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Everything posted by EVS

  1. I'm a Christian, and to me one of the things I dislike in any religion is arrogance. By arrogance I mean thinking that your God is the only "correct" God, your religion (or denomination) is the only true religion, and your interpretation of your God's word is the only correct interpretation. No one knows the truth and I don't think any religion has it all ( or even close to) correct. So by my definition, the Duggars and extended family have always been crappy Christians and crappy human beings. Derick is all of that but also even more of an idiot than the rest of them because, as someone said upthread, he is stupid enough to publicly post what the rest of them are already thinking. Here's a thought for Derick and Duggars. Instead of condemning Jazz, watch the show so you can learn about her life and her struggles before judging her. I know that would never happen though because they seem to revel in their ignorance and arrogance.
  2. I have relatives that I call "non-fundie fundies". In other words, they are not fundie, but have a lot of the same narrow-minded, judgmental views and are very religious but do not act very Christian, imo. They also isolate and control their only child to an extreme degree. (There are several other similarities.) My mother once made a comment about the child (I wish I could remember her exact words) that went something like, " When a trapped dog finally gets free from its cage, of course it's going to go crazy". I think those are actually the lucky ones though. Some are probably never released, and some are so terrified that they cower in the corner of the cage afraid to leave even when the door is finally opened. Maybe some never even realize they are caged at all.
  3. My wish would be that Jana would take the opportunity to make a break for it.
  4. IIRC, only 8 people hit the buzzer, but we only got to see 4 of them do it. When so few finish, it would have been nice if they could have shown the majority, if not all of the finishers.
  5. I don't like Jinger's shoes with her dress, but that dress is so much better than anything I've ever seen on a Duggar female (not to mention sleeveless!) that I'm willing to give her a pass on the shoes. She has really come a long way in a short time fashion-wise.
  6. I think Kendra is cute. She's not beautiful but no Duggar guy (at least based on their looks) is going to attract fundie Cindy Crawford or even someone like Carrie Underwood. (I have no idea if Carrie's beliefs are in line with the Duggars. I'm just using her as an example of a beautiful Christian woman.) Kendra is as pretty as Anna or Jill, imo.
  7. If it is not too OT, I have a nice story that supports this beautiful quote. About 5 years ago, we were at Disney's Hollywood Studios on a really hot day so we stopped at a churro stand to buy some bottled waters. The kid that helped us didn't seem to speak English very well and his name tag said he was from South Korea. We happen to know a few Korean phrases so we thanked him in Korean. He looked confused and I thought he was reacting to our bad American accents. We had gotten a pretty good distance away when we heard yelling behind us. We turned around and the kid is running towards us yelling (Korean thank you) over and over. He caught up to us and handed us a churro, a pretzel and a third sweet treat I don't remember. He kept repeating (Korean thank you) and we were thanking him for the treats in Korean. I think we set a record for the most (Korean thank you)s ever spoken in 10 seconds. Then he ran back to the churro stand. One of my boys asked my husband why the kid gave us the treats and my husband said that the kid was far from home and it must have meant a lot to him that someone spoke to him in his native language. It was a nice lesson for my boys.
  8. Slightly OT for this thread, but someone on free jinger called Jana "Schrodinger's fundie" basically because, until she opens up more, no one really knows much about her or about what she truly thinks. I thought that was funny yet accurate.
  9. Maybe that was filmed before he went away and shown out of order?
  10. Nike! No wonder people that share the Duggar's beliefs are staying away. Autocorrect is fun sometimes. ;)
  11. Sending good wishes your way, Arwen.
  12. For me, the equivalent would be "cell phone friends". I still have a land line, but no one I am close to calls it.
  13. Most parents and grandparents are focused on the new baby in pictures. Here the poor baby is just a prop and an excuse for two perverted egomaniacs and their sex slaves spouses to take a picture kissing.
  14. How many are there now? (Rhetorical question)
  15. Curly hair is all about using the right products. I have naturally curly hair (3a/3b) that I straightened for years because I could never get it to look right. I tried lots of different products. My stylist was no help. Then 6 months ago, I walked into a beauty supply store on a whim and a stylist with curly hair directed me to the right products. Now I just let my hair dry naturally and I get lots of compliments. Of course, I don't have 6 inches of fried split ends like the Duggar girls.
  16. Personally, I don't believe this at all. I hope it is true, but I suspect this story is JB trying to minimize the molestations as much as he can. If Josh did more to them, I hope the truth comes out during this lawsuit.
  17. Oops, Sorry. Didn't mean to repeat. I read all the posts but it is hard to remember all of them.
  18. I watched it with my 21 year old son and we were both really into it, yelling and cheering. Then I sent my basketball obsessed son a you tube link to Jesse's stage 2 run with this text, "(his favorite NBA player) is a wimp. Talk to me when he can do this". Of course, last February, when he was totally into the NBA all-star game/weekend, I told him I wasn't impressed and that the ANW all-star competition (the next day) was where the actual exciting skills were. No offense meant to any basketball players or NBA fans. :)
  19. Do funnies believe in the 7 deadly sins? The Duggars seem to have been obsessed with preventing lust/fornication but clearly they failed spectacularly with Josh. This move by Josh to be added to the lawsuit reeks of greed and pride/hubris which apparently are not considered sins by Josh, JB and Michelle. Hopefully, this will lead to their downfall.
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