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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I was only half tuned in but I am baffled by the 3K win in the first round. They didn't make a snow globe, their sugar work broke and the Abominable Snowman looked only partially frosted...I could see the rice cereal/modeling chocolate in some patches of unfrosted spots. Did I miss the part of their backstory where they explained the monster had mange? The JF team completed the challenge specs. A sugar GLOBE was made. So a cloudy completed globe is sub par to a shattered incomplete piece? Huh? The bald dude on 3K reminded me of a thinner, more verbally advanced Vin Diesel. I can't stand Vin Diesel, so I turned down the volume every time Vin 2.0 was shouting at me how much he wanted to win. And bias aside, I thought their house looked less finished than the other one. They took almost all the candy to toss on the front lawn but forgot to finish the house details. I really liked JF's waffle cone roof!
  2. I actually just saw a few episodes of Chopped Jr with 9yo's and there have been 8yo's on every season of Master Chef Jr. My point was really that there have been many other more talented amateur cooks and bakers on many other shows. The contestants on GHBS are in over their heads IMO. Even the worst bakers on the Great British Bakeoff were more talented the majority of the folks on this US version.
  3. I never heard of Ian before because I never watched the shows he's done. I only know Nia from Big Fat Greek Wedding, and thought it was a good movie. So I had no real opinion when I heard they'd be hosting this show, other than "huh? Are either one of these people involved in or interested in baking?" But after watching GHBS, I have definitely formed an opinion. I do not like either one of them. He is not funny or witty. She is trying WAY too hard and comes off as very insincere. I am also vey distracted by her eyes. It is very shallow of me and people cannot change their facial features, but her eyes are just wonky. I can't decide what it is that's off... are they crossed? Too close together? Wall eyed? As for the lack of talent, yeesh. Maybe the excuse was they needed bakers who could drop everything to travel to the UK, so the field of competent talent was narrowed. I hope if the producers plan to do another series of this show they can either skip the US contestant angle or film in the States and vet a better batch of bakers. You know, find people who can actually bake? Or decorate a cake that doesn't look like a class of preschoolers got a hold of a tub of Betty Crocker frosting? I think the 8-10 year olds on Master Chef Jr. & Chopped Jr. blow these yahoos out of the water.
  4. I am not a religious person but I have been praying to any and all deities that Green Team will lose. I want the News reporters to win and I don't care if Justin & Diana are #2 or #3, just don't let them win. Of course if any other team does win over Green, I know there will be more camera time for Justin's tear stained, snot laden face. I know I'm pushing my luck, but I've also added a PS prayer that they don't get a 2nd chance on a TAR All Star season. If they race ever again I will have to skip that season. Justin sets my teeth on edge for some reason. It's almost irrational. Good thing this season is almost over or I'd have to seek counseling.
  5. I do watch many reality TV shows - Real Housewives, Survivor, Amazing Race and sometimes Couples Therapy. Other than the "Human Thumb" (TM Joel McHale & the Soup), I have no idea who any of these people are. I am obviously not the target audience for this crap fest since I don't watch Bad Girls or Love & Hip Hop. I only watched Bachelor the first season. How long has the couple from Bachelor been married? Is spending 2 weeks with Jim and Elizabeth the best pathway for improving a marriage. Even though I know who "Mama June" is, I never watched her show. Does she always shout in her TH's? She's so aware of the cameras, huh? And her boyfriend supposedly has no trouble finding people to cheat with?? Really??? Are there that many willing trolls and ogres under the bridges near their trailer park ? Obviously these fame whores can't wean themselves off the reality paycheck teat. They keep looking for more ways to cash in and there is no sense of shame in acting like a fool for an audience. I made to 15 minutes and gave up. I need to take a shower after seeing the little I saw. I'll just lurk here to catch up on anything worth while.
  6. Matt's look seemed more '50's to me (minus the damn crop top). The way the headscarf was tied/styled didn't read "Jackie O" as much as "Grace Kelly" IMO. I wish he went home. Samantha was super lucky too. I didn't get the oohs and ahhs over her (not really) coat. The fabric was super thin and looked one step up from burlap. No finished edge or lining. First thing I thought of when her model walked was that she made a costume robe for a middle school production of The Nativity.Yes I know they had timing issues, but Samantha stuck with her coat idea from the jump while the other kids altered and re-altered their looks. Sam should have had time to make that look more complete. And no excuse for sending pinned muslin-like material as a "dress". I don't care that is was covered with her "coat".
