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Everything posted by EVS

  1. That’s a pretty weak excuse, imo. She could have used a trash can or trash bag temporarily or found another method to get rid of them, the way countless parents did before the invention of the Diaper Genie.
  2. Too bad Jill can’t wash that man right outa her hair, or at least get him to wash his hair.
  3. He probably wasn’t in that position for even 30 seconds, just long enough for Jill to take a picture or two of him pretending to study.
  4. That’s how I used to feel about Dr Noah Kaufman.
  5. Good luck tomorrow, @Happyfatchick!!
  6. I admit to lurking on free Jinger. There they refer to her as (and Kaylee).
  7. Does Derick still have braces, or is it a retainer, maybe a permanent one on top? My son has a permanent bottom retainer.
  8. I can understand ‘Hannie’. When you give your children nearly identical sounding names (Jana, Joyanna and Johanna), nicknames for a couple of them makes things easier. Of course, the easiest thing would have been to give them less similar names in the first place.
  9. I had never read that story before. It sounds like something Jill R would post, complete with twisting the narrative to minimize his actions and to fit whatever “Christian” message he wanted to convey.
  10. I might have some grudging respect for him if he had stuck with generalities and hadn’t crossed a line by going after Jazz and Nate Berkus’s family directly.
  11. Hopefully Derick doesn’t decide to emulate Bill Cosby.
  12. One of my kids had food allergy issues and my husband has them as well, so I can sympathize with Anna. Food allergies are not fun to deal with. I just thought that the comparison to an immovable mountain that God wants her to climb was a bit odd and over-dramatic (unless the allergy is life-threatening) given the other issues she and Josh’s victims have had to deal with.
  13. I agree that Anna should consider herself extremely blessed if this is the worst health issue her children ever face. You know which women I think are brave and have courageously climbed a much bigger mountain? Survivors of childhood sexual abuse like that committed by Anna’s husband. Also, women who have the courage to leave an abusive or philandering husband or a toxic marriage and start over and make a better life for their children. Let us know if you ever decide to tackle that mountain, Anna.
  14. I’m sending healing wishes tonight to @bigskygirl and @Mindthinkr ‘s daughter’s MIL.
  15. JD and Abbie: Nursing the Bachelor to the Rapture.
  16. Constantly being joyfully available to JimBoob would definitely make me lose my mind.
  17. Sorry about your leg. I hope the above wish somehow comes true.
  18. I finally figured out who Chad reminds me of: Tom Lester (Eb) from Green Acres. https://www.imdb.com/media/rm1519228672/nm0504534 https://www.imdb.com/media/rm1552783104/nm0504534
  19. I was thinking anemia, but mono makes more sense.
  20. I take it. I will check mine. Thank you very much!! Eta: I take Tirosint (sp?), which I think is a form of it. Fortunately, it is not on the list.
  21. To me it sounds like, since Laura and Jana are unmarried “older” fundie women, they are meant to be each other’s companion and accountability partner. My hope is that they are actually covering for each other and sneaking around doing fun, forbidden, heathen activities and hooking up with hot non-fundie guys. Probably not, I know, but I would love it if this was true.
  22. Apparently, David let it out without a leash to go to the bathroom and then forgot about it so they left without it. No one else noticed it was missing. Eta: I’m not sure if Snuggles is a boy or girl doggy.
  23. I’ve been sick with a stomach virus all week. My brain isn’t functioning well enough to do more than skim the posts yet, but I want to send good thoughts and wishes to everyone who posted their struggles in the last few days. I plan to go back and read the posts in more detail and respond individually later this weekend. For now, I hope everyone is doing better or will be better soon.
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