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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I wish my PBS station would run this now! I need to find a way to see this incase it doesn't air here. I hope some kindly Brit posts it on YouTube after it airs!
  2. Just watched this episode with my daughter. It was her first time and I didn't fill her in on too much of the Shane vs. Ms. Smirks-a-Lot battle. After watching just a few of their scenes and Shane crying, my 10 year old said she thought the two women were "mean and unreasonable". She & I both hope Shane can find a place with the guys and leave Smirky and No-Lips behind.
  3. I know some people don't like hummus, but my daughter has loved it since she was a baby. She's 10 now and even makes turkey, cucumber and hummus wraps for lunch. But to each their own... The way Smiley 13 feels about trying to make "mashed up chick peas" happen is how I feel about Greek yogurt, kale and cauliflower. Wish those 3 items would fall off the face of the Earth.
  4. I couldn't believe I watched a wanna be chef "prepare" pigs in a blanket & ants on a log! As noted above there are dozens of things you could do for after school snacks that are simple and can be prepared in advance...home made hummus with pita chips (store bought Pita sliced in wedges, brushed with olive oil & spices and popped under the broiler for a minute)is one I do once a week. Another variation is a Tuscan white bean spread with veggies. It's healthy-ish and quick to grab when the bus pulls up. I think even Sandra Lee would have had added more "oomph" to store bought snacks than Jay did. Eddie should win this thing since he's the only one with a telegenic face and personality. Thank goodness Alex and his hair are gone. How someone with such little cooking credibility made it to Final Four...actually, based on the rest of the field of contenders, Alex made as much sense as a finalist as any of them. I couldn't believe I watched a wanna be chef "prepare" pigs in a blanket & ants on a log! As noted above there are dozens of things you could do for after school snacks that are simple and can be prepared in advance...home made hummus with pita chips (store bought Pita sliced in wedges, brushed with olive oil & spices and popped under the broiler for a minute)is one I do once a week. Another variation is a Tuscan white bean spread with veggies. It's healthy-ish and quick to grab when the bus pulls up. I think even Sandra Lee would have had added more "oomph" to store bought snacks than Jay did.
  5. I didn't have CC on, but I heard "daughter of the silent moon". I assumed it was a reference to being killed or "silenced" for running away from the rebel leader who wanted her for his bride back in China. But I'm only half paying attention to this season. The Chinese workers and their back stories are the only things that catch my attention anymore. I've somehow trained my brain to completely tune out any scenes with the Swede. I don't care about him or his 9 lives. I don't care about his scheming or his religious fervor. Even as a US history buff, I don't care at this point if he takes over the whole railroad, blasts through the Sierras bare-handed and is the one who drives in the "Golden Spike" at Promitory Summit.
  6. I don't watch this show, but we had the TV on so my daughter could watch AFV. I left it on ABC while I put her to bed and came downstairs to find my husband watching it and shaking his head. I asked what was on and he said "Bachelor's Paradise??? It looks more like "Herpes Haven" to me."
  7. If those ages are correct, then I just received the biggest self-esteem boost. I'll be turning 50 this year and I think I look younger than all of them. Granted, I'm not on HDTV, so no one is looking too closely at my lines & pores. I also don't use a trowel to apply 4 inches of makeup and half a pound's worth of spider eyelashes. I also don't sit in the sun (but that's because I'm Irish and burn-peel-freckle-repeat is not attractive). Jill and Kira especially should really put down the Mary Kay catalogs. They look the oldest IMO.
  8. I agree with some of the other posters. I don't see Shane as the main asshole of that trio. Ms. Smirks-A-Lot and her minion don't seem to be doing anything at camp. I get conserving energy especially in the heat of the day,but they haven't been shown doing any work that I can remember. Gather some twigs, reinforce the shelter, venture more then 10 feet away from the camp and look for food...do something! I wanted to smack the smirk of "ranch girl's" face when she sneered at Shane's snare idea. If multiple snares are the answer how about saying "A snare is a good idea, maybe we can set several around the area to increase our chances. Let's get started on building a few." They were mean girls to Shane at every turn and then when he leaves they are boo-hooing about needing him for protection? I have no words for Honora. Whether she did her cray cray act for 15 min of fame or if she really is nutso, who the hell wants to be her friend or significant other? What a damaged person!
