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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I still DVR this but I find I'm FF'g a lot or even deleting it before it ends. Meh. Many of you have posted the weaknesses in the format, the host, the topics, etc. I agree and I'm not sure what can be done to improve this. I used to like LW on TDS but now he just seems so bland and lackluster. I wonder if he could do better with a once a week show vs. 4 nights? Less could be more? (Although I don't think LW has the same level of talent as John Oliver. Maybe they could switch b/c I love Last Week Tonight and would be thrilled to see John every night). The Nightly Show just makes me sadder to know Jon Stewart's time is ticking away.
  2. Obviously I am not in show biz nor do I know squat about music marketing, so maybe my ignorance is showing with this question...how does one have a "concert" when one only has recorded ONE song? I like Nia, and I hope if music is her passion, she does well. But Holly going on & on about how this production driven concert is "the biggest thing to ever happen in Nia's music career!" is delusional! Her "career" is 2 minutes old for cripes sake! And Aubrey O'Day is "famous" or relevent in the music industry? Really? I only know her as a reality show fame whore. And it's so obvious (has been for years) the if Abby didn't think of it, design it, etc, then it's "crap" or it's all wrong or it's not what Hollywood/Disney wants. I'm tired of hearing about it. Abby & other moms didn't want Holly/Nia or Jess/JoJo involved at all in her private event. Then all they do is bitch about how the other 4 haven't touched base, or stopped by or been around. Then, when they do show up to support the girls, they are slammed for being there. Even as a scripted show that is lazy and stupid story telling. This travesty of a show can't keep going much longer. The girls are aging out of Abby's pre-teen choreography. Abby is going to have a heart attack from all the producer driven jealousy plots. It was better when the girls were a full team and cohesive. Sure the drama upstairs with the Mom's was needed to get attention, but this show has derailed since the 1st season.
  3. I watched this, but I nodded off a few times. Did they ever explain why Kim wasn't part of this episode? I mean, I think she's got a closet full of secrets and lies she's hiding, so I wouldn't expect her to cooperate, but I'm just wondering if she ever got any mention. There's enough shadiness on that prosecutor's office to at least provide a new trial isn't there? THREE other wrongful convictions by the same office/players??? No one did a thorough interview with the GF? Why not? Was Kim the daughter/niece/current squeeze of someone in that office? No one paid attention to the investigators' notes and the on-scene officers input was ignored as well? It smells of corruption and criminal negligence to me.
  4. Next week is the finale right? Thank God.. I'm bored to tears with these people. As a born and bred Bostonian who loves American history-especially Revolutionary era stuff- I am starting to sympathize with the British (except Simcoe- HATE that guy). Maybe the writers are Tories? They sure are making Abe and his band of idiots look foolish. Abe is not compelling as a character. Anna is NOT all that and a bag of chips, so I don't get the lusting from every man in the Colonies. Abe's father is an a-hole. Benedict Arnold & GW chew their way through every scene they have. Talmadge and Hewlett both run in circles with no one in higher authority listening to them. Peggy Shippen just looks too 21st century with all that make up. And Simcoe can just die already. Can't stand his high pitched voice. I have to mute the TV when he's on or risk having seizures due to the unearthly frequency. Since I know how it all turns out, I will probably skip next season (if there is one). I can't even enjoy hate-watching this anymore. It's just hate at this point.
  5. Why would Marcus invest in another cupcake biz? Didn't he just resurrect Crumbs? Maybe he plans to fold Tonnie's into that company? Just seems counterproductive to have 2 companies selling the same item. Attica, someone showed me a trick years ago to avoid the frosting fingers...peel off paper wrapper, break the frosted top off at the natural seam above the paper wrapper. Flip it frosting side down on the other half and eat like a sandwich. Less mess and better frosting to cake ratio because you get frosting in every bite.
  6. So, I'm confused...Abby says Nia & JoJo were not "invited" to Australia. So why are they there? Are we supposed to think Holly & Jess blew thousands of dollars for 4 tickets and hotel accommodations just to hopefully get their kids on stage? (We know TPTB paid their way). I'm also confused about the "bad press" they kept bringing up. Maddie said "no one likes us here". Was the press about Abby or the kids or the show? How have Kira's earlobes not split from wearing those heavy earrings? And her nails drive me nuts too. I don't like all the crystals super-glued on them. But I agree with her statement that Abby hasn't allowed Maddie to grow. Her turns and routines and the goddamned "faces" have been the same for years.
