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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. We all know the drama on these shows is manufactured, so my following commentary applies to real life vs. Real Housewife life... When someone offends you by word or by action, and you let that person know in a mature manner that you were offended, there are only a limited number of scenarios to play out... 1) the offender can offer a sincere apology, "I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings. It wasn't my intention, but I can see how it affected you. I hope you accept my apology & please know I won't do/say that again.". The offended party can either accept or reject this. 2) the offender can offer a lame non-apology, a la "I'm sorry if you felt that way" or "I'm sorry you misunderstood...". The offended party can either accept or reject this type of apology too. 3) the offender can choose not to apologize at all. Again, this is on the offended party to accept or reject. But if you choose accept it, move the fuck on, and do not rehash the past. You can not have a do-over and demand a new & improved "I'm sorry". You cannot make people apologize in a custom designed manner to meet your specific criteria. People either know how to apologize with empathy and sincerity or they don't. If someone builds a reputation of being an insincere (or non-) apologist, then, again it Is you who is in the position to make a choice. You either deal with it or you disengage if you can't tolerate that in a friend/acquaintance. Do not expect constant haranguing over getting the apology you think you are "owed" is going to change the other person's response. It won't. Ever. This is what I was taught by my mother and it is what I have passed on to my daughter. It would save a shit-load of unnecessary drama and resentment if people could figure out the only behavior you have control over is your own.
  2. I keep hoping Melissa's ridiculous extensions will get caught in the door on one of her dramatic flouncing out of the room exits. And she's always playing with her hair and stroking the extensions like they are some kind of pet. If (when) Maddie leaves ALDC, I wonder if Melissa will remember to take Mackenzie? All of these idiot moms have spoken badly about the kids in front of them. I guess Ashlee is just getting the brunt of the hate because this is her freshman season. Next year, if this show is picked up again, Ashlee will be a veteran and some new dim witted fame whore mom will be the punching bag. It happened that way for Jill, Jess & Kira. Now somehow those harpies are scions of teamwork and togetherness? Jill is as crazy as ever. When she was coaxing her brat kid out of the bathroom, she called her "Kendall K". Just stop trying to make that kid happen. No one calls Kendall that. She isn't as talented as she might have been thanks to Jill's prioritizing camera time over technique. Her singing "career" has gone nowhere. I don't even think she can make it as a print model anymore. I used to think Kendall was very photogenic, but she's developed her mother's perma bitch face and ugly attitude. Kalani looked stunning as usual. What a gorgeous girl. I hope if she wants a professional dancing career, she gets away from Abby and gets better training.
  3. The kid seemed like she was getting a lot of satisfaction being on TV and being the center of attention. Killing animals is definitely a warning bell, but I don't know how much of her behavior is true sociopath & how much is brat who has been allowed to get away with shit. Some of her responses to Phil seemed to be made up on the spot. And her mother prompting her about the "soldier" telling her what to do was another opportunity for Aneska to be center stage. She's definitely smart enough to manipulate her parents (and a few other adults). Of course the kid was smart enough to call CPS to get her dad in trouble for daring to reprimand her. She was all smiles when the parents were tearfully talking about the stress of dealing with CPS, other kids taken out of home, running away etc. The dad hit the nail on the head when he said Aneska thrives on negative attention. Going on Dr. Phil's show is probably not the best way to diagnose your kid's psychological/neurological issues. I'm sure the parents were just looking for FREE services. I know it is extremely difficult in the US to get a pediatric psych bed, and I don't know about Canada. This little girl needs to be thoroughly examined and her parents need parental training.
  4. Ugh...don't know if I can last through this final season. If the Dolly sisters are going to be a major story, I'm out. If I want to watch more OTT "acting" and famewhore sibling behavior, I could DVR the Kartrashian sisters show. All their annoying shenanigans were bad enough, then Violette showed up too. Piven chews enough scenery on his own. Do we need the no talent daughter and the boozy-floozy twins to suck up all the remaining oxygen on set? I like the supporting characters so much. I like the new seamstress and the Groves & Edwards families. I like Mae and glad she's back. Maybe I will just FF through the insufferable scenes so I can see how the likeable characters end up.
