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Everything posted by psychoticstate

  1. I finally watched this first episode. The cheese may stand alone but I loved it. I knew that it was going to be more of a mockumentary thing and going in, those were the expectations I had. As someone else mentioned, it reminds me of Tori's "So Notorious" from years back and I loved that too. I get that it's fake so I'm perfectly fine with skewering their real lives and real life personalities. My heart broke seeing the clip with Luke at the end; still can't believe he's no longer with us. I can't wait for Shannen to rejoin the rest of the group. I'm sure they will really play that "I Hate Brenda"/"We Hate Shannen" card. I'm down for the entire season.
  2. Craig absolutely hit the nail on the head. Shep cannot stand to see anyone happy. He is such a petty, miserable prick that he will resort to childish antics in order to make a so-called friend uncomfortable and upset. Why anyone would want to be friends with Shep is beyond me. I mean, I get why Cameran is - - she's a shit stirrer and Shep gives her plenty of drama. But anyone else? The only redeeming quality Shep has is Little Craig. #FreeLittleCraig I'm amazed that we got to see Jason, Cameran's husband. He looked uncomfortable (except when talking shop with Metul) around Cam's circle of friends. And especially when Cam was making cow eyes at Metul and getting handsy with him. For Patricia to call Ashley (or anyone else) cat on a hot tin trailer roof is the height of irony while standing next to Kathryn, who looks like a (maybe) high priced Russian escort (TM Joao, BDM) I can't believe that Patricia, High Priestess of Southern Manners and Elegance, was okay with that getup Kathryn had on. Tacky, sleazy and not flattering at all. Kathryn needs a stylist, pronto. And Kathryn, girl, the fact that you can't understand why Whitney doesn't want to discuss your hookups publicly - - after he's said he's attempting to be a gentleman and protect both of your reputations - - is highly suspect. Be grateful. (Although I believe he likely doesn't want everyone to know that he's hitting pretty much what all his friends have also hit. YMMV) I thought Naomie looked gorgeous at Patricia's party. Other than that, nothing. Fairly dull season. I used to but unfollowed when he became more and more insufferable - - and also when he began berating and attempting to "school" folks on how they should think politically.
  3. I was just in Monaco and Monte Carlo back in May and I was horrified by the behavior exhibited by Aesha, Jack, and Travis. I mean, it's tacky anywhere but there's just a different level in Monaco/Monte Carlo. Travis clearly has a drinking problem, between passing at in a public place at 4 pm to looking a decade older than his 26 years. Get your shit together, bro. If Joao and Hannah hook up, after puking repeatedly, I will be forced to quit this show. OF COURSE Hannah assumes that Joao has a crush on her. Heaven forbid she goes the 6 weeks of this charter season without someone crushing on her and/or hooking up. Hannah can be such a gross person. Ana really needs to quit making excuses. Accept the critique and then correct it. Frankly, it could have been anyone's hair in that food - - all the stews have long hair and they all serve with their hair down. But Ana, don't immediately say it wasn't my hair because you don't know. I do side with Ana a little bit over the food getting cold en route, especially when Sandy stops a stew to ask a question when they're carrying food up to the guests. This is when the ship really needs a dumbwaiter. Clearly Ana will get demoted. I wonder if she'll go back to being the third stew and June will get booted, as her position will indeed be "redundant" as we've heard in the preview. She seems harmless if not the brightest bulb in the pack. I hope Colin doesn't leave! He and Joao are the only 2 members of the deck crew that actually work! And as awful as Joao's statement about Aesha looking like a paid escort was, I absolutely admire and appreciate his work ethic this season. He does work hard and without complaint.
  4. Janelle really dodged a bullet. So now the judges are going to consider overall body of work? Is that because all three at the bottom were the same level of bottomness? I really wish they would explain their decision-making skills (or lack thereof). Or maybe not. It might make my head explode.
  5. Yes - - the "I know he'll find his way eventually" is code for "I'm going to sit around and wait for that loser to come back to me, no matter how long it takes, or how often he fucks up." Cabbage Patch needs to treasure the two beautiful girls she got out of this clusterfuck and let Michael be someone else's problem. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he's behind bars again and MichaelMom is blaming someone -- anyone else -- for her son's problems. Andrea needs to write off Lamar, at least for the time being. He's not interested in living in SLC and she's not interested in living in LA. For most rational people, this would be a fundamental or foundational problem. Get the clue, Andrea.
