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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. The jealousy dripping off Jill is tangible! When she was saying how Kendall's video was "age appropriate" and someone threw in the word "wholesome" I just about choked on my ice tea. Since when is a tween dancing around in short short booty shorts on an Air Force base while riding on an adult male soldier's back "age appropriate" or "wholesome"? I know I'm a prude and all the tweens/young teens are dressing/dancing/acting older than their years. All music videos with 10-15 yr old "stars" show them acting older than they are...it's been that way forever! My kid is 8 and plays with My Little Pony figures and Barbie dolls. If she were a wanna be singer, I don't think any producer would think she'd be a big pop star or You Tube sensation if she were shown acting her 8 yr old self (of course, I wouldn't let my kid do any of that video crap at her young age anyway). However, I don't think Jill can say her kid's vid is akin to "Little House on the Prairie" while Nia's is trashy or questionable. All that said, Nia looked great in it, but the song and her overly produced, auto-tuned singing did nothing for me. I wish her luck in what ever she chooses to do. I think Nia has a good head on her shoulders and her family seems very supportive. Abby dissing Nia's look in the video is also laughable. Abby has had those girls writhing around in make up and skimpy cosh-tumes for years! She is just too stupid to recognize her own hypocrisy. Abby has tried to pigeon hole Nia in all Abby's ideas of "ethnic" roles. That's really what's distasteful in my opinion.
  2. These two were by far the most well adjusted, prepared and able NaF-ers yet! They ate like kings compared to others stranded in the middle of Hell and they were both very supportive of each other (minus Amber's "pussy" comment -but she owned it and apologized like a mature rational person).
  3. Eliot was a smidge less intolerable this week, but I still can't stand the guy. His ego is way too big and I'm sick of hearing how he has the biggest quota, he's the youngest owner/captain in the fleet, he's the baddest bad ass in the entire world...blah-di-blah blah. At least I haven't heard him bring his kids or his ex into his diatribe...yet. NEGirl said the CM has undergone big repairs so I hope they were done by a quality shop and last a season or two! That boat seems to have more mechanical failures than the others. Maybe b/c it's older? Or it's been neglected due to lack of money? I know repairs and maintenance are huge costs so the captains/engineers may make due with patch jobs until they can't rely on paper clips and rubber bands anymore. I don't like Josh Harris at all. I think he is a lazy ass fame whore. Maybe all the break downs on the CM aren't directly his fault, but his attitude and lack of interest in really running the CM just add to my opinion that Josh is lazy and neglectful as an owner. He is there for the cameras and a disco paycheck. He's not really invested in becoming the kind of captain Sig, Keith, Bill, Andy, Jon and even Eliot (!!!) are. My love for Sig and everyone on the Northwestern grows every year!
  4. I keep watching this, but my patience are wearing thin. I think there needs to be more tweaks to get this right. Cutting the panel to 3 was a good idea. I like Larry Wilmore during his solo time at the desk. But I don't think he handles the interacting w/ guests well yet. I think he needs a higher caliber of writers/performers too. The "bits" they do are just not funny. I don't know any of their names but 3 of his regulars really irk. The older guy who wants to be Colin Quinn, the young guy w/ the wool hat and the the woman with long dark hair (Treasure???) are just not funny. At all. I get the feeling they once did or said something amusing while drunk at a party full of other drunks and were told "OMG! You are sooo funny!" Go back to the Learning Annex for summer course catalog and stay away from open mike nights. Comedy isn't for everyone.
  5. I do like this show and all it's quirks. I can forgive a lot of the omissions of what concerns there'd be in a real world post-apocalypse (where are the dead? why are there no traffic jams of broken down would be plague escapees? how are they getting gas for generators/cars? and many more). However, the one thing I can't forgive is the cow. She's been living upstairs in a house for a while now, and apparently she's being fed so she can be milked. If you feed an animal, it will need to defecate at some point. So, there's bound to be a pile of manure stinking the place up every morning when the survivors show up for coffee/cereal additive, right? Even if someone is doing poop clean up as well as feeding the cow, there is going to be cow poop stench! They all complained about the garbage pool smell, but NO mention of cow poop? And I doubt that poor animal is just staying put in one spot 24/7, even if they closed the door. I'd think the room would be more trashed as well as filthy and stinky. Why is everybody lingering in there to chat over coffee and Cheerios? Not sure why the cow situation is what bothers me the most in a fantasy based absurdest comedy, but it does.
