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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. There's a new Toyota RAV4 ad with a camping couple and their dog. The guys tosses a stick into the fast moving river for the dog to fetch. The couple gets in their vehicle and chases the dog down stream. Wet and tired dog swims out with stick and the guy throws it back into the water, but now it's the girl's turn to drive. So....I am not a dog owner, and I know there are some dogs who love being in water, but I think the guy and his GF are dicks for joy riding while their dog is potentially drowning.
  2. Cannot stand the prosecutor's voice! When Helen first showed up, I thought the actor was Mercedes Rhuel, (and that she didn't age well). But then I realized it was a different actor. After hearing that voice I was wondering if either the actress or the character was recovering from a speech debilitating stroke. Aside from the very thick NY accent and the nasal tone, she barely moves her lips when she speaks. I wish we could get a feeling on how much time has past. The trial seems to have come up pretty quickly when lined up with how long Stone has had the cat. Trials take months so has Stone kept that cat in solitary that long? On the flip side, if Stone rescued the cat 10-14 days after the murder, ( cat found 1-3 days after murder + shelter said 10 days to get it adopted), and he gets food and toys and develops a pet owner routine in say 2-3 more weeks; the trial is under way within 5-6 weeks? Not to mention how quickly Naz has gone from wide eyed innocent to become the valedictorian in Freddy's Thug Life University. At this point i just want Naz's parents & brother to be OK. Dad gets his cab back, mom gets her job back and little bro gets his laptop back.
  3. I know that a lot of people suffer from GI or bowel problems, and that has got to be difficult to live with. I hope some of these thousands of medicines actually work for them and provide some relief. However -the red-head dressed in an intestine emblazoned uni-tard & her commercial for yet another pooping issue makes my skin crawl. It isn't because of the disorder/disease she is trying to fix. It's her voice and her facial expressions. This "character" would be right at home with the guy from "Saw" or any other horror movie icon. She is intensely awful. My husband thought it was Kathy Griffin. WRT all these pharama ads - whether it's a "celebrity" or a regular guy/gal extolling the wonders of the drugs being peddled, it drives me CRAZY when the patient or VO says "I made the switch to.." or "As your doctor about...". Shouldn't my DOCTOR- the person who had 12+ years of medical training- be the one to suggest which pills I should be popping vs. Average Joe, the mechanic/teacher/bakery owner? I can't imagine walking into a specialist's office and saying, "Look Doc, I know I've been on XYZ for 4 years, and it's keeping me alive and healthy, but I keep hearing about SupeRx and how it'd be better for me! Huh? Where did I hear this? Well, there's a woman on TV who looks very sincere when she talks about how good she feels. And I like the font in the magazine ad."
  4. Does anyone find the slurping and moaning and visible saliva remotely sexy? It makes my stomach turn. It is such a mood killer, and if any guy I dated ever "uh-uh-uh'd" while kissing me it would have been the last time. Evan needs a makeover...stop going to Supercuts and asking for the schoolboy special. Shave that "no-tee" off your face. Then, go home. Reintroduce yourself to your kids and stay off TV. You will only be recast as the nerdy, wimpy puppy dog who is perpetually in the friend zone. Fill out a profile on Match or e-Harmony. I wonder if any university or research hospital will do any investigation on the long term effects of the vocal fry on an entire generation of women? Aside from making them sound less intelligent, I would hypothesize that it causes polyps due to the irritation on the vocal chords. Lord knows, it irritates the Hell outta me!