  6. What the ever loving eff kind of season finale was that?? No updates and we're left hanging with what Michael has to tell MeganMyQueen? No surprise that he's got yet another woman on the line. Are we women that desperate? Cabbage Patch can take three dozen seats and miss me with her "strong woman" bullshit en route to Flint and then freaking out when Michael tells her he wants a divorce (while she's got divorce papers in her bag.) Girl, just admit you were using the divorce papers as leverage to try and get him back and be done with it. No surprise that a month later, nothing has happened between them. Cabbage Patch is still hoping that he'll coming crawling back to her. MichaelMother infuriated me with her comments that MeganMyQueen is the reason her son's marriage broke down. No, your son's marriage broke down because he's banging anything and everything. Clint and MyGoddess' wedding was sad but I'm surprised that I thought her dress was pretty. I hope Scott picked up that money he threw in the street at Lizzie.
  7. This elimination was clear proof that the judges are trying to keep the men/women tally as close as possible. Out of the three at the bottom, Ash would have been the one I would deem safe. And Dani was robbed yet again of tattoo of the day. Whatever.
  8. The Skylar Neese case never fails to break my heart. I hope Sheila and Rachel take their last breaths behind bars. Neither deserves parole. They are both evil to the core without an ounce of remorse. Screw them.
  9. I am sorry for your daughter and doubly sorry for the kids involved, @Persnickety1. Sounds to me like your daughter is codependent and I speak from prior experience. I was in a relationship back in my 20s where I felt I couldn't live with him, couldn't live without him. I loved him but was absolutely miserable. I was on an emotional rollercoaster 24/7, worrying about who he was with, what he was doing, would he come home, what if he did, what if he didn't. If I voiced any concerns, if I spoke out, I was made into the "bad guy." His bad behavior was always my fault. When I did finally leave, although it was extremely hard for me to do because I had almost been institutionalized of sorts, it was ultimately unbelievably freeing. I didn't realize how horrifically miserable I was until I was out of it. No one deserves to live like that and children certainly shouldn't grow up thinking that's a normal family environment. I hope your daughter will leave sooner rather than later. Andrea really jumped the gun and overplayed her hand. Had she remained quiet about her desire to move back to Utah, at least during the trip, and let Lamar form his own opinions about the area without his wife and her friends pushing it on him constantly, he may have developed a different viewpoint. However, she clearly does not like LA (understandable) and I don't think her kids do either. She should pack them up and move back and let Lamar do whatever he's going to do. Clint and MyGoddess are a hot mess. They yell, scream, fight, say they aren't going to get married, storm off, come back and then after a few more insults, decide sure, let's go ahead and renew our vows. Neither deserves the other although they are both messy. I agree that Marcelino pissed me off in that he really didn't take responsibility for the fight with Tito. He went over there looking for a fight. And it made zero sense. Sure, Tito had full legal and physical custody but if Marcelino and Brittany had Giovanni for a year, that does count for something. Don't rock the boat, keep the peace. If Tito made moves to get Gio back, then you go get an attorney. But going to TIto's house, insulting him as a father and then throwing punches was stupid. And not to pick on Brittany but maybe someone should remind Marcelino why exactly Tito had full custody. Lizzie and Scott are both fuck ups. Lizzie is a trashy user (of people, I mean) and Scott will never learn. Did he get clean because of Lizzie initially? Is that why he's so attached to her? I don't get it. Shar deserves better though. #FreeShar I don't even know what to say about Cabbage Patch/Michael/MeganMyQueen. Wait. Yes, I do. Cabbage Patch is playing a tired, never successful game of "I'll pretend that I'm done with you and you'll come back on your hands and knees, begging." Obviously her mother never read her the story about the little boy that cried wolf when she was younger because that's exactly what she's doing. She's screamed she's done at that little sprite Michael so many times, it means absolutely NOTHING. To him or anyone else. If you're done, Cabbage Patch, then be done. The end. Period. If you're not, then just admit to yourself and everybody else that you're not going to dump Michael and then shut it about his lying and cheating because that will never change, no matter how long you've been married or how many Pretty Girls you have. But be prepared for not only your daughters to have God knows how many step-siblings but for them also to grow up and find a Michael since you are teaching them how home life and family should be. I honestly don't care about what MeganMyQueen does; I only care about Cabbage Patch because of the children. Both women are chucklefucks IMO. Aim higher. Do better. If women wouldn't settle for allowing little shits like Michael to do what he does, he and others like him wouldn't be successful. What is Michael's secret? Wouldn't be surprised a bit if he's got yet another side piece but it will probably be something like he's told Cabbage Patch to get a divorce (yawn). I really wish Tennyson and Nala could show up to lay down the truth for MeganMyQueen and Cabbage Patch, since they are clearly the most intelligent people on this show.
