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Everything posted by EVS

  1. Here is what I'm wondering this morning. When the girls' lawsuit was announced, there was some debate here about how much information would come out about the family, molestations, etc. during the depositions. In other words, there was debate as to what questions lawyers would be allowed to ask. So my question for those familiar with legal proceedings is this: Would adding Josh to the lawsuit open the door for the lawyers to ask questions (either of Josh or the girls) that they would not have been able to ask previously, thus revealing more information about the family and molestations?
  2. My iPad isn't letting me bold your first sentence, but I kept yelling the same thing every time Leah interrupted Rinder.
  3. I agree that any exposure to literature would be great for Jinger. I think audio books are great for people who don't enjoy reading or have the time. My comment was more of a criticism of the poor education the Duggars children seem to have received. Also, I've read comments here where people have speculated that Jeremy is behind many of the changes in Jinger and may be kind of molding her into who he wants her to be. I was picturing him reading her books that he is interested in. That's not necessarily a bad thing though. I am probably reading too much into Jinger's simple comment
  4. Good observation! Her reading skills are probably so poor that Jeremy has to read adult books to her, like a parent reading to a child.
  5. I agree with this. Ever since I read "I Fired God", I can easily see how Josh felt entitled to molest his sisters.
  6. Lol, I miss Mugshot Mondays! The online edition of our town paper just got rid of them about 6 months ago. I have high school and college aged kids so it was always interesting to see if any of their current or former classmates were featured. That would have been hilarious!
  7. I finally watched the trailer. It had a very different vibe than I was expecting-more like Wonder Years than BBT, or maybe BBT meets Doogie Howser meets Wonder Years. It does look like it has potential though, imo.
  8. I agree that this will probably be the case. I also think that asking the girls tough questions could backfire if the girls then get flustered, upset or breakdown. Many people watching may not know as much as we do. They would just see 4 young women who were molested as children being "attacked" by the interviewer.
  9. My dad's close buddy has a granddaughter who graduated a couple years ago with the same degree as my husband. She still doesn't have a job. My dad asked my husband if he could get her an interview where my husband works. My husband told my dad to pass on his contact info. A couple of weeks later, the girl's mother called my husband and basically interviewed him about possible positions for her daughter. She said her daughter would call back if interested, but the mom would call back if she wasn't, because "you know kids these days". Sure enough the mom called back a few days later. My husband was relieved because he wouldn't have recommended her for a job anyway. The "kids these days" comment made my husband roll his eyes because our oldest is only a year or two younger than this girl and has a good job because he was aggressive enough to go after a position he shouldn't have qualified for (completely different field), without even talking to us first. He impressed his bosses on his own and has earned several promotions already. I can't imagine calling his bosses on his behalf. IMO, If you can't make a phone call, you're not ready for a grown up job.
  10. It was a j-name with a boring personality, completely naive about life, and getting married too young. Easy to mix them up!
  11. They did, but I wasn't sure if they ever confirmed it. I remember that also. It looks like I didn't miss anything. Thank you both for the replies!
  12. I'm about half a season behind. I just finished season 3. In the episode where Mark gets beat up, did they ever definitively identify the author of the trashy manuscript? If so, I completely missed it.
  13. I'm adding positive thoughts for Love2dance's husband and BIGSKYGIRL as well as anyone else on this wonderful board going through health issues or a difficult time.
  14. Delurking to add my own funny Vbac story. I had one 18 years ago at my Dr's recommendation. She said it was the easiest delivery of any type in her 15 years as a Dr. I was induced on my due date to make sure the baby wasn't too big, and I had an epidural. I took advantage of a day without my 3 year old to catch up on a mystery I had started reading. When the Dr came in that evening, I put the book down and pushed out my son easily. Even though he was perfectly healthy, they took him out of the room a short time after the delivery finished. I wasn't sure where they were going or how long they would be, so I picked my book back up. The Dr walked back in and her jaw dropped and she said, " What the hell are you doing?" I said, "Well, they took the baby and you came in for the delivery right when I was about to find out who the murderer was, so I want to know 'whodunnit' before the baby comes back". She burst out laughing and said now she'd seen everything. Bringing it back to the Duggars and spouses, even though they don't seem to have an ounce of common sense between the whole lot of them, I do hope that Jill has a safe delivery.
  15. Delurking to add my thoughts and prayers for Arwen Evenstar and for zoomama's husband. Wishing both of them a speedy recovery.
  16. EVS