  6. I don't want to rehash it if it's been covered, but could someone enlighten me on the disagreement/on set tensions between JM & Archie? Or tell me what forum/link to look for to read about it? I see it mentioned often but I can't find the origins of what's it about and when it started. Thanks!
  7. Thanks Giselle! Yikes, that's pretty scary. However, people have lived through much worse and have come from far more horrific backgrounds than Kim Richards. They've managed to get through life without kicking cops or turning into bitter mean narcissists.
  8. huh? Who was murdered? Ken the dude from Hawaii trip? How did I miss this? I don't mean to bring up old news, but can someone give me a synopsis or a link to this story? If that's true then Kim's brain is definitely more scrambled than I thought. She's dealt with divorce, family members' deaths and illnesses, addiction, financial problems, her son's troubles AND possibly murder of someone she was dating, but her untrained DOG getting in trouble is the WORST thing in her life? Wow.
  9. Just read Brandi's blog and it sure sounds like a farewell to me (I hope). Her boys are very cute in the Make A Wish photo. I never cared for her, but if she is off the show I hope things go well for her for the sake of her kids. Maybe she can find better success and more happiness away from Bravo. I just don't care to watch her deflect and stir the pot and screech when she' called out for her BS anymore. Kim's situation is very sad. I think she'd benefit by cutting ties with Bravo and getting into a real treatment center with a mandatory long term stay. If her sisters plan to be around during and after treatment, they should be required to attend therapy as well to unlearn whatever fucked up parenting they received from their mother. That woman did a shit ton of damage to her 3 daughters by training them to keep quiet, don't talk, don't betray the family...but priorities are make money for Mommy, then marry money for yourself and secure it with a baby. Not to say Kim's additions are all their mother's fault, but the seeds of dysfunction were planted in Kim, Kyle and Kathy's early years.
  10. Minor point in all this hullabaloo- but here's further proof Brandi has a ghost writer for her blogs. Real friends don't let they're friends use improper grammar when writing there tweets out their on the internet.
  11. I think Kim is as delusional as one can be. She has become a danger to the people around her as well as herself. At least over in RHONY territory, Sonja's delusions aren't life threatening. Kim's untrained dog has attacked at least 2 people in the past year and their injuries were pretty serious. I don't understand how the authorities allowed Kingsley to stay in her home after the first attack. Now Kim is trying to tell the world these two dog bite victims are to blame for her vicious dog's behavior. At this point I don't think any amount of therapy or rehab will fix Kim's mind. She firmly believes everything she says and sees is RIGHT and if the rest of the world diverges one iota from Kim's p.o.v, then they are all out to get her. Or unsupportive. Or "mean". Kyle and her kids need to steer clear of Kim for the long term. She is toxic and harmful. Maybe the lawsuit against Evolution will finally make Production see it's time to cut ties with Kim. I think even Brandi has lost patience with Kim. I don't see that "friendship" lasting much longer, and then Kim will come crying/crawling back to Kyle for comfort. And on a very shallow level - Kim did serve one purpose. She is a walking, wrinkling PSA for sun damage! It looked like she was wearing a leather dickie under her dress. I'll be doubling up on the 30+ sunscreen on my neck and chest area this summer, so, thanks, I guess? Brandi is an awful person and she continues to show her true self the more time she spends on these shows. If she hates Kyle so much, then walk away and go spend time with the people she claims are her real friends. If Kyle is really such an awful person (in Brandi's perspective), then why does she put herself in Kyle's reach via this show? Get away from her and go chase after whatever she claims makes her happy (her kids, wine, Xanax, 23 yr old boys...).
  12. If it were end of the season, I think Bill would have thrown punches and cracked skulls. He's a guy I would never want angry at me. So, I guess we can all place bets that rehab was a waste of 28 days for Eliot? I do not see a clean and sober captain. I see the same old immature whiny brat with the same old monkey on his back. Oh, and I am hating his new affectation/accessory. Is that an e-cig or battery operated hookah pipe? I'm not sure I can listen to his delusional rantings again this year. I'm tired of hearing his nasally bragging about how he's the youngest/baddest/bestest crabber on the high seas. I'm tired of hearing him bitch how no one respects him, women are all whores, and how much he loves his kids. The only thing Eliot excels at is being an a-hole. Money must be good for Jonathan and Andy if they could blow $12k on 6 min worth of fireworks!
