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Everything posted by EVS

  1. Thanks for the explanation. 'Kindra' makes sense to me because I think Kendra looks like she could be a Duggar sister, so she looks like she could be Joe's 'kin'.
  2. Thanks for letting us know this. I was about to call Comcast and complain. I got stuck watching Preacher. I would much rather have seen the medieval family!
  3. Their mattresses, or whatever they sleep on, must be disgusting!
  4. Last night I figured out who Jeremy reminds me of-Ariel Winter, who plays Alex on Modern Family. Almost every day, the Daily Mail has a picture of her in skimpy clothes, even when it's inappropriate for the occasion. She claims that she wears them because she is so confident with her curves, but if she was really that confident, she wouldn't feel the need to dress that way all the time. On some level, I always thought she was actually insecure and trying to prove she is attractive/sexy, not to the public, but to herself. I believe that Jeremy does love books, and I think he fancies himself an intellectual, but deep down inside, I think there is some type of insecurity about the issue or he wouldn't have to keep posting so many deliberate pictures with books.
  5. I thought it was almost as odd as Kim Richards' bow tie blouse on RHBH.
  6. Well, we all know the definition of insanity...and Derrick does seem to be a few tater tots short of a casserole..
  7. Donate it to an organization for gay and transgender rights in the Duggars' and Dillards' names. eta: Then send Josh and Anna a card letting them know about the donation.
  8. I think the college hat is more special because there is a chance that she could someday need glasses, but there is no chance that she will ever get to go to college. This is the closest she will ever get. Eta: never mind. Apparently she already wears glasses. She does look smarter, until she opens her mouth.
  9. So the reason the Duggars supposedly don't like Austin is that "He was more of a rebel child" and supposedly Anna, who is married to a child molester, is "disappointed in his character.” If this is true, I'm going to guess it means that he hasn't completely drunk the Duggar kool-aid and it makes me like Austin more.
  10. And, ironically (at least as far as the Duggars are concerned), he is Catholic.
  11. What bothers me is that, if Joy did get pregnant a few weeks before the wedding, it shouldn't be that big a deal, imo. They were already getting married (the marriage was arranged before they began "courting") so, if they managed to sneak around and have some fun before the big day, then (again imo) good for them. Yet, I suspect that, to Boob and MOTY, that would be a bigger "sin" than anything Joshley Madison did, including molesting his sisters. Maybe I'm wrong, but their values usually seem so backwards to me that I can see this being true.
  12. I didn't realize the two were mutually exclusive.
  13. I'm adding my prayers for your safety and for your physical and emotional well-being also.
  14. Because ignorance is bliss, lol. It's that creepy vacant cult smile.
  15. This is your brain: This is your brain on Duggar: Any questions?
  16. This part of the article was interesting: This violent showdown comes after “Jon and Kate had an emergency hearing with a judge after Hannah refused to go back to Kate’s house,” a source explains. On Aug. 11, “The judge granted Jon equal custody of Hannah until he and Kate go to trial.”
  17. That was me also. It didn't help that I'm only 5 feet tall. Age finally caught up to me in my early 40s, but not long before that I was mistaken for a college student, the babysitter, and my husband's daughter - and he is 3 years younger than me. In my 20s, when I was teaching jr high, I kept getting mistaken for a student. I sound young on the phone too which helped get rid of telemarketers. Your daughter should definitely enjoy it while she can! I agree that Jinger will look young no matter what she does, but I wouldn't mind seeing her trim her hair or have it cut into a cute, more modern style to go with her new and improved wardrobe!
  18. Maddie is also voicing a character for an animated movie called Leap. There was a commercial for it during the episode.
  19. I went to the page but couldn't find the comments for some reason. Can you point me in the right direction, please?
  20. Any chance he did this to deflect from all the recent talk about Jill and Sammy?
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