  7. Hannah is definitely a stunning woman, but her speech pattern hurts my ears. She needs more practice speaking in public. Learning how to add affect and inflection would help too.
  8. Wesley grossed me out so he is dead to me. Renee is a beautiful woman, but her perkiness would drive me over the edge. I would throw myself off the Roosevelt Hotel roof after 15 minutes of her... ...but, I would toss Manbun off first. GAH! Could he be any more of stereotype hipster? And what was with his vision drama? "If that evil orange hadn't deliberately blinded me with citric acid, I would've won!" Maybe the editing played it up for laughs, but they showed the guy wincing and blinking for waaay too long. How much juice can one orange segment spurt? I was waiting for him to run to one of those emergency eye wash stations and douse himself. I'm glad Garret is gone. He had an over inflated vision of himself. Just because you grew up with "academics" & you string a bunch of big words together in your TH's doesn't mean you are the most erudite person in the room. Too loquacious, verbose, palaverous and effusive in my opinion (HAH! 760 on my verbal SAT). Once the thinning of the herd begins in earnest I will find my favorites. So far I like the Louisiana guy and the woman from DC.
  9. I'm guessing that ABC/Disney must have financial stakes in Nia Vardalos' "Big Fat" sequel because I don't know why else she'd be selected to host this. As a huge fan of the British original, I am trying to be as open minded as possible. However...like many of you, I think the contestants are lacking serious talent. I know plenty of home cooks with baking skills miles beyond this group's. Many of the gingerbread houses looked worse than the ones my Brownie troop made for a fundraiser last year. Seriously, those girls measured templates for walls and roof slabs with the precision of architects. Even their piping skills were better than some I saw on this show. I think even the worst baker on the BBC show bested the efforts of all the US folks. I don't mind Johnny, and of course Mary is a delight. Nia and her tag-along husband don't work for me so far.
  10. I thought all of the designs were poorly done overall. There were a few highlights in most but none of them were winners. If I were judging I would have awarded "Least Suckiest Attempt". The eliminated team was absolutely dismal. Their design (or lack of) and their attitudes should have earned them the boot a few episodes back in my opinion. The Toyland team...shouldn't there be TOYS in there somewhere?? I didn't understand why the little boy & girl figures were so happy and delighted. WTF were they looking at? No toys, no Santa, no candy. Just a soldier and a clock. Yay? Might as well have been entering a military run sweatshop where they watch their youth tick away year by year. I did like the Jingle Bells team (the horse was great), but the woman's voice is starting to grate, especially when she says "Good job Froggy!" or "Oh no, Froggy!" in her Marilyn Monroe-Cindy Loo Who baby voice. I feel like she's speaking to a puppet or a Kindergartener. He is super talented with sugar though. We just watched "Home Alone" this weekend. "Buzz" was a good judge- enthusiastic, and looked like he was enjoying it.
  11. How is Haley still hanging around? It's got to be due to her puppy love crush on Bobby (blurgh, BTW). She actually owns a bakery? Her stuff seems so bland and simplistic every week. My daughter and her friends are 9 and they can make more complex things than Haley. She seems sweet, but she's in way over head. Maeve irks and I can't pinpoint why. But I know I wouldn't want to spend much time with her at a cocktail party. She's too smug? Too smirky? Too cocky? Dunno, but don't like her or her stupid ginger "chews" (or her white nail polish). I think Steve thinks he's auditioning for Next Food Network Star. He is always "ON". It's exhausting. I guess I'm rooting for Adalberto then. I don't watch very much Food Network anymore other than Chopped and some of these holiday shows, so I don't know too many of their so-called "celebrities", Who is the grumpy granny "I can't taste the X" blonde judge? What makes Nancy Fuller a celebrity? She is humorless and never has much positive to say.
  12. I cried like a baby when Miss Birdy passed away. I've always loved that actress since the Dick Van Dyke show. In those hospital scenes, she looks a lot like my grandmother who passed away a couple of years ago. I love Didi and I'm so glad she let Miss Bridy go without taking action. It was time & Miss Birdy was ready. So sad but at least she want have to take care of her "pet therapy" bird anymore!
