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Everything posted by psychoticstate

  1. I am going to take Kelly's side over the Tres Amigas if for no other reason than at least Kelly knows who Ernest Hemingway was. Tamra, given that you came slithering out of a bush like a rabid animal at Vicki's party, you really shouldn't make comments on Kelly looking like a rabid dog. And not too many years ago, you had that pulled and tweaked high rabbit look, you horrendous sack of suck. I've not necessarily been a Kelly fan this season but I am totally here for watching the heads on the left couch explode as Kelly verbally takes them down. If Tamra's two-faced, shit-stirring fuckery isn't addressed in this THREE part extravaganza, I may have to put a hit out on Andy.
  2. I can't stand Rhylee so even though Brian was a jerk, I'm on his side. Rhylee is exhausting. She managed to piss off and alienate her deck crew last season and she's right on track, doing the same this season. She needs to quit assuming that everything is some personal dig against her because she's a woman or because the guys are intimidated by her or whatever else. She goes zero to 60 way too quickly and she needs to remember she is the third deckhand, not lead deckhand, so settle down. Thank God she and Simone aren't bunking together. I could just imagine all the whining and bitching about the unfairness of everything in that cabin. Courtney continues to be amazingly awesome. The cheese (no pun intended) may stand alone but Kevin doesn't bother me.
  3. I generally like Kate but she was wrong. She's the chief stew; she sets the example for others. Brian was wrong for telling her she was a bitch but that doesn't give her the right to take it out on everyone else. (Not to mention that Brian did apologize and Kate should have accepted that apology and moved on.) I think Brian is probably the most decent guy there and he's a hard worker. I think Ashton is a hard worker as well but he needs to pack away Smashton. I honestly thought Ashton and Rhylee were heading into hookup territory and it terrified me. For Ashton's sake. Dude, you can do better. Did my ears deceive me or did Rhylee say that Kevin had a dad's body? Girl, compared to Kate, Simone, and Courtney you yourself have a dad's body. I hate to body shame anyone but since Rhylee opened that door, she has no room to talk with those legs. Hope Courtney keeps an eye on Brian since Rhylee is clearly on the prowl. She's really gross. Speaking of gross, Tanner is disgusting. Simone, he didn't apologize to you so much for blabbing deets of your intimate moments together as playing some CYA since he got caught. And have some self-respect, girl! He texts you for a booty call, don't respond!! It would be fine and good (I guess, if you're into cigarette mixed with alcohol mixed with vomit breath) if Simone didn't have a case of the feels for him but she does so she needs to cut him off. Kevin doesn't offend me as much as he seems to others but he really needs to quit badmouthing Kate. Loved, loved, loved the elephants. I'm with Courtney - - they are amazing animals. What an awesome experience they had. I do wonder why Kate got the bulk of the ire about being late when Rhylee was also dicking around and just as late as Kate was. People who always run late, with no excuse, get on my last good nerve. Very rude and inconsiderate to keep others waiting.
  4. I lived in California for a number of years and unless Tony is talking about being a guest of the State of California's penal system, he can't afford jack.
  5. I have no real desire to go to Thailand (no offense) but seeing the animal sanctuary filled my black heart of goo with the warm fuzzies. I love elephants. Not going to lie - - I teared up watching them and hearing their stories. Kameron with the white board in her THs was everything. That is one reason I generally like her and find her entertaining. I think I'd be annoyed if my travel mates didn't include me with the massages. Brandi on sleeping pills is hilarious. Kary is a PITA to the highest degree.
  6. So it's Wednesday. That means I question why I spend an hour of my time watching these screeching, bleached banshees. No matter where the OC hos go, it's the same story. Fighting, screaming, drinking, skinny-dipping, boob-baring and Vicki falls. Yawn. Gina's hair gets worse by the episode. Kelly needs some medication. BTW, Kelly, you aren't being neutral if you're telling your daughter you hate Vicki. And please don't encourage Jolie to hate anyone. I said it last week and I'll repeat it. Tamra is a horrendous sack of suck. She's playing everyone against each other then doing her fake crying about being a victim, being a misunderstood and how people shouldn't gossip. Would Tamra have a reason to drag herself out of her hidey-hole or climb down from the rafter she hangs upside down from every day if she didn't gossip? Bitch, please. #FreeEddy
  7. Rhylee, the saying is it couldn't get MORE awkward, not less awkward. If it could get less awkward, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. And by the way, you're an asshole. Surprised that Rhylee hasn't tried to hook up with Tanner yet since he's clearly a raging douchebag. How many times have we heard him puke so far this season? And to come back from yakking up his booze and then suck face with Simone? Gross. Even grosser? To tell the deck crew that he went down on her the night before. Did anyone ask? Nope. And then to add insult to injury, insinuate that she did nothing for him, mathematical skills aside. Simone isn't great at service, partly because she's not being given the chance and partly, I think, because she's intimidated by the guests. She won't learn if she' not given the opportunity but she also has to step up and out of her comfort zone (and maybe a luxury yacht isn't exactly the place to learn.) Still prefer Kevin over Rhylee. Poor Brian. Ouch. They never should have waited to get a doctor onboard in the first place. Not sure if that was Ashton or Capt. Lee that fell down on that one. Were Brian and Courtney sharing a bunk? I really disliked Courtney at first but she's grown on me a lot. She doesn't get shitfaced drunk and she does work. These guests are embarrassing. Don't go in the galley and don't wander around looking for a shirtless captain.