  5. I don't ever watch The Bachelor or Bachelorette, but BiP is my summer time crack. I don't know who most of these sad, sad people are in context of the other shows, but I recognize the repeat offenders. Evan might not look as goofy if he shaved off the beard and mustache. They aren't doing him any favors. Same for Vinny...his porn 'stach needs to go! Daniel seems too stupid to be left on his own. How has he managed crossing streets, taking showers or pouring a bowl of cereal without traumatic damage is amazing to me. Chad is everything and more BiP promised. I watch "UN-Real" so I can assume a lot of the bad behavior is coaxed out on purpose by Production. However it is pretty close to criminal to allow a 'roid raging asshole loose among the other very damaged people and allow him to drink that much alcohol. And how very telling it was when he was mumbling on his way out that he "will never be the Bachelor now!" and how he "has NOTHING! to go back to!" There's a whole generation of people who think if they aren't on TV, then there is nothing to live for. (I guess I'm part of the problem though since I watch this crap and keep shows like this pumping out more despicable human beings year after year.) Lace is BSC in the same vein as cry-baby Ashley (looks like she'll be back to compete for the Crazy Crown). All I can think of when I see/hear Lace is this Cecily Strong character on SNL:
  6. Was there even music playing during Ramona's "dance"? Or was it all just in her head? All of you you said Sonja has the sad feelzs b/c Lu caught a man before her is right on target. She wants the UES fairy tale - married to some rich dude to escort her to parties, exotic locales and charity events all courtesy of a very fat wallet. And now it looks like Lu may get it all ahead of Sonja. Palm Beach- Ugh! I went to Palm Beach in the early 90's with my best friend and roommate at the time. It was shortly after the William Kennedy Smith rape trial. We even went to "Au Bar" where he supposedly hung out. While there we sat near an older gentleman (late 50's) and his entourage (my friend & I were in our early 20's). After having one drink, we were getting ready to leave when a guy from the entourage approached us and asked if we'd like to join "Mr. Charles" for a drink. We were dumb 20-somethings so what's the harm in getting free champagne from a random older rich dude? After one drink with them, "Mr. Charles" had one hand on my thigh & the other draped over my friend's shoulder just above her breast. I casually pushed his hand off and one of the guy's groupies, a very exotic looking Asian woman, leaned over & whispered to me, "Mr. Charles is a very, very nice man. If you are good to Mr. Charles, he is very, very good to you." That freaked me out and I asked my friend to go to the ladies' room with me. I told her what just happened, and she told me at the same time Mr. Charles' body guard asked where we were staying and if we''d both be interested in taking Mr. Charles' helicopter back to Miami to stay the night in the Four Seasons. We panicked because this was all too "sophisticated" for 2 college girls from Boston, so we called for a cab and ducked out a side door! We never found out who Mr. Charles was or if that was his first name or last, but even now, 20+ years later we laugh at how naive we were and joke about "if you are good to Mr. Charles, he is very very good to you!" How we ever escaped our drunk & dumb 20's ( and 30's) unscathed, I don't know but I am thankful! I'm also thankful that today in my almost 50's I am not still trolling bars and squeeing over hook ups like this NY Shrew Crew.
  7. I just deleted this from my DVR. I like Stephen Colbert a lot. Loved his old show, and I was doing OK with "Late Show" until it became the trounce on Trump show. I find Trump abhorrent and he scares the shit outta me as a potential POTUS. However, I don't find the LSSC entertaining when 80% of the show is devoted to Trump jokes. A few in the monologue-OK. But all the dumb bits about his tweets and cartoon Trump and impersonations Every. Damn. Night. Is too much for me. It's boring and nowhere near the sharp satire and wit I know SC is capable of delivering. I think it really hit me how disconnected I was when Jon Stewart made his guest shots. They made me realize the lightening was out of the bottle. Maybe I'll tune in for a specific guest or just wait til after Jan 20,2017 to watch again.
  8. Just finished this season...I tried to pace myself! I have no clue how they will work through some of this crap next year! I assume the next season & any beyond will just chronicle the continued downfall of the Rayburns. Danny was a druggie and no good. Sally was an absent parent and is Queen of Denial and Royal Revisionist. Papa Rayburn was a raging a-hole who may have obtained his status from shady biz w/ Gilbert. John killed his brother, had his siblings help cover it up, tampered with evidence & ran away. Meg is involved in some shady biz with Gilbert (and the whole covering up murder thing). Kevin...(sigh) is a colossal loser addict who covered one murder and committed one of his own. And Nolan is an arsonist who could be more dangerous than his dad. And I thought Thanksgiving with my family was stressful... If we are going to have major characters die next season, my vote is for Sally to go next. Yes, even before dim wit Kevin. She is just so deliberately obtuse in every situation. I like Sissy Spacek a lot but this character is awful. Maybe Sally finally tries to repair the shower in Bungalow #3 and gets knocked out by a loose pipe, passes out and drowns in the shower stall. Or Kevin gets back at her for making him teach himself how to ride a bike and bleed all over the driveway.
  9. I have been "meh" about this show but this episode was great! Eliza Coupe was stellar as Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs Rosa. I loved her on "Happy Endings" so I was really glad Rosa survived the crash! And even though he's supposed to be a total douche, Todd as grown on me. Must have been his time in the pit that allowed is 'funny' to show up.
  10. I don't know if this is true, or how fast it supposedly "works", but someone once told me if you put Visine in someone's drink, it causes almost immediate gastro "distress".
