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Everything posted by lilysmom

  1. My daughter recently had a c section and the directive was to carry nothing heavier than your baby. So Amy would be able to carry the new baby, But remember, she was also supposed to wait 2 years after surgery before having a baby. And now she has two! Just sayin! But didn't Michael say that he wasn't that sick?? I can't remember what his symptoms were. He could have cleaned the house.
  2. What made me howl right out loud was when the fiance' was helping her in/out or into a different position (possibly from the wheelchair) and she kept saying "ow" in this squeaky, teeny tiny little girl voice. (no offense to little girl voices!) It almost sounded to me like the voice was dubbed in, because it certainly didn't match what I was seeing on my screen! I have fallen far if this is all it takes to entertain me anymore!
  3. Tammy's change in behavior and the weight loss were very dramatic from previous episodes. It strikes me as behavior changes that can occur when the proper combination and dosages of meds are finally figured out. Sometimes it's a matter of just getting that right. I think that's a positive start for her and hopefully will give her that boost she needs to straighten out her life.
  4. I so much agree with your post. The last sentence or two presents the real dilemma. Without Tammy there would be less stress and drama for all of them, but also, there would be NO SHOW! I think this possibility is the reason TLC is bringing in more and more siblings and relatives to the show. Possibly a plan to continue the show in case Tammy isn't around to continue.
  5. You would think so, right?? I remember from one of the shows (600 lb life maybe) that the rehabs cannot stop a patient from ordering out. I have no idea if that is true. Also, I got the impression that this place offered various types of food, trying to make the patient responsible for learning to choose the healthiest options. It's seems everyone can lose weight on a controlled diet, but most gain the weight right back when they are in control of their own diet. I also think that eating healthy and eating less to lose weight are not the same thing. If you eat too much healthy food, you are not going to lose weight.
  6. Judging by the small number of posts, I think many people feel like I do . ENOUGH! Things I think production will do this season: Add more relatives to the cast, show Amy's ridiculous take on eating everything in sight due to being pregnant, have Tammy and Amy call each other "bitches", let Gage make any major decisions, fart, talk about farts, watch Tammy leave rehab and resume her life style, see Tammy's new love interest, have the family go on a trip to a park or the beach, I think I've pretty much covered it! But, I will keep reading this blog!
  7. Agree! I think if she did, it would only be to keep the show/gravy train going for a few more seasons. After all, TLC dragged out dividing Coyote Pass for at least a season, Covid 19 for MANY seasons, Christine leaving for a whole season. A new wife or two could stretch this show into many more seasons. The last thing Robyn wants is to have to get a job.
  8. I thought that a whipping boy is someone who is punished for the offenses of another person. (Like the poor child who would be punished when the "prince" misbehaved.) In that sense, Robyn would be Kody's whipping boy, since she perceives that the other wives and kids blame or punish HER for Kody's actions or edicts, (even the ones that actually DID come from her!) I am old, but always ready to educate myself. If someone has a more informed take on this, I welcome it! Sorry, looks like Old Wise One beat me to the punch about whipping boy!
  9. Interesting take on the "whipping boy" comment. I interpreted it in a different way entirely. I thought she meant that when he does or says something the other wives don't like, they take it out on her, that she takes the blame for what he does/says. For example the covid rules. In her mind, HE made the rules, but the other wives and kids blamed them on HER.
  10. Well said. I wonder if it has ever been discussed about what type of educations the 4 wives had? I haven't read anything about that, but I am assuming that much of it had to do with learning to be that subservient wife who bows down to the husband and all his wishes. I doubt they ever studied art history or French, or politics. I don't think it is lack of intelligence, but more so lack of opportunity to expand their minds that they suffer from. Their families, their community were the biggest influence in their upbringing. And the fact that all the Brown children seem to be flourishing is probably the result of attending public schools after Christine was done with the homeschooling.
  11. I was thinking that My Sister Wives Closet might produce a line of tee shirts with a variety of Kodyisms like "A knife in my kidney" or any of the other quotable quotes he is spewing with increasing frequency lately.
  12. Yes, Meri did acknowledge that, but did she say if she was going to spend the holidays with Leon? They didn't even discuss if Leon was coming for the holidays.
  13. I, like so many others, would have been happy to see any of the final 3 win. I do feel emotional about the twins' story. Can't even imagine the odds of this happening. (Well maybe more likely today due to the DNA services available.) Also, the twins did not edit the final cut that we saw. The editors were the ones who decided to keep putting the "knee hurts" comments in. Can't blame the twins. She was in pain, but she kept going. In my heart, I was rooting for Claire mostly. Just thinking back to to the yodeling roadblock (or maybe it was a detour, I honestly don't know the difference!) when she just kept trying and trying and trying, and was still awful, but kept going and finally succeeded. That put a tender spot in my heart for her. and whenever she struggled, the "I will do this" attitude just kept coming through.
  14. How true! EXCEPT I have been hoping for Robyn to leave, followed by Janelle. That would leave only Mary for Kody to go back to! (I know Robyn will never go, but let me have this one little fantasy while I adjust to the time change this weekend.)
  15. I agree with your post. So many moves in so few years deems a child "at risk." The producers and Kody are going to spin this to look like she is so upset because she will be moving away from HIM. (That suits his ego of course!) In reality, I think she is most upset because, once again, she will be leaving everything familiar and moving into the unknown. As far as Kody's increasingly nasty personality showing through so much, I think this is this year's hook. In past years it has been the catfishing, weddings, births, the (ever popular and never settled) property lines. If they don't introduce some new aspect, viewership will cease as quickly as the older children are moving across the country.
  16. And all of the sculptures being the exact same size!! That would be quite a feat!
  17. Now we know what the nanny does! She is there to take care of Robyn's kids whenever any of the older children give birth so Robyn can provide advice like "breathe thru your nose (nipples)!"
  18. I also wonder if when the little kids are old enough to have their own name on the check from TLC instead of Kody's, if THAT has anything to do with it?! That very much coincides with your first statement.
  19. You can actually do this with just one hand. Just replace January with August and all the rest match up!
  20. I guess I completely missed the point on this one. I thought she was able to use her bar association id card (since it didn't have an expiration date on it) to get in to see Jimmy and just lied to the prison authorities that she was his lawyer. I am very easily led astray!
  21. I SO much needed a "spit your drink out" moment. THANK YOU!!
  22. Your points are all completely valid! Kim is leading a life right now that is a normal life style for many people. I thought the point was to compare her existence to how she used to live. At HHM, I bet they never discussed the pros and cons of Dukes vs Miracle Whip. (My own family has had the discussion of Dukes vs Hellmann's Mayo, so I'm not being condescending.) I saw her doing parallel work, like copying info from binders and checking details. Just very different types of work from what she did before. She showed the same, efficient work ethic she did as a lawyer. For me, the biggest question that remains is, if you were going to make all the changes that Kim did to remain under the radar (clothes, hair style, personality type) why would you NOT change your name, too?
  23. My take was that the outburst came AFTER his conversation with her when she hung up. He definitely heated up as the conversation took place though.
  24. I love watching the show, then reading these posts and then, watching the show again! (And I mostly say to myself, "Oh, yeh, I did miss that!" So thanks to all you wonderful posters. On a lighter note, I have noticed that Saul/Gene has not brushed his teeth ONCE since Kim left. Also, I am thinking that Bob O deserves a grammy nomination for his rendition of Brandy. I think it's pretty hard to be that off key on purpose.
  25. Agree!! Did anyone notice that Julie responded in kind to EVERY HG who told her how lovely she looked, even the men, except for Jasmine?!
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