should start. It was a quick season, but a good season. Little to no drama, chefs who are highly appreciative of each other, and food that made me really hungry. I've been to Phil's restaurant, Nightingale, before. Can't wait to go again!
  11. I just looked too and there's one in Bellingham WA. Next time I head across the border for a Target run (oh Target, we miss you in Canada), guess where I'm headed. Have to say that I'm a little a lot happy that you can get sandwiches in small, medium, and large. I think the small would be all that I should handle.
  12. Well, didn't see Renee going home. To be honest, that curry didn't look too good. The texture seemed wrong, and it seemed like there was too much food and too little spices.
  13. Did one of the sharks comment that they were concerned with the Coyote vest and children? I don't have kids and I don't have pets, but I feel like this is something that a parent would and could teach a young child fairly quickly and easily. My nieces learned in one story on Sesame Street that dogs wearing vests were "working" and you shouldn't pet them (heck, my niece was scared of dogs at the time and knew from that Sesame Street not to be scared of therapy and assistance dogs in vests).
  14. I’m putting this behind a spoiler in case you haven’t seen all of Season 8
  15. Kwame just won a James Beard Award as a Rising Young Chef. https://www.jamesbeard.org/blog/the-2019-james-beard-award-winners
  16. I call producer shenanigans. Of course they knew that Wallace put extra activated charcoal in his dish--cause he said it on camera--and you bet they let the judges know (not that I think that was cheating). I understand why Bennett would be upset, but I don't necessarily think that calling out Wallace like that was the best move and I'm certain that was the impetus for him getting the PYKAG. I do like that, just like the last few seasons of the American version, these seem to be chefs that aren't there for drama or to cause problems.
  17. I work in a school, and there's no place to make a private phone call (for example, to your doctor or to a parent). Instead, I see teachers wandering around the back of the school on their mobile phones, or in their cars. I don't know where they could put it, but one of those little closets would be handy for us. No way the school district is shelling out that kind of money for it though. As for the raw flour/raw eggs, provided that you use heat treated flour and pasteurised eggs, the raw cookie dough is safe to eat. I love raw cookie dough better than the actual cookies (which is hard, as I teach food safety, so know I shouldn't, but still do).
  18. Thanks for the info. It’s always interesting to see differences among schools in different countries. I don’t know of a single school in Canada that has a football stadium, much less one that can hold thousands of people. We had a student who moved to Silicon Valley a few years ago and were amazed to hear stories of football and soccer stadiums. My school where I taught in Australia had a cricket oval, so that was new for me too.
  19. I love that Ne-Yo still “heeeyyy”d his was through this performance.
  20. I've always wondered, do American schools typically have their commencement ceremonies on the school lawn? This isn't the first time that I've seen this, and always wondered. We have ours at a theatre in the city, so that we can fit lots of family members.
  21. Those kids were super cute, and I loved how Hayden crouched to their level when he was presenting to them.
  22. Mr. Hula-la, who is definitely NOT a dancer (though has sat through many of my dance competitions and shows), was not impressed with Briar's performance, as it felt to him more like a gymnastics floor routine. I totally agree with him. He was spot on with his critiques of most performances, except he didn't really like Poppin' John. I guess no man is perfect.
  23. I really enjoyed last night's episode (like all his episodes). I have been to a mega church once--Hillsong in Sydney Australia--and was so amazed at how big and well organised that it was. I'm glad that he didn't turn it into a show that would bash people's faith, but focused more on "how the message was delivered" (if I paraphrase his pastor).
  24. I seem to remember from the first episode, that the safe designers were surprised to find out that they could watch the general critiques, and then the tv was shut off, so that they couldn’t see/hear the close up critiques. As for giving up immunity, I remember an episode of Top Chef where the chef with immunity was asked/encouraged by the judges to give up his immunity (Nicholas Elmi from Season 11). He did not.
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