  5. Run, Cary, RUN! Get the hell out of Alicia's ( and Diane's) vortex of suck. I hope Peter ends up in jail. He's slimy and has been since the beginning. I don't think Alicia is any better. I hope she & Diane start their precious female firm and get taken over & kicked out by Lucca & annoying blonde single mom lawyer (or any of the additional females they hire). Their track record only shows there is no expectation of loyalty or respect. Dog eat dog, survival of the fittest, etc are their mantras, so as an employee of Lockhart Florick, go for the jugular as soon as you get the opportunity. Ask David Lee for some tips on pulling the rug out from under Alicia & Diane's overpriced high heels.
  6. I saw this story before- not this particular episode, but I had heard about this lawyer/doctor/cheater/murderer SOB before. I wish they had filled in more details about that poor girl, Giselle! Did she ever come back to the US? Did she ever get her stolen identity fixed? I hope her sisters fought to get her home. I am also curious about the 3rd bio-daughter's take on her father. The 2 oldest daughters knew their father killed their mother. Their poor brother didn't and ended up committing suicide. What about the 3rd daughter from the original 4 kids? And who is caring for the adopted younger girls? I think the asshole husband just cheated for the thrill of it. I don't think the attractiveness of his wife (or lack of in the case of Gypsy) made any difference. He was an egomaniac and sociopath who liked to see what he could get away with. That Gypsy woman was aptly named. What a grifter. Even after years of watching these investigative shows, I'm still amazed at how many people in marriages they don't want to be in opt for MURDER as a way out of it.
  7. Ken has made some good looks, but can someone tell me how a designer who never won a challenge (and stomped off in a toddler tirade before the end of his season) be considered an "All Star"? Emily can go home any time now. She has a very distinct style, and I'm sure she has followers, but I don't see her as being a commercial designer. I am also tired of looking at her Siouxsie & the Banshees makeup. The pink eye look especially makes me feel itchy and oozy. Speaking of eyes, I want to draw real eyebrows on Alexander every time he pops up his perpetually "surprised" albino face. I'm glad Valerie went home. I don't think she is as talented as she thinks she is (ditto Sam). Alyssa is still suffering from some rare post-partum style blindness. Ooof! That white dress was NOT doing her any favors. Wrong skirt, wrong length. And why does she always wear her hair up? She has great hair and would look less severe with it down. Jumpsuits must be the easiest thing to make. How else can they explain the proliferation of them on every. damn. season. I have NEVER seen anyone wearing one. Kini is going to self-implode if he doesn't just have it out with Sam over the stupid team challenge. Just confront him already. He may not be receptive to hearing it, but Kini should behave like an adult and let Sam know why he's so pissed off. Of course expecting any of these egomaniacs to behave as maturely as the teens on PR Jr is a big ( and probably impossible) ask.
  8. I do like this show and most of the characters. I like the use of modern music. I can even get past most of the egregious historical errors and anachronistic speech and actions. However I can't get past my dislike of Elizabeth. Don't like her acting or her character (maybe it's because she reminds of Jennifer Garner and I can't stand her). The idea that society women in the 1850's would watch or participate in a dance where ladies lifted their skirts is ridiculous. And when Elizabeth jumped on the piano to do a distracting sultry Cancan...I just can't-can't. She & her husband would never be invited to any "decent" person's home again. She would be branded as a loose woman. Her husband would be lose his respectability and his law practice, not to mention his role as a campaign manager. As for the rest of the cast, I really enjoy all the stories and relationships. I dislike the plantation mistress, but we are supposed to hate her. I'm guessing when she goes into labor, it will be a difficult delivery and she'll need Ernestine's midwifery expertise. I hope the overseer is really dead. It would be so cliché to have him pop up as "wounded and out for vengeance" next week. Of course I want Noah & Rosalie to make it North, but I wanted the rest of the group to get away too!