  13. Jay was an obvious spoiled brat who never intends to pay back his friends or family. Taking cash out of the business to go to Morton's and see movies? I missed that class in the Wharton School of Business catalog. Betty was "quirky" and she may be a good baker, but quirky is annoying to me. I tend to be more OCD and I like structure, lists, project plans and a clear understanding of roles & responsibilities. Working for Betty would put in me in a hospital with stress related heart problems. I did really like the look of her upscale bakery though! She has a good eye for design. I would have parked myself in one of those chairs with a cup of coffee and treats for hours! Too bad that shop wasn't able to stay open. I'm glad she got to go see her mom.
  14. I must be too tired to watch this live because I fell asleep several times and I am a space nerd. The stories and the narrators just didn't have enough spark to keep me awake I guess. I'll try again later today with a cup or 2 of caffeine in me. Is Derek usually so prominent in all 3 stories? I know he pops up in most stories, but looked like he had a lot more screen time (at least when my eyes were open).
  15. William Devane finally brings the funny! "We lived the Rock 'n Roll lifestyle back then. It was a different time." "Dad, it was 5 years ago." " Rock 'n Roll never dies, son." Rob Lowe AND Timothy Olyphant?? Shirtless??? Now I know what I'm truly thankful for this year.
  16. If that substitute got sober and is doing well, I am happy for her & her family. However, I would have expected her to have found a better hair care regimen once she sobered up. I figured her hot mess'do was because she was too drunk to fix it properly. And let's face it, no one expects perfectly coifed mug shots (plural!), right? Especially right after all that belligerent arguing in the back seat of a police car. But damn if her post rehab hair was as tragic as her "I gots me the h1n1 virus with an abscessed tooth so I self medicated at 8am" hair. Maybe all the hair salons in town are in cohoots with the school principal and are out to get her too? And Dr. Phil never asked the one question I'm dying to know the answer to; what wine pairs best with hotel room service bacon and eggs?
  17. My diagnosis...over indulgent parents raised an over inflated egomaniac. He may have a disorder of some kind but I think his biggest problems are his sense of entitlement and his low emotional IQ. Basically, he's a brat. His parents need therapy as well to learn conflict resolution skills. I wish parents would stop trying to be pals with their children. The ultimate goal for a parent is to raise well adjusted, productive, socially responsible adults with enough smarts and skills to survive outside the nest. Plenty of parents from all levels of economic means have done it successfully for generations. Saying Yes all the time and shielding your kid from life's disappointments all his life ends with a belligerent, inept, over grown baby living off your retirement account in your basement with his likewise stunted girlfriend.
  18. I don't know anything about lie detector tests or how results are read or calculated. Acknowledging my lack of info, I tend to think these machines and the technicians can be fallible. I saw the end of this episode and according to the administrator's comments, Mom clearly failed her test and I didn't really believe her story either. However, it made me think... I was wondering if someone truly truly believes they did/did not say or do something in their past, and has lived that lie as a reality for X many years, could the person "beat" a lie detector test b/c their "truth" is so ingrained that he/she wouldn't have the tell-tale signs of lying (increased BP, heart rate jumps, sweats, etc)? I'm curious if anyone out there with more knowledge on lie detectors knows!
  19. I liked seeing Deb at work. I've been in a similar situation where I've tried to be "cool" and overly helpful to someone who was supposed to be working for me. The woman in my case wasn't as manipulative or lazy, she just wasn't able to handle the job and should never have been hired (I had no say in the hiring). This woman would cry and have panic attacks when she felt "overwhelmed" with tasks (such as Please take this stack of files to the 3rd floor and then stop at the mail room to send out this package). I only lasted 2 weeks before I had enough. Loved the cops' free pass confessions, and Claire's advice to trick Dean like a dog going to the vet.
  20. Froach said: Re: the surrogacy show -- I could barely focus on the main issue(s) because I was so fascinated by the (not)surrogate's teeth! They looked like they were carved from white hard candy or something. I've never seen veneers (or dentures?) like them. Those choppers reminded me of that doggie dentures commercial. Yikes, that's a lot of teeth! I think I understand why she scammed that couple...she needed cash for dental supplies.
