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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I too am intrigued by Nadiya's fondant recipe. I love the look of fondant on special occassion cakes but hate the taste. Has anyone of you Baker enthusiasts tried making fondant this way? Nadiya's seems so simple!
  2. As someone else suggested, Ashley could have made a cute wrap dress (even in Easter egg purple) that would have flattered her model. DVF's wrap dress was one of the best design inventions EVER! It flatters most figures. It can have long sleeves, short sleeves or no sleeves. Dress it up/down as the poor crew girl asked for. If Ashley insisted on using her horrible print choices, she could have used it sparingly as trim or for a "pop". She could have even made a funky jacket (NOT a motorcycle jacket) to help with the day/night transition. Ans on a shallow note, I wish the Mary Kay people would drag Ashley into their lab and show her a foundation that covers and blends into her natural skin tone without streaking during her numerous crying jags. Candice has become a caricture of herself. Goth hooker clothes every damn week. Corset? check. Black pleather/vinyl? check. Tiiigght and bunched up on the seams? check. Her models boobs were hangin down to her waist! Where was the boning or built in bra to push those girls up? Bye Swapnil. I think Tim had every right to explode on him. The ONLY thing I liked about his disasterous attempt was the color of the shirt fabric...and it wasn't even his fabric! Ashley (I think) gave it to him. (BTW Ashley- THAT fabric would've made a damn cute wrap dress)
  3. Other Janice, I do not know a single one of these "celebs". Who/What the Hell is Big Ang?!? Yee-IKES! After she finishes this show, she should bounce on over to see the docs at "Botched". Those lips have to be the worse case I've seen since Taylor Armstrong. Creed's music makes me cringe. Never was a fan and now I have that "Arms Wide Open" song ear-worming its way through my brain. Thanks, show.
  4. Some of the guys that work with my husband tried them and there is an unusual side effect. Six guys in the shop ate them & everyone says their poop was green as a result. I actually heard that on my local radio station and thought it was a hoax, but my husband told me about his co-workers confirming it. Maybe a little TMI, but just warning those who may try it so they don't freak out.
  5. No kidding! It is maddening that he thinks an App (that costs money BTW) is going to help repair these damaged people. Even if Dr. Phil plans to foot the bill for the app, that family needs deep face-to-face and maybe even group therapy. Possibly even OT or PT. I was only paying partial attention at the end, so maybe he did offer more assistance. I'm just glad Robin didn't make a play for her 5 minutes of stage time.
  6. camom - I got the same vibe from Riley...he was making a play for "fame" IMO. He didn't seem any more mentally ill than many guests on this show, but am not a professional or expert so I could be wrong. It seemed like he may have had some difficulty dealing with his parent's divorce and with his mother's drinking/dating, but there are kids all over the world who experienced those conditions. I think he's looking for attention - good or bad - to make himself feel imortant or cared about. He might need counseling but I don't think he is deeply disturbed.
  7. I watched this last night & I'm hooked. I love a good WW2 story and '30-40's fashions. That it takes place in England is icing on the cake (or "Sponge"). So far I like the ladies, but I was kinda distracted from the story at times b/c my brain lept trying to play "Hey! It's That Guy/Gal!". I will have to spend some time researching imdb later today... I was really hoping poor Pat would be rid of her a-hole husband. I thought he was going to die from choking on a fish bone. I'm already getting sad for Dr. Campbell and the butcher's son. I don't see happy endings for those characters. But then again, it's WW2 so not a whole lot of "happy" on the horizon for anyone. Only one teeny detailed bugged me. The 1st episode starts in August, 1939. When they show Frances & her hubby strolling along the blackberry hedges at night, they are both dressed as if it were October. They both had coats on. I have never lived in the UK,so maybe my understanding of the climate is off. Would it be chilly enough to require a coat in August @ 7 or 8pm? Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next episode.
  8. They couldn't put the alarm clock in the unicorn's belly?? Why would I want my kid to wake up to an ass in their face every day? So based on the fact that these pieces of crap actually made it into production, here are my genius product ideas for next holiday season... "Stinky the Skittish Skunk sprays his scent when you lift his tail!" "Effie the Ebola stricken Elephant sneezes mucus when you pull her trunk!" "And don't forget Iccabod the Incontinent Iguana! He'll shit all over the floor when you tug his tongue!" $19.95 + S&H
  9. I watch this seres with my 8 yo daughter. We also watch The Amazing Race together. We usually have TAR favorite teams and cheer them on. I have no problem picking my top tier vs. "go home now" teams. However when I watch Great British Bake Off, I cannot choose aanyone I dislike or pick out the one who is less likeable. I love all of these people! They are all so joyous and passionate and considerate and talented. My daughter keeps asking me to pick a favorite week after week, but I keep telling her I like them all the same. I'm sad every week when somebody goes home and I will truly be happy for any of the remaining bakers to win.