  9. When Debbie said she modeled off and on for years, my only question was "I wonder if it was model planes or trains?"
  10. Watching the 2 trios, I agree Brynn's team was better. With Maddie's failed turn and JoJo's inability to keep in sync with the other 2, it was a hot mess. JoJo looked so clunky and out of control in her transitions. My guess is they were gifted 2nd place because the only other small group "competing" was a box of kittens. The stages & auditoriums for these dance shows are empty! The fix is in for sure, re. the group taking 1st place. because even a box of kittens would've beat THAT disaster. The choreography was bad enough thanks to Abby, but I think Abby must have written the lyrics for her "web-er-tisement" or whatever. Very low rent and cheesy for someone trying to portray herself as the elite star-maker. And how old will Mackenzie have to be before she can stop playing the role of animals, dolls, toddlers? I don't care how famous her sister gets, Mackenzie is not going to be taken seriously at any legit competition wearing a dog costume with pigtails when she's 15. Can someone with inside info answer this for me? Mackenzie was in PA last week competing & won a "scholarship" for best overall. Per Melissa, she beat out 200 kids for this prize. Exactly what is a dance scholarship good towards? Does it allow the kid to take extra classes or attend dance camp? If it let's the kids go to another reputable studio/performing arts school to really learn technique, that's nice. But if goes to giving Mackenzie "free" sessions at ALDC, well then, pfft. I'm sure Melissa does not pay full price (or anything) for her girls to dance for Abby. Hasn't Melissa's sugar daddy turned hubby been Abby's financial backer in PA for years? Kendall's resting bitch face has turned into perma bitch face. She always looks like she's smelling bad cheese these days. Jill should start saving up for therapy when this show ends. Neither she nor Kendall will deal well with the end of their "fame". I'm picturing a Norma Desmond & Baby Jane Hudson situation.
  11. Did Eileen get the trip itinerary wrong? She showed up at the airport dressed for Dubuque, not Dubai. Denim overalls and a scarecrow's hat?? WTF? I get that they will be traveling 18+ hours and being comfortable is important. But COME ON! She didn't have yoga pants and an over sized tee shirt she could have pulled out of the hamper? Yolanda's scenes at the Lyme gala didn't make me emotional at all. However, realizing I'd never see her gorgeous Malibu refrigerator again got me a little choked up. Ugh, Brandi...stop effing around with your face! Back away from the injectables and the implants and the Botox. Next time you black out at a party, the authorities will try to return you to Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum.
  12. Good thing Aslaug is having Floki homeschool Ivar. It's going to be pretty tough to get him admitted to Kattegat Kinder Kare after he showed the village he doesn't play well with others.
  13. I don't like most of the main characters anymore. Cary and David Lee are the only ones from the original bunch that hold my interest. And they are hardly ever on screen unless wring their hands and wondering who to partner with next. I do love Eliot and would watch him standing on a trash can eavesdropping in a spin-off. Diane has become a paranoid crone who is more interested in being top dog rather than the law. I can't sand Lucca or Jason. Lucca is supposed to be brilliant and no-nonsense and a "straight shooter" who tells it like it is. However all I see is someone who is miserable all the time. She as a perma-bitch face thing vs. just "resting bitch face". If Jason is Smirky McSmirkison, Lucca is Frowny McFrownsalot. I don't see ANY chemistry between her and Alicia as friends. Drinking buddies, maybe. Jason and the smirks and sly "sexy" side eye glances...ENOUGH! I don't know the actor from anything else, but I hope the guy has more tricks in his bag than that infuriating smirk. He's become so one-note, I want to FF through his scenes. Alicia has been unlikeable for a few years, but I think maybe her character is supposed to be going through a mid-life crisis/mental breakdown. I'm tired of hearing how she "wasted 20 years" of her life. If you are done with your marriage, end it already! Don't be a martyr. Staying married to Peter is not doing him or Alicia any good. Plenty of politicians survive the "horror" of a divorce, so using the Floricks' political ambitions as an excuse to stay together is ridiculous. And part of those "wasted" 20 years includes your 2 children. How do you think that would make your kid feel if they heard you say their entire childhood was a "waste" of your time? When does this show end? I'm only staying with it in the hopes that 1) Peter goes to jail, 2)the revolving law firm fails, 3) the Florick kids catch on that their parents are egomaniacal shells of human beings & disown them 4) Alicia ends up in rehab for her drinking. I don't want any happily ever after for anyone except Cary & Eliot.
