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Everything posted by lilysmom

  1. I so totally agree. They just don't have that BFF vibe. I am wondering if Vanessa is designed to be the "Tammy" of the show.
  2. I know!! I know!! Next season will deal with how they are going to divide the coyote pass land among the FOUR of them for the first half of the season. The second half will be Ariela's 6th birthday bash!
  3. I didn't know that choice E (he's not a superstar) was a secret!! LMAO
  4. I think that is just it, they KNOW they won't succeed for the most part.
  5. Someone up above asked a question about why some of these people even bother to go to Dr. Now when they have no intention to follow his advice. Well, he does give them a book to read (with his picture on it prominently displayed on their coffee tables.) I think they feel by displaying it and maybe even reading it, they will magically lose weight. I can compare this to back in the early 80's when VCRs were all the rage. I bought several different work out tapes so I could look like the person making the tape and possible have "buns of steel." I watched those tapes several times a week from start to finish. Guess what, they made no difference in my fitness or body shape or weight. I guess you have to do MORE than just WATCH them to get any results!!
  6. Maddie's daughter. ETA: I didn't know about her son.
  7. I also wonder the same thing. I also wonder if when she was in the hospital, they were able to get her on medication to help with a mental health issue. When she was there and when she first came home, she seemed rather civil. Once at home, if she stopped taking the medication, she would quickly revert to the Lisa we all came to love during the episode. Her abruptly quitting the show/program would be evidenced by this.
  8. Retired teacher here, (almost 14 years, so it's been a while!) I know things have changed, but when I was teaching 5th grade, students in learning support were graded at the level they were working. (i.e. maybe a second grade math level, maybe a third grade reading level) So that child may have received an A in math, while a non support child might receive a C on a fifth grade level.. The unfairness of this system, I always thought, was that the support student could receive honors because their grades did not reflect their level. I don't know if Tammy was in special education, so I am not addressing mom's comments. I just wanted to state that graduating with honors may not be what Mom thought it was. And, the unfairness to me was toward the non support student doing his/her best at a higher level, and receiving lower grades. Just some food for thought!
  9. I would agree with everything you said, except for the fact that she texted him and told him not to come. I understand that he was already at the airport, ready to go. It would be hard to just turn around and go home, but it would be so much smarter.
  10. Have you forgotten that KODY also lives there all the time!! He knows what he is talking about! lmao
  11. Yes, yes, yes, Magemaud! I thought the exact same thing many times! You are a genius!!
  12. I'm not sure if I quoted it exactly. It was more like, which goes faster, a plane or a car? Sorry for the confusion!! Maybe not the best example of the kinds of things she has asked. How about an inch and a foot? Just the kinds of things you learn very early in life! ETA: Sorry Magemaud, you beat me to it!!
  13. There was a local kid, years ago, whose parents decided to make up a story about his being a little chef. Even though the kid was not at all smart, they managed to get him some pretty big gigs and one of them was a segment on a late night show. The host of the show asked him a question, and the kid just giggled. The host thought this was hysterical and made a big deal out of the giggle, even giggling right back at him.. From that point on, whenever he appeared anywhere, the giggle became his response to almost all questions. His chef gig didn't last for very long. My point being, Amy has come out with some pretty funny malapropisms over the years. Now I think the producers have decided to have her do them on a very frequent basis. The producers have decided to have her say things like, does it take longer to drive somewhere in a car or fly there, simple things that any fourth grader would know. The constant references to and the actual act of farting all the time would be another example. Another would be ending each sentence with "bitch". I think they need to be careful, because, just like the giggle, this gets old, fast and the gig could soon be over.
  14. Not to mention, "Modern Polygamy for Dummies!"
  15. That's it, that's it, that's it!! I was driving myself crazy trying to figure out just who the mother looked like, and this was exactly the right comparision. OMG So funny! Thank you suzee!
  16. It's funny because I never mentioned the pacifiers in any of my posts, but somehow that became the focus. My original point was that Robyn felt she didn't remember her siblings since she had been isolated from them for so long, and asking who the gift was from proved that. I just suggested that the problem could have been not that, but that she couldn't read the names. She was only 4 at the time. Some 4 year olds can read, but at that age, most can't, especially things like names of 18 siblings. It's all good though!!
  17. And those 15 eggs were for one breakfast! The best line of the whole show, for me, was when Cheyanne divided the 15 eggs between them (7 1/2 eggs each) and then Dolly asked her if she could have some more of hers, before they even had started eating! And Cheyanne GAVE them to her!
  18. Not sure how old she would have been at this particular Christmas then. I am very confused as to what year it was. Even at 6, she probably doesn't have the reading skills to recognize the names of all those siblings. My granddaughter is 5 and she can recognize her brother's name, but she only has one brother.
  19. LOL! I also had the thought that since she is like 5, maybe she couldn't read the name tag.
  20. Hi Lily!! LOL I totally agree that Kody's personality has changed drastically since the first seasons. The question is, what caused this big change? I think the arrival of Robin and her family changed the dynamics, the older kids reacted, and that has caused a lot of the nasty behaviors in Kody that you described. I don't think he can handle the rejection he feels from the older kids. It's funny because from their perspective, he has rejected them.
  21. I feel that he had this normal relationship with the kids when they were younger because the kids didn't know any better. They thought this was a normal upbringing and believed what they were told without question. What younger child doesn't adore their parents, even if they aren't great parents? As they grew, went to public schools, learned different points of view, their response to him changed. When they started questioning him or moving off into their own lives, that's when things changed. IMO. Whether Robin had anything to do with it, we will probably never know (unless the kids decide to write their own books someday!)
  22. I nominate this for "post of the day!" Thanks for a good snort/laugh.
  23. I had sort of forgotten about the big house plan with all the discussion about dividing up the 4 plots into 5 and who was going to live where, etc. I'm so glad they waited so long, because now, if you consider that most of the adult children have moved far away on their own, Kody is trying to evict 2 more, Christine and her children have left, another wife may follow, Kody has no need for a giant hotel type house anymore, A regular sized duplex may suffice!
  24. Just a tidbit here: American literature or history can refer to North or South America. We, from the US, always tend to think of American as US. It truly is not just ours. Our citizenship is US not American.
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