  7. Josh is such a doofus. He is not the cool cat he thinks he is. He's constantly telling the viewers how he's the captain! He's the owner! What Josh says is law! He's a grown-ass MAN and he'll run "his" boat the way he wants it. Yet, we see him skitter out of the chair as soon as the going gets mildly tough. Then he plops his ass in the shotgun seat and marvels at how the guys are getting tossed around on deck. When he hears the guys complaining that he should help out, he asks Casey "should I go?" Josh only went down b/c he was anxious to get away from Casey's disapproving eye (and hoped the cameras would follow him). I love how Casey looks at the camera and says he can't go on deck when Doofus is in the chair b/c he can't be unsupervised! Then Josh tries to get all buddy-buddy with the crew. HE can't have it both ways. He was wrong to engage with Scotty. He can't be the wild and crazy friend and the boss. He should have shut it down with one of his "I'm the captain" rants. Even if Josh ever gains the know-how to captain the CM, he'd be better off starting with a whole new crew. None of the tenured CM crew will ever give him proper captain respect. They know him too well. Jake needs to quit the temper tantrums. His primary job is engineer when Edgar isn't there. Any time Sig gives him in the wheelhouse is a gift, not a right.. If a leak springs or a machine seizes, that's the priority. Thank God there was no mention of the greasy weasel on the Bait or the regular episode. I don't want any follow up segments with him. I don't want the captains to reflect on his downfall. I don't want the other crews to commiserate how terrible addictions are. I don't want to see him rise from the ashes and play out a redemption story line. Good riddance. My only concerns are that his kids never have to deal with him until he cleans up & that his crew lands on other boats.
  8. Women in prison have access to the internet & FB?
  9. What the ever-lovin' fuckity fuck is an "abundance candle"?? Sonja drops this phrase at least 11-ty billion times per season and I can't take it anymore! I know she thinks she's "Spiritual" and practices Eastern philosophies, but why do I have a sneaky feeling Sonja is being "guided" by something the Candle Intern picked up a Yankee Candle? They removed the "Clean Cotton" label and wrote "Abundance" on it in with the same black Sharpie the Handbag and Shoe Intern uses to hide the scuffs on Lady Morgan's old ("vintage") crap. Isn't part of spirituality becoming self-aware and recognizing one's flaws or weaknesses that need work? I don't think Sonja's doing so well in either department.
  10. This was so annoying! They think they deserve to make the same as a more experienced guy with more tenure simply because they are on the same boat? Apparently Keith didn't explain the "this ain't Kindergarten" clause in the contract. The captain will not ensure all the special snowflakes get the same amount of sparkle glitter on their Popsicle-stick art project and the same amount of frosting on their same size cupcakes. In most work places, the boss only sees you as "same" for one reason- you're all supposed to be there to make him or the company money. People typically succeed or advance by merit (yes, there are various "isms" that prevent even playing fields, but that's a whole different hornets nest). I see this attitude all the time at my job. People seem to expect a paycheck for just showing up! As if they are doing the boss a favor for hauling their ass out of bed and getting to work "only" 20 min late everyday. As for Josh I think it's ironic that he gets all indignant when other more savvy captains bring up Phil and his way of doing things. Josh doesn't want anyone to invoke Phil's name in vain, but he can... constantly. He uses his dead dad as a storyline because it's all he has. He doesn't have the experience to call himself a successful crabber yet. He hasn't shown himself as willing to learn or as a hard worker. I'd have way more respect for him if he just said, "screw it, I hate fishing but I'm going to keep the boat going in honor of Dad by leasing my quota. I'll stay on land and party til my Dumbo ears fall off." And can anyone explain to me the financial plan he explained to Keith? How does one grow future capital by sitting still at the dock? If he has figured out how to make more money in the fishing industry by NOT fishing, Josh could be a genius!
