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Everything posted by EVS

  1. Jeremy likes fountain pens, I like Jeremy... Jinger really is just along for the ride. I’m waiting to see her start wearing bow ties. Maybe she can repurpose some of Felicity’s bows.
  2. I don’t think skipping a grade is a necessarily big deal. Like anything else though, parents need to weigh the pros and cons and decide what is best for their child. I know we, as viewers, only see a small part of Riley’s life, but to me skipping a grade at this point seems a little premature. (FWIW, I was an elementary teacher many, many years ago and, as I posted previously, was also very advanced at Riley’s age as was my oldest child. I’m sure things have changed quite a bit since I was a teacher and even more since I was Riley’s age!) I wonder if this is just a storyline for the show. Maybe they will skip Riley at the preschool but still put her in kindergarten or first grade with her sisters when she goes to elementary school. Have Adam and Danielle posted anything about Riley going to elementary school a year early? I don’t follow them on social media.
  3. In the close up photo, I think Felicity looks a lot like Jeremy.
  4. While I’m complaining, why is the school so focused on grouping preschoolers by ability? Children learn at different rates. I think it would be premature to move Riley up an actual academic grade. I had a child that was much more advanced than Riley at the same age. Yet by fifth grade, most of the other kids had caught up and he was an average high school student at best. Meanwhile, my child that was a little slower in the beginning, like Parker, ended up an honors high school and college student. My 2 cents: Get Riley some enrichment activities and get Parker some extra help if necessary and let them relax and enjoy school for now. ( I do think they need to do more to help Parker with her anxiety though.)
  5. Regarding the bolded: When they took Parker to the OT, the OT made a comment about doing things that pushed Parker out of her comfort zone. It bothered me at the time. I felt like it was said to justify Adam and Danielle forcing her to continue filming. I’m not a psychologist, but the child seems so unhappy, I don’t see how filming her could be in her best interest.
  6. It’s normal to confuse b,d,p, and q at their ages. The way it was explained to me (a long time ago) was that it is not just because they look similar. It also has to do with object permanence. Take your cell phone and rotate it. It’s still a cell phone. Flip it upside down. It’s still a cell phone. But do the same thing to the letter ‘b’ and it changes completely. Capital letters definitely would have helped since they look very different. I honestly don’t understand the emphasis on testing, especially on flash card testing, at this age. Maybe things have changed since my kids were that young, but I thought it was odd. Also, I cringed every time the woman doing the testing said, “you’re so smart” to one of the quints. I thought she should have told them they did a great job instead.
  7. I suspect Hazel learned that from Uncle Dale.
  8. I don’t watch the show so I don’t know how they pronounce it, but when I see that spelling, I hear MaKenzie Myers from Toddlers and Tiaras in my head. “My name is Mackynzie, it rhymes with Lindsey” (said by a child who somehow sounded like a 40 year old chain smoker).
  9. Does (or should I say ‘did’) Derick have a Pistol Pete lunch box?
  10. I want Derick’s entrance to heaven to be blocked by a chorus of transgender angels.
  11. I agree. They conveniently forget that Jesus also didn’t like liars.
  12. It was in the original post by the storm chaser who ousted them. It was mentioned right before the part about the “oriental” who got physical with someone who wanted to use the bathroom in the Duggar hangout. I’ll try to find the post.
  13. I still want to hear their explanation for not allowing a 70 year old woman to come into their “headquarters” and out of the heat. I don’t think Jesus would approve. They would probably just deny it ever happened.
  14. In addition to the bolded are Jill’s comments about the older children choosing to fast and “one less chicken leg”, her bragging about how thin the girls are, the pictures with not nearly enough food on the table, and the fact that they travel to churches making the kids sing for their supper. Given all that, I agree that it is not unreasonable to worry that the kids are not being adequately fed on a regular basis. I honestly suspect that the meals they are fed when they travel to sing at churches are what keep them from being malnourished or at least severely underweight.
  15. Lolli because Mechelle is a dumdum. Lolli because she blows Pop. Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I’ll show myself to the prayer closet.
  16. I don’t have any suggestions. It sounds like you are doing the right thing by meeting with the social worker. I just wanted to say that I am sorry for what you and your family, are going through. I hope your daughter will get through it ok and I hope your MIL somehow manages to beat the cancer.
  17. Me too. It reminds me of “The La Trattoria”. (Obscure movie reference of the day)
  18. I’m guessing they will name their daughter Skye or Piper or maybe Amelia. Eta: I just noticed that @kaleidoscope already guessed Amelia upthread, so I’ll go with Skye or Piper.
  19. EVS

    Tennis Thread

    Personally, I keep waiting for her to say, “This one time, at tennis camp...”
  20. Besides skin cancer, sunburns are just miserable and painful. Those little guys are very fair-skinned. Maybe they did apply sunscreen initially, but it wasn’t enough or they needed to reapply it more often. Maybe they didn’t bother. Either way, if that is sunburn, the boys were probably pretty uncomfortable that night. I burn easily also, so unfortunately I speak from experience.
  21. For Jill, Derick and the most of the Duggar clan, I think it is: intend to live...in perpetual ignorance.
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