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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Howie answers the question of what would happen if Dustin Hoffman's Ratso Rizzo character and Marty Feldman's Igor had a baby. Toss in Joe Pesci's Leo Getz for the annoyance gene. What a dick (TM Marcus). I totally agree with Josiah Bounderby. That 4000 sq feet will be chock-a-block full of dollar store crap in a few months. I bet Howie even gets rid of the beautiful fixtures and reclaims the front window. There is no way that guy changes his habits. He will never give up his vacations (did he say he goes on a 2 week vaca every month???) Marcus would have been better off to buy out Howie and work with Robyn. Would commercial chefs/restaurateurs really shop in that kind of space? NYC must have 10's of thousands of restaurants. I know there are big box stores specifically for commercial kitchens, so wouldn't they be able to offer better selection, higher volume and lower prices than Howie's smaller space? My mom and I are planning a trip to NYC this spring and Chelsea Market is on top of both our must see lists. I wonder if Bowery Kitchen Supply will still be there?
  2. It's not that I want Nick & Jess to end up together, but I really really do not want Regan to come back. I didn't like character at all (and I'm not crazy about the actress either). Winston is just all kinds of awesome. I love that he wants his cat exposed to "diverse couples". And I also love that everyone but Winston knows his relationship with Ferguson is one-sided...dude, that cat is not as invested as you are. Schmidt is going to regret that doorbell compromise. Hope they saved the receipt. Or bought a pair of wire cutters.
  3. Although it's tragic, I can understand why someone in JoJo's generation aspires to have a "career" like any of the KarTRASHian Klan. But for a 40-something parent to want her kid to emulate those no talent vapid fame-whores is beyond my understanding. There are so many other young successful people to use as role models. Jess's delusional obsession with making her kid "famous" makes Melissa and all her shade and ass-kissing look sane and rational. I don't follow any of these kids or moms on social media, so I don't know their influence on their "fans". But JoJo's "platform" (really???) is anti bullying? From her sea cow mother's behavior I would expect JoJo to be giving YouTube tutorials on making other kids cry. Is Jess really gone for good? Or will she fly in on her broomstick in the next episode? These dances with a purpose are interesting and I think telling a story to inform is a good thing. But performing to a 1/4 capacity audience in fake competitions is not going to have the impact that Jill seems to think. And what was with repeating how "we can't afford to lose one more dancer"? She should have said "child" or "teen" or "person". I know a young dancer from AZ was the impetus for this dance, but there are more than just dancers watching. Someone other than the Mini Moms should do their kids' makeup for performances. The kids didn't match/coordinate and it looked really messy. It's obvious from looking at the Mini Moms that they do not know how to apply their own makeup with a deft hand. A couple of them are taking the trend of contouring WAY too overboard. Put down the 40 piece brush collection you bought at Claire's. Stop watching the teens and 20-something YouTuber's makeup tutorials. Find some turpentine to strip your face down to it's original layer. I think Jill and Jess are heavy handed with their make up too, but they don't look as garish/clownish when compared to the Mini Moms.
  4. I know SJP is the star and she is Exec Producing this so I expect the show to be pro-Frances. However in 2 episodes they've made the Robert character ridiculously cartoonish. He's written as a dumb idiot and makes me think how/why did Frances get involved with him in the first place? He's completely unlikable. I get that the show's POV is from the woman's side of these issues and I like the idea, but I wish they'd dial back the imbecile factor for THC's part a wee bit. I like the actors a lot and I know they are both capable of comedic & dramatic roles. But if I wanted to see THC bumble around like a doofus I'd watch "Wings" reruns (although, Lloyd was an endearing bumbling doofus. Robert is just unlikable in almost every way). I'll stick with this show a bit more to see where it goes.
  5. I had a pretty crappy day at work then sat in inexplicable traffic for 2 hours. All I wanted to do was get home, put on my fuzzy pj's and watch some mindless TV to mellow me out. Turned on the TV and was aurally assaulted with the 3 ads that ignite rage in me like nothing else can lately... one right after the other; Panera's "Or something" judge-y whiner, Mazda's condescending douche bag and Sprint's (via Verizon) king of smug. Thank God I could see through the red blinding rage to shut off the TV & call up the Great British Bake Off on my iPad to lower my BP and restore my sanity.