  11. I can't decide who I hated more tonight- Josh or Elliott. Wow. Josh has a crazy sense of self importance. The older captains have all tried to assist and educate him, help Josh be successful. Keith may not be everyone's (anyone's??) favorite, but the man knows what he's talking about when it comes to crab fishing and boat owning and bill paying. For Josh to call Keith disrespectful and jealous was just delusional. I hope Elliott's license gets pulled. I hope Disco gives that sorry greasy weasel his wish and stops filming him. I hope the mother of his kids packs up and moves as far away from him as possible.
  12. I'm getting sick of the rehashed "updates". Why do I have to see how the stupid Christmas sweater company is doing every week? I don't need to see the same old gang hanging out at Target. I'm beginning to think of all the deals made on the show, only a tiny fraction go through since we don't get very many updates on anything besides the kid who makes dog biscuits, the cupcake ladies, the boot socks lady or the damn Tipsy Elves. Cat cafe?!? I know they exist, but huh? If I were a cat lover-which I'm not- I'd stay home with my own cat or rescue one at my local shelter. I know she said in FL the health code allows for animals in establishments serving beverages & prepackaged food, but no thanks. There would still be cat hair and cat smell all over the place. I know I have probably offended a whole bunch of you with feline fur babies, but "I'm out."
  13. With all due respect, Turtle, I believe your "auto-correct" may have tweaked your post. Did you mean to write "I bet Rodney gets beaten in a lot of bar fights." ? Or perhaps "I bet Rodney has to run away from a lot of bar fights." ? I'm so glad Probst intervened as much as he did tonight because I think his butt-in-sky jabber made Carolyn flip the table on the 2 idiots I dislike most. First Jeff talked her out of handing over her reward to Cry Baby, then he reminded her about being strategic with the timing of playing advantages & HII's. That influenced Dan's play as well and sent him packing. Rodney's never ending whining and entitlement has me yelling at my TV. In past seasons players have been known to share or give up rewards, but it's usually out of respect of the other persons game play. For example, if someone was a close 2nd in a challenge. Or actually TRIES to win and gets "thisclose" almost every challenge. Or is likeable and loved by the entire tribe. Or for strategic purposes. But honestly, what value does Rodney have for a strategic social move at this point? I don't even think he's worth schmoozing for a jury vote. He's going to be Mr. BitterCakes regardless of who is in the Final. He's all talk and no action. He thinks he's large & in charge, but he's done very little in this game besides mark himself as an idiot, a goat, a momma's boy, an entitled "millennial"...etc. And I'm calling it now...unless Sierra wins or takes 2nd place, Probst won't even talk to her at the finale. She's been a nonentity re. game play, she isn't frat-boy fantasy model pretty (I think she is very attractive minus the eyebrow thing) and she's a girl.
  14. Why would Disco allow their personnel to continue to work on the Saga? There is an unfit captain out there risking several lives and no "story" is worth the death or serious injury of anyone on that boat. Their job is deadly enough without having to worry about a psychotic egomaniac drug addled a-hole on board. They have danced around the subject for several seasons, but now we know. That little weasel is a drug addict. Rehab didn't work. If I were making decisions for this show, I'd call the Coast Guard immediately. Drug test that POS and arrest his ass when it comes back positive. Search the boat for his stash. Impound the boat if necessary & get all the crew back to shore so they can look for new jobs. I know addictions are terrible, addiction is a disease, addicts can't help it....blah blah. But now that Disco's crew has witnessed, filmed and broadcast his behavior, as an employer Disco should take action and stop the enabling. I do not for one minute think that idiot deserves an ounce of sympathy for his "problem". His total disregard for his crew including HIS FATHER is reprehensible. If anything happens to anyone on that boat including the "boat owner/captain", I would think Discovery could be named in a wrongful death suit. Josh continues to be an a-hole as well. I kinda see his fear of not being able to control the boat in that weather, but to hand over command to Casey, then sit there joking and smoking pissed me off. He acted like he was watching a movie of his guys on deck. His creepy smirking at their struggles is just more evidence (IMO) that Josh is sitting in the wheelhouse to be on camera. It wasn't as if once he gave Casey the wheel, he was trying to learn anything. Casey's smack down of Josh's shitty attitude made me cheer. Why wouldn't he ask Casey stuff to further his skills? "How do I steer in this? How much throttle? Do I stay in the ditch?" No, Josh sits back and acts like he;s on the newest 3D ride at Disney. If he couldn't handle the CM and wasn't going to take the 2nd chair to educate himself, then get on deck and help your guys haul pots! Do SOMETHING!