  13. I'm confused...is the boy chef dating Carol or LuAnn? In the previews for the season, LuAnn mentions dating her niece's ex boyfriend and he's "young". Carol tells someone that SHE'S dating the chef guy from the Hampton's. So is he dating both of them? That'll put an end to Carol & LuAnn's budding friendship pretty fast! I need more of Kristin and Dorinda giving side eye in the background whenever Sonja's on screen. The kid gloves need to come off with her. If Sonja wants to live in a world of fantasy, that's OK but don't try to sell your lies to your friends, who know your real deal better than you, I wouldn't tolerate it if she were in my circle. I'd challenge her on every claim she makes about her fabulousness.
  14. I finally figured out who Hali reminded me of tonight! She looks like she could be one of the Duggar kids, but she'd have to change her name to Ja-Hali. I'm not sure why they thought Hali was the bigger threat from NC. I think Jenn holds more sway from what we've seen so far. AND they can be pretty certain Jenn is Idol-less since she used it last TC. And who did the women think they had for Dan votes? There were 4 women & I kept hearing "we need one more". Um 4 + 1 = 5 and is not a majority in a group of 11. I guess they assumed Joe was a lock for 5 and needed one more on top of his vote? I don't get why Sierra flipped. A girls alliance could have potentially worked if Jenn and Co could persuade Carolyn. Carolyn could last longer with the girls than in a tribe of He Man Women's Hater Club doofs. She's gone as soon as those bozos eliminate the undesirable males. Rodney - I hope you never play cards, Bro' (unless I'm in the game). Your tells are telegraphed with your entire body language and your non-poker face will earn someone a lot of cash. Calm Cool and Collective indeed. Tyler is playing a weird game. Why not tell Mike part of the clue or a completely false set of clues? Send him on a wild goose chase, sneak out of Joe's sight and go find the damn HII yourself! Too lazy? Too dumb? His days are numbered if he sticks w/ BC alliance. Dan...continues to be that guy. Non cool, socially awkward guy who thinks he's part of the cool kids club. Love his attempts to "help" other less "in the know" peeps how to roll on Survivor. He called Shirin a minion of Joe's but doesn't realize he's basically Mike's minion. At best, he makes it far because he's seen as a goat. Can you imagine having to work with him? I bet he's a know it all at work too. I can picture him Cliff Clavin-ing the hell out of any lunch break conversations
  15. I don't mean to dismiss the importance or the power of YouTube and other social media...these places are definitely where the next generations of "celebrities" are coming from. However, it appears that if one posts a video or a selfie on the internet, they get to slap the label "star" or "sensation" in front of their name. Like most things in our current times, I guess we all have developed such short attention spans, we need the internet and other media to churn out the next big thing in daily doses. The girls on this show are sweet, talented dancers. Beyond this reality show (that seems to be circling the drain BTW), I don't see long term entertainment careers for any of these girls. I don't think any of them will make as far as C-, D- or Z- list "celebrity" shows in the next 5-10 years. I sure hope they have a back up plan and saved for education beyond 10th grade. Abby needs to spend some time away from kids for an extended period of time. She gets into arguments with the debate and discourse skills of a 3rd grader. The only time she comes off as slightly more mature and competent is when she argues with that shrew Cathy. I will say Abby is looking really good (physically) this season. Still pretty ugly on the inside. And I know we have brought this up for many years, but what about the other kids in these Dance Mom's families? I believe Nia and Kendall both have siblings. Do Jill and Holly just miss their other children's activities? The non-dancing kids of the family don't need their mother's support or applause? The therapy bills are going to be astronomical for these families.
