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Everything posted by EVS

  1. What does an “energizing” home even mean? When I think about my home, there are much better adjectives that come to mind. Also, isn’t any home with Derick in it “draining” by definition? The dude has to be exhausting to be around.
  2. Someone needs to explain the difference between a “want” and a “need” to this narcissistic grifter. I’ll give it a try: Jill, your children all NEED adequate nourishment. Nurie and Kaylee will NEED therapy from a Doctor trained to deal with PTSD in order to get over the trauma of this accident. Unfortunately, I know this from experience as my own child had a serious car accident at the same age . Nurie and Kaylee NEED a mother who is more concerned about their welfare than trying to figure out how to take advantage of their trauma. You do not NEED a tow package for your new car, you WANT one. Therefore, you and your husband should work and pay for one, but only after your children’s NEEDS are met. Also, God did not “provide” a new car for you. Some kind-hearted person provided it. Have you ever heard the expression, “God helps those who help themselves”?
  3. He may have been embarrassed, but I doubt he was humbled.
  4. @Bessiesue, Addallee is the one who is deaf or partially deaf. She is slightly older than Ellie. I think Ellie and Addee both look like Michael but I think Addee has Erin’s eyes. I think Callie and her ears are adorable. She and Judson are both funny and articulate.
  5. Fellow adenomyosis sufferer here. The pain and heaviness of my periods were insane. Menopause was a relief for me. @MyPeopleAreNordic, I’m so glad you are back and doing ok. It sounds like you had wonderful doctors.
  6. I make a version of that breakfast casserole in the slow cooker that is still not very healthy, but much tastier than Jill’s looks. The eggs are much fluffier and less dry. No butter needed at least. Basically you layer hash brown potatoes , shredded cheese, crumbled bacon and/or diced veggies (I use onions and red and green peppers). Repeat layers 2-3 times, then pour the eggs (beaten with milk) over the layers and cook on low for about 4 hours.
  7. Derick’s Twitter is public again.
  8. For me, it is not that she used canned chicken, but that she thinks that such a basic recipe is worth sharing. Most people know to add Mayo to canned tuna or chicken. Adding lemon isn’t anything special. A recipe can be simple but worth sharing like the one shared by @QuinnInND, but Jill either shares things a preteen might figure out how to put together, or really unhealthy recipes with thrown together ingredients (mostly involving cream soups and/or tater tots) that don’t look or sound very appetizing.
  9. This made me laugh but I agree that I don’t think Jill is very bright. I think the (relatively) smarter ones are starting to realize that outsiders might not find them as amazing as they find themselves and are more careful about what they post on SM. Jill hasn't figured that out yet, but she keeps trying That attitude is fine with Instagram recipes, but a serious problem when it comes to thinking she is a qualified midwife.
  10. I have noticed a tendency from the Duggars and the Bates families (I don’t follow any other IBLP/IFB families) to think that everything they do is super special. I think Jill’s recipes are a symptom of this. I think it comes from being raised so sheltered and isolated and only interacting with like-minded families combined with their parents telling them everything they do is amazing. (See Lawson Bates’s music “career”.) It starts with being the best Christians and carries over into everything else they do. They have no basis for comparison so they believe what they are told. To Jill, those recipes are great because, in her world, they are all she knows so they must be amazing. Most of the Bates and Duggar kids have now been exposed to more things thanks to the tv shows and their spouses. Jill especially has been exposed to many different ethnic foods, but for some reason they still cling to that “everything we do and grew up doing is amazing” mentality that they were raised with.
  11. On this Memorial Day, I would like to thank our posters who have served in the military or have family members who served or are serving. There are no words that can adequately give you the appreciation you deserve. eta: I know this is Memorial Day, not Veterans Day. I originally had a longer post about a friend who was killed in Iraq. I ended up deleting it, but it did make me think of our veteran posters or military families so I wanted to acknowledge them too. If there is anyone here who lost a loved one in service to our country: my thoughts and eternal gratitude are with you and your family today. Sorry for the confusing post. It’s been a long day.
  12. I don’t think Derick is considering applying to law school, but I think he wants people to think he might be applying to law school and talk about it, and about him. He loves attention and this is a less controversial way to get some. Purely speculation on my part, of course.
  13. Both my sons saw therapists for severe anxiety when they were in high school. They had different issues/circumstances that caused the anxiety, but in both cases the therapy made a dramatic difference. I hope things get better for you soon, @bigskygirl
  14. I’m sorry you are going through all this.
  15. Yet Jill still made it look like crap. That is how my Alfredo pasta looks after the leftovers have been sitting in the refrigerator for a day and then I reheated them in the microwave.
  16. Did they have a sign saying “No outside food or drinks allowed”?
  17. To me it looks like he is trying to walk away and she is trying to keep him from leaving.
  18. I was curious enough to check it. It’s clickbait. It’s an annual welfare report about Tyler, submitted last October by the Duggar’s attorney, that basically states that he is happy and healthy and even has a savings account with over $2000 in it.
  19. I initially read this as “cook? meth?” and my first thought was that might explain a few things about Derick. Heading off to spend the day in the prayer closet.
  20. My son and I listened at the same time. I distinctly heard Laurel and he distinctly heard Yanny. We listened several times with the same results. Interestingly, he has always had hypersensitive hearing. He can hear dog whistles and has always been sensitive to high frequency sounds. I read an article that said that people who hear at a higher frequency will hear Yanny while those who hear at a lower frequency or are older (like me) are more likely to hear Laurel. My son and I definitely fit that pattern.
  21. @Barb23, you are most certainly in my prayers. I’m sorry you are going through this and I hope your surgery goes well. I also hope we hear from @MyPeopleAreNordic soon.
  22. At this point, I think Derick is just trolling for attention:
  23. I think it is sad that Derick puts more effort into his offensive tweets and social media rants than he did into wishing his wife a Happy Mother’s Day. That post reminds me of when I have to buy a card for someone I don’t really like and want the card to be as short and generic as possible.
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