  15. I have no idea how it works in the world of lawyers/firms/partners, but as someone who has worked in the HR field I can say Alicia's resume (and most of TGW lawyers too) would set off a million warning bells for me. When someone jumps from job to job to job in very short spans of time, most hiring managers would think "what's wrong with her/him that she/he can't stay put in one place long enough to make an impact on the business, gain valuable experience, etc. If I were a long time client of any of these people I'd be looking to find new representation. As a prospective new client, Alicia's track record of employment history would suggest she isn't dependable or loyal. The only businesses gaining credibility in TGW world are the sign makers and stationary suppliers. They churn out new letterhead and office graphics on a dime! I like Matthew Goode a lot and I believe he will be a major character on "Downton Abbey" for its final season. I hope he's gone from TGW for good since I do not want to watch another "will they or won't they?!?" scenario. And as for Alica's love life...poop or get off the pot re. Peter and the marriage. He's securely in the Governor's seat and could be for another a term, despite all the ridiculous scandals around his neck. She's self sufficient and setting up yet another new practice and her political aspirations are behind her. Get divorced and move on! I don't think they should be together. He's been shown as a serial cheater and won't stop. If her husband's wandering eye (and penis) are deal breakers for Alicia, then break the damn deal. Go find a new guy and enjoy it - whether it's for a night or a month.
  16. The Zoom idea just didn't appeal to me, but I don't have difficulties choosing how to decorate my home. For people who want a little inspiration...go buy some magazines, browse some websites, or look around at furniture stores. Whether it's a high end or moderate price store, they usually have a display to give buyers some ideas. IKEA excels at creating floor to ceiling vignettes. If you like a bedroom set at Ethan Allen but it will cost $$$$, take a picture and head to a mid priced place. I've even found some great stuff at yard sales (go to wealthier neighborhoods!) and in thrift stores. Most people have at least one friend who has a flare for decorating so ask for input. Most stores offer free design consultations and space planning. If people don't have the energy to do some of these things then I'd guess they aren't that interested in having a professional looking, decorated place.
  17. I looked into the Paleo thing b/c a cousin of mine (who owns a Cross-fit Gym) is a total believer. The only thing I got out of this "lifestyle" is that these Paleo people really want to play up the "hunt & gather" aspect of feeding themselves. The list of ingredients to make Paleo Pancakes or Paleo Frittata is ridiculous! I'd have to go to several different stores to hunt and gather 3 different kinds of unprocessed flours, alternative soy-based fat substitutes, virgin coconut meat grown at free range grove on soil composed of volcanic ash.. Please! I'd waste so much time and gas getting super expensive ingredients to make crappy food that no one would eat. I'll stick to low fat, lots of fresh greens and proteins, limit the processed stuff where possible and eat reasonable portion sizes.
  18. for any of you you do not want to hear "sexy butt", don't listen/watch the first 3 min...the creepiest creep whoever creeped says it a dozen times. I deleted it from my DVR & shut off the TV at the 4 min mark. I'll be in the shower trying to wash away the scummy feelings if anyone needs me.
  19. When Jeff asked Dan about his big advantage and if anyone had asked him about it, Dan made it sound like everyone swarmed all over him at camp begging for info. Have we seen one instance of that to back up his claim? The only one who really seemed to care was Tyler. He sneaked a peek in the bag to read it then Tattle-Tylered to Carolyn. We haven't seen anyone else begging Dan for info. More of Dan's "I'm sooo popular!" delusions? I really want Rodney to stay just until the last TC before FTC. I want him to never win a reward or challenge for the duration of his Survivor time. I think it will be amusing to see his tiny Napoleonic head explode when it registers that everyone else got something extra except him. I laughed out loud when he was whining about having to "do chores" on his b-day! What a baby.
  20. Today's cyber bullying guest is cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Why give her airtime to push her agenda at all? Dr. Phil may have shut her down at the end, but why allow that vile POS and her "followers" any extra attention? I hope the family of the poor girl can somehow get legal action taken to shut down that delusional attention seeking asshole.
