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Everything posted by EVS

  1. This is OT, but I am actually awaiting news regarding the death of a family friend. His killer was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. The sentencing was supposed to be today, but I haven't heard anything. The irony (and the reason I posted this here), is that he was a CSI tech and I would have loved to get his opinion on this special and on the whole JBR mystery.
  2. I read somewhere that there were feces found on a pair of pajama bottoms in JB's room. The bottoms were too big to have been hers. There were also feces in a box of Christmas chocolates that JB had received. Like a lot of info out there, I don't know how true this is, but I will try to find a link. I'm in the middle of something so it might take a little while. Eta: apparently it was in Kolar's book, if that helps.
  3. I wish Dr. Phil had asked Burke about the feces on Jonbenet's chocolates. I knew he wouldn't, but I'm curious how Burke would have responded.
  4. Another thing I noticed (and I'm sure has been noticed by many others) is that during the CNN interview, Patsy made that "keep your babies close" statement, but she and John didn't even do that with their own remaining child on the day their daughter was kidnapped/killed.
  5. The broken basement window does bother me a bit. I get that John may have been annoyed or agitated at being locked out (if that is really what happened) and not thinking straight, but I can't help but wonder a couple things: Why did he break a window that was so difficult to get through? How did he even know if he would fit through it? I have a similar window in my basement and it is probably the last one I would choose if I was locked out. Why didn't he follow through to make sure it was fixed (if he asked Patsy to have it fixed)? Also, I know the room wasn't used often, but I would think that someone would have noticed it hadn't been fixed yet. But my main question is, did John try to call anyone with a key to let him in before breaking the window? Supposedly a lot of people had keys to their home. He could have gone to a neighbor's house to use the phone and call one of them (I wonder if any neighbors had keys) or gone to a payphone. I would have done that before breaking a window. None of this necessarily means anything suspicious. He may have really been locked out and broke the window. I just found it interesting because I would have done things differently if it had been me.
  6. EVS