  10. Ugh. Amber, girl, you are clearly in a codependent relationship. While Matt's excuse for taking off his ring might make sense, not answering his damn phone, returning your calls or even texting DOES NOT. From the apartment cam, it looks like he left around 1:30 pm. He returned home, at least in front of the cameras, a full 24 hours later. NOT. ACCEPTABLE. Were I Amber, I would have packed my shit and left. Where was Pastor Cal on this? He needed to give Matt the smack down he gave Luke last season. And Amber doesn't need to be married; she needs therapy. She has abandonment issues and codependency issues. Being married isn't going to fix either. Matt clearly has relationship/intimacy issues. He needs therapy too. Elizabeth and Jamie are doomed. They both fight like teens, with threats and walking out. Honestly, I thought Jamie's biggest issue wouldn't be exactly what Elizabeth does (because nepotism, duh) but the extremely inappropriate relationship she has with her father. WTH was up with her going zero to 60 when Jamie wanted to have an honest discussion about how he wanted the marriage to work and needed her to be serious at times? And straight up white Caucasian sex? What is that? So Deonna and Greg are finally physically intimate but then Deonna makes it sound like she doesn't want to have sex that often? Huh? Greg seems like a doll. Hit that, girl! I'm sorry to see that Keith's grandma passed away. While Iris definitely overreacted about Keith's friends drinking their juice, I think Keith is right that it's part of Iris' only child syndrome. The fishbowl game with a question about favorite sexual position is pretty cruel, knowing that Iris can't answer that. Seems that the card game Deonna and Greg played would have been a better choice. I think Keith was being very honest in saying that Iris' virginity is a concern for him but I think Iris is taking it as if it's a deal breaker. Maybe there was some editing done but she should have asked him to clarify his concerns. Is he concerned because she may never want to be intimate? Is he concerned that he will hurt her or disappoint her? What? Iris and Keith have to be the most physically beautiful couple to have appeared on this show. ETA: Why does Amber's hair always look so stringy and dirty? I find myself asking why she's headed somewhere when she just got out of the shower and her hair is still wet.
  11. Yes. This. Shep is a grade A prick. Deep down, he doesn't want his friends to be in healthy, long-term relationships. He wants to be the never-ending frat boy with the frat lifestyle. He is definitely looking more and more worn out, bloated and, frankly, like he smells. His only redeeming quality is Little Craig, who is adorable. #FreeLittleCraig It's very clear, based on Shep's reaction and Danni's reaction, that the tea Madison spilled was truth. Why would you get that angry or even cry about it otherwise? If it wasn't true, I think I would laugh and say something like Shep wishes he has had sex with me. Austen should have manned up and admitted that he told Madison that. I did note that no one asked Austen how he knew and/or if it was true. I do wonder why Austen is fighting for his friendship with Shep. What exactly does he get from it? Shep doesn't seem like much of a friend to him.
  12. You and me both, GHScorpio! Brenda and Dylan had their issues but he seemed much happier with her than he ever was with Kelly. I really wish the entire Walsh family had returned for the last season of the show and Dylan picked up and went with Brenda back to London or wherever. I also find out hysterical when people like Kelly, who got Dylan via cheating, completely flip out when she thinks Dylan might be cheating. I see. So it's okay for him to cheat on Brenda with you but he surely better not do that to you? Okay. Dylan and Kelly supposedly knew each other from kindergarten. It's clear to me that both of them were on the rebound - - she from Jake, he from Brenda and nowhere near soulmates or even a long-lasting relationship. Even if they made in through senior year in real life, they should absolutely have gone their separate ways by starting college. I guess she was used to seeing them together when she was into Jake or whoever else but in the 10 minutes after Brenda left town that she fell in love with Dylan, things changed. I liked Kelly during the earlier part of the show - - until the Summer of Deception and until she was with Dylan. Then she became absolutely unbearable and that never changed through the rest of the show. I give Brenda a lot of credit, especially at her age, that she was able to not only forgive both Kelly and Dylan but remain friends with both. Because I know I couldn't have done that at 17 or 18. And probably not 25 or 30.