  6. I couldn't understand 3/5 of the words streaming out of the 2 girls or their mother's mouths! Theyspokesodamnfastandnevertookabreath. I was exhausted by the end of the pitch. And their product isn't as unique as they thought. I have seen bath and body products for tweens in many places...starting with Bath and Body. Target, Marshall's, Walmart, Macy's...I have bought these kinds of products for my own tween daughter and I did not (would not) spend $12 per bottle. Good for them for getting a deal I guess. I kind of liked the shoe things, but I tend to wear flats even to weddings or other dressy occasions. Cool idea and I agree it could be a big hit. The butter mister thingy was interesting, but nothing I need. I don't find it laborious to use stick of butter to grease a pan and if I need butter for my popcorn, 30 seconds in the microwave has worked for me for over 30 years. I can definitely see that selling in William Sonoma catalogs...overpriced gadget for foodies with a few spare $100's laying around. The candy ball with a toy inside Is something I have seen around too. In fact I almost bought a few for my nieces and nephews for Easter this past spring. So when the young man said they were illegal in the US until recently, I was surprised. I live in the US, so maybe the mom 'n pop candy shop I saw them in is dealing in black market contraband?
  7. Ok, so the "men's" delicate feelings were hurt last week when Jessica was doing a little trash talking after the women won (really minor stuff BTW). In their TH's the guys were all, "there's no need to rub it in" & acted as if what she said was despicable enough to justify bullying her and making her cry. Now she's gone, and it's a new day. The men win and proceed to rub it in before going off to strategize which of the "bitches" they will mark for elimination and make cry next. None of their shit-tastic behavior surprises me. These idiots are ignorant, uneducated, uninformed bully braggarts and were specifically cast on this show for those very reasons. And as if to confirm my suspicion that this crop o'crap-testants has an average IQ in low double digit territory,they keep showing that one knuckle dragger with his dip-filled lip. Knowing the kitchen staff smokes cigarettes is stomach turning enough. Now I have to be worried about where and how close to my food order this disgusting pig keeps his spit cup?
  8. Full disclosure - I don't like yogurt in general, and I think Greek style yogurt is the work of the Devil. So I am not the demographic for this product from FAGE, but can someone explain the need (desire???) for "Chef Crossovers" and yogurt flavors like "Olive", "Carrot" and Tomato Basil"? I my taste buds try to jump out of my mouth every time I see these ads.
  9. I have seen mauve, I have owned mauve items. That hoochie length "dress" was not mauve. It was Nearly Nudey Naked. And until I read the recap, I had no idea that the triangle bib patch was FUR. OMG, that whole outfit was a travesty. The judges were correct that the other 3 pieces saved Jenii & Brik's asses. The coat shape, color and style was interesting, but I didn't like the sleeves, especially the NOT mauve secondary color. I still think Erin has the best designs and is the most original. Laurence's jacket was super cool and chic, but we've seen some really good moto jackets in the past, no? The losing team didn't have a single thing I liked. I thought Alex's dress looked like a Hefty bag. The shiny metallic (denim?) wasn't working in any of their looks, but if I had to pick one outfit as the best of the worst, it would be Mah-Jing's. BFF's Nathalia and Cornelius can leave at any time. I haven't seen anything memorable from either of them. And even though they are both from my home state, I think Mass/Boston has had enough shitty representation on reality shows over the years. Yet another guest judge I have never heard of (or ever expect to again). I thought she was a Child of the Corn who got lost and wandered into the studio. The stylist did her no favors by over flat ironing her hair. It looked so limp and greasy. That shade of yellow she was wearing is hard for a pale person to pull off IMO, but she matched up with Erin's coat.
  10. JoJo may have personality, but she isn't a strong dancer. Not strong enough to make a career out of it, like Kalani or Maddie. I haven't heard JoJo's "music" but I don't have any great expectations based on hearing Mackenzie and Kendall's "songs" over the years. Nia's music career may not go beyond her time on Dance Mom's, but at least her videos have good production value (i.e. Abby was not in charge of any of it). I'm tired of watching Kendall clomp around on stage. She can't dance.
