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Everything posted by EVS

  1. I think he might be wearing a white tie? I tried to zoom in on the picture, but I can’t tell.
  2. It does look like something my dog might have hacked up!
  3. The body language in the first picture caught my eye. She is facing him with both arms wrapped around him while he is slightly turned away with one hand in his pocket. I’m not reading anything into it or jumping to any conclusions, but I did notice it. Felicity is absolutely adorable.
  4. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful. I have no idea why the show decided to pretend Gwen (or even Isis) never existed. There hasn’t even been a throw-away line, that I can remember, about her being away for some reason. I’m old enough to remember when Chuck Cunningham (and Bobby Martin on All My Children) vanished, so that’s the first thing I think of whenever a character on another show disappears without explanation.
  5. They came down with Chuck Cunningham syndrome.
  6. I’m going to go with: watching Kirk Cameron movies and pretending they both don’t find him hot.
  7. @Nysha Sorry I didn’t do this sooner, but last night I posted on fb asking my friends to pm me if they had family or friends in Montana. So far, one friend messaged me that her sister lives in Helena. I sent my friend the link to the news article about the pickup truck. Her sister is going to share it with anyone she knows in Billings. Hopefully, those people will then share it. I know another friend’s sister used to live in Montana, so hopefully I will hear from her soon also. I live in the Midwest, so this is the only thing I could think to do to try to help.
  8. To me, Dan looks like a hostage forced to hold up a dated newspaper. Derick looks like he loves his tee shirt and its message. If I had any doubts that Derick uses the spoon on his kids (especially poor Izzy), his expression in that picture erased all doubts.
  9. @Nysha I’m so sorry for everything you and your family are going through.
  10. I’m not sure if this helps, but Costco has these amazing organic “Doritos” type chips. They are made with brown rice, quinoa and some other organic ingredients. They have the cheese powder like Doritos but I think it is made with real cheese. I think they are Costco’s generic brand. (I’m blanking on the name.) I am not the healthiest eater, and chips and salty/crunchy snacks are my weakness, but I love these much more than actual Doritos. Regarding Jill, I wish someone would call her out on her lie about her photo looking different because she used low sodium soup.
  11. To me it feels like the actress is an snl actor doing a parody of old Mandy.
  12. I saw this article in the Daily Mail last week. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6215931/Leah-Remini-reveals-Katie-Holmes-lose-custody-Suri-speak.html The article quotes from an interview Leah gave to Lapalme magazine. Here is what she said about next season: Season three of my show is dedicated to the IRS and their ‘religious' tax-exempt status. 'Hey, call yourself a religion - I don't give a f**k! They should NOT have tax-exempt status. 'They only got it because they ‘fair gamed' the IRS – bullied them, harassed them. 'The Mafia has more integrity!' All she says about next season’s start date is that it will return “in 2018”.
  13. I’m sorry you are going through all that. My mom has Dementia and is rapidly declining. She is still alive but I am still losing her. I hesitate to offer you advice because I have no qualifications whatsoever, but my first thought when I read your post was, is there any way you can find a small amount of time to volunteer someplace? Helping someone else might make you a little feel better. Also, does the therapist have you in any kind of support group? When I read your post, it made me think of how, in the past 10 years, my health has declined so badly that I went from happy, active and social to practically housebound. Maybe it would help you to know there are others struggling with their own issues. Sorry if the above oversteps or sounds naive, but I’m worried about you and I don’t know what else to say to help.
  14. Interesting that someone with their beliefs would choose to name a child Agape. Agape is the Greek word for love. (It’s actually “love of God for man and of man for God.) That makes sense in a religious context, but don’t fundies think that Catholics aren’t real Christians, going to hell, etc. for many of their beliefs and customs? Greeks have most of the same beliefs. So they named a child using a word (that’s not even commonly used as a name) from a culture that they don’t even consider Christian.
  15. I’m thinking about this way too much, but here is how I imagine Jill’s phone call: Big Sandy Fundie Buddy: Hi, Jill. Omg, I heard Derick has been at LAW SCHOOL for over a month and you are home ALL ALONE. Omg, are you ok? You haven’t been attacked by any shower curtains or can openers (see Jill R)? Jill: No, but the boys are driving me crazy. They won’t let me find recipes or post about the BEST HUBBY EVER. Did you know he is in LAW SCHOOL? Fundie Buddy: One time when my headship was gone for the WHOLE DAY, I took my girls outside in the back yard for a whole hour to play with a ball. It was really hard but they were really tired at bedtime and went to sleep faster. I didn’t even need to read them any books reminding them that God made them girls and made boys, boys. Jill: ALL ALONE? I can’t do that. Can’t I just let them out without me? It’s too hard with Derick in LAW SCHOOL FB: No. you need to go with them so you can take pictures and show everyone, especially all the heathens, that you are the BEST MOM EVER. Jill: OK, thanks. Maybe I’ll try it. Hopefully, no demons will emerge from the center of the earth to attack us (again, see Jill R) while Derick is at LAW SCHOOL. After much hyperventilating, Jill heads to the backyard with the boys, a ball, and her cell phone for ten whole minutes.
  16. I agree. It’s definitely strange, especially if they have a yard. (Thanks for that clarification.) It’s so odd and kind of disturbing that I was trying to come up with some possible explanation. Jill (and Derick) are just so extremely strange to me. I feel bad for their boys.
  17. I wonder if Jill’s issue is not that she doesn’t know to take the boys outside, but maybe that she is uncomfortable taking them anywhere alone. Other than to Chik-fil-A in Colorado, has she taken them anywhere without Derick or one of her siblings? (I don’t watch the show.) She seems incapable of being alone in general (tagging along with Derick at work and school) so maybe when Derick is at school, she lacks confidence to take them out of the house alone. It might not be that simple for her if they don’t have a yard where they are living and she has to take them to a park. Also, she doesn’t seem like someone who has a lot of original ideas. She grew up being told what to do to an extreme degree, so without Derick to suggest an outing, she just keeps the boys in the house entertaining themselves. Maybe this supposed friend’s phone call gave her the push she needed to take them out alone. Like I stated, I don’t watch the show. I was trying to come up with another theory besides depression.
  18. @Nysha, I’m adding my thoughts and prayers that you find your sister soon and that she is safe and well.
  19. Oh, sorry! I thought he was looking at Riley. I may have been thinking of a different scene.
  20. I agree with this, but I think Riley is the one Dale is supposedly afraid of. Riley is the one that looks the most like Danielle and Blayke, IMO, and throws temper tantrums. I think she is the one who hit Dale that one time. Parker is the stoic quint who likes to escape and is a daddy’s girl.
  21. I think it is interesting that, in both the Duggar and Bates families, the oldest child/son has moved away from many of the parents’ strict beliefs and rules. The main difference is that Zach seems to be doing so in a way that appears to be healthier and will hopefully help his family function better in the real world. Josh, on the other hand chose to molest his sisters, cheat on his wife and who knows what else.
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