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Everything posted by lilysmom

  1. I LOVED it when she "corrected" Gordon's pronunciation of shallots and he shot right back at her! Set her back on her heals a little bit I think! Seems she isn't often put in her place by an adult.
  2. There is a name for this phenomenon, it's called "running out of storylines!" Sorry, posted before I saw Pepper's comment!!
  3. Maybe because she knew she wouldn't be able to make a fire too cook it?
  4. I want to know where the real Dr Now was! She loses like 10 pounds in a year or two and THIS dr. is like, "Well you need to step it up." Obviously this was a doppelganger. He didn't even raise his voice or call her out. I've seen him be tougher on someone who just suffered a loss of spouse, mom, house in a flood, you name it!
  5. I agree with the comments concerning "Mommy". Not only did she cripple him physically, she crippled him emotionally. He's telling her to stop talking and she continues blabbering. She is in dire need of therapy. And then dad left him without a buffer of any kind (can't really blame him). This is a case of child abuse, pure and simple.
  6. I totally agree. Cheating or not cheating, ethical or not ethical, I simply don't enjoy the seasons/episodes where several teams work together to get an advantage as much as the ones where teams use their own abilities and shortcomings to succeed or not. Perhaps the meat challenge would have been more fair if (a) there were enough stations for every team to compete or (b) the team had to revisit the demonstration if they didn't complete it correctly (like so many of the other detours/roadblocks.)
  7. I so totally agree with you concerning the 1200 calorie diet cold turkey and no therapy. I guess to me, it doesn't matter what Dr. Now says his goal weight should be, (100 or 200 or 300lbs) he isn't going to reach any of them anyway. I think he wanted to impress on him how dire his situation is. And yes, therapy right away!
  8. I hope they don't have a child, too! And, WHO announces at their wedding that they are now going to try for a baby??
  9. I couldn't help but think that since Justin/Igor comes from the same country as Andreeeei, they could open a Moldavian (sp??) restaurant together and Elizabeth and Nikki could sing songs together as the entertainment! (Also, CD's could be made available for purchase at the restaurant or online.)
  10. My 2 year old grandson recently starting throwing himself on the floor and crying everytime ANYONE told him he couldn't do something or have something. And it was quite the spectacle. (I think it is because verbally, he can't express himself to deal with the situation any other way.) But anyway, once we ALL started not responding, walking away, or whatever to not interact, guess what??!! He stopped. Maybe Amy's family needs to start doing the same thing when she puts on the toddler act. Personally, I think this was one of the new plot threads for this season. I also wonder how much love and attention the boys get from the aunts when the cameras aren't around.
  11. Yes, Chris definitely annoys me as much as Amy when he laughs at himself.
  12. I agree with everything you said. But, look around her, who does she have to pick as a support system? The whole family is now in the show and are doing everything they can to keep this gravy train (and I do mean gravy) going.
  13. Jasmine's lips remind me of when I was a kid and we would buy those fake lips for a penny that were bright red. She could have saved herself some money!
  14. I agree and I find it hard to take when she refers to the other contestants as being dumb. It's one thing if you tell me something I did was dumb, it's another thing entirely when you say that I'm dumb.
  15. You are absolutely correct. Have you never watched Gilligan's Island? And they were only going on a THREE HOUR tour!! I meant to say three hour cruise, but my fingers typed tour!
  16. Thank you! It's referred to here and I never knew what it meant.
  17. Could someone tell me what OTEV is (besides veto spelled backwards! Thank you in advance.
  18. That could be because of the 90 minutes, 24 of those new minutes were commercials and promos for other shows. Yes, I actually went back through the tape and timed commercials! How pathetic is MY life??!!
  19. You are probably right about Cirie's boredom, but doesn't she spend most of her time in bed, holding meetings and doing nothing? I don't watch the feeds but that is what I gather from reading here. If she is talking about self evicting, I am thinking that she would like everyone to think she is leaving because she WANTS to and not that she was voted out because the game plan is falling apart.
  20. Did anyone else find it ironic that Danielle told the attorney she thought they should go with a tourist visa instead of a permanent one because she thinks their relationship still has a lot of issues to work out, but at the same time, they are trying to have BABY!!??
  21. And how happy Violet would be for him to return! That might be poetic justice!
  22. I enjoyed your whole post (very insightful) but didn't want to repost the whole thing. Hence, the editing! I am thinking that Violet really doesn't want Reilly, she only wants the child support that she thinks he may provide. This may not be the first time she has used this to make money. Interesting that after showing no affection for the entire trip, she shows up RIGHT before he leaves and after everything is packed up. (I know he said he didn't bring condoms, which would be stupid for an 18 year old, much less someone of his age!) And just 4 weeks after he left, she knows she is pregnant seems quick.
  23. I just want to say that of all the fakiness of this show, the fakiest of all to me is when, after they have been evicted (by a vote of 8-0 or whatever) they hug and sob and say how much they love everyone. Then everyone says how much they love them. If I were evicted, I would hug no one! After all, they just voted me out.
  24. Well, after all, it's tough being the "social lubricant" of such a (formerly) large family! Also, it might just be me, but when I watched the new intro to the show all I could hear in my mind as each wife was shown with the mountain behind her was Meri's voice saying over and over "Look at the mountain..."!
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