  16. Ramona looks amazing! Whoever she's seeing for fillers, injections or tucks is hands down the best cosmetic surgeon in the world. Ramona looks very natural and smooth but not shiny and lumpy and stretched (ahem - Beverly Hills & OC gals, I'm pointing and laughing at you and your plastic waxy faces). She looks more like Avery now than 6 years ago! Good for Ramona and I hope she can get past the pain of her divorce from Super DB Mario. I'm liking Dorinda but I'll have to pass on the daughter. YIKES! Train wreck of entitled brattiness. I think she was playing to the camera too, so maybe she'll chill out a little? Dorinda's BF is a little "off brand" for this franchise IMO. I see him hanging out with Tony, Christopher & Paulie at the Badda Bing more than brunching uptown. Sonja...sigh. The decent into madness is still not fun to watch. How is she still getting those kids to sign up for indentured servitude? They all must be on Bravo's payroll and suck up being bossed around by Sonja in trade for camera time. Maybe they DO get college credit after all...assuming they are all Sociology, Psychology or Pre-med students doing independent studies on delusional behaviors. Luann still looks fabulous too. I think her cold, imperious tut-tut dahling days are behind her for good. The previews for the season show Luann getting down and dirty. No apologies or phantom "Italians" this year! Looks like she's ready to own her party girl ways. Bethenny is back, did you know? It's always been love-hate with her for me. I get that going through a high profile messy divorce with LOTS of money involved is a very hard thing to do. But the "homeless" shtick has got to go. You said you have a house in the Hamptons - go "make memories" for you & your kid there! I get that she wants to have her new place in the city, and for that place to be just as amazing as the one her ex is living in, but her priorities are screwed up. She is spending tons of cash and time renovating an apartment to the Nth degree with imported tile made by a lost civilization of Pygmy potters & set with hand crafted mortar made from the rarest volcanic ash, flown in from Corsica on Lear jets instead of giving her daughter and herself a permanent place to sleep for more than 2-3 nights a week. I doubt her little girl will be able to tell the difference between or care if its carrera marble or travertine in her private bathroom. Just suck it up and move in!
  17. A friend of mine watched this episode and was so disgusted that "wife beating" was shown. She asked how I felt about it and I said I'm watching a show that takes place in 1743. A lot of what is shown is disgusting (hot urine splashed around by hand to dye wool, no bathrooms or showers, gross food, sword wounds), but it's all in context of the time period. I enjoy historical dramas and documentaries but it doesn't mean I enjoy all that went along as "customary" or standard practices of the time periods. I enjoy reading "Huckleberry Finn" but I understand what was said and done during those times is abhorrent and racist today. Times & attitudes have changed and people's understanding of what is "acceptable" changes all the time. If we didn't change and adapt our society over time, we never would have advanced past segregating Jews in ghettos, burning witches, preventing females from getting an education or applying leeches to cure cancer. If any of us could time travel and speak to someone from those eras, they would have contextual arguments for why all those things were "right".
  18. I guess I've gotten used to JP's over-acting because it doesn't jar me out of scenes as much anymore. However I have major complaints about the actress playing Violette. Thank God she only had limited screen time in this ep, but even her few lines were delivered in an OTT manner. Maybe she learned to "act" from watching old silent movies, where everyone had to over-emote? It's nails on a chalkboard when she comes on screen. I guess I'm going to have to deal with her because it looks as though she's going to be paired up with Victor this season. Yuck.
  19. The squatters bothered me so much! They had such a sense of indignant entitlement! You don't own the house, you don't pay a mortgage or rent to anyone for almost a year? You know they weren't just using ONE room in that house all that time. And to have the balls to SUE over a pet YOU left behind for weeks (according to your own testimony) is in the words of JJ "Outrageous!" They say they moved out in July and returned in August to find all their crap (and dog) gone. Well, genius, you just said you "moved out". That implies you vacated the premises with whatever you felt you wanted to take with you. You never made arrangements to say to new owner, OK we'll leave but can we come back for our stuff in a week or two? No, you just split. Who did you think was caring for your beloved dog while you were out casing neighborhoods for another place to live rent free? The woman really pissed me off with her claim that new owner never gave her a rental agreement. FU! It's his goddamn house! It's crazy how the laws protect squatters in some states. I know of a case where the owners of a house had to fight the courts for over 2 years b/c a family moved into their unoccupied winter home. They made sure the water (and other services) are shut off while they are not there. They were alerted to the fact something weird was happening when they were getting water, electric and landscaping bills delivered to their summer address. The squatters had called the city, pretended they were the owners and got all utilities turned on and even had the lawn guys showing up! The squatters' lawyer tried to argue these losers had "rights" because they had established residency. When they finally evicted those a-holes, the house was a disaster. The squatters destroyed walls, appliances, etc.
