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Everything posted by lilysmom

  1. BTW A big thank you to the poster several episodes back who mentioned that the name Nicola makes them think of R I C O L A and that they were singing his name to that tune!! Guess what I have been doing ever since then?!?! Every single time. LMAO Did they ever say if any of Nicola's (see there it is again!) brothers were married? If not, I can only imagine how happy his mother must be to think perhaps she is getting rid of one of them. I'm surprised that she didn't ask if Meisha had any available divorced friends !
  2. Don't you think that many people equate jealousy (in the beginning) as a sign of how much someone loves you and only you? That it might seem flattering to have someone love you so much that they can't tolerate having you sit on a plane near a woman. It is only later that you realize that it is not about love at all, but rather an overwhelming desire to control the other person. Mary has shown over and over how controlling she is. I thought it was very telling when she told him to "leave her then." when he tried to explain his feelings. Of course this came AFTER he had sent all his money to fix up their house.
  3. But then, she let her back in her bed. (Baby steps, baby steps!)
  4. I felt she threw in the adoption/rejection comments because she wasn't getting anywhere with her "logical" arguments and figured she'd toss some guilt Dempsey's way. Like, so now YOU are rejecting me, too?! And it appears Dempsey fell for it.
  5. I was trying to find a way to say what you so eloquently did. I have a son with vision difficulties We listened to his drs. and knew our job was to help make his life the best it could be. He's worked for Disney, studied overseas, graduted from college and has a very successful career. Some accomodtions were required but were kept to a minimum and at the level he preferred. Unless you have loved a child with a disability, you do not have the right to criticize the parents (or the child) on what decisions they made in raising that child. I also think that if Matt felt sign language would be a benefit to him, he would certainly learn it.
  6. I think that if Sheila and her family lived in the US, instead of the Philippines, they would have already filed suit against TLC productions for causing the death of her mother, for the reasons already mentioned by other posters. My guess is that TLC will be very willing to compensate the family to keep such an event from happening over there.
  7. Yes, yes, yes. Our citizenship is US, not American.
  8. Ah, thanks! That all comes back to me, now! Anyway, when Lucy got in trouble, she cried just like Jasmine!!
  9. Jasmine's cry! Haven't heard such a fakey cry since Lucy accidentally destroyed William Holden's footprints on "I Love Lucy!" (Or was it John Wayne's? I don't remember...I was little!)
  10. I agree with the last part of your post absolutely. It's like Jen has no idea WHY Rishi's mother says she is too old. She wants a wife for her son who can produce children! Jen, more than likely, can't do that. (Unless she "totes someone else's egg!") Yohan is done with Danielle because she "baited and switched" him with the promise of coming to the US. Now she is staying in the DR. She has ended his dream so there is no reason for him to stick with her. I don't understand the purpose of Tim and Veronica even being there, but even more so, I don't understand why they kept parading them on and off the stage!
  11. Very well said. No one may agree with me on this, but I think you can take all the things you said about players in this game and transport that into what happens in real life. There are people who do everything right, do their jobs properly, are excellent parents and family people and hopefully do well in life and get very little recognition. But we all know people who give maybe 50% to the above and somehow end up surpassing us all to the top and winning those best of the best rewards.
  12. If I were Rishi, I would pay close attention to the way Jen reacted to his mother's comment. It was just nasty! Rishi's mother said basically that she had no issue with Jen, except for her age. (And your age is your age, nothing you can do about it biologically.) In India, when Rishi told her about the age objection, her response was "That's ridiculous!" No thought given to WHY Momma felt that way. At the tell all, her response was equally as hurtful. I think Jen is more like her two friends that she would want us to think!
  13. Oh, I thought they replaced them with Tim and Veronica!! LOL What exact purpose do they have on these shows anyway?
  14. Did anyone else MARVEL at Kris's ability to do that odd, twisty dive into the pool? And then she allowed Jeyme to hang on her neck and spin her around? I would think that someone with such horrible physical issues with her neck would be doing anything possible to protect it from grievous injury. Did she forget the story about her many neck injuries from multiple car accidents? Or did she have a fresh supply of her "narcolepsy" meds since she just got back from the US? Also, to make her even harder to take IMO, is that little girl voice she uses to talk to Jeyme. My ears felt assaulted. (no offense to little girls and their voices.)