  13. Since when had Kelly been crushing on Dylan forever? She tells him that during the Summer of Deception and I'm trying to remember when that was. I know she confessed to having a crush on Dylan at one point during the slumber party episode but I can't recall it ever coming up again. I get they are teens and summer flings happen. I get that Brenda was driving Dylan crazy before she left for Paris. But for him to being hanging all over Kelly when Brenda was gone maybe a week just doesn't ring true. That said, Kelly case of the sads, etc. did seem realistic - - although she and Dylan were so damn obvious everyone else was clearly blind. About Kelly, she's the biggest hypocrite ever to say that David should tell Donna about Nikki when she's lusting after her best friend's boyfriend. Girl, stop. And Kelly's moping and attempt of schedule changing to avoid Brenda and Dylan, is the show trying to signify that clearly Dylan and Kelly are soulmates? Because . . . no. Or should I say NO. The Kelly/Dylan years signified the start of Baby Voice Kelly, Judgmental Kelly, and as Tara and Sarah term it, Cat Butt Mouth Kelly. Those two never should have been together. I'll say it again - - Dylan's end game should have been Brenda. I liked him with Toni. Basically everyone was a better choice than Kelly. I think Gabrielle/Ohhhhhndrea looks great when the gang starts their senior (ha ha) year of (ha ha ha ha!) high school but the show has her acting (and dressing) so damn mature for a supposed 17 or 18 year old. Add me to the list of posters who wish the show had put her with Steve. Claire was an Ohhhhndrea of sorts and they had great chemistry. I think Gabrielle and Ian would have been great together. Again, very unfortunate that in the future GC's real life pregnancy was written into the show. I see that senior year of high school is when Brandon's Shelf of Hair starts appearing. I guess maybe he was trying to appear taller? I think Jim and Cindy's parenting really went off the rails immediately prior to the Summer of Deception. If Brenda was under 18, she's still a minor. If she's over 18, she's a legal adult and can make her own decisions. I get Jim and Cindy didn't agree with Brenda moving out and into Dylan's house but to bribe her with a trip to Paris? Really shitty. And again, if Brenda is under 18, she can't just do what she wants. Of course, this is ultimately their fault. They allow Brenda and Brandon to talk so poorly to them, take attitudes and order their parents around. So they kind of get what they deserve.
  14. Ha! The Loft of Chicanery! Love it. I agree with your point, though. I really don't care about the DRAHMUH. We know some people don't like each other, we know it's a competition and there's going to be backstabbing and gossip. Don't care. I'd much rather hear what ALL the canvases want, versus just the jacked up, weird, janky ones. Pon would likely have been better off to attempt to talk his canvas out of the horse riding cowboy thing and see if he could just a new school horse or a cowboy, but not both. I liked Pon, he seemed like a decent guy who didn't start crap but any of the three on the bottom could reasonably have gone home. Dani should have gotten TOTD, as far as I'm concerned. What's the point of having a theme if IM isn't going to follow it? I mean, is the judging based on color theory? Is it based on general aesthetics? Is it based on what you would want on your body? Do the judges consider the inktestants' previous work? We need guidelines. Honestly, if the theme of the week is color theory, I think the judging should be solely on that. Because the judges may think the tattoo is horrible but it may be exactly what the canvas asked for. I've seen some tattoos on this show that I would absolutely never EVER allow to be put on my body but I have to admit that they are done well, etc.
