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Everything posted by EVS

  1. This is similar to a homepage. I did it this morning. Here is the link to the instructions. It has pictures. HOW TO FOLLOW FORUMS AND TOPICS Find the bell icon button near the top of the page on any forum page or any topic page: Click and from the pop-up menu choose “Don't send notifications, just add to my Followed Content” for no-nag following or pick an option that also gives you a notification: Track your follows on the followed content page which you can get to via this navbar icon or into your account drop down:
  2. About a hundred years ago (actually 1990), I was what was then called a resource teacher in a school that went through 8th grade. My first 2 years, I worked with 2 junior high girls together. One was great. The other was uncooperative and never did her work. When they left my office, I would hear the uncooperative one in the hall complaining loudly and calling me a bitch. Then she graduated and apparently began to appreciate me. Her mom called and asked if I would tutor her after school. Because she now wanted to be there, she was pleasant and cooperative and did really well. I only tutored her during her freshman year. In 2000 or 2001, the girl’s grandmother came to the school looking for me. She said that the girl was doing great and still talked about how much I helped her back then. It meant a lot because I was a new teacher when I worked with her and I know I got better in subsequent years. My point, I guess, is that even some of those difficult jr high girls learn to appreciate their teachers eventually. We just don’t get to hear about it most of the time.
  3. Hang in there. It does get better. Mine are boys in their early 20s now. They still have their moments but became much more appreciative in their mid to late teens. It took one really ugly blowup for the second one to get to that point though.
  4. I think it’s a combination of all three of your theories. I also think that you and @Christina87 summed up my impressions of Jeremy perfectly!
  5. Also, George Ryan and the ‘license for bribes’ scandal that led to the deaths of the 6 Willis children.
  6. @galaxychaser, I know I suggested this before but can you volunteer someplace? Please excuse typos, I fractured my right arm and I’m dictating this.
  7. That doesn’t look like Isaiah, Warden, or Jackson Bates to me, but I could be wrong. Maybe he is a sibling of Kendra’s or Lauren’s?
  8. “Hi, I’m Larry, this is my brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl.” Except in this case it would be, “Hi, I’m JD, this is my brother J(blank) and this is my other brother J(blank), and this is my other brother J(blank) and this is....”
  9. I like the first picture, but the requisite “submissive wife gazes adoringly at her headship” picture just annoys me.
  10. Is that from Friends? I seem to recall Phoebe saying something similar in an early episode.
  11. Somehow I doubt Joy comes in the morning, the evening, or any other time. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
  12. I think Jill is really proud that Derick is in law school. If he makes it through (and that’s a big ‘if’), she will be the only Duggar daughter whose headship is a lawyer. I think that will be a big deal to her. I also think it will make Derick even more insufferable, but that’s another story. I think Jill actually believes she is helping Derick. Instead, she is probably just in his way, but I can also see the situation feeding Derick’s oversized ego because she is paying attention to him instead of the kids, and also because he can flaunt his superior knowledge of the law to her.
  13. Mixed with 2 cans of turkey and dumped over 12 tortillas, then covered in cheese and baked. Finished product divided among 40-50 people.
  14. Happy Thanksgiving! We don’t have family in town to celebrate with, but I am thankful for good friends who include us in their family’s celebration, and I am thankful for this wonderful, caring, online community that is always here, not only to discuss the Duggars, but to support each other through the difficult times. You are all amazing people and I’m so glad I found this forum.
  15. Tim would have more money to get home for Thanksgiving or Christmas if he hadn’t wasted so much money sending Jill those flowers and that stuffed animal recently. If I were his mother, I would have told him to save the money, but narcissistic Jill likes to be showered with gifts and then expects someone else to pay for Tim to get home.
  16. I think this hairstyle suits Josie. Josie is very petite with petite features. Her hair isn’t that thick so her longer hair didn’t overwhelm her like Jessa’s does, but I do think this length frames Josie’s face nicely and also looks more modern than traditional fundie women’s hair.
  17. Poor Josie. Her sister mom, whoever she is, is married with a family of her own, and Josie’s own self-centered mother still can’t be bothered enough to care how Josie looks. ETA: Mechelle only cares about how she can use Josie and the lost girls to make money and stay relevant.
  18. Josie looks like she is wearing the top to an outfit that Grandma Duggar might have worn, or be planning to wear, to one of the weddings.
  19. I think it was in the small talk thread a few weeks ago, a few posters brought up a slow cooker 15 or 16 bean soup with ham. There were a few recipe variations mentioned. They all sounded really good so I found a bean mix that had a recipe on the package. It came with a flavor packet. I bought pre-diced ham so the prep time was minimal. It was delicious. My husband loved it and also commented on how much it made for very little cost. Do the Duggars/Dillards eat pork? If so, that would be a good, easy, slow cooker meal for Jill, IMO.
  20. This doesn’t surprise me. College son played aau basketball in jr high and h.s. One of his coaches knew MJ. The word he used to describe him was “prick”. Don’t even get me started on No-Tippin’ Pippen. We did meet some really nice N.B.A. players though.
  21. Taking my response to small talk thread.
  22. There is a website called Stained Apron where people in the food service industry shared stories. It was inactive for many years but looks like it has been resurrected in the last year or so. There was a section about celebrities and whether they were generous or cheap. Unless new ones were added recently, the stories are at least 10 years old, but still very interesting. Here’s the link: https://www.stainedapron.com/celebs.htm I hope Jill and Derick are generous tippers, but I sincerely doubt it. Regarding Jill’s recipes, my son is home from college and requested 2 of his favorite meals this week. One is a pasta dish, one is chicken. Both are much healthier than Jill’s recipes, use fresh ingredients, and are just as easy to make. I found both on the internet many years ago. I didnt grow up eating very healthy either and my mom rarely used fresh ingredients. I wanted better for my children. With the internet, it is so easy to find healthy recipes. Jill is just too lazy, ignorant, or arrogant to look. Probably a combination of all three.
  23. Maybe that is where JB plans to put the rest of the kids when they get married.
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