  11. I noticed MANY gramatic atrocities with the Chicago gang, but the one that grated the most for me was the excessive/exclusive use of "they" as a possessive pronoun, and not the correct "their"...as in "I was in front of they house." "I didn't go to they street." And while I'm on the subject...I believe this group left all "they" apostrophe S's back in "they" overcrowded house (seriously, how many people live there?). I don't think I heard a single proper use of a possessive "s". We heard "My Aunty house" instead. When did walking into an acquaintance's home, as an expected visitor (for at least one of the many residents) without knocking become enough to start a knife fight? Yikes.
  12. Haaaaaattted the swim moms. Hated the yawn inducing bathing suits styles. Hated their backstory and their pitch. Especially hated the damn sob story and tears. I'm sorry her son has struggles, and good for her pressing so hard as his advocate to help him be successful. However, as we all know, EVERY DAMN ONE of us has issues and obstacles and hardships. We wake up and manage to get through the tough days without crying in front of a room full of strangers. In the real business world, I don't think I'd get a promotion, or a raise or an investment by sniveling all over the place. If I were one of the Sharks, I wouldn't care if the next cry baby in the Tank has the most revolutionary product to hawk. If I see one tear or hear one whimper, my money stays in my wallet and you get a helpful kick in the butt to move you out of my sight. I feel really sad about Wally. Was Lori smuggling pumpkins under her dress? Wowza. Almost made me miss that shiny royal blue dress with the cut out that she wears so often.
  13. Besides Phil and his murder house, the only other thing that put a smile on my face was the lack of Joe in this episode. I can't just can't with that kid. And I wish someone would tell Sofia Vergara to dial it back, maybe even turn the dial to "off". She's trying waaay too hard and it's painful to watch. She was funnier when she was more subtle with her comedy...and her boobs.
  14. Wow, this was an extra bad runway. From the moment the swimsuits came out I knew it had to be a new Heidi venture. Too small and cut to accentuate bones vs. flesh. Seemed like most of the designers followed her lead and showed the same bad taste. Except for Rik's, I had a hard time liking (or remembering) any of them. Tasha's was ridiculously too small. And her "print" was almost nonexistent. Way too much blank space in between the Chinese takeout box drawings. Sarah's print was very cutesy, and not even "junior". Maybe if she had shrunk the figures and placed them closer together or juxtaposed them to make a pattern, making it more of an all-over print, it could have worked?? I do not understand the love for Alex's interpretation of my grandma's flannel Lanz nightgown. I think it was better than the snooze fest suit underneath, but it needed to be shorter IMO. I didn't mind the drapey top, but if the upper part of the skirt was removed, and the breezy flowy white lower skirt was brought up to knee length, it would have been better. As it was, the volume of the white at the bottom made it look nightgown-y. For that maxi length, I think the skirt needs to be more of a column. Also do not get the praise for Roberi's. I hated the print and the cut. It looked like a student level attempt. The coverup was OK. I liked Jenni's top. I don't understand in what universe it would be considered "old lady". It was sporty as they all said. I didn't think the color or print was as bad as others (Brik, Roberi, TASHA...). She lost me with the pants. Rik managed to make his pants cool but Jenni's looked "tortured" (TM Nina). The rest were meh. Heidi's boots were cool for a model/fashionista to get away with, but I think she went overboard with the matchy outfit. Other than Sesame Street on St. Patrick's Day, no one needs to wear that much Kelly green. Being from an entirely different generation than almost everyone on this show, I am not up on the latest Teen Beat issue. So I have no reference point for who the Hell Lucky Blue Smith is. I just hope he continues recovering from whatever traumatic brain injury he suffered that impeded his speech so horribly, bless his heart.
  15. Haha! My 6 year old daughter thought they were "awesome" and wants one for Christmas because they look like something Barbie or Princess Sofia has.