  8. I am really puzzled as to why I am still watching this shit show. I don't particularly like Kelly but I will take her side all day long against Tamra. I despise Tamra so much at this point that even if Tamra is technically in the right, I still won't side with her because I find her such a horrendous sack of suck. These bitches better gang up on Tamra at the reunion, after they've had a chance to view this season and see that it's TAMRA who is the shit stirrer and TAMRA who starts basically every argument and confrontation in the group. Of course we can't have an OC trip without Tamra's top going down or her hemline going up. What a stellar "Christian" she is. Please excuse me while I step out to take about a dozen Advil for the eye rolling pain I've now got.
  9. Rhylee strikes me as a woman who wants every male within shouting distance lusting after her but at the same time, doesn't necessarily want to be treated like a woman and/or sees being treated like a woman (as she perceives it) akin to being discriminated against. Last season, she wanted to be just one of the guys with the other deckhands but showed up for an evening out in a sheer shirt with no bra (which Kate noticed and commented on.) This season, she shows up on the Valor once-again without a bra, something both Brian and Tanner made note of. Look, she can dress however she likes but I feel like she's sending very mixed signals. Me personally, I wouldn't show up to meet my boss (Captain Lee) and the other deckhands with my headlights fully apparent. I also wouldn't be in a screaming match in public (or in private) about Keto and Paleo. If this were real and not reality tv, she'd be fired for going off at Ashton, her bosun, that way. Looks like, based on the previews, that Rhylee will go after Brian and will probably burn bridges with Courtney in the process. Girl just doesn't learn.
  10. The Kevin-Rhylee argument was beyond stupid but I'm going to side with Kevin for two reasons: one, I will never side with Rhylee because she's an ass hat and two, I legit LOL'd over Kevin's martini dance and song. Clearly Rhylee was brought back for the drama because the crew was getting along too well. She can't even be there for 24 hours before pushing buttons. I really can't stand her. Poor Brian. Captain Lee really should have been more on top of his knee. The female guest (Shay?) with Ashton was embarrassing to watch. The primary was a twitwaffle. I will never understand why certain people will pay for such a costly and extravagant cruise/vacation and then spend their time drunk off their asses.
  11. My Goddess looks like she had a (drunken) run-in with a one-eyed weed whacker and lost. I can't wait.
  12. Doesn't Angela claim to be a therapist? If so, she should know that anyone in an actual therapy session does NOT answer their phone during the session. How big can Grenada, Mississippi be? How many therapists can there be? If Angela were smart (yeah, I know) she'd be asking around, then following Tony and busting his Pillsbury ass. Damn, even Glorietta managed to bust Alex.