  15. Yes, but you'd have to admit, it was in a perfect location for a relationship based on Da Nile!
  16. I didn't notice anyone else commenting on this, so maybe I just imagined this. During the voting, I thought that the camera focused on one particular chess piece for a longer than usual amount of time. I wonder if there is a hidden idol or power underneath? Did anyone else notice this or should I start going to bed earlier?
  17. A "physician" is defined as "a person who is qualified to practice medicine., especially one who specializes in diagnosis and medical treatment." How does Josh not fit that description? Why would Josh calling himself a physician be "laughable?" Sorry, I didn't see the other responses before I posted!
  18. Yes, now that she's moved and "given up" her job, a pension jump for not staying at her teaching job for 20 years, her apartment, her friends, her debts, and has gone "all in" to the DR, he is realizing the dream is gone for real. It was one thing to put up with her superiority when he thought NYC was the prize, but now, there is nothing left there. I liked the surliness! I also thought it was so very interesting that with her superior intellect in all matters (business, driving, packing up a house, paying rent and bills, etc.) that she left it up to him to anticipate exactly how many suitcases she was bringing with her when she came back and rent a vehicle large enough to transport everything. Personally I hope all her suitcases do end up all over the highway!
  19. I think you are right, Amy isn't very smart. Or, it could be a combination of both. I think she probably started the mispronunciations and twisted idioms by mistake and found that people laughed at them. Now it seems more forced (and not as funny.) It appears to me that Amy is trapped in a middle school mind set (no offense to middle schoolers!) where talking about farting and pooping are considered a high form of humor. Almost every time she talks, one of those two things pops into the conversation. (I mean, seriously, whose baby DOESN'T poop? Do you feel like you have to bring it up every single time?)
  20. It is inspiring to see someone take responsibility for their situation and read the book and do what it says. But, judging from the low numbers of comments on this episode, it seems like that isn't exactly what most people tune in to see. He didn't yell at Dr. Now, he didn't lie about his diet, he didn't blame the scale, or terrify his family members into getting him the junk food he wanted. All in all, for many viewers, this wasn't the scenario they want to see. Refreshing, YES!! I liked him! And I am glad he is succeeding so far. I think it's true of most reality shows, most people don't watch to see the characters succeed. So, I'm thinking if the people on this show succeeded every single week, it wouldn't be on the air for long. Go Chris! I was also surprised when Dr. Now didn't point out to him that he would have lost MORE weight if he had stuck to the diet the first 2 months than he managed to lose with fasting every five days for five days. He rather kindly, I thought, suggested he do it every other day. Is this the new, kinder, gentler Dr Now?
  21. Yes, Sunny!! You have OUTWITTED, OUTLASTED, and OUTPLAYED all of us on the island! Congratulations
  22. And an almost guarantee of another season! Almost worse to my ears than hearing "bitch" every 30 seconds is the baby talk that Amy blabbers to Gage every time she talks to him!
  23. I never suggested that they didn't live together in the hotel, I am suggesting that this story seems fishy and doesn't make sense in reality. Seemed like a production ploy to add another twist to the story. Also, I agree with you, they may be friends, but they just don't give the impression that they are best friends. My best friends' group has a closeness and familiarity that I just don't see with this group.
  24. Of all the fakey "reality" shows on TLC that I have watched, I think this one is the fakiest. I don't believe for a minute that these four are best friends. Acquaintances maybe? The producers managed to come up with 4 obese women, living in the same town. The plot--well there isn't one. They go from place to place to make fools of themselves. Roller skating? Really? Fat boot camp? Really? Bachelorette weekend? Really? One woman has an adult woman AND her fiancé move into her house that is already overcrowded with husband and children. Then they ALL stay in ONE hotel room when they have to move out. And if Meghan can afford all those clothes, why can't she afford rent?? Sorry to ramble, I think I am just frustrated at myself for watching this!!
  25. LOL!! But we should probably add, pants that were supplied by, washed, and ironed by his mom. She seems to definitely be the enabler in this situation. I think Dad wants him out, but he knows Mom will never let that happen.
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