  16. I did like Ana's designs for Simple Greek better than Steve's, but I did not like her choice of covering/upholstery for the bench. It looked very heavy and almost like a brocade, even though I think she said it was vinyl or some other durable fabric. Whatever it was, it did not make me think of the Mediterranean for one second. And if Steve is so into designing, why did he look puzzled by the idea of a "Mood Board"? My 1980's college roommate majored in architecture and interior design, and she had mood boards everywhere, for everything! They aren't a new tool in the industry. Ana definitely has talent. She understands pleasing the customer & getting the vibe right for the pieces and where they will be used. However, those hot pink velvet, high-backed throne-chairs they showed in the beginning gave me nightmares! I have a question about Ana being elevated to Chief Designer; Marcus said she'd lead designs for Grafton-PH AND that she'd be heading up/overseeing designs for ALL his enterprises. That's awesome for Ana, but I wonder how she'll be compensated. Does she get two pay checks? One from Grafton-PH & one from "Marcus, LTD" or whatever his corp is called? I sure hope she gets paid for the work she does for each business entity!
  17. If the Kool Kids were at TC instead of the Old Farts, does anyone think Sociology Professor Probst would have busted out his lame text comparison? No way...he would have been bro'-ing it up and acting like Jeff Spicoli (who is actually part of the Baby Boomer generation...LIKE YOU, PROBST!!) to fit in with the surfer dudes and dudettes. So glad the GenX women got wise to Paul and his alpha males' game plan. And how stupid is Paul to tell Jessica to her face if talk of an all men alliance comes up, he'd be all "good luck with that ladies...you're on your own!"? Mister In Control should have said something like, "If I hear that I'll squash it! I'm with you til the end!" even though he would never follow through. As soon as he said it, I could hear the penny drop in Jessica's brain. I'm not saying I'm upset by Paul's ouster; he was as annoying as Ken & Dave pointed out. I loved it when Dave said Paul thought of himself as a rock star on stage and giving the people what HE wanted to (his braggy BS stories) rather than finding out more about the others. Poor Jessica's eyes! They looked <slightly> better, but still puffy & heavy lidded. All of I could think of when they showed her close up was this guy:
  18. I did not like blonde boob-job of the week lady. I feel empathy for her (and all the patients on this show), but something about her just irked me for some reason. I agree that most of the breast correction women are nutty and brainwashed into thinking going from zero boobs to stripper/porn star boobs is their best option. At least Kelsey dialed it back after listening to the doctor's advice about going too big. That said, I think he only stocks "small C" and up implants in his practice. He's a D+ man if he can get away with it. The more I see of Dr. Nasif, the more I like him. I liked his brief appearances on RHOBH more than I liked his ex-wife's.
  19. OK, the Paul-LA thing was weird, but there was an even odder moment that made me scratch my head. When Brynn was giving her "mini" a pep talk before their number, she asked mini who her favorite star was. The kid (can't remember her name, but she's one of the "-anna's") said, "Selena". Brynn: "Oh, Selena Gomez?" Mini: "No, just Selena. The person who killed her is named Yolanda. That's my mom's name, so..." Brynn: .......um........ What the Hell is that about???? First of all, the 7 year old is comparing her mom to a psycho stalker killer, and herself to a young superstar who was gunned down. Second, Selena was murdered in 1995, 14 years before this -anna walked the Earth. Why would she know about that sad tragedy? What kind of mother is Yolanda if her daughter associates her with a deranged, desperate to be famous hanger-on...oh wait. Never mind, now I see it, mini -anna. Only 8 or 9 more years before you can file for emancipation, so good luck riding out the wave of crazy! Jess looks more cartoon-y every week, and now she's encouraging Bow-Bow JoJo to do the same with her "character" Paul-LA. Maybe Jess and JoJo should look into theater-based studios. I think JoJo is a better actor than dancer and her mother should let her concentrate on that instead. When did Kira turn into a full-on basket case? Every week with the shoving and shrieking...is there a Nanny on site to care for her baby so he doesn't have to deal with her rage-o-holic episodes? Kalani is such a pretty dancer and I wish she could do more age appropriate dances rather than Abby's ABC-123 choreography. I see Kendall is still sucking lemons before she appears on camera. Jill is doing that kid a big disservice by making her continue this farce.