  15. Sigmund is much cuter than Lizzie could ever hope to be.
  16. God, this show. Do gold bricks fly out of Lizzie's vajayjay because I truly do not understand why Scott hasn't called the cops on her for trespassing in his home and why on earth he would spend another $5k on a ring for that miserable sea beast. Marcelino may have been right in his concern for Giovanni but his method was seriously shit. Whatever Tito has done or is doing, he's still Giovanni's father. What did Marcelino think was going to happen? That he'd confront Tito about how he and Brittany have had Giovanni for "over a year," and basically insult Tito as a father and Tito would hand Giovanni over? Come on! He basically just fucked things up for Giovanni and Brittany. Good job, Marcellino. I can't believe in a Clint/MyGoddess show down, I am absolutely Team My Goddess. She's a hot mess but for some reason, I want her to succeed. I agree with other posters who have said they think Clint is on something. Cabbage Patch ain't fooling me. Only reason girl wants to personally deliver those divorce papers has nothing to do with "facing her fears." She's hoping that miserable little sprite she continues to reproduce with will somehow see the errors of his ways and kick MeganMyQueen to the curb. Not happening. He'll probably give Cabbage Patch a line of bullshit and she'll eat it up. Cabbage Patch's friend Emmy needs to throw some hard love on the table. If you back to Michael again, don't call me or text me. Don't want to hear it anymore. It's the same story over and over. If you don't follow through at this point, you never will. MeganMyQueen's father is probably the smartest person around this show, outside of Andrea's kids. Loved his mumbling, know what I'm saying, impersonation of Michael. MeganMyQueen's family doesn't seem like a bunch of idiots so they must be horrified by her and her decision to stick with that pee wee. Andrea is living in fantasy land if she thinks Lamar is going to move to Utah. I don't blame her for not wanting the gang/pot smoking/criminal lifestyle. But he does. At least peripherally. He got paroled to California and now that he's had time to reconnect with his old friends and his family, he's not going anywhere. She really should pack up her kids and move back. She's miserable in LA. She wants barbecues, bingo and fishing in the lake. He acts like anyone who doesn't drink and enjoy pot smoking (or at least being around it) cannot possibly be fun. They don't want the same things. At all. Listen, Andrea. I married a bad boy too. Guess what? That's why I'm D-I-V-O-R-C-E-D now. We wanted different things. And he was a lying liar who lies. So cut your losses and go back to Utah. Amazed I had this much to say. The show is kind of boring.
  17. Pretty much what I was going to say, @Sarah Heart. They really had nothing this season outside of LVP and Camille.
  18. So Teddi admits she lied about lying but then she's not a liar? I don't think she's doing her accountability business much good right now. It's a good thing Camille was on this season and everyone was fighting with LVP or there would be no storylines. Seriously dull. I know part 2 was an hour but the only things I truly remember, besides Teddi lying about lying, was Camille's parts. And most of these other ladies are such shrews, I'm Team Camille. Go get them, Camille! She's not doing anything the others haven't done at some point. They all talk out of both sides of their face, they all talk behind each other's backs (except maybe Denise). They all invite the other ladies to things because of production so stop with the pearl clutching and fake outrage. Other than Camille's business relationship with Mauricio and Lisa Rinna and Denise, I don't think any of them are friends off the show.
  19. Ironic that "consistency" is this week's theme. Can the judges actually be tested on that? For the flash challenge, if legibility was a key factor, that should have been mentioned. I'm not on either the men or women's side but the women's suit of armor looked more consistent than the men's. And some of the work was scratchy. Are cross-stitch tattoos a thing because ugh. Only Dani seemed to understand exactly what the challenge was and hit it and she didn't win tattoo of the day. Normally I adore Dave but he was really a dick to Holli when she said the women would like to win tattoo of the day just once. In the "real world," no way would Pony and Ashley leave before artists like Alexis and Ash. They are clearly being kept around for the drama. I did enjoy seeing Sausage and Duffy again although I figured since the women's team "won" last week, no way would Sausage "win" this week. This show is so predictable. Please, IM, bring back the guest judges so at least there might be some semblance of unbiased and, you know, actually following the rules and theme, judging.
  20. And continuing on the Andrea thread . . . High school would NEVER have dropped journalism because she had to give a bad review to someone she knew. Never. But of course she just so happened to get the card to review the Peach Pit (because there was clearly no other place to eat in LA) an of course it just so happened to be on an night when everything went wrong. High school Andrea would have written up an accurate review of that night but probably mentioned that she had eaten at the Pit many, many times before and not had such issues. Just such a stupid plot device. So I guess Andrea - - a freshman who got the lab job out of all the other students at CU -- had that lab job only during the time that Donna and Brenda found Rocky and when Brenda was arrested because it was never mentioned again. Too bad the show didn't have her working at the campus bookstore (seems more likely for a freshman) as that could have been another place The Gang could have hung out, and where Andrea could have been present, versus the Peach Pit and then the PPAD. @desertflower, you make an excellent point. The crappy storylines Andrea was handed post-pregnancy and marriage could all have been done if she was still a journalism major. So why the change? Did the writers make that decision for reasons unknown before GC's pregnancy was incorporated into the series? Did they have other storylines in mind for her that had to do with the medical field? And that brings to me another thought. Had GC stayed on the show, and still been in the medical field, she could have shared the clinic storyline with Kelly. Actually, the storyline would have made more sense for Andrea than Kelly since Kelly showed zero interest in anything medical.