  11. So, yes this show stretches the limits of credibility...but at first I thought they were trying to make us think Quinn and whatshisname had an IVF procedure done. It must have been testing only b/c it takes at least a few months to get to an actual IVF stage. And at her age, I'm sure Quinn would need a few rounds of hormones to boost egg production before any could be harvested for the actual procedure where they inject sperm into the eggs to create the embryos. I went through 5 IVF's over 2 years and it is not a situation where you decide on Monday "Hey! I want a baby!", Wednesday you're legs up in the stirrups & you're preggers on Friday. Plus if Quinn was incubating an implanted embryo, she wouldn't be tottering around on 5 inch heels and swigging back tequila on the same day. When she got the call that she can't have a baby, I felt real sympathy. Coleman needs the next round of explosive diarrhea. I knew he'd turn out to be a dick from the jump. I hope he goes down in flames.
  12. This season has been woefully underwhelming. I like JG's stand up and even his commercials, but he just seems like a second or third fiddle background player. The only characters/actors I can tolerate are Jim, Michael Ian Black, the priest and most of the cameos of other comedians. I hate Dave- Adam Goldberg only seems able to play the least likeable man on Earth. I didn't mind Ashley Williams last season, but this year, she seems so manic. I don't know if I can finish out the season.
  13. I missed the beginning of the 2nd case so I didn't see these ladies' hometown/state. If they weren't local (as in a car ride away from JJ's studio), can you imagine being on a flight with the plaintiff?!? She'd keep the crew busy for sure...identifying which passengers were stealing from her, asking for more of those little tiny bottles off the drink cart, and reporting sightings of a woman in Colonial garb churning butter on the plane's wing (TM "Bridesmaids").
  14. Does anyone believe that doofus son is going to take over for his mother? He was given small simple tasks to do and he screwed them up. There is no way spending a day with Gordon and his "tough love" motivational speeches is turning that lazy blob (or any of this season's lazy blobs o' sons) into a restaurateur/hotelier. I'm sure she'd never recuperate her investment, but I wish this woman could sell the place and get out from under the crushing weight of her stress. Did I hear correctly? That "special" in-room breakfast service cost $79??? It looked like two defrosted, untoasted, generic frozen waffles and some sad-ass sides. And it's delivered by a doofus lazy blob in an untucked lumber jack shirt? Refund please! I hope this doesn't get picked up for another season. It's too unrealistic as a viewer to believe some of this shit is really happening and the "management" can't figure out why their business is failing. It's depressing to hear these sob stories or see people with obvious mental health issues and know nothing will change for the better once the show pulls up stakes and leaves town.
  15. Apparently I have been doing laundry incorrectly for 30 years. When I start a load in the washer and discover I forgot an item, I foolishly have been opening the lid (yes, I still have a top-loading machine) and tossing in said item. My clothes have come out clean and intact for decades. Not sure how I achieved this success despite not having a magical door within a door chute to make late deposits like Veronica Mars and her husband Crosby Braverman's Samsung Wonder Washer.
  16. Why E or VH1 hasn't created a spin off "therapy" show for all these cartoon wanna be's with body & facial dysmorphia I don't know. They can file out of Debrow & Nasiff's offices, go down the hall, take the elevator down one floor and line up outside the office of a ready for TV psychiatrist. These men & women who are in their 20's look horribly disfigured. Most of these Millennials have skipped past Gen X and right into Baby Boomer zone with these misguided attempts to look young. I'd also like to see a show 10-15 years from now that shows what all those "enhancements" look like. And can we please stop with the lip injections and implant devices?? It is so unattractive. The lady with the double mastectomy- did she never tell her girls that she was having surgery the first time? Were they completely unaware that she had her boobs removed & then (badly) redone? I'm doubtful she kept her kids in complete darkness about her surgery and recovery. If she were truly concerned for her children/grandchildren's health I am sure she could have a conversation about the cancer risk without perfect boobs. She could use her botched boob & nipple job as a cautionary tale too...if you decide to have plastic surgery (elective or reconstructive), make sure you research the procedure, the clinic and especially the doctor.
  17. Normally Geico ads annoy me, but I giggle like an idiot when I see their new "Marco! Polo!" ad. "Scusami...Si! Sono qui!" .Marco Polo
  18. Um, can we just have a show with Drew Barrymore & John Hodgman and make Jill and her family background characters? I need to know more about that couple! Although, as soon as "lice" were mentioned, I did get itchy and freaked out a bit when I saw the kids wearing the wigs. Guess I'm not cool either. I was never a fan of Joanna Cassidy, but she had me cracking up with her battle against the other socialites over who gets to "console" the widowed non-dairy creamer czar.