  20. Thursday's show...so stupid. She's been suspicious of her husband cheating for YEARS?? The "stress" of spending so much time on tracking her husband's infidelity caused her to lose her job?? If you think he's a no good lying cheating SOB and decided you can't believe a word of his many denials, here's my unprofessional free advice, you stupid cow; it's called D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Look into it. And look into a new wig while your at it. That cheap thing on your head is one of the most obvious wigs I've ever seen and isn't doing you any favors.
  21. What is with the styling of these moms??? I thought Abby's Moms' style of dress and make up application was heavy handed, but yeesh! Those Candy Apple Moms look like they just jumped of the stage at a drag show. The one with the long stringy bleached hair and the dark haired one with the black line tattooed around her neck are the most distracting. Who tattoos a permanent black choker around their neck??? And the placement of it is weird too. It's up too high (as if there's a "right" place). I hope there's a large trust fund set up for Mack. She's going to need the cash for 1) emancipation court costs 2) therapy and 3) a one way ticket out of PA.
  22. So just what is Kim's big reveal of the dog bite story? I've read on this forum that supposedly Kim advised Alexia to leave the door closed b/c KIngsley was in the bedroom. I guess he's super territorial so Kim was warning her? And Alexia chose to ignore the warning? Even if that is the 100% truth...so what? Alexia deserves to be mauled and undergo multiple surgeries because she opened the door? Unless Kim is going to try to spin it that a) Alexia runs an under ground dog fighting ring and has been trying to recruit Kingsley by baiting him with raw bloody meat, or b) Alexia is also an addict & was rummaging through Auntie Kim's stash to score, I don't see what Kim's big threat of "the whole story" coming out will be. If Kim is soooo happy with her life in its current state, then Kyle and her husband and daughters should leave her to enjoy it. It can't be said enough...Brandi's face was beyond ridiculous. IS she trying to become Adrienne's twin? They both look like they've been stretched, pulled and shellacked too many times. I wonder how Brandi's kids even recognize her after spending time at their dad's house. If Brandi "needs to drink" around these women, then why does she fight so hard to be "friends" with some them? Stop begging Lisa V to let you return to her mansion and inner circle or wealth and privilege. It will never happen. I think Yolanda is getting closer to cutting the cord as well. Then Brandi will be left with...Kim Richards, "star" of Sharknado 3. Kim can't offer Brandi the same (any!!) level of parties or social events. Brandi will drop Kim in an instant if she (B) is fired from this show. As for Brandi's hatred of Kyle, it's all jealousy related IMO. Kyle had success has a young girl, mingled amongst Hollywood A-listers most of her life, married a great guy and has 4 beautiful daughters & several gorgeous homes. Whether Kyle is just a name on the door, she has a nice business to play with and lots of opportunities to socialize and travel on small and large scales. When Brandi compares that to her lot...a rented home, rented car, a "podcast" that attracts maybe a few thousand followers, an ex husband who cheated and is doing well with his new wife...doesn't make Brandi feel good . While many people might be thankful they have a roof over their heads, their children are healthy and thriving and they have a job to put food on the table, I don't think for one second Brandi ever feels 'blessed' with her situation. She might mouth the words for various interviews, but I think she is seething that she's not living the life Kyle has. I think she's envious and shallow and strikes out like a caged animal when she sees other people with things she doesn't have. All that said, I personally do not equate Kyle's (or any of the Housewives') wealth or material things to "Happiness". I believe Brandi does. Although to be fair, she does seem very happy and self-congratulatory that she can still menstruate...yay?
  23. OK, I'm completely ignorant of the children's migrant programme. Last night after "Jenny" gave the epilogue about them, I just put my fingers in my ears , did a couple of "la-la-la-I can't hear you's" & decided to think she meant they just had rough sea voyage or it was really hot in the Outback. But some of you are making it really hard for me to keep pretending those children lived happily ever after in Australia. I'm going to try to refrain from Googling or checking out that documentary. I was an emotional mess with their story as it was!
  24. My guess is the social worker-real estate lady is going to be Harry's love interest this season's . And from the look on Violette's face at Victor's Jazz Clud, I think those two will be heading for a hook up.UGH
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