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Everything posted by EVS

  1. I have a great shredded Italian beef crock pot recipe. I basically cut the roast into 5 or 6 big chunks and then add beef broth, dry Italian dressing and a bunch of spices. After about 8 hours,, the beef is really tender and shreds easily. It makes the best sandwiches. Do the Duggars ever make chili? (I don’t watch the show.) I’m making it tonight. I would think that would be easy to make for a large family.
  2. I’m so sorry! You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
  3. Trace is really starting to resemble Lawson, especially during the basketball scenes.
  4. I don’t think you, or anyone else who legitimately needs assistance, should ever feel badly about asking for it. It is the people who take advantage of the system, or people like the Duggars who take advantage of others’ goodwill, who should feel badly. Of course, those are the kind of people who are least likely to care about how their actions affect others, especially those in genuine need, as long as the grifters themselves are benefiting.
  5. What a clueless bitch. Her son is constantly begging people for money, but she judges people who take out loans for their or their children’s education. Unbelievable.
  6. If I were the person Cathy posted that response to, I would then respond something like, “ Thank you so much for your offer to help me homeschool. If I decide to teach my child to be an ignorant, misogynistic grifter, I will certainly ask for your help.”
  7. I think she was either walking around to make sure that they weren’t being corrupted evil heathens, otherwise known as anyone not in their cult, or she was walking around making sure that Jana wasn’t neglecting her childcare duties.
  8. I’m going to cut Jinger some slack here. If an annoying relative showed up for a surprise visit with her baby and her crazy husband, I don’t think I would have the patience or energy to fake a goofy smile for her obnoxious selfies either.
  9. Hopefully Nurie doesn’t end up with someone like Tabitha Paine’s husband.
  10. EVS

    Figure Skating

    He did withdraw and Grant Hochstein took his place. Eta link: http://www.usfsa.org/story?id=91173&type=media
  11. Add me to the insomnia club. I was up for several hours last night. I normally check these boards, but instead I ended up watching the Australian Open. I saw a sleep specialist a few years ago who gave me some tips. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. Last night they didn’t, but watching tennis probably didn’t help, lol. I’m also going through menopause although my symptoms haven’t been too bad so far and thankfully I’m close to the finish line.
  12. Derick Dillard: Chicken or Egg? Was he an erratic, grifting, nut-bag who married a Duggar? Or did marrying a Duggar turn him into an erratic, grifting, nut-bag? I only watched the early specials so I’ve never seen him on the show. He is a conundrum for me, but an entertaining one, especially his Twitter.
  13. Josiah and Lauren: Another One Bites The Dust Josiah and Lauren: Here We Go Again Josiah and Lauren: Marjorie Who?
  14. Sadly, according to Jocelyn Zichterman, who wrote I Fired God, using molestation or rape to demonstrate male power, control and superiority over female family members is pretty common behavior in IFB families.
  15. Forget about the DMV (if anyone remembers Reaper), that must have been the real hell on earth.
  16. Yes, Congratulations @zoomama!!
  17. I was afraid Erin would trip on that long skirt while bowling.
  18. When I was in college, I was on a retreat and my friends and I ended up playing Bible Pictionary with some seminary students and one priest in his early 30s. When, it was my turn, the category was “biblical animals” and of course I had to draw “cock”. That was an actual card. I’m a terrible artist so I drew an awful rooster head. At the same time, the seminary student partnered with the priest drew an anatomically correct stick figure. He was an excellent artist and the drawing was, um, much more detailed. My partner immediately realized what I was trying to draw and yelled out “cock” at the same time the priest yelled out “penis”. The seminary student started giving the priest a hard time (no pun intended) for guessing incorrectly. They began arguing and the priest kept yelling, “Well, at least I got PENIS”. It was funny, but wrong on so many levels.
  19. I agree. The lengths they will go to are just astounding. I read The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, so I already knew what they did to Paulette Cooper, but last night I ended up reading about what they did to Gabe Cazares, the mayor of Clearwater, on the Underground Bunker. I somehow missed that story previously. Eta: I don’t know if they framed Paul Haggis or not, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
  20. That’s a little unfair. They can count past 6 or even 10. Why do you think they run around barefoot or in flip flop so much? ?
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