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Everything posted by EVS

  1. There is sometimes a big difference between a natural smile and a photo smile. I’ve been told that I have a nice natural smile, but when I try to smile for pictures, I look like Chandler, from Friends, smiling for his engagement pictures. I tried practicing in front of the mirror once, but I definitely would benefit from a lot more practice!
  2. And hopefully he or she wasn’t one of those evil homosexuals.
  3. On the left side under the picture, it says you have to follow them to see their public posts. I haven’t been able to make myself do so yet, although curiosity may eventually get the best of me.
  4. I don’t know about the car for Timothy but, according to Free Jinger, Jill is now claiming on FB that she took her kids to the park and when they went to leave, two of the 15 passenger van tires were punctured and it looked deliberate according to Jill. I think she either ran over nails, or she knows they need new tires before they drive Tim to college and is trying to grift them.
  5. The woman who beat cancer had me in tears during her run, but I could have done without the long backstory, specifically the dramatic re-enactment of her attempting to get up the practice warped wall (which symbolized everything she had to overcome) and failing, followed by her successful attempt, complete with dramatic music.
  6. That happened to my childhood best friend’s sister. Her mom kept her hair really short for some reason so everyone thought she was a boy. I think she looked like a little blonde Steve Urkel. She was just awkward looking and her huge glasses didn’t help. She blossomed in high school and ended up beautiful and popular. She was even homecoming queen. Not that Josie, or any Duggar will ever get to experience high school or homecoming.
  7. Remy seems to be a popular name right now so I could see them choosing it.
  8. @rue721, from my (non-fundie) experience, it is easier than you would think. The isolation and control begins at birth so the children have no idea how to think for themselves but doesn’t even realize it. They think things are their idea when it is really the parents. The parent tell them that they are special and better than anyone else, including other relatives, because they are being raised this way. Anyone doing ‘normal’ childhood and young adult experiences is severely criticized and judged. Any adults who are not raising their children the same way are dangerous and terrible parents. My relative told her kids that their gay cousins were that way because the parents raised them too liberal, meaning gave them too many choices and let them make their own decisions. It works really well if the children have naturally compliant personalities like my relative’s kids. With a non-compliant kid like Josiah, I think they basically beat the rebellion out of them physically and/or emotionally until it just isn’t worth it to rebel.
  9. I don’t think Lawson is a bad guy, just too full of himself when it comes to his looks and music ability. He is hardworking, since he had the lawn business, and generous enough to help his parents and siblings when they needed money. He also seems like he has an easy going personality. He used to annoy me the most from the Bates boys, but he is growing on me. I think he would make a better husband than Nathan. I’m starting to think he wouldn’t make a bad spouse for Jana, as long as she covers up all the mirrors in the house. He did used to work with his hands and could help her with her garden, and they both like music. He seems like he would be a good dad, although he would probably be in all the baby pictures!
  10. I originally guessed Gianna for them name. I’ll stick with that, but I could see Gia as well.
  11. Coming from an ethnic background, I have seen both sides. If you can find someone that you are truly compatible with who happens to have a similar background and understands where you are coming from (your childhood, your values, your religion, etc.), it can make things easier in many ways. However, I have many friends who initially got engaged or married to people they thought they should be with just because of that shared background, but they really weren’t compatible. Each one broke up and moved on to someone with a very different background, but that they were more compatible with. Their stronger bond helped them navigate the differences and most have been together as long as my compatible same-ethnicity/social group friends. Eta, with the Duggars, I don’t think they give their children the time and opportunity to figure out which group they and their intended spouse belong to. Some of them end up compatible with their arranged spouse, but some don’t (Anna and Josh for example) yet are stuck because divorce is such a stigma in their religion.
  12. I remember that he wore a cowboy hat when he went ice skating, I think it was, with Ashley in NY. It didn’t make sense to me because I didn’t remember him wearing one back home. I’m not sure what he was trying to do, or what point he was trying to make, but I thought it was kind of obnoxious. Having since seen the way he treated Tori about her wedding hairstyle, I think he is a controlling jerk and Ashley was smart to break up with him.
  13. 5th boy is out. Unconfirmed reports on Twitter that 6th is out also. CNN is reporting that the healthiest came out first but I have also seen reports that say the opposite. Either way, I hope they get the rest out safely and as soon as possible. Eta: 4 more successfully rescued today. So 8 of the boys are out. The last 4 and the coach will have to wait at least another day
  14. I woke up every few hours last night to check on the efforts to rescue the Thai football/soccer team. I’m so glad the first four made it out ok. I hope the rest make it out safely. I’ll be following their progress again tonight. I feel terrible for the family of the rescue worker who died a few days ago.
  15. Courtship, yay! Engagement, yay! Wedding, yay! Baby, yay! Next babies, yay! Lather, rinse repeat. Boring as hell for most of us following them, but these people don’t have anything else in their lives so this will never be dull to them.
  16. I can’t see Jill’s Facebook post, but supposedly someone offered to sell them a car for $500 and Jill didn’t respond to the post. I read this on either reddit or Free Jinger. Can anyone verify this? Maybe she has since responded.
  17. Lime sherbet in Sprite is also really good.
  18. At least your version of this recipe uses a glass. Jill’s would probably use a styrofoam or paper cup.
  19. Leah and Hannah used to be so close. It’s sad that they don’t talk.
  20. My prediction for her next “recipe”: toast bagel spread with cream cheese
  21. Maybe that is short for “daughter-in-love with the smug, sister-molesting prince of our fake Christian castle”.
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