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  1. EVS

    S31: Ponderosa

    I think Ciera was way nicer to Savage when she got to Ponderosa than I would have been. Savage probably thinks she is trying to suck up to him and Kelly because they are the 'cool kids'. I would have been like, "You're still bitter. Fine. I'm going to give you plenty of space and enjoy Ponderosa and not let your negativity affect me. But I brought one of my baby's pacifiers as a comfort item, so if you want to borrow it, or prefer a Midol, just let me know." Clearly I'm not as mature as Ciera. Wigglesworth is clearly holding a grudge also. I have no idea if that is her personality, or if she has spent too much time with Savage. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm liking Kass at Ponderosa.
  2. I just wanted to leave a message of sympathy and support for the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris and their families.
  3. I wondered that too. She didn't seem bothered that Haley sat next to Andy at the movie (Dylan could have sat between them), she asked Haley and Dylan to go eat with them, and she suddenly wants Haley at the wedding. She also didn't seem to mind when Andy and Haley were talking alone at the restaurant. That's quite a change. I might be reaching, but I was wondering if she doesn't want to marry Andy anymore and was looking for a way out. She made that little comment about Andy's British voice that would normally seem like one of those small things a significant other might do that gets on your nerves, but given her sudden interest in having Haley around made me wonder if maybe, on some level, she wants Haley to break them up or stop the wedding. Of course, I could be totally off base!The ducks following Phil around when he was screeching his name made me laugh. When one of my kids was a toddler, he used imitate my sil by walking around yelling "shut up, Bobby!" (Bobby is her husband. Guess who wears the pants in that family?)
  4. Has anyone seen this article yet? http://www.realitytea.com/2015/11/04/brandi-glanville-shows-off-pasties-charity-event-confirms-new-show-e/ I swear she is the very definition of an attention whore. That dress is a pathetic attempt to keep her name in the press. She also says that she is working on a reality show for E!, so hopefully Mauricio is right and she is not returning to RHBH. Not that I believe that she is really getting her own show. Eta: The first pics in this link are even more hideous. They are more candid shots. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3303084/How-noticed-Brandi-Glanville-42-wears-EXTREMELY-low-cut-dress-showing-black-nipple-pasties-LA-Kiss-concert.html
  5. I'm picturing her trying to teach them how to make Maddie faces and stare longingly at their hands, which they get pretty good at before Abby yells at one of them and they beat the crap out of her.
  6. We missed meeting John Travolta by a few minutes while on vacation 3 years ago (so several years after his son died). He came up to one of the other couples we were traveling with and started chatting with them. He was so unassuming that they didn't even realize who he was until he walked away. Then they chased him down and asked for a picture with him and he was very nice about it and took the picture with them. It doesn't seem like he is an egomaniac like Tom Cruise.
  7. I thought Janice's panic attack was her way of manipulating the situation. Instead of continuing to criticize her, suddenly everyone was trying to comfort her and cater to her. While I agree with everything she said about Joe, I couldn't help but wonder if she herself had ever assaulted anyone or gotten physically aggressive with Rocky. She is definitely very verbally aggressive. To me, at times it seemed like she could have been talking about herself instead of Joe. Earlier in the first group session, Janice asked Dr Jenn to help her through her issues. She used this little girl voice that sounded totally fake and kind of creepy to me. I found it both funny and disturbing.
  8. That is a fascinating and disturbing article. Thanks for posting the link.
  9. For me, I'd like to see Riley with Farkle and Maya with someone new in high school. I could see them still being friends with Lucas but not as close as they were before. Friendships often change so much between jr high and HS. I could see Lucas becoming 'that cute guy' they both liked in jr high but eventually grew apart from. Lucas might make new friends in HS, especially if he still plays sports. Also, if there was a brother/sister vibe between Riley and Lucas up until now, for me it came from Lucas. He is so much more mature than Riley that I sometimes felt like he thought of her as a little sister. This was the first episode where I saw chemistry between them, mostly because Riley wasn't acting like an immature idiot. I liked them together in this episode, more than Lucas and Maya which surprised me. I wouldn't mind them together for now, but I still think Riley and Farkle will eventually become like Corey and Topanga.