  20. So who the heck is McNeill? Was he a soldier with Ross in America? What's his connection to this show? I have no recollection of this guy but apparently I am supposed to. I really don't like Caroline and her 'poor little rich girl' self pity. Yes, I know women had no choice over their relationships or their financial futures, and it would suck to be stuck with Unwin,but I don't want her to end up with the doctor.
  21. I never knew there were so many different meringue methods. Swiss...Italian...French. I thought there was just one! Egg whites and sugar (and maybe some cream of tartar) in a cool bowl, whipped into peaks, piped or spooned on top of tart or pie and then baked to achieve crisp outer surface and lovely brown color...that's how my Nana did it for her award winning Lemon Meringue pies. I'll have to google the different recipes to see what the degree of difficulty is compared to the one I know. I love the flirting/teasing between Benjamina & Selassie! Jane is still my favorite and IMO one of the most skilled bakers there. The others are definitely talented but Jane has been consistently on point. Tom is a very good bread baker but some of his flavors are just too out there for me. Sorry to see Rav (or anyone) go. Everyone is just too damn nice and friendly.
  22. Jay's conversation with his main 'bro' Taylor included, "I'm not losing a million dollars, bro! I need it. And you do too bro, if you want to keep surfing!" I'm not sure when this was filmed, but I think it was when Bernie Sanders was still hanging in the Presidential race. I keep hearing Millennials were the biggest block of Bernie's supporters, and based on some of the conversations these "kids" had last night, it may be true. I get the sense Jay & Taylor think there will be redistribution of wealth so that if any of them win, they all win. Or maybe because of that old stereotype applied to their generation; "everyone gets a trophy", these guys think this game ends with Fair-sies Rules applied? Michaela needs a job as side snark commentator. Her comments about the 'Power Couples' make out session and the stupidity of flaunting their couple-hood was dead on. I know beauty (or horniness) is in the eye (or crotch) of the beholder, but I don't see the hotness factor these two see in each other. Figgy is moderately attractive (and could do a LOT better), but Taylor is full on goofy looking. But, then again, I never found the stoner clueless look appealing, even when I was stoned and clueless oh-so many years ago. And really with the "Power Couple" already??? They've known each other for 4 days! I don't think Beyonce & JayZ are sweatin' their position in the next issues of People or Forbes. What's their celebrity name? #Taggy? #Figlor? How about "hashtagshutup"?
  23. I don't understand the high end lifestyle branding for household cleaners. Other products, sure. I have chosen one brand over another because of perceived superiority. I am not paying $9 for a bottle of toilet bowl cleaner (that looks like it would only last 3 weeks worth of use in my house). I get wanting to feel la-di-dah because you're part of some imagined elite group. But I can't be fully invested in my "champagne wishes & caviar dreams" cosplay if I still have to scrub my own toilets. Regardless of how many Martha Stewart aprons, Kathy Ireland rubber gloves and Joan Rivers jewelry I am wearing while doing it, I'm still on my knees doing housework. And overpaying for something so silly is not the path to being Rich & Famous anyway! Max gave the impression she gave up some wonderful estate and life of leisure as Lady of the Manor in Australia. Now she moved her family to some small LA house..."on the highway!!" to do this business. Didn't she start M-H in Australia? Was it doing well there? Why did she leave in the first place? She was infuriating to deal with. The pretensions and preciousness were just too much. Whenever Marcus confronted her, she looked like a pug dog that got caught pooping on the rug, popping out those bug eyes with her "Who? Me? Why I never!" expression...GAH! So glad he walked away from this one. Max would have been a nightmare partner.
  24. I love Schmidt. I adore OCD Schmidt. I am his organization soulmate, and I have the label maker and Container Store debt to prove it.
  25. Most of the mini Moms just look so rough. It is as if they were all hidden from society for decades and handed gift cards to the worst mall in a dying town. And no one wth taste, style or a sense of what is appropriate went with them to supervise. Their hair (wigs? extensions?) is wrong...wrong cut, wrong color(s), wrong length, wrong texture. The makeup is over-applied, garish and so harsh. Jewelry is oversized and clothing is undersized. I think if several layers of accessories, spackle and lacquer could be sandblasted off, they would look more human and less like a very sad, low rent circus tent of cartoon clowns.
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