  14. I don't get WGN America but I do have Apple TV and this series is available on Crackle. I found this show when I was catching up on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. I'm hooked and very glad to see Chris Meloni and Aldis Hodge again.
  15. I liked Rob Lowe in this and I was shocked at how his character ended up! Thank goodness I can still see him on "The Grinder". He's so great in that show. I've liked this series so far, but I'm curious how/if it will continue for a 2nd season. Would we just see life inside the US bunker vs. the U.K. bunker? If there is another season, I'm hoping Megan Malally's character doesn't survive. I like the actress but can't stand the accent or the faux teeth. I FF'd through most of her scenes.
  16. In the first challenge they had to make one of their breakfast-y dishes vegetarian. How is dropping an EGG on some veggies "vegetarian"? I know the definition of vegetarian can be all over the place, but if I walk into a restaurant advertising a "vegetarian" option, I would assume there aren't any animal products in it. Or is that strictly a "vegan" expectation? Anyway...Jackie is an embarrassment to NJ, cooks, diners, women & trolls.
  17. I'm not sure where to post this, so please let me know if I'm in the wrong place.. Can someone remind me who Lucas is and how he ended up in jail? He got out and put in witness protection because he turned informant? I know he worked for the paper but for the life of me, I do not remember his storyline at all! I just started watching S4 and I only got through episode 40,41,42 & so far I saw that he made contact with Dunbar to get her help in busting Frank on one of his many transgressions. I don't know why I'm totally blank on this character! I remember everything else (so far). Thank you for any help filling in the holes in my Swiss cheese brain.
  18. Kim is a wretched, vile POS. To tell her daughter that she ruined their relationship b/c she spoke honestly is just so beyond comprehension. Kim's own mother apparently brain washed all her kids to "NEVER TELL!!!" when it comes to family secrets (see years of this over in the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills board). Kim is so deep in denial about her own addictions I don't think she will ever be able to fully recover. She's been hiding her pill and alcohol abuse for decades. In the 80's and 90's she could get away with it. But thanks to the internet, YouTube & TMZ, very little stays a secret anymore - especially if you are a quasi-celebrity and insist on trying to revive your D-list fame whore status by popping up on any "reality" show that will write you a check. Kimberly comes across as very sane & capable despite living with her delusional mom all these years. The poor girl should stay off TV, stay in college and distance herself from Kim. Kim and her increasingly sloppy and bizarre behavior should not be Kimberly's burden. No words for Courtnay & her mother. Those two vapid airheads make Kris Jenner and the Kardashian Klan look like the Algonquin Round Table.
  19. Loved this! I had never read the book or saw any other adaptations, but I knew the gist of the mystery. I loved seeing my favorite Brits in this too - characters from Death Comes to Pemberly, Poldark, Game of Thrones, TURN, Black Sails...so many talented people in one place. I like when I recognize actors from one show but they can make me forget their other "persona". For example - seeing Toby Stephens playing a high strung ball of anxiety as Armstrong vs. his role as nerves-of-steel Capt Flint. Of course, I can't completely NOT see menace and evil when I see Charles Dance. He's just so good at being bad.
  20. My eyes are going to roll out of my head and under the couch the next time I hear one of these so-called celebrity moms or their empty headed kids use the phrase "my career".