  13. #DonnaFaye2019. Seriously, Angela's sister is the smartest person on this shit show (shit show that I love, BTW.) It's very obvious, at least to me, that Angela drew the short stick in the intelligence pool in their family. No surprise that Tony is cheating. Of course he is. Angela, when your sister and your BFF Tommy are telling you that Tony is using you, is lying, is a con, etc., you'd best listen. She was expecting something bad driving to the park "because it's Tony" and yet he produces some ugly gumball machine ring, proposes and she gets all Glorietta-getting-a-visit-from-the-Care-Bears level of giddy denial. Love how these klassy two drank directly from the champagne bottles. I guess the glasses/flutes were optional. Cheryl may be the worst Debbie Downer ever. She seemed pissy and suspicious when Josh was directing her to the castle. I thought the castle was pretty cool and the views gorgeous. Even with the two "hosts" talking about wedding spaces, instead of being excited that Josh was actually planning a wedding, Cheryl has to get all bitchy about how she doesn't like the space. Girl, you go with it and then speak privately about the safety concerns you have (which were valid.) Disappointed (not going to lie) to see that Josh and Cheryl got back together after filming. You can do better, Josh. So if Daniel didn't think they were ready to get married, why did he propose to Lizzie like 10 minutes before? Lizzie, girl, this is a sign that Daniel is nowhere near ready for adulting. Be grateful and don't look at those 3 years as wasted but a very valuable life lesson. And please don't throw rocks or anything else at any future bfs' mothers. Amber can go fuck herself (again, because I said this last week) with her acting all high and mighty and sacred, like she hasn't been conning Vince for the last 2 years. She should have just admitted to him it was a con. Vince needs to change his will and disinherit Puppy immediately. I'd be afraid those crazy bitches would knock him off for the money, since he apparently legally adopted Puppy. I'm still scratching my head over how that works. Vince may want to go back to Vegas and get some therapy before meeting someone in the Philippines. God, these people never learn. I loved Glorietta's confrontation with Alex. She totally busted him on a date with Juliana but girl held it together nicely (which is more than I can say for her crazy mother.) I am beyond thrilled that Juliana told Alex to take a hike. Smart. Alex clearly is and was a major POS for telling Glorietta "bounce, bitch" after everything she did for him. Sounds like he deserves to be back in the pokey. Glorietta, please do not look up any more convicts. So Lacey thinks the perfect time to tell John (or Chon as has been hilariously used here) that he's not Marlo's father is right before she's going to walk down the sandy aisle to marry Shane (or Chane), making sure to tell Chon she's about to get married, but she doesn't want him starting any shit? Bitch, please. You're as transparent as Scotch tape. You would LOVE for Chon to show up and make a scene. And what's with the excitement over finding out that Chon is not the father when 5 minutes earlier you were hoping he would be? So if Chon isn't the father, who is? Hunter Biden? Lacey and Chane really don't need to "expand their family." She already has 3 kids that she doesn't appear to take care of. Also want to say that Lacey's dad was just as guilty as Chon for the beach scene in front of the kids. The language and actions from all the so-called adults in that situation was disgusting. I get why Chane threw Lacey in the ocean at the end (yeah, I wanted to as well) but I'd be furious if I was thrown in in my wedding gown. Color me surprised that her dress was relatively modest and pretty. Bring on Life After Lockup!
  14. Jeebus, when you are sleazier and more low rent than the folks on Love After Lockup, there's a problem. As I remember, Shannon married David over the age of 30 and had been working, then stayed home to care for their family. How in the holy hell does she not get some level of alimony after 17 years? (Not to mention the lifestyle she had grown accustomed to during most of those 17 years.) I understand that Kelly didn't want to disrupt Braunwyn's weaning party (what the fuck is a weaning party???) but she should have gone and confronted Tamra and her lies face to face. And girl, if you have texts where Tamra is bashing Shannon, show them to Shannon! She's not going to believe you otherwise. I am basically ready to check out of this shit show (and again, I watch Love After Lockup, for God's sake.) Tamra is a two-faced sea beast that continues to lie, lie, lie and start shit and nobody is calling her on it, even after she's on film lying and starting shit. I despise her so much I'm not sure I can continue to watch this unless she's going to get her ass handed to her. BTW, Tamra, I lived where you currently live and I also lived by the ocean. There is no contest. If you're saying you couldn't be paid to live by the ocean, it's because you can't afford it. Period.
  15. Alex and Tony have clearly met up and developed a plan on how they're going to lose Glorietta and Angela, respectively. Instead of being adult about it, they'll nitpick and find things that they can use later as an excuse for breaking up. Pathetic. Angela is an ass clown if she believes for one second that Tony is being truthful with her. I can give Glorietta a bit of a pass and not just because the Care Bears bring unicorns to visit her, but because Alex hasn't "played basketball" with another woman to her knowledge, or turned her down over a steak dinner or bolted from the hallway house. We really could go and on with this. Cheryl once again flips her wig and loses her shit during a meal. This chick really needs to chill. Josh handled Lacy's questions pretty well. Of course she didn't get to ask too many before Cheryl bolted from the table. Amber can fuck right off with her con against Vince and so can her sister with that bitch face. I mean, what did Vince do to her or to Amber? Girl, your sister was in prison, just like your mom. Take a few dozen seats. I don't necessarily like Vince but he doesn't deserved to be played this way. Puppy's mom needs to blow the whole thing wide open. Lizzie and Daniel . . . whatever. So Lacey thinks Shane has cake tasting skills? Or should we say skillz? Of course, this is the same dumb ho who says she loves Shane so much because the sex is good. I kept waiting for the cake lady to suggest that maybe Shane might want Transformers or Hot Wheels on his cake or something. Lacey is trash for continuing to attempt to string John along but John is a dipshit for letting her. He should be sending Shane a thank you note and a fruit basket in gratitude for taking Lacey off his hands. Cheryl's sister and Angela's sister continue to be the only smart people in this season's universe.
