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Everything posted by EVS

  1. I would actually consider watching this show if they showed Jill and Derick trying to deal with the demands of law school. That would actually be different and interesting (not to mention extra snark worthy) compared to the usual boring courtship, wedding, babies crap. Too bad Derick pissed off tlc.
  2. I went to the Facebook group. I think it is called “Spokane Washington Lost Dogs, Cats, and Pets. People are telling the person that found snuggles about the Rod family and Jill keeps responding with the same snarky comment accusing the negative posters of hating “our family and our Jesus”. ETA: Now someone named Irene is arguing with a critic named Kay El about the Rods and Jesus. Irene is apparently friends with the Rods.
  3. Jill’s recipes seem like they could be the subject of a documentary, “Supersize Me: Duggar Edition”.
  4. @zoomama, Could you please share your ham and beans recipe?
  5. I did laugh when Dale said that as soon as Adam put one girl to bed, another one popped up, and compared the situation to a whack-a-mole game.
  6. When this thread appears under ‘next unread topic’ on my iPad, it shows up as “S07.E09: First Comes a Wedding, Then Comes a Ho”. That sounds like the title of an episode about Josh.
  7. I’ve been down that rabbit hole many times, lol. I highly recommend Leah Remini’s book (also her tv series with Mike Rinder) and also The Unbreakable Miss Lovely by Tony Ortega and Paulette Cooper. The Paulette Cooper book jumped around a bit so it wasn’t as smooth a read as Leah’s book, but it was absolutely mind-blowing to see the lengths the cult would go through to destroy a perceived enemy. It also covered how the cult infiltrated the IRS. It was like reading a spy novel. It was intense and unbelievable except it was all true. If you don’t want to read the whole book, it is worth googling Paulette’s story. Also, Tony Ortega’s blog/website, The Underground Bunker, is a fascinating read. The majority of the comments are from former Scientologists so there is lots of insider information in the comments. Paulette Cooper, herself, posted an interesting update there earlier this week. Mike Rinder has a blog too.
  8. My guess for the lightbulb = 2-4: Jana to screw it in while Michelle and the male Duggars sit around doing nothing, and one or more of the lost girls to keep Josie from licking the burned out bulb.
  9. I probably posted this before, but when my son was young, I met a woman in the park with “Irish twins”, a boy and a girl born 11 months apart. One was 3 and the other 4 years old. (I can’t remember which one was which.) She told me she and her husband didn’t want to perpetuate stereotypes, so they only let the children play with gender neutral toys. One day, she bought them each a teddy bear. The little girl rocked it, sang to it, and ‘fed’ it a toy bottle. The little boy threw it on the ground, jumped on it, and wrestled with it. She realized that they were going to be whoever they were going to be so, from then on, she let them have whatever toys they were interested in.
  10. The idea that there is a “Michelle type” is kind of scary, lol. What type would that be? Insane Christian Clowncar Posse? Menopausal Martyrs with Minnie Mouse Voices? Bible Banging Baby Factories? Sorry, I’m in a strange mood tonight!
  11. Tony Ortega posted an interesting update from Paulette Cooper yesterday. https://tonyortega.org/2018/07/26/paulette-cooper-turns-76-i-found-my-best-friend-from-the-orphanage-from-70-years-ago/
  12. How about French bread or an English muffin or naan bread. While any of the above would be better than regular bread, I agree with @ms.o that it still isn’t worthy of a blog post. Jill really is clueless.
  13. I feel like I saw this here before. If so, apologies that I can’t remember the original poster. ”Rapture for the Bachelor”
  14. Why don’t they use the umbrella stroller (by itself, not that dangerous hack with the car seat)? That would be more comfortable for Sam and they wouldn’t have to lug the heavy car seat around.
  15. This man, absolutely: https://www.imdb.com/media/rm3003079680/tt0104952 Derick, never.
  16. EVS

    Figure Skating

    Great article. Thanks for posting the link. The last story/paragraph was so sweet, I was fighting back tears after reading it.
  17. “The heck with side hugs. Let’s sneak off and join the mile high club.”
  18. EVS

    Figure Skating

    That is so tragic.
  19. Derick may envision himself as Superman, but he’s probably more like The Spleen.
  20. That makes sense, but I would think it would make more sense for him to take a paid job, or even a volunteer position for the year, instead of spending money on the program. I’m wondering how he is paying for law school and how he will support his family during that time.
  21. If he is going to law school, why did he waste all that money on the Cross Church program?
  22. I think sewing is a wonderful skill to learn but, if Jordan continues learning to sew, I’m afraid Boob and Clown Car will take advantage of her skills and she will end up the official Duggar seamstress if Jana ever gets married or escapes. JB and CC can’t seem to let their kids learn anything without figuring out a way to take advantage of it. She won’t have that beautiful smile on her face when she is stuck mending a pile of the howlers’ socks or clothes. ETA: Just typing the above makes me sad.
  23. If I were Kendra or Joe, I’d be more worried about Derick holding the baby near his nasty pits than about Izzy or Sammy.
  24. La Grange and Brookfield are more suburban and less than 5 miles apart depending on exactly where they live. Michael mentioned that Brandon had gotten them a membership so they probably go regularly. It’s still not rural like where she grew up though, so I agree that it is great that she is comfortable driving there. I used to have a membership when my kids were young, but I haven’t been in at least 10 years. It made me nostalgic and it was interesting to see some of the changes. I want to go now, myself, lol.
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