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Everything posted by EVS

  1. And no JB and Michelle canned statement is complete without the phrase “servant’s heart”.
  2. Unfortunately, at least one of them is one of my husband’s family members, and I suspect there are a couple more. Not surprisingly, we don’t get along with that side of the family. We have very different ideas as to what constitutes a Christian...or a decent human being.
  3. I wish someone could trick her into reading “Forever” by telling her it’s a book about heaven.
  4. I also laughed at “Why is Brian Boitano stealing our bartender?”.
  5. Regarding “Mommy” and “Daddy”, I called my parents that for a while when I was around Kendra’s age. Well, actually I called them “Mommy Dearest” and “Daddy Dearest” until my mom finally got the reference. She was not amused.
  6. I’m betting that they are stinking up the top drawer of that dresser.
  7. Here you go: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5004443/Priscilla-Presley-quits-Scientology.html
  8. I love this! I have a couple of relatives I can’t wait to try it on. Maybe I’ll get lucky and they won’t talk to me for four years.
  9. Definitely. And their idea of work is clearly more than a little different.
  10. I wish I could like this comment multiple times!
  11. Ok. Thanks for the explanation, Doodlebug. I have no knowledge or experience when it comes to legal matters!
  12. Unlike gay people who have actually had hate crimes committed against them or even been killed because of who they are.
  13. FWIW, I can see both sides of this issue. I do think that the documents should have been better redacted to protect the victims. I have no idea, however, if it was due to negligence or if the current laws or policy need to be improved. I am watching with interest to see how this plays out. I do have a question. Can Jill and Jessa claim that the reason they went on tv and minimized the molestations was because they were traumatized and embarrassed that the information was released and that they were just trying to minimize press and public reaction to protect themselves? From what I can tell, the above statement would not be completely true based on how JB and Michelle handled the whole molestation situation, but it might be partially true and could negate the discrepancy between their interview statements and their statements about being traumatized by both the molestations and the release of the information.
  14. I agree with this, especially with the younger children. (I looked up the application online and the program is for ages 6-17. )
  15. I just watched the pilot episode of “The Good Place”. I wish I could remember the exact quote but Kristen Bell’s character basically asks Ted Danson’s character (Michael) how accurate Christians are about the afterlife. Michael says that each religion in the world is about 5% correct in their beliefs, but some college dude, who got high on mushrooms one night and went on a massive religious rant, ended up being 96% accurate. His picture was on Michael’s wall. As a Christian, that basically summarized my feelings. I’ve posted this before, but I think it is incredibly arrogant for any person or religion to think they are better than another, or think they know it all, or think theirs is the only “true” religion. Just one of the many things I can’t stand about the Duggars.
  16. We donated to an organization called Watts of Love which has been bringing portable solar electricity to the hurricane affected areas.
  17. I remember seeing an interview with Barry Manilow once, where he expressed surprise at how many couples chose "Looks Like We Made It" as their wedding song. IIRC, the song is actually about two people who broke up and then found love with others.
  18. I just wanted to share our experience with UPS. The other day, my son and I purchased items to ship to his friend in Farjardo. My son then drove everything to the UPS store. We had decided that he would purchase a medium-sized shipping box and ship as much as he could fit into it. We were worried he wouldn't be able to ship much water because of the weight and high shipping costs. However, when the lady at UPS saw that he was shipping to PR, she gave my son a larger box at no cost and a generous discount so he was able to ship almost everything we purchased. Hopefully it won't take too long to get there.
  19. Kirstie Alley is tweeting about a supposed link between mass shootings and psychiatric drugs. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4946112/Kirstie-Alley-tweets-Vegas-shooting-blames-pysch-meds.html Whether or not there is actually a link, and whether or not the Vegas shooter was taking psychiatric drugs, imo it is in extremely poor taste to tweet this now. It seems like she is using the Vegas shooting to promote Scientology's anti-psych drug stance.
  20. That was pretty much my entire childhood. As the oldest, I could never win.
  21. My favorite response/comment: "I'm going to masturbate today instead"
  22. At least Max stopped yelling "holy chalupa" (or whatever the annoying phrase was) this season.
  23. I just want to say thank you to everyone here who is posting helpful information about Puerto Rico. We are trying to figure out if we can get some supplies to my son's friend and his family. The information posted by Arwen, smama and chicricket is very helpful. Thanks again to them and to anyone else who posted that I missed.
  24. I think that is exactly what he is doing, and I'm also starting to suspect that he gets off on the negative comments. I'm guessing that, after he reads them, Jill is expected to be "joyfully available". (Slinking off to the prayer closet now...)
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