  21. So...Nia and JoJo getting solos was a last minute substitute solution? How did the cosh-tumes fit so well? Did the girls just reuse old choreography they already knew from old dances? I can't believe the girls learned "new" moves in one hour, (no matter how talented the kids are). Yes, I know the real answers...Lifetime, manufactured drama, scripted crap. Jill and Cathy need to get out more or look at some current style magazines. The multi-stripey highlights are 15 years behind the times. I expect to see them both with that "ombre" dye job that swept the hair world...5 years ago. Jill's "bump-it" needs to put in a time machine and sent back to 2004 as well. If the kids attending "Jump" get scholarships and Nia and JoJo were excluded from that opportunity (as well as the education/experience), that would piss me off more as a parent than missing a fake competition. Poor Vivi. A prop in her mom's life and on stage. I hope she can survive until she is 18 and escapes. The lady from Detroit has a good dance troop. Her daughter is very gangly and awkward looking now but she will be a stunning girl when she adapts to her height.
  22. The daughter who thinks her dad "stole" her inheritance is a greedy pig with a false sense of princess entitlement. I thought the dad was a dick too, but I was in total agreement with him about the "destination wedding". She'd been with her fiancee for many years, has a 2 yr old child with him and presumably already has a house/apartment with her guy and kid. I personally don't agree with the idea that she "deserves" a princess party on a tropical island with required attendance. She may want that kind of wedding and if she can afford it, great. But to expect friends and family to pony up a few thousand bucks to watch you play dress up on a beach is ridiculous. She must be aware of her family & friends' financial situations to some degree. Boo-hoo-ing that if no one comes it will ruin your day is stupid. By choosing to have your wedding hundreds of miles away from home, you've automatically dropped some people out of attending. Money issues, availability of vaca time, finding a sitter for kids, and so on are real issues that guests have to consider beyond your Cinderella fantasy. I'm tired of hearing brides to be whine that if people choose to not blow out their bank account for them then it must mean those people don't love/support the happy couple.
  23. There is NO WAY that guy Scott was sober when Nick & Jake were talking with him in the Saga galley. He was definitely high or drunk. Elliot continues to be the reigning a-hole of the Bering Sea. I feel so bad for Elliot's dad. He seems like he wants to do good work and help his dumb-ass kid be successful. But he just throws away opportunity with both hands. I hope Disco is putting a lien on his catch as payback for the rehab they probably paid for him to attend. Might as well just loaded a few thousand dollars into a bait bag and toss it into the ocean...same result. Someone on the Saga said it perfectly- Elliot always blames other people for the bad times. After these last few seasons with that little POS as captain, I'd never step foot on his boat. Future greenhorns and deck hands, beware! The only people who'd want to work for Elliot probably aren't good enough to get on other boats or have drug/alcohol dependencies they know will be tolerated on a boat run be a fellow addict.
  24. The more I see of the Russ Hanneman character the more I'm convinced the actor is trying to channel Jeremy Piven. The beard, the toolishness, the chewing of the scenery in every conversation...
  25. I don't like Dan. At ALL. However I wouldn't put him in the Top 5 of Most Vile Players. At the end of the day, I think he's a big galoot with very little social skill and no self-awareness. I think he's never been part of the Kool Kids, and now he's on TV, on his favorite show and people are (probably for the first time) listening to him! He's part of the "popular" group! He can finally impart all his years of wisdom and life experience that no else ever appreciated! He's found Shangri-La & Nirvana! Unfortunately due to his lack of social savvy, Dan doesn't see that his co-Survivors are "listening" to him because a) they get the social aspect is part of the game strategy, b) they need his Goat Vote to move ahead, so they will smile & nod all the live long day until they don't need him & c) they are trapped on a fucking island with this guy. I doubt if this were a regular vacation resort if any of those people would be clamoring for a chance to hang with Dan the Man. It almost makes me feel a tiny bit sorry for him. Almost. His Guinness Book-worthy entries of Worst Apologist Ever keeps the scales from tipping to "pity". And speaking of pity- what the hell does being adopted have to do with Shirin's experience?? I understand not all adoptions turn out like "Annie", but unless Dan's pre- or post-adoptive childhood was more akin to "Oliver Twist", then "Please, Sir? May you have some more STFU." (my apologies to Mr. Dickens)
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