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Everything posted by EVS

  1. Ha! If it was a Duggar son, that would be so true. I’m not sure if it is true about Austin since I don’t watch the show, but this made me laugh so hard.
  2. Did you inform the leg humper that most OTHER women do not consider being examined by Jill and her medical thingies a prenatal appointment? Vanity ultrasounds don’t count either.
  3. In a few years, she will probably not have even these dubious accomplishments. Unless she manages to have the biggest family or the only set(s) of multiples, she won’t have anything left to brag about unless it is having the husband with the most scandals, and Derick seems to be trying his best to take that away from her.
  4. Because having girls means Anna has future housekeepers, cooks and sister-moms, so she can focus on important things like being joyfully available for pervert Josh and having as many kids as possible. That’s my guess anyway.
  5. This sentence is disturbing on so many levels ! ?
  6. The little cars with the holes for the babies would have to be giant buses instead!
  7. I’m guessing both A and B, but I’m hoping for C.
  8. If someone said that to me, I think I would probably throw out a few random books and verses back at them to see if they really knew their stuff. “Ruth 19! What do you think of that?” “What about Ezekiel 22...” (I have no idea if those are actual verses.)
  9. Shock and Awe was my first thought, but I went with Shock Horror since Lauren kept saying she was “shocked” at every stage but in reality she shouldn’t have been. I sure wasn’t! Once, JB picked her for Josiah, we all knew courtship and marriage would soon follow.
  10. Lauren reminds me of Michelle Trachtenberg.
  11. I swear he read my previous post. Suddenly he is responding to his twitter comments including the picture I mentioned.
  12. I love the picture someone posted on Derick’s Twitter of the Duggar kids wearing “I survived Roe vs Wade” t-shirts. Great response to Derick’s hypocrisy. Speaking of responses, the only post he responded to so far mentioned that Duggars homeschool. He jumped on that and pointed out that his kids are too young for school. I notice that he does that a lot. He ignores the posts that make legitimate points and waits for one that might be slightly inaccurate or technically inaccurate. (His kids might be too young for school now, but he doesn’t say that he will send Izzy to kindergarten in a few years.) and responds to that minor point and acts deliberately obtuse about the major criticisms.
  13. It sounds easy when you describe it, but it would be a disaster for me if I tried it. I know my limitations, lol. Plus, I have a TON of hair. It would take me hours and end up looking like Josie (Duggar not Bates) cut it. ? Regarding Jinger though, no matter how she cuts it, she needs to lose several inches of fried ends and Jeremy needs the facial stubble back. Without it, and with the way he is dressed in the picture upthread, he looks like the lost Brady Bunch brother!
  14. Wow, I would give anything to be able to cut my own hair (or anyone else’s for that matter) that well. That is a really cute cut!
  15. @Arwen Evenstar, just remember that we are here for you whenever you need us.
  16. I’m sorry to hear he is having complications. I hope he gets better soon.
  17. Mine were clearance at Nordstrom Rack.
  18. I watched on the nbc app and the most entertaining part was listening to the male announcer trying to pronounce “Medvedeva”. It seemed like he pronounced it a different way every single time he said it.
  19. Are they Mephisto? If so, I used to have them in silver.
  20. @Arwen Evenstar, sending you all the good wishes I possibly can. We are here for you if you need to vent or share or just need a distraction for a little while.
  21. Above post won’t let me edit for some reason, but I checked their website and there is no deva stylist within 50 miles of Laredo and none in Arkansas. Just as well, the cuts are not cheap. Ashley looks great though.
  22. Deva girl here. I use all their products and just got my first deva cut. My hair is much curlier than this though. You can wear your hair any length you prefer. They cut your hair dry and shape it based on how your individual curls fall. Jinger would look great with a slightly longer deva cut and her natural curls. Actually, I would love to see her in this length, but she could go longer if she was afraid to go this short. She definitely needs to cut off all the damaged ends though. Eta: It’s hard to find someone trained to do a devacut outside of NY and Los Angeles, but hopefully she could find someone near Laredo. It only needs to be cut 2-4 times a year.
  23. I’m trying to resist, lol. I got a headache just typing that post!
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