  9. More BS "therapy" from those quacks. Maybe I'm a bad person, but I don't think I could forgive a person who molested me or had direct involvement with the death of a loved one. If the victim decides from him/herself that forgiving is a good way to move ahead, great! But to be told to forgive is stupid. What made this farce even stupider is Quack 1 & Quack 2 think making these people parade through a Party City Halloween commercial is going to heal them. Most of these participants are egomaniacs with much more baggage that needs unpacking before they can be ready for mature relationships. Kendra continues to be disgusting. We all know she & Hank are holding back/lying/acting because they want to continue riding the fame train. If they spill all deets now on the "alleged" drug/groping blackmail plot (YAWN), what will they talk about on their next reality show? Kendra even said something that confirmed it IMO...she was talking at Hank (per usual) and he said something like he wants to come clean, get it out there blah blah and Kendra spoke for him (per usual) and said "but now isn't the right time." That is Kendra Kode for " we have another show to do so milk this shit as long as possible". And really, Hank? ASTHMA is the root of your issues??? And someone remind me again who is Travis and what is he D-list "famous" for? Did his boy band ever have any success?
  10. Except for a few extra pounds on a couple of the "counselors", everyone looks pretty good for 14 year gap. I know some of the aging is supposed to be part of the irony, but I'm pretty impressed at how good everyone looks. I hope I can pace myself and make this last a couple of days.
  11. I just read the blogs over on Bravo. Carole must have gotten her"no writing" sanctions lifted by her publisher b/c she wrote a nice open letter to fans. However, when I read her retelling of getting to the church to get the urn, I couldn't believe she called the priest "Father Damian". Um, maybe she had a ghost writer (TM Aviva) or her auto correct malfunctioned, but I only watched the ep once & I know his name is Father Darius. It's kind of hard to take in all the pathos and empathy of the situation when you get the name wrong of one of the people you're thanking for his part in your journey. Ramo-NO should not be invited to any more functions. She is just so rude and inconsiderate and condesending to everyone in her orbit. She finds fault with EVERY damn thing. She sucks all the oxygen out of the room. It is exhausting to watch her so I can't imagine what it's like to have to be physically in her presence.
  12. I think all of these couples are doomed. At least one of the partners in most of the pairs is too egotistical, too immature, too self involved to be in a relationship. Kendra and Aubrey especially. They don't need couples therapy, they need intense individual therapy to fix their horrible personalities. Maybe a lobotomy for good measure. I like Tammi, but she treats Reggie like her son vs. a partner. Jordan and Jeff seem like sweet people but they seem so uninterested in each other. They don't talk about sex or religion or marriage plans or where they plan to live if they stay together. She probably is too timid to talk about what to cook for dinner with Jeff. Mike and Travis both have the same issues with self-esteem. They have had brief tastes of "fame" with very little effort and now think they have some "amazing talent" the world needs to see and appreciate. If they aren't surrounded by groupies and fans, or aren't constantly being told how awesome they are, they have no self-worth. You can't expect your romantic partner to always be cheering you on and telling you over and over that you are the bestest!!!! EVAH! If you think deep down you're a loser despite being told/shown otherwise, eventually the people around are going to see you as a loser. I don't believe that " you complete me" BS. I think to have a healthy adult relationship, you need to be complete going into it vs. expecting someone to fill a void. Of course people can grow and learn as a result of good or bad experiences, but I don't think it lays a good foundation to present yourself as "broken" and tell someone you need fixing.
  13. What happened to Cathy??? Did she sell her studio? I'm happy poor Vivi won't have to be an unwilling prop in dances anymore or be subjected to fake "heart to heart" conversations with her mom at Ye Olde-Timey Ice Creme Shoppe. Let the kid eat her sundae in peace & off camera.
