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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. I remember that episode. I didn’t know what I was watching (not realizing what panic attacks were then), but knew there was something wrong. I hope that he is much healthier and happier now. As for that stupid Logan guy, I know I shouldn’t wish bad on people, but he is making that really difficult to do.
  2. I didn’t know that was a British sandwich! I just thought it was an odd sandwich that only I ate when I was a child.
  3. Aww, I liked James. He made me feel not so bad about my own [insert bad word here] decorating abilities.
  4. Johnny was snarky with one contestant, as according to him, their roll cake looked more like a buche de noel, rather than a roll cake. Coming from Canada, where the Great Canadian Baking Show contestants just made one, and where I try to eat them whenever I can, aren't they basically the same thing, just decorated differently?
  5. I'm calling them "mo Joe" and " No mo Joe".
  6. I went to watch my recording of the reunion last night, and in the commercial break before the "big twin controversy", my pvr started acting all crazy, and then shut itself off. I was able to reset it, but the recording won't show past that moment. Thanks to everyone here for posting, so I have an idea of what I missed. I'll see if it's on the Bravo Go App (I'm in Canada), but I'm scared to watch it there, just in case my ipad decides to have a freak out too. Just when it was getting good...
  7. Thanks! You've actually given me a great idea for my Fashion Industry class next semester!
  8. I was coming to post something similar from the New York Times. I like your article, @Jesse as it will make for great discussions with my fashion merchandising students https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/11/02/t-magazine/modest-fashion-clothes.html?mc=adintl&mcid=facebook&mccr=subscribers&subid2=yellow&ad-keywords=GlobalTruth&subid1=TAFI&referer=http%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com
  9. If you want to try making your own Battenberg cake (actually, it's on my "Things to do over the Christmas break" list) http://www.cbc.ca/life/greatcanadianbakingshow/i-made-the-battenberg-cake-from-the-great-canadian-baking-show-1.4382956
  10. It was definitely pleasant, in keeping with the style of the original show, so that makes it a super plus in my books. I agree that some of the decorations were a little lackluster (and made me feel a little better about my [insert bad word here] cake decorating abilities. While I'm assuming that the contestants don't get to go home between challenges, do they get an opportunity to practice? I think that's definitely a plus of the original show.
  11. As a Home Ec teacher, if Shawn and Claire were in my class, and Claire did the amount of work on Shawn's project as she'd been doing, then when Shawn handed in her work, Claire would get the marks for the zipper and waistband, not Shawn. Shawn has not demonstrated how she can put together a zipper or waistband, so how can I give her marks for something she didn't do? My students don't attempt to pull the [insert bad word here] that the twins have tried. I wouldn't accept that from teenagers, and I certainly wouldn't accept it from so-called adults.
  12. I got to go to his store a few years, chaperoning my students on a fashion tour of New York. He had great accessories then (not sure what it's like now). I bought a blue clutch that gets compliments every time I carry it, and his shoes were fabulous.
  13. I had a friend who had a child a year after her husband's vasectomy (and isn't there a football player who's had a few after his?). She could totally play that off as a "miracle", when it was an oops. As for the boob job party, I had a huge uterine fibroid removed, that was the size of a baby. I was planning on having a baby shower right before my surgery, asking for baby gifts (all my friends knew it was a fibroid), then donating them to a charity. Maybe I should have had a huge belly casting instead.
  14. Oh, sweetheart, did you really say that you're here to show that millenial teenagers aren't entitled, and then use your shut down hour to get a blowout? You are why the stereotype exists.
  15. I remember someone posting last season that they actually do the show twice--once with no contestants and once with. That would make sense, otherwise it would be obvious who the designer is, you'd just have to look at their faces as the clothes went down. I suspect that if that's the case, then Ayana wouldn't put the scarf on her model during the first showing, as that would let the judges know who she is. Last week, it wasn't obvious which was hers. I agree with the many posters who have said that there's a big market for modest fashion. For some, it may be a religious thing, and for others, they simply don't want to show skin. It's a smart designer who thinks about this portion of their customer base.
  16. It reminded me of a modern day Paper Bag Princess, and I agree he did a magnificent job.
  17. I notice that in one of the photos in the article that Claire is the one sewing and Shawn is just watching her--just like on the show.
  18. My sister and I travelled to Tacoma, Washington for a concert in the spring and specifically looked for a place to eat that was on the show. Plus, it was southern food, and there's no southern food in our neck of Canada.
  19. I agree with you (and you didn't come off sarcastic). In the early, early seasons, they had on judges who would actually give critiques, and I felt like I was learning about dance. I know my style of dance, but want to learn about others, so that I can better appreciate dance in all its forms. That's what was hoping would happen on WOD, and it sorely didn't.
  20. I think it was brought down by having the All-Stars in there. It's not like they're experienced in step, so I'm sure those girls would have had to alter what they normally do. I can't recall another time they've had guest dancers in, and then had some of the SYTYCD dancers become a part of the number. I find that a little disrespectful.
  21. I don't know where in Australia this episode was, as we get episodes in Canada much later than you do in the States. But, I lived in South Australia, and houses there are built to let heat out, not keep heat in. Winters would get to about 16C (61F), and it was common to go outside and it be warmer outside than in. I had a heater in my living room, but tried not to use it, as electricity was quite costly. We just put on layers and grabbed a doona (a quilt).
  22. We can't assume that professional dancers make a lot of money. I know many, and they don't. They are always hustling for their next gig. Don't forget that they are constantly taking classes and conditioning themselves, and that training isn't cheap, even if they're working professionals. I believe that was what Jennifer Lopez said was part of the impetus for this show.
  23. That reminds me of this review of Osteria Francescana, which is considered the best restaurant in the world (according to the 50 best restaurant list). https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/dec/03/best-restaurant-world-hype-osteria-francescana-tanya-gold. Basically, as the chef, Massimo Bottura, bases so many of his dishes on memories, the reviewer felt that it was useless for anyone who didn't share said memory. Having said that, I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to eat there!
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