  21. Colin Hanks needs an Emmy- for this or for his contributions to "Drunk History", I don't care which. His comic timing is great. His non-verbal acting during his 'loss of depth perception due to eye injury' was really funny. I also liked when he was trying to tell his wife the "hot nanny" was hitting on him. Diane Weist is growing on me. I wasn't a big fan before but she is really funny in this.
  22. Kaylin bothers me more each week. She (like all of them on this train wreck) is a fame whore with no talent looking to make a buck. If she were THAT afraid of Joe and his voice, then why wouldn't she use the sense God gave a feeble goat and GET AWAY from him? She is there to be on TV. Plus her giant choppers are distracting. I spend most of her screen time trying to figure out how she closes her lips around that mouthful of piano keys. I am warming up to Ange and Neil. Their date was cute. If she could have corrective surgery to downsize those boobs and remover the duck bill lip implant, she could be a very handsome woman. This episode was easier to watch for me and I think it's because Dr. Jenn screen time was at a minimum. Janice continues to bring the cray-cray. I'm sure Marilyn was like "Um, yeah, Imma let this seance call go to straight to voice mail."
  23. I know there's a lot of filming we don't get to see, so there was obviously some reason Marcus went for a deal with Lady. If I were a business person looking to invest, I would have had red flags flying if I heard my potential partner telling me repeatedly "I didn't understand the market/ customer in location X. Or Y. Or Z." In the end the place looked like every other upscale boutique. It was cleaner and less of a shit show, but nothing that doesn't already exist. Tchotchkes and high-end beauty products mixed in with limited label recognition clothing has been around in cities for decades. There are tons of them all over the trendy neighborhoods near me in Boston. I see them when I travel to Chicago, Austin, Charleston, Annapolis, Aspen...these places are cool to browse, but I don't see them as becoming a national brand. But, then again, I'm not a size 00, 5'11" 25 year old with disposable time and money roaming the streets looking for jeans, a twee cowboy hat and a beach cruiser bicycle in one convenient location. Add me to the list of no more sob stories. If I want to watch people with bad business sense beg for cash while crying about poor dead relatives I can turn on Shark Tank.
  24. I haven't read the book, so until the next season, am just going to pretend Bob gets beaten to a bloody pulp in a London pub some night for being an ass to the wrong guy. I hope Pat gains some confidence and becomes a renowned speaker on behalf of the WI & meets a dashing soldier who treats her well. If Laura is "named" in the officer's divorce, does that mean it will be part of the public record? So the whole village could find out about her affair? That would be devastating for her and her mother. Of course, the officer will just get relocated and continue his career, but I'm guessing she would be fired for "immoral" behavior. Mim certainly has some coping issues. I wonder if something happened years ago re. a lost baby or death of a child to make her so afraid/protective of her only (up until next season)son? I mean, obviously every parent dreads having anything happen to their kids, but Mim seems to have parental anxiety dialed up to 11. Poor Alison. Maybe she can turn in all her shady clients in exchange for leniency.
  25. On today's episode (bullied into signing a post-nup)...I am baffled once again how Dr. Phil missed the neon sign flashing above the wife's head. Paraphrasing here...She stated she was afraid of losing her marriage because she was ugly, old, not attractive. She didn't want to go through trying to meet another husband at her age. Her kids didn't get along with him and his kids sounded like assholes. Despite the post-nup and not getting along with her passive aggressive 3rd husband, she still loves him and wants to fight for their marriage to work out. Phil never addressed this woman's biggest issue and only seemed focused on saving the disasterous marriage. She needs help to gain self confidence, STAT. If she felt she were worthy of respect/love, she wouldn't stand for that BS. It sounded like she had a job, so she wasn't 100% financially reliant on that man. Having a husband or boyfriend is NOT the ultimate sign of success or happiness for a woman. You need to be an emotionally, financially, psychologically mature person in order to be a valuable partner in a relationship. I do not believe in that rom-com "you complete me" crap. Be a complete person yourself and you won't be afraid of not having someone to support you all the time. Why does she feel she has to get re-married if this relationship fails? If 3 marriages didn't work out, there is no rule that every woman must marry again. In fact, maybe learn from history and try being alone for a while. Learn to like yourself and invest in your own growth.
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