  21. YES, @GHScorpiosRule!! Dylan had chemistry with Brenda like he never had with Kelly. Hell, Dylan and Kelly acted like they hated each other most of the time. So all the revisionist history about how they were soulmates is just nauseating.
  22. Worse, in regard to Andrea's cheating storyline, was that the show made it "tit for tat" by having Jesse confess that he had cheated too. Huh? Of course that was off screen and seemed like a retcon of sorts so that Andrea wasn't the only "bad" one. It was just wrong all around. I always liked Andrea because she wasn't one of the "rich kids," nor full of herself, judgy and bitchy (yeah, looking at you, Kelly.) She was also smarter than Brandon and could totally put him in his place (always a good thing.) I think having Andrea get pregnant, have the baby and keep it was the worst thing for her character. Even outside of getting married, pregnancy and motherhood pushed her further outside The Gang. Watching those episodes now, as an adult, I feel sad for fictional Andrea. She was 18 or 19, had been in college for all of 3 or 4 months, living on her own the same time and here she is, pregnant and preparing to marry. Ugh. One thing that always bugged me with regard to her getting married - - she and Jesse lived in a nice apartment (certainly far nicer than my first apartment) and we never really heard a mention of how they couldn't afford food, or to keep the power on, or even paying what should have been ridiculous bills for Hannah being in the hospital all summer. Nothing. Was Jesse making that much money tending bar? Law school isn't cheap. Another thing, as many fellow posters have pointed out, is Andrea's sudden flip from journalism to pre-med. It was stupid and made zero sense. I think an episode or two prior to switching to premed, Andrea was freaking out (at the Peach Pit, of course) over injecting an orange that she was practicing on because she was going to have to give Grandma Rose insulin injections. How does someone go from that to deciding to major in medicine? And I'm pretty sure your first year in college you are taking basic requirements - - not premed stuff per se. Anyhow, if the show had kept Andrea in the journalism field, she could have had storylines with Josh Richland - - maybe even dated him, which would have driven Brandon crazy, which would have delighted me. It would have kept her tied in with Brandon, much as the Blaze did in the high school years. She would have been involved when Brandon eventually began writing for the Condor and maybe even she and Susan could have butted heads. Maybe Andrea could have had something to do with the campus tv station, if she ventured into broadcasting or something like that. I think she could have had a lot more to do than having a coffee in the student union or providing Brandon with info he was too lazy to discover himself or running around after some dopey doctor.
  23. Yeah and they weren't sipping that champagne either. They were throwing it back like nobody's business. Probably not the smartest move (but it is Clint and MyGoddess).
  24. Whether or not Shannen wanted the show to be about her, the fact is that 90210 started out about the Walsh family, not the Taylor family. The Walshes were the stars; everyone else was a friend or supporting player. At least in the beginning. So if Jennie did say that, it's kind of unfair (and hypocritical since, by some accounts, she moved into the HBIC role once Shannen departed.) Also once Shannen departed, everything did seem to be about Kelly. I mean, look at her first 2 years of college only. Dating Dylan, breaks up with Dylan, hooks up with Brandon, becomes some face of college campuses for Seventeen, gets modeling interest, gets in a fire, gets involved with a cult, cheats on Brandon with Dylan, gets proposed to by Brandon, chooses herself, goes to NY and hooks up with lame Colin. And this is pre-coked out Kelly. Really, as someone who might snark on Ohhhhhhhndrea but generally liked her, it's too bad that Ohhhhhhhndrea got married and had a baby and the "good" storylines were given to Kelly. Frankly, rather than DJ Jazzy Dave and his meth laced orange juice, I think it could have been more interesting (and unexpected) for Ohhhhhhhhndrea to develop a drug problem. But bygones. I've posted in other threads but I also didn't get the constant fluffing of Kelly. Was there anyone besides Val who wasn't in love with Kelly? Love the throwback type photo! Shannen does look great. We all know Tori has had her share of cosmetic surgery (is her own DNA even admissible in court any longer?) but Jennie doesn't really look like herself either.
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