    S34: Zeke Smith

    Here's what Probst said in his ew interview about why they asked Zeke back. "We knew Zeke was a tremendous storyteller with an amazing ability to take a specific moment from the game or life and give it a universal perspective. That’s why we asked him back to play a second time." Who knows if this is the true reason or the only reason, but this is what Probst said. He then goes on to give the example of how even in the midst of being outed, Zeke was able to connect what had just happened with the word 'metamorphosis '. http://ew.com/tv/2017/04/12/survivor-jeff-probst-zeke-transgender-jeff-varner/
  17. I would love to see St. Elsewhere and Trapper John MD.
  18. EVS

    S34: Jeff Varner

    Was it people on the internet who drove him to suicide? I got the impression that he was suicidal shortly after the incident. I didn't think there was much reaction on the internet until a few days or weeks ago. I think it must be hard for Zeke and Varner because this is something that happened almost a year ago and it must be hard to relive it all now, but I think that Varner needs to realize that people are reacting strongly initially because it is new and raw to most of us. I hope he has a good support system. I think the initial furor will die down in a few weeks or at least when the season ends. I don't think the guy should have his life destroyed over one horrible action. Having said that,. I think he is very sorry for what he did, but his explanations or excuses in interviews don't justify his actions to me and just make him look worse. And I'm sorry if this sounds harsh or bitchy, but all these interviews where he talks about how he lost his job of only 3 weeks or how he was suicidal seem to me like he is trying to make the incident too much about himself and how he has suffered instead of about Zeke. I don't doubt he was suicidal, and I'm sorry about that and do feel sympathy for him, but it seems to me like he is trying to use that to deflect from his actions. Again, sorry if that sounds harsh. He is obviously a friend of yours. I don't wish him ill and I obviously don't know him, but that is how his recent interviews come across to me.
  19. For those people who have debated whether the show should have aired Varner's comment and what followed, Here is part of what Dalton Ross had to say on the subject in his recap. I'm not sure how I feel personally , but I thought it was interesting. (Bold is mine.) "So while to say that producers should have intervened to make sure this never happened is a suggestion that no doubt comes from a good place, you can’t document a “social experiment” — which is what Survivor has professed to be since its very first episode 17 years ago — and then not let that experiment play out. Sometimes it’s good. Sometimes it’s bad. Sometimes it’s ugly. This night happened to be all three. But you can’t rewrite the rulebook over a situation everyone was prepared for as a possibility anyway. The last thing I want to do in this instance is speak for Zeke, but my best guess is that as a hardcore Survivor fan, he himself would not stand for such producer manipulation, even if it was as some sort of protection on his behalf." Here is the link to the entire recap: http://ew.com/recap/survivor-season-34-episode-7/4/
  20. Romano was my and my husband's favorite character. My husband once said this about Romano and I thought it was so true: "Just when you think he's a total asshole, he does something decent and just when you start to think he's not that bad, he does something totally shitty. " I will never forget, "Tell Jonesy that Robert Romano is sending over 4 critical patients all of whom I expect to be treated like his own mother, without the inappropriate touching." My jaw dropped at that one and then dropped again a few minutes later when Romano lost his arm.
  21. EVS

    S34: Jeff Varner

    This is the way I perceived it also.
  22. From that interview, regarding whether Zeke came out to Varner: When Zeke came out to you, did he mention that this was something he had kept a secret from the others? Varner: He did not come out to me. He didn't come out to me. I put two and two and three and four together and when I asked him in Tribal, "Why haven't you told people?" I was not 100 percent sure he was [trans]. So that was a thoughtless, emotional moment for me that should not have happened.
  23. I'm curious what made him think "everyone knew". Clearly he was wrong since Zeke basically said that people in his past knew, but he didn't automatically share with people he met more recently. I'd love to know how Varner arrived at that conclusion. And I'd love to know how he thought outing Zeke on national tv was outing him to only 6 people. I absolutely hate when someone does something awful to another person and then can't sincerely take responsibility for their actions with no excuses. Varner is just making himself look worse with these interviews, imo.
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