  14. Wow. Kendra is a horrible person, but those so called therapists are just as evil. Why are they taking Kendra's side and beating up Hank constantly? If he cheated or was caught doing whatever with whomever, yes, he needs to apologize to his wife, ask for her forgiveness and do what he can to earn her trust again. But the Three Idiot Amigos just continually pile on an already beaten vulnerable man. They allow Kendra to act as if she is some lofty ethereal being who shall not be disgraced or embarrassed or inconvenienced in any way. She is an ex-Playboy Bunny for Pete's sake, not Mother Theresa!
  15. I keep seeing an ad for a new zip-lock baggie. It has "tabs" to make it easier to open so your child can avoid the horrifying and potentially middle school career ending embarrassment of spraying chip shrapnel across the cafeteria. I'm sorry, but if your special snowflake hasn't mastered opening a snack bag by 5th grade, that failure is on you as a parent. Showing me a seemingly capable 11 yr old girl struggling with the non-tab bag just reminds me of how far the dumbing down of kids continues to spiral out of control. One one hand we have educators and parents asking for more STEM/STEAM focused learning, but Poor Precious can't get into her Doritos on her own? That said, I think the marketing execs missed other target audiences. These tabs could be very helpful for folks with fine motor skill issues or Rheumatoid Arthritis or partial paralysis, etc.
  16. Since there are no replies 3 days after airing, I'll assume the rest of the viewers have finally given up! I cancelled my DVR recording for the rest of this season. I can't take another week of this show acting as advertisement for Hank & Kendra & their 400th reality show. Hanks boo-hooing Everry.Damn. Week..."I wanna tell her! But I caaaaaaan't!" and Kendra's middle school theater production level of emoting- "Am I strong enough?? Can I handle this??" It's so boring at this point. They've had MONTHS to spin this anyway they wanted or to pay professionals to shut it down. Instead they think their public is so enamored of their fake-ass love story that they can parley this shit show into big ratings. I'm out until the next train wreck pulls into the station. I think I'd watch a whole season of the Tammy show though! Sure, she has issues, but I find her waaay more entertaining than the rest of this season's batch of fame whores.
  17. I am enjoying this series & I've never read the books or saw the original 70's version. I like everything about it except the decision to put soooo much make up on Elizabeth. None of the other women look as made up as she is. The purple-mauve lipstick is so jarringly anachronistic (I love the shade but it's not 18th century) & the peachy eyeshadow is too obvious. She looks like she just came from a make over session at Sephora in every scene.
  18. Yes, Little Big Head (TM, TWOP) was hiding behind John, but Chrissy slid down on her couch a couple of times too so her team captain guy wouldn't pick her. As if, after her stupid Clovis story.
  19. Glad this is back and "Where Ya Goin'?" is my new favorite game. JTF isn't good under pressure is he? For someone with theater background I was surprised he didn't know the kids from "Grease" went to Rydell High. Chrissy was annoying per usual. I loved how she would slink down on the couch to avoid being picked. Umm? Newsflash - you aren't that smart. You'd be my last choice, you twit. I do not like her & I don't think she makes a good guest. She as zero charm. I think she thinks she's an A-lister. I like Lip Sync Battle (most of the time), but I mute it when Chrissy T. speaks.
  20. This is so very shallow but he lack of movement in Miranda's face was disturbing! Her lower lip and chin moved, and she could blink, but the rest of her face was like a block of wax. The light up lipstick wasn't anything I'd want. The mirror was good, but the LED was way too bright! I agree with the lady that said she wouldn't want that glowing light shining a spotlight on me in public. In my car, maybe?
  21. I have only watched the last 2 episodes and I gotta say I don't think any of these people would hold my attention for long if they had their own shows. Rue had potential, but the rest? Meh. I remember watching this show way back in the early days and it bugged me then...the demand for personal stories every damn time they talk is OTT. It comes across as fake or phoney. I don't think it's necessary to chatter on with the oh so not funny family anecdote for every damn thing being cooked. "OMG! This celery stalk reminds of Thanksgiving 1983 when Great Gram got celery fiber tangled up in her dentures! True story!" The ocassional story is fine, but I don't plan on meeting your family, so please just give me cooking tips and introduce new methods or foods.