  21. And the transformation from human beings into badly drawn anime cartoons continues. The hair and makeup on this show is more campy than Ru Paul Drag Race. Jess looks like she's going for a combo Mae West/Kewpie doll style with that hair and drawn on lips. And when did she get so far up Jill's butt? When did Jill's dementia completely erase her memory? She doesn't remember being the Abby Lee Miller sycophant with all her flattery, bribery, gifts, massages, wheedling to get her kid "privates"? She was 100 x's worse with her ass-kissing than Ashlee. Jill is truly delusional if she thinks Kendall has a shot as being a successful professional dancer. Kendall may be able to perform the choreography, but she is lifeless and clunky on stage. It looks like she hesitates before moving into a turn or leap. There isn't fluidity in her movements. There isn't any joy or emotion in her dancing. If Kendall really wants to pursue a dance career, she needs to go to a studio that can give her proper training. She might benefit from acting lessons too so she can learn how to emote. I'm sure the producers push Abby into picking her dance themes. The moms are too obtuse to see the shade being thrown their way! The Black Dahlia was a poor working-class girl who moved to Hollywood with big dreams of being a "star" and ended up brutally murdered because of her desperation to be famous (or meet famous people). Natalie Wood was a childhood movie star with lots of success at a young age, but struggled to earn respect for her roles as an adult. Ended up dead. Lizzie Borden was raised in a home with emotionally and psychologically (maybe even physically) abusive home with tyrannical parents. Ended up accused of killing those parents, and even though she wasn't convicted, she became a pariah. Don't even need to explain the group "Cult" inference! Yet, these dopey, undereducated moms think portraying these doomed females is somehow complimentary??? Compared to all the idiocy of the moms in this one, Abby came across pretty sane & stable.
  22. OMG! That is EXACTLY who I thought of too. Kinda scary, huh? Since most reality shows are scripted and all these Z-listers have been recycled show after show, I guess it keeps losers like Heidi and Courtney away from the rest of society. They are two of the stupidest, neediest, damaged people on the planet. Heidi is mad at her mother because her mom said she didn't "look good" after multiple plastic surgeries performed at once? I've seen people come out of one simple procedure that looked rough until the swelling went down. After having head to toe incisions/injections/inflations, of course you didn't "look good", you nitwit! You probably looked like you were in a car accident. I don't know who Natalie or the baseball player's ex or Shar Jackson are, but Kim Richards has been a train wreck for years. Too bad she's dragging her youngest kid into her fame whore lunacy.
  23. No kidding! I'm so tired of seeing/hearing her on various shows. I'm getting the feeing she will keep it up until she gets her own show. Someone in casting must think the viewing public is somehow enamored with all her "personality". If anyone watched early seasons of "Next Food Network Star" there was an annoying chipmunk-like contestant named Kelsey. Even though she didn't win, she continued to pop up all over Food Network until she got a show on their sister network. As for Jeremiah and his financials... wow. Why doesn't the show look at the books/legalities of the biz before letting these folks move ahead in the process? Is the point to embarrass them? I don't like it. If the business is not on the level or not vetted as a potentially good investment, then find another restaurant that is.
  24. I kept thinking the Ver-NON-ica Flake woman must have had a stroke. Her left eye was wonky and her left cheek looked droopy. It was obvious she styled her hair that way to hide the issues, and I think JJ was a little mean about it. Once the bangs were swept aside the first time, JJ should have seen the problem and let it go. I know most of these litigants bring any shame and embarrassment on themselves by showing up in their bedazzled acid washed denim camisoles, rainbow hued extensions from Joseph's Weave of Many Colors Shoppe and titty tats, but JJ shouldn't attack physical deformities.
  25. I know, right? I think she's Margaret Hamilton's granddaughter the resemblance is eerie. And Debbie is only 49???? That's a hard 49. I just turned 50 and I asked my husband to guess how old Debbie looks. He said 65. Made me feel almost as smug as Dr. Fauxbama!
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