  16. BTW, please tell me Rhylee (or however the fuck she spells her name) isn't the deckhand coming back! I couldn't stand her last season and I don't need to see her on my screen again.
  17. Abbi: Quitting may be impulsive and stupid but it's who I am (paraphrasing somewhat). Truer words, Abbi. BTW, I'd be pissed if I were Ashton, Brian and especially Tanner. Tanner is sick as a dog and still working while special little snowflake Abbi has to lock herself in her room and cry because a big motor yacht isn't like a sailboat. She might as well have been put on the tinder and taken ashore because she did jack shit after quitting.
  18. I could see the Peanut Butter Pump work for people who have issues, due to arthritis or whatever, opening a jar/taking off a lid. And I believe one of the sharks mentioned commercial space so it seems like that would be a good environment for the product, somewhere you have the large oversized containers and go through a decent amount of p.b. at a time. I liked the shoe couple better than I liked their product. Although they did get a deal, I think the biggest selling point would be having to buy small children fewer pairs of shoes. I am one of the folks that dresses my dog. He's a Boston, he has short hair and he gets cold during half the year. He also gets excited over his shirts and pajamas. So I would definitely purchase clothing for him. But I've never worn matching clothing, nor have I thought to. Especially not for $68 per shirt. But the sharks should know at this point never to underestimate the pet parent market. The Yard milkshakes looked delish. Definitely something for a vacay environment, between the cost and the calorie count. Nice that you get to keep the glass and the location(s) have a sink where you can wash it out.
  19. Lacey is a real POS. It was John's lucky day to get dumped. She clearly grabbed his phone, not because he might call Shane names (bitch, please!) but in the hopes that a fight might ensue. Where are her kids in all this? She's a part-time mom like Cheryl. And let's be honest, does she know who the father is for any of her kids? I think the botox and/or fillers are getting to her ability to speak and enunciate because I feel like I need close captioning to understand her. I felt for Kato's wife. I've been in the position of knowing that the friend is lying/cheating on his partner and it sucks. Props to Kato for trying to get it out there. Of course Glorietta is living in fantasy land where unicorns and rainbows abound and fish tacos will be served at her wedding. Although Alex may be living in that land too if he thinks Glorietta (or any woman) is with him for his looks. Put down the crack pipe, Alex. Daniel's mom is going to lose her shit when she hears that Daniel and Lizzy are engaged and with the ring she bought. Angela is an idiot. She needs to admit she just wants to fuck and that's it. She doesn't talk about being around Tony so they can spend time together, get to know each other, etc., it's always so they can have sex. Pretty gross that she was all over Tony in front of Tommy. Tommy is too smart for Angela and Tony. Angela has got to be the most ill-equipped and worst counselor/therapist ever if she can't smell Tony's bullshit from a mile away.
  20. EXACTLY. Thank you, @pasdetrois. You said this better than I could.
  21. My black heart of goo was actually moved during LeeAnne's wedding. She looked beautiful and their vows were very sweet. I did not appreciate, though, Rich's comments about how many good looking women were at the reception. Dude, you've been married for like 15 minutes. Give it a rest. I wonder if the reception venue wasn't available until 5 hours after the ceremony and that is why there was such a delay? In any event, if the wedding started at 1, it looks like the reception would have been somewhere in the 6 to 7 range. Definitely should have had dinner. At least have a Fatburger (or Sonic!) truck roll up to the reception. I feel sorry for Brandi but in her desire to be her kids' friend, she's letting them run all over her. Brinkley and Bruin will be doing exactly what Brooklyn is doing if she's not careful. Look, your kids aren't going to like you all the time (which means you're doing your job) and that's okay. You need to be their parent. Later on, you can be their friend. I do understand Brandi's dilemma over Bruin's birth mother being pregnant again but at some point you have to set and accept limits. She's already exhausted, Brian looks to never be home, and Brooklyn is a brat that Brandi is afraid to discipline. I felt for the other diners in the restaurant, with Bruin pitching little fits and throwing things everywhere. I will say though his "thank you" to the server was precious. I haven't watched the show since the beginning so what happened to Rich's eye?