  22. Sorry if this was covered, but I did read both pages & didn't see it...where'd the turquoise dress come from? I know it was in the trunk in his room, but who did it belong to? Was it Ross' mother's? Was it something he intended to give Elizabeth (although that doesn't seem a proper gift from a man to a girlfriend)?
  23. I was stuck at a friend's house and she had this on...ugh! It was torture to watch ( and hear) Dr. Phil's family. His wife is a shrieking shrike. I know on FF the families are expected to do the encouraging "chatter" thing, but that woman would. not. shut. up. I have only watched Dr. Phil's show a handful of times so I'm not very familiar the harpy he married. Does she butt in on his show too? Is she a co-host? She acted as if the cameras were there for/because of her, not her husband's "celebrity" cachet. And if Phil & her sons really cared about her, they'd tell her to throttle back on the fillers and injections.
  24. I agree with saber5055 - it's not like these guys have to get up early punch a clock or catch a train to an office somewhere. Getting water and food and firewood are important duties and it looks like they've got those chores covered (granted, it's minimal). They have nothing else to do most of their waking hours, so why not have a little fun making a decent camp or use test some skills on a project. Even when I go to the beach for a day, I get bored after an hour of just lying on a blanket. I build sandcastles or swim with my daughter, go for a walk, look for interesting shells/tide pools. We even set up bowling games with drift wood pins and rocks. I couldn't imagine having 10+ hours of nothing to do! Jim is extremely unlikeable. So petulant and convinced he is the rightest person who ever spoke an opinion. I'm sure living in close quarters and being stuck with anyone over a long period would irk the shit out of most people, but this ass-hat has had a bug up his butt since Day 1. He has no ability to express himself to the others. Maybe it's a generational thing? But I think it would go a long way with the rest of the "Kumbaya Kids" if he could just say how he feels vs. trying to force them see his way is superior by scoffing at them. I feel sorry for his wife and kids having to deal with such an emotionally & socially closed person. Rob has bugged me since the beginning. This week was the topper. He can't sleep well thanks to insomnia and wanders the beach all night because he doesn't have a bed??? Um, here's an idea genius...MAKE ONE! Or ask the other guys to show you the way to the Island IKEA they found to make all the other beds, tables & draperies. Weird that this is ending so quickly. I really hope there are follow ups at the end.
  25. Did I hear correctly that Mackenzie got a job on a Nickelodeon show? If true, thank heavens she'll spend less time around Abby! I bet Maddie is seething with jealousy over that. Abby is beyond delusional at this point. I am not involved in the dance world, but I'm positive most studios would be thrilled to have guest choreographers/teachers do special classes. Jeez, Abby brought in that Michael Jackson choreographer just an episode ago! Also, what's her BS about the girls should know how to train themselves? Any dancer (or musician, actor, mechanic...) needs to constantly be training and learning new things to stay relevant. She used to bitch in the early seasons that the non-Ziegler girls weren't as dedicated b/c they didn't take extra classes or attend her intense camps (mostly b/c the non-Ziegler's were wasting their time in school). Now she thinks these girls should have received all their technique and dancing training necessary for the rest of their lives? All she wants is to show up at competitions and expect to win 1st place every time? And that sour puss Gianna can go jump in front of a bus. She is a miserable looking person and her transformation into Abby Jr. is just about complete. All she needs is a few more pounds and the hair bump and tah-dah! As for the whole LA thing- please tell me these idiot fame whore moms are just temporarily relocated to LA for filming this show. That in itself is stupid enough. What about school? Or their other kids or spouses? What kind of money is this show throwing at these women that they can afford to be bi-coastal? Lord knows the nails, hair, makeup and wardrobe budgets for these moms is over the top.
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