    Tennis Thread

    I remember reading that too.
  7. EVS

    Tennis Thread

    FWIW, from what I remember (and I'm terrible with details), Stan and his wife divorced and he was/is dating a female player whose name I don't recall. (Did they show her during this final? I watched with the volume down/off during most of the match) The female player used to date Australian player Thanasis Kokkinakis. When Stan and Nick Kyrgios had a spat last year, Kyrgios (on court) made a crude comment about Thanasis and Stan's girlfriend. (Eta:) Kyrgios got fined for the comment.
  8. I always wondered if the suitcase under the window was something the intruder (if there was one) stepped on to get himself back up through the window more easily.
  9. My youngest played AAU basketball and coaches could challenge a player's age at any time and require them to produce a birth certificate. It happened many times a season to some of the bigger boys on his team. It cost money to challenge though, so most coaches did not challenge lightly. At one big regional tournament however, another coach requested the certificates of the entire team, just to be petty. 2 kids who didn't have them had to sit out the game until they produced them. My son's team still won. After that, my son's coach required parents to give him copies of the birth certificates and he brought them to every tournament.
  10. Regarding the DNA evidence, I found this article interesting: http://nypost.com/2016/09/12/jonbenet-ramsey-series-questions-key-dna-evidence/ Basically, it is an interview with a former investigator for the Boulder DA's office. He did not work directly on the Jonbenet case, but claims that the DA was very pro-intruder theory from the beginning. He also says that they (police department?) only used 4 markers to match the DNA instead of the standard 13. I wonder if they had used all 13, if the DNA on her underwear and on her clothing would have still been considered a match.
  11. Regarding Kay's(?) age, I could see both cases and have actually experienced both. My oldest was tall for his age and also articulate. My dad had Bulls season tickets and, whenever he gave them to us, I had to carry my son's birth certificate in the diaper bag to prove he was under three and didn't need his own seat. On the other hand, my youngest son (who was small for his age) played a team sport pretty competitively. The higher up you went, the more age manipulation occurred. Kids managed to play on teams several years younger than they should have been on. There were all kinds of creative ways around the rules. I could see pageant moms doing this because an older child might have an advantage over younger ones since they might be more coordinated, more experienced, more confident, better able to remember routines, etc... The problem for me is that this new format for the show is so boring and awful that I personally could not possibly care any less which one is the case for Kay.
  12. I just watched the Dateline special, and the one thing I noticed is that they said that new DNA evidence showed the same unknown DNA on her underwear and two spots on her pajama bottoms. The investigator interviewed immediately after brushed it off as contact DNA from a factory or store worker but it was on two different articles of her clothing. I'm curious about this evidence because, before it was presented, I was leaning toward the "the parents know something they are not telling" camp. Whether they were involved or not though, I feel like a lot of their own behavior made them seem suspicious. I also thought police seemed quick to eliminate the "Santa" as a suspect simply because of his heart surgery. Finally, one thing I have never seen addressed is why they didn't set their house alarm both when they went to the party that night and also when they went to bed that night. Also, why didn't they fix the window John had broken? Don't robberies usually increase at the holidays? Why have a security system on that big house and not use it? I wonder if that was normal for them or if they usually set it. Anyway, those were my thoughts after watching last night's Dateline special. I didn't see the one being discussed in this thread, but there isn't one for the Dateline special that I noticed.
  13. I read it also. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3777400/Bella-Hadid-pays-tribute-Yolanda-amid-Lyme-Disease-battle-GQ-Awards-speech.html
  14. Aren't JT and Emma almost the same age? I think JT has lower expectations because he looks much younger. The choreographers really play up the "cute little kid" role for him in most of his dances. I think he is a good dancer, but I am more impressed by Emma because she has held her own without the benefit of that role. She wasn't my favorite when the season started, but I have really been impressed with her as the season has progressed.
  15. I was rewatching last week's episode and I noticed that, when the mom and coach were running down the hall with Salyse (sp?), the tall guy they ran past had on a 'Team Paisley' shirt. I thought I saw her briefly during the pageant.
  16. I rolled my eyes when they showed the "XLR" (or whatever it's called) segment. I could not care less what arbitrary number the group had earned. I just wanted to see them make it through to extraction. The XLR score seemed so insignificant compared to everything they had been through. It never bothered me on the non-XL episodes, but for some reason it just seemed so pointless here.
  17. That was a great video! They really have grown up quite a bit. Thanks for posting it. I was watching So You Think You Can Dance a few weeks ago. Maddie was looking very sophisticated. My 17 year old walked in and our conversation went something like this: Son: Who's that? She's hot. Me: That's Maddie Ziegler from Dance Moms. Son: (confused expression) Me: She's 13. Son: (mumbles) Great, I'm a pervert. (Leaves room)
  18. I looked it up. It was Rylan. She was a cute little girl. I had no idea she became an actress.
  19. That's her. Imo, she needed some discipline, but she seemed bright and creative and also seemed genuinely happy for other girls when they did well. She was definitely entertaining!
  20. That is sad. I didn't read to see what kind she has, but I hope she gets through it.
  21. Cheese dip Paisley. She was so funny! I just saw the episode with Danielle and the twins. "Where's the Louuuuis Vuiiiiton luggage!?!?!" I would love to see an update on that family. Eta: I also want an update on the Sterling twins and Isabella with the glasses.
  22. Welcome! I have seen almost every episode. I find the show horrifying, but funny and addictive at the same time. My favorite thing is the editing. Like, a parent will say what a sweet, happy child their kid is, then the editors will show the kid having a fit about something. I like the early episodes the best. The moms are still delusional, but there are less confrontations. The last season or 2 was a little too 'Jerry Springer' for me. Unfortunately, it looks like the new season will be also. Faithlynn's coach (Nikki?) was horrible and unfortunately in more than one episode. Even more unfortunate, she was not the most vile adult on the show. There were several that were worse. As far as kids go, keep an eye out for Mackenzie "it rhymes with Lindsey". She was on 3 or 4 episodes. I thought she was a spoiled brat her first episode, but she ended up being one of my favorites.
  23. Of course she wants to move to NY to be closer to Gigi and the non-Gigis. Now that she is divorced, they are all she has. Plus, she doesn't want the world to forget that she is their mother. I'm sure she will be photographed with them every chance she gets. (aka: fame by association) She will try to micromanage their lives and their careers. I'll bet they are thrilled. Moving to NY also keeps her hopes alive that she can get a Kardashian type family reality show. As far as her Lyme disease, either she has a team of quacks waiting in NY to continue beating that storyline to death, or I predict that she will hold a jar of NY air to her chest and that one "Dr" will tell her that she has finally found her cure. That will be how she justifies suddenly being well enough to do another RH show. Sorry, I'm feeling extra snarky tonight.
  24. I just saw this. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2016/08/15/german-canoe-slalom-coach-stefan-henze-dies-from-injuries-suffered-in-rio-car-crash/
  25. I'm not sure if this belongs here ( I'm also posting it in the canoeing thread). https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2016/08/15/german-canoe-slalom-coach-stefan-henze-dies-from-injuries-suffered-in-rio-car-crash/
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