  22. I don't think I've ever despised a person I've never met so much as Twunty Two Faced Shit Stirring Tamra Judge. She makes my ex, who I have referred to at times as the spawn of Satan, look like a fucking saint. Actually, I think Tamra may be the spawn of Satan. Does Shannan genuinely not remember that Tamra brought up Kelly's bar fight or is she protecting her? In any event, definitely not cool to throw Braunwyn under the bus. Instead of Shannan speaking to Tamra privately, everyone needs to meet with Tamra so she doesn't have a chance to think about what she's going to say or blame someone who's not there. Would Tamra tell Kelly to her face that she didn't say these mean things about Shannan? And even if Shannan has gained weight, she still looks great. Tamra has one of the ugliest insides of anyone around. Eventually that will catch up to her. Also - - Kelly said the Vicki funeral comment was a joke and Tamra very quickly said she told Shannan it was a joke. I don't recall that at all. I remember it being relayed as a serious comment. It should have been mentioned to Kelly that Tamra was very quick to relay that comment to Vicki - - and not as a joke either. I will watch next week's episode in the hopes that Tamra is ripped a new asshole but if that doesn't happen, I'm out. I'm sick of her turning everyone against each other, while she pretends to be friends with everyone and getting away with it. Tamra is a friend to no one. I'm very curious as to what exactly Eddie sees in her sorry, slimy, snaky and sneaky ass. And BTW, I nearly died laughing over Tamra - - TAMRA - - claiming that she was a compassionate person. Ha! I'm still laughing.
  23. I think the doctor fell victim to what others have in the Tank in the past. Mark disses his product/him and then he focuses on trying to refute what Mark has said instead of just writing him off and focusing on the other sharks. I mean, the guy was a surgeon so he typically doesn't deal with conscious people and is probably very analytical and not super touchy-feely. Was he dissing Lori? Yeah but probably not intentionally. In any event, because he let Mark get under his skin, he probably lost an offer from Lori. FWIW, I agree with the overuse of antibiotics and also agree that too many folks are telling the doctors and medical providers what they want, instead of listening to what they should have. Thought the shovel kid was cute and it was a smart idea. I hope the product does well. Surprised the Pilli (sp?) guy didn't get a deal since everyone seemed to love his product. Easy fix for the multiple skus - figure out the top 3 or 4 products and shelf everything else. $150 for a razor? Um, no. I will agree the razor did look like the Cadillac of razors but how many folks are going to be willing to dish out $150 for a razor? And they didn't mention how much the blades are or if they take a special blade.
  24. The only reason I am watching this shit show tonight is in the hope that that evil twunt Tamra is called on her backstabbing, two-faced shit stirring.
  25. #Angela'sSister2019 Every person on this show needs her advice - - don't be a dumbass (paraphrasing because I already deleted the episode and can't remember word for word.) Why on earth Angela didn't block "Asshole Tony"'s number is beyond me. No, actually it's not. She's not ready to let that fuckwit go and she wants him to beg and grovel and apologize, even if it's not sincere. She totally had his number last week; this week, she believes he's being truthful and transparent. It's been four months and she still has the motorcycle she bought for him. Girl, at this point you deserve whatever you have coming. So Glorietta is trying on wedding dresses while Alex is mooning over his ex. Not surprised. Glorietta, the mermaid style dress isn't for everyone. In fact, it's probably not for most. If you want to look classy and elegant, chose a dress with a bodice that covers up more of your rack. Not that it matters because I think we'll see these two walking down the aisle about the same time we see Josh and Cheryl doing the same. So Amber has been telling us how she fell for Vince, etc., etc., etc. and then accusing Vince of trying to con her and this week she tells us that she and Puppy had a long con in store the whole time? What a cold fucking bitch. I hope that Puppy's mom overheard all of it and goes straight to Vince. This is one reason why you don't go looking for true love on prison websites. Here's your sign, Vince. Who is Lacey kidding when she says she doesn't want anything to happen between John and Shane? She lives for that shit. She said so herself -- she can't/won't date men without records because they're boring. She wants and needs drama. So she puts John's engagement ring back on to meet him outside the pokey, only to take it off to give back to him? And he refuses it? Dude, no. Take the ring and hock it. And why is she confused about him not wanting to get in the car with her? You just dumped him for a 12 year old. I don't think he wants to go hang out with you and your new soulmate. So Daniel has no job (is he even looking?) but he thinks it's a good idea to propose to Lizzy? Maybe get a job first and start earning some money then you can buy the ring yourself. And I know that his mom wants to be supportive and all but maybe refuse to buy a ring for him to give to the girl you don't even like until he gets a job. God, these people. I agree that this show should be 2 hours!
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