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Everything posted by EVS

  1. Thats a good point. It could just be RH fatigue. Could that be a real thing, lol? This is the only one of the franchise that I watch.
  2. Honestly, if it wasn't for the addition of Lisa R and Eileen, I don't know if I would still be watching after last season. I find Kyle, Lisa V and Yolanda interesting, but not enough to wade through the Brandi/Kim crap. I'm getting to that point again this season. True story: Last week I sat down to watch the episode but decided I didn't have the mental energy yet, so I watched a Love Boat rerun instead! I do watch the episodes eventually and will probably do so the rest of the season, but after that, I guess it depends on what kind of changes there will be for next season. I do read these boards asap on Tues nights though so I'm looking forward to the comments tonight!
  3. Just speculating, but I wonder if Brandi pulls out her hair. My ocd/bpd sibling has been doing that since she was about 12. She has a bunch of spots where the hair won't grow in much anymore. Sometimes she does a good job covering them and sometimes it's really obvious. She had extensions for a while, before they were fashionable, but kept pulling them out. Since Brandi already picks at her skin, I wonder if she pulls out her hair as well and is using extensions and makeup to cover it. That might also help explain some of her resentment of Kyle and Joyce since their hair is so full and thick.Edited for clarity
  4. There are not enough 'likes' on the Internet to show how much I agree with this statement.
  5. Lisa's blog makes it seem like she is really done with Brandi. She doesn't even refer to her by name, just as BG. It will be interesting to see how things play out, but it does seem like Brandi finally pushed Lisa too far.
  6. I'm glad Kathy got such a beautiful farewell.
  7. A couple small points: I laughed at the beginning when Eileen said she felt like she was in an insane asylum, but with nice shoes...and purses. I thought it was interesting that Kim said she took a pill AT Eileen's house, instead of saying she took it before arriving. I know this is Kim, who can barely string a coherent sentence together (turtles!) and doesn't know what day it is, where she is, or probably even who she is most of the time. Still, since I doubt she only took one 'pain pill' that night, I wonder if she inadvertently admitted to taking something additional at Eileen's house. Finally, imo, ever since Kim went all Kingsley on Lisa R, Kyle and Eileen's asses at dinner, Brandi has primarily been the one who has been on the warpath and ruined the last 2 group gatherings. She really is a miserable bitch, pun intended. I don't think she resembles her poor little dogs at all except that they are miserable because they are stuck with her!
  8. I won't be watching until tomorrow but I am raising a glass in honor of Kathy tonight. May she rest in peace.
  9. Maybe we can meet in this thread tonight before the episode starts on the East Coast and do this together. That way we can honor her before all the crazy episode discussions start. Edited to fix quote box.
  10. I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. She was one of the first posters that I remember from this board. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
  11. Hopefully we will hear something by tomorrow.
  12. Higgins, you did not disrespect me at all so I hope it's ok that I respond. I just want to say that Kim Richards could learn a thing or two from this post.
  13. Adding my thoughts and prayers. I will be checking regularly for an update as soon as you are up to posting.
  14. I agree that Bravo wanted them both. I was trying to say that I didn't think Kyle wanted Kim on the show with her, given all her problems. Apparently though, Kyle got her on the show, so I was wrong about that.
  15. I've read that here and at twop but never read any of the interviews where they said that. I probably should have googled before posting. I never would have guessed that from season 1, but I'm guessing Kyle regrets that now.Edited to fix quote box.
  16. If Kim had graciously accepted Lisa's apology, they could have moved on and had a nice dinner, but that would have required Kim to act maturely which Kim is incapable of since she has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old. You know, I have read several comments through the years that Kyle wanted Kim on the show and said that she wouldn't do the show without her. After watching the last few episodes, I think the opposite may be true. I remember thinking during the first few episodes of season 1 that Kyle was being unnecessarily dismissive of Kim and even rude to her and made it more difficult for Kim to fit into the group. Now I think I understand. Kim is toxic above and beyond her addictions. The whole experience of the show would have been so much better for Kyle without Kim. I don't think Kyle was happy to have Kim on the show which is why she was so impatient with her from the beginning. After seeing this first look, and the last few episodes, I don't blame her. Kim needs to leave and take Brandi (the other toxic hw) with her. I agree with ottergirl that Brandi didn't think about the consequences of making herself Kim's only support system and now is not happy about it. Edited for typo
  17. When they were getting massages at Kyle's spa day, Brandi made a crude comment and Lisa said something like "You're trying to shock me. It doesn't work anymore. " Right back at ya, Pinky!Edited for clarity
  18. Number of days spent in hospital/ number of times your dog tried to kill someone/number of hours spent mixing chicken salad with your hands or praying to garbage cans-all easy to confuse when you are high on your dying ex-husband's pain meds. No wonder the number kept changing. Edited because it's hard to form a coherent thought in the middle of the night, especially with a nasty cold plus insomnia.
  19. FWIW, My husband had pneumonia. He cracked 3 ribs coughing and developed pleurisy also. He was in the hospital for 3 nights on IV meds. Then they sent him home with antibiotics, steroids and pain pills. He took the pain pills for maybe a week. He had a bad cough for the next couple months. The ribs took almost a year to heal completely. Kim seems to have some knowledge of a similar situation. My bet is Kim either knew someone who had pneumonia and used a version of their story or she had previously had something like bronchitis and maybe strained a rib and exaggerated to cover for the real reason why she took pain meds and was hospitalized.
  20. Sorry if this has been mentioned already. I read the whole thread but there are so many posts, it's hard to remember everything discussed. Anyway, someone a few posts up mentioned JR. that got me thinking. I wonder if he is part of the reason Brandi started going after Kyle this season? I don't know their relationship status at that time, but if they were broken up or more 'off' than 'on', maybe Brandi at least partially blamed Kyle and Mauricio. I would think that if things were going well, then she wouldn't be attacking JR's boss's wife. I know Kyle and Brandi had other issues already, but I wonder if JR was the catalyst for what we are now seeing on the show and Kim is just a way to get to/ hurt Kyle as revenge. Just a theory. I could be totally wrong. Wouldn't be the first time!
  21. If Lisa and Eileen don't want to return as HWs next season, I think the show should stick them on a balcony (I think Eileen's house has one) and let them comment/heckle on the episodes like a BH version of Statler and Waldorf from the muppet show.Edited for clarity
  22. I don't know if she is really that different. A lot of viewers liked her at first on RHBH. I think she can be very charming and very manipulative. A great example is what she did to Adrienne. She is also great at playing the victim and she's sneaky so I think she did say something to antagonize Kenya and Kenya thought she was being smart with her comment to Donald but really just gave Brandi another chance to play the victim of cheating Eddie and Leann and of mean Kenya. Most of guys on CA, and several of the women are falling for it right now, but it will be hard for Brandi to keep it up and also to keep from losing her temper. I think she will snap eventually, unless, as other posters mentioned, her anti anxiety and anti depression meds are keeping her on a more even keel since she's not mixing them with alcohol. ETA: I do think it's funny that Donald seems so sympathetic regarding Eddie when he left 2 wives for younger women himself.
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