  10. In her first season, I posted that Abi reminded me of my sibling with borderline/narcissistic personality disorder. I posted that she was very charming and people are naturally drawn to her, but spend an extended period of time with her and you will see a very different side. Cross her in any way, and it is scary how quickly she can turn vicious. It doesn't take much to 'flip the switch'. Someone (I think it was in the 3rd episode thread) used the example of saying 'good morning' to Abi. I have used a similar example myself to describe what it is like dealing with my sibling. You are constantly walking on eggshells. Yet people who only know her socially or casually think she is wonderful because she is to them, and that we are horrible people and she is a victim. She lies very convincingly and believes her own crazy lies. You feel like you are living in the twilight zone because you know what she is saying is completely different from what happened but she is so convinced and convincing that you can't defend yourself. It is exhausting. I'm not saying that Abi has a personality disorder. I don't think it is fair to diagnose someone based on what you see on a tv show, but I do think that people can present different sides of themselves in different situations and I think some of what the other contestants are saying about Abi is similar to what I described above. It may just be because she has a side to her that is not very nice, or even nasty, and the stress of the show is bringing it out. I think the hunger, sleep deprivation, etc brings out the worst in a lot of people.
  11. Carmen reminds me of Ana Ortiz, the older sister from Ugly Betty.
  12. I saw that picture and I totally agree! I think she's been hanging around Brandi and Kim too long. Brandi has the same unwashed look most of the time. It's interesting to me that Lymon Queen Yolanda, who seems to have a very high opinion of herself, is most closely aligned on the show with the two biggest train wrecks. I'm not sure what it says about her, but I do find it interesting. Now that they are gone, I wonder if she will have any allies this season. Regarding Gigi, here is an article I saw today where she addressed comments about her figure. I do like her confidence and think she comes across well in the article. http://my.xfinity.com/articles/entertainment-eonline/20150928/b700535/
  13. Sometimes Kim makes me very sad for her, sometimes she pisses me off. Brandi just pisses me off. I don't want to watch either of them anymore. I hope Kim can find a way to beat her addictions and find peace, before she kills herself or someone else. I hope Brandi fades into obscurity despite her desperate attempts to stay relevant. I have a feeling Lisa Rinna and/or one of the new wives will fill the train wreck role just fine!
  14. Thanks for the info and link, blackwing!
  15. I thought Mason was starting to sound like Gary Busey. Not his voice, of course, but the strange sayings. he seemed angry at Kerri at first, so I wasn't sure he would forgive her. I wonder when/if Kerri told Mason that she slept with Dan and how he reacted. ETA: not that Kerri did anything wrong by sleeping with Dan, but I wonder if it mattered to Mason at all. Does anyone know if Kerri and Mason are still dating?
  16. So do I. I can't decide if she is afraid of getting old and losing her looks and her King, or if she just likes the attention she is getting with all the 'lyme' selfies. Probably both. I can't get past the selfie she posted where her son was carrying her and she implied it was because she was too weak to walk, but then someone posted the picture from the front and she was laughing. Stuff like that just makes it hard for me to believe anything she says/posts.
  17. In case anyone is interested: http://www.people.com/article/michael-bernback-millionaire-matchmaker-charged-sexual-assault-drugging-three-women
  18. I think in Yolanda's confused mind, LeakY boobs + MEnopause= LYME disease.
  19. Anything for attention.Eta: Maybe she has an equally messed up, delusional, narcissistic friend (besides Kim) who wants Brandi and her tampon string to perform his or her wedding ceremony? Otherwise I'm sticking with "anything for attention".
  20. The "Reilly really sees Lucas as a brother" concept doesn't make much sense to me. For me, I see Reilly as having a crush or infatuation with Lucas that doesn't really have much basis in anything real. I think that is pretty typical for jr high. I could understand Maya realizing that Reilly likes the idea of Lucas more than Lucas himself, but I don't think Reilly has ever liked Lucas as a brother. Maybe what Maya really realized (or should have realized) is that she likes Lucas also, and the 'brother' idea is wishful thinking on her part. I liked the Charlie character as a boyfriend for Reilly more than Lucas. He seemed more genuinely interested in her, but I still think she and Farkle will be the next Corey and Topanga!
  21. She looks so pretty without a giant bow overpowering her face.
  22. My 16 year old son thought Kerri's last date looked like "Bart Simpson, all grown up".
  23. Amen! Regarding last night's episode, I wish Holly (and Nia) would quit trying to get validation from Abby. Who cares if Abby listens to Nia's song or gives Nia a hug? Holly needs to quit begging for Abby's approval. It looks desperate and gives Abby both the power she loves and the opportunity to reject/hurt Nia. Quit giving her those opportunities. Instead, I wish Holly would keep focusing on the other opportunities Nia has been given because of the show and treat Abby like her opinion/approval is insignificant. Be polite but apathetic towards her while still talking up Mikey and all the other celebrities supporting Nia. That should drive Abby crazy and would be interesting to watch, Imo. Plus the name dropping would continue to make Jill and Melissa jealous.
  24. Lura, I think the best "revenge" would be for this thread to remain but get less and less posts as people stop caring and Brandi fades into irrelevancy, even as she still tries desperately to keep herself in the public eye. Edited for clarity
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