  19. Just watched the Bonfire episode...wow. I cried several times-mostly for poor brave Mrs. Kerlee and when that firefighter choked up realizing the guy he thought died actually survived. Did they edit the story to mention how Tim Kerlee requested the rescuers to move on to others before him so we would ask "what if he had been pulled out sooner?" I am not a religious person, but I felt a strange sense of relief when Mrs Kerlee described her solace and peace knowing Tim Jr. would be going on to a safer, pain-free afterlife. How horrible to think your child survived such trauma only to find out he was going to die...and then have to explain that to your child! I understand the bonfire tradition had been safely done for 90 years, and that it is a student-led event. But I hope I am correct in assuming that there were engineering professors (or professionals) on hand to advise and supervise, right? They didn't expect engineering students to have final say in safety and design plans, right? (And i do not have a spoiler to add but I couldn't make this window go away)
  20. I know John & Co. don't know where the Lowry/Danny tape is, but do we? Have we seen what happened to it? I think Sally is losing it as a result of the stress load, but maybe also starting stages of dementia? Re. the "good Rayburn name"...I think the remaining Rayburns think higher of themselves and their reputation than the rest of Florida does. Maybe it would have been a minor scandal 15-16 years ago, but the island knows Danny was a bad seed (and he's dead). I don't get why just coming clean now about Danny's kid would be so detrimental to the family name. So what, the "black sheep" of the Rayburns had a kid? If you openly accept him into the family and announce who he is, then his mom can't blackmail you anymore. I would think that savings of $50k/year would be well worth any scuttlebutt or gossip that happens. Take the power out of Eve's hands. And if she threatens to blab that Sally suggested an abortion or that Daddy Rayburn paid her off to stay quiet, again, so what? Not that it's anyone's business but they can explain why they did what they did very easily and honestly. As much as I love Kyle Chandler, it's getting harder for me to like "John" because he keeps trying to wrangle & cover for his stupid family. What are they going to do, kill all the people who are the fringe of the Danny situation? Ozzy, Eve, O'Bannon?? Then you will probably need to kill Nolan b/c Danny or Ozzy may have spilled beans. Then Kevin because his drinking/drugging is risky and potential for "sharing" at AA could be a problem. Maybe Meg too because she's been hitting the bottle hard. That's an awful lot of bodies for one cop to hide.
  21. I haven't watched yet, but if this is another "Josh rules the waves" episode, then I guess I can delete it? I already FF through any CM scenes now that Casey has stopped being the voice of reason & joined the frat mentality. Loved Jake & Keith's "shouting match" on the Bait. And my crush on Mike Fourtner only grows every time he shows up. The Bait is more fun and entertaining than Deadliest Catch sometimes.
  22. If he didn't walk out of the other shit holes from this season, I don't get why this place was so intolerable to Gordon. The Inlet owner seemed a little mentally challenged, but not certifiably cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs like the MA & WV ladies and he wasn't an insufferable bastard like the "no ice cream samples" guy. At least Brian made some changes after Gordon left unlike so many of these incompetents who revert back to their old ways.
  23. The music in the Silk Almond milk "Do Plants" ad gives me seizures. They are so debilitating, I wonder if any of the ambulance chasing attorneys advertising on daytime tv would take my case?
  24. As much as I admire the real life Roosevelts for their extraordinary contributions to history, I loved that young FDR was portrayed as a dickish frat boy. Especially liked the totally un-PC mocking of Chair in the wheelchair.
  25. In addition to her egregious grammar errors & possessing a limited vocabulary, Oddj can't even use the words she does know appropriately. It's like a bizarre salad when she speaks- random things tossed together in a haphazard manner that makes sense in her mind but not to anyone else. When she was shopping with her friend at the wedding supply place, the owner had laid out several place settings and some had flowers on the plates. Oddj, thanks to her deep and vast wedding planning experience, sets up a setting with one sad sprig of lavender and then pronounces it "functional". Ummm...no. Maybe a tiny bunch of lavender tied together could be "functional" as a decoration in a mini vase, or as a sachet, but I'm scratching my head over what function a single stem will provide. More proof of scripted drama with the Roloff Race. ZZZzzzz. Notice how Jer(k) had to let us all know he only lost to Zach b/c of his traumatic flip the day before. Will this GoKart track be yet another venture for the farm? They probably could generate income from that. But maybe that's something Zach should run instead of Rollover Roloff. I liked the darker hair color for Amy, but not the style so much. The bangs are too heavy IMO. But it was nice to see Amy feel so good about herself and let loose with her friends.
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