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Everything posted by EVS

  1. Did Derick think that people wouldn’t find out about the lecture and the lecturer’s views? Does he honestly think gay people and all of us who don’t worship the correct Jesus are that stupid and gullible, or is he just that arrogant and clueless? Or did he post the invitation knowing people would find out about the lecture and then attack him on social media so he could then claim persecution? I don’t understand this guy’s thought process at all.
  2. That’s rough. I hope you all get better soon!
  3. I’m wondering if JB and Michelle require all non-courting male Duggar kids to each buy a dozen roses for Jana on Valentines Day. I doubt the boys came up with the idea themselves.
  4. The inquisitr is reporting on Derick’s invitation and the church lecture happening in the same week. https://www.inquisitr.com/4792989/derick-dillards-church-hosts-pray-the-gay-away-ministry-same-week-he-invites-lgbt-visitors/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
  5. Adding to all the good vibes being sent to @Arwen Evenstar. When will you know the results of the scan?
  6. I love my husband and kids, but mine is our doggies snuggled up together.
  7. A friend of mine went to Africa in college and said that people there were fascinated by his arm hair. Apparently, African men’s arms are not nearly as hairy as Greek arms.
  8. Thanks for reminding me. How could I forget Johnny?! One of my favorite male skaters ever. I know some people don’t like his and Tara’s commentary, but I enjoy it most of the time. I’ll ask her how she likes his outfit, hair, and makeup.
  9. I am strongly considering joining Twitter just so I can tweet her when Adam skates and let her know that, thanks to her request, I am enthusiastically cheering for a gay liberal and I hope she is doing the same.
  10. Sorry, @GeeGolly. I know this is Dericks’s tweet but it showed up as a quote from you when I copied it. Anyway, who is he to judge Jazz’s parents when his in-laws are using their 19 children to promote their agenda, and that of their cult, and even covered up the molestation of 4 of their daughters by their son in order to promote that agenda. But I don’t care what Derick is claiming now. His comments were as much an attack on Jazz as on her parents and the network.
  11. Dear Derick, Here are a few things that I, as a Christian, consider child abuse: Child molestation. Hitting a baby for crawling off a blanket. Beating a child with a rod or any other object for any reason. Swaddling your toddler so tightly that he can’t move and then taking pictures of him screaming in distress. Forcing children to raise children. Here is what I do not consider child abuse: Supporting your child and helping them become who they were meant to be, instead of isolating and controlling them. I will pray that some day you learn what it really means to be a Christian. EVS
  12. I would keep it simple. “The role of the Duggars is now being played by the Bateses.”
  13. I’m guessing Joy and Austin will be next to go. I think Austin will say or do something to reveal what I suspect are his true colors.
  14. I would be surprised if Michelle didn’t suffer from PPD at some point with all those pregnancies, but I don’t think that is why she handed over the babies at 6 months to their sister-moms. I suspect that was for purely selfish reasons 1) because she doesn’t seem to ‘have a heart’ for the babies once they are born, and 2) so she can focus on getting pregnant with the next ‘blessing’. It’s like an assembly line and her part is done at that point and she needs to move on to manufacturing the next one.
  15. I’m just hoping someone spikes the punch that they are probably serving with the dinner.
  16. You are home just in time for all the snow! (Fellow Chicagoan here.) I am not looking forward to the snowstorm that starts tomorrow.
  17. What a coincidence! That’s also the answer to the question, “How long has Brittany been getting on my (EVS’s) nerves?”
  18. Someone he keeps blocking who keeps coming back using different names or accounts.
  19. I’m glad he got through the surgery ok and the tumor was benign. How long will he be in the hospital and how long will his recovery take?
  20. I would gladly donate to a Go Fund Me that hired someone to take the biggest rod recommended by the Pearls and practice extensive rod training with it on Rabbittron’s ex. I would pay extra if the person made sure that the ex couldn’t father any more children. Bastard doesn’t deserve them. I’m a little worried that we haven’t heard how the surgery went. Hopefully, everything went ok and Rabbitron is just busy caring for her child.
  21. I remember that this accident exposed the license for bribes scandal. The whole thing was so heartbreaking.
  22. @SMama Slow Cooker Italian beef sandwich recipe: 1 4-5 lb roast (I usually use eye round but the recipe says rump) 3 cups beef broth 2 packages dry Italian dressing 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon each of the following spices: salt ground black pepper dried oregano dried basil onion salt dried parsley garlic powder Cut roast into 8-10 chunks and put in slow cooker Combine broth, Italian dressing and spices in a saucepan. Stir well and bring to a boil. Pour broth mixture over meat. Cook 10-12 hours on low or 4-5 hours on high When done, remove bay leaf and shred with fork.
  23. I’m so sorry. The last thing you need right now is extra aggravation from their dad. I hope the surgery is going well and the tumor is not cancerous.
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