  10. Not sure how long the Belsoma (??) sleep aid meds ad has been airing, but I saw it late last night ( while ironicaly dealing with another bout of insomnia). I hate the faux fur "Sleep" & "Awake" pets! I think they are creepy as hell. The "Awake" doesn't quite have an animal shape as much as the "Sleep". But I still hate both of them equally.
  11. It's official...I hate Team Stoopid Green Hat. Justin is irksome and annoying but I can't figure out any specific cause for my dislike (aside from the stoopid hat). Just do not like. I'm not a fan of the smarmy Texas boys either, but their intense dislike of Justin makes me want them to outlast their rivals. The dancing brothers are fun but I agree with others here that the sad story is going to wear thin very quickly. I feel bad for their situation & I hope things turn around for them. However...when you go on a game show to compete for a big cash prize, EVERYBODY ELSE in the game has just as valid a reason as you for wanting/needing the money. Of course you will feel your need is greater than anyone else's, but telling the same story over and over doesn't earn you extra sympathy points towards winning the cash. Mom & Son team...UGH. Mostly due to Mom. I think the son may be better off with some distance between him and his family. As for the rest... Doctor/Dentist dude has a God complex IMO. Paparazzi team is a solid NO based on their choice of career. I blame them for making/keeping people like the Kardashians "famous". I don't have any rational reason for disliking the cheerleaders other than it bugs me to no end when women with long hair insist on wearing it loose and flowing All. The. Time. There is no need to have to pause every three seconds to flip hair out of your way while doing athletic activities or when you are bent over working on a puzzle/craft/food prep etc. Hair ties are not expensive and do not take up much room in a backpack. So I guess I like the Anchors and the Track Girls the most so far.
  12. I had to FF thru last half of Claire Danes interview. Her high pitched, squeaky hiccup laugh was too annoying to tolerate. Add me to the tragically uncool list because I had no idea who Pewdie Pie was, nor did I find him remotely entertaining or interesting. Now get off my lawn, you damn kids!
  13. I think Muhmmad Ali is a facinating person and the narrator did not do him justice. In fact, I fell asleep during her chapter. She doesn't need to come back. The other stories were interesting and the Prohibition narrator cracked me up with his insistance of saying "Wayne Wheeler" multiple times in every sentence.
  14. Really enjoyed it. Fred Savage was great, I like that the wife seems supportive but witty and not the typical smart ass who can barely tolerate her spouse. Please do not change this, Fox! And so happy to see Rob Lowe again! His dramatic courtroom antics "lit-erally" made me squee. Plus I just found out the young lady playing the teen daughter is the niece of someone I know. Good pilot and I will be DVR'g this.
  15. If you are delusional enough to send money to or "get married" to someone in a foreign country who has been barred entry into your country then I guess you are delusional enough to pretend an invite to Dr. Phil's show won't be an hour of humiliation while he debunks your one-sided romance. Seriously? How can someone in one of these "Catfish" situations NOT get that you are only invited to be on TV so Dr. Phil can try to convince you that you are a sad, damaged, lonely, pathetic person who needs counseling. And is it me or is there generally no real resolution at the end of a lot of Phil's shows? Aside from offering a room at his buddy's/business partner's rehab, there doesn't seem to be a lot of "ah-ha" moments from the guests. I know deep issues can't be fixed in a few hours of talking to Phil, but I feel like the guests are left hanging after spilling their dirt. Whether it's substance abuse, divorce, hostile family relations...it's all the same ending. Phil shills his latest book or app (or worse, one of his robotic Stepford wife's products/causes) then walks off set with the wife. The format is not as awful as Springer or Maury - stir shit up and stand back from the powder keg- but Dr. Phil is edging closer to it IMO. He lets guests air their problems & shed their tears, then says "I have an app for that".
  16. Candice bugs me more each week. She may be talented, but not THE most talented in this group IMO. Her dress this week looked similar to something else she's already done (and ditto whoever said cobalt blue/black combo is sooo '80's). I think the thing that irks me most about Candice is that she acts as if she's already won a season of PR before, and is now here as a mentor to guide these poor, misfortunate, less in-the-know newbiesthrough the process. She really thinks she knows it all and I'm tired of her TH's and her one on one scenes with other designers with her analysis of other people's situations. Lindsay is circling the drain. I don't have a problem with her or her designs. She does basic, casual stuff that is appealing and commercial. Designers like Lidsay are who fill the junior dpt racks at Macys, Penneys, Abercrombie, Gap etc. And she does look more like Taylor Swift each week! I don't know if she has anything new or edgy to offer. I don't think Nina wants to see basics & Lindsay doesn't seem to do "short 'n shiny" so she has nothing to offer Heidi. I did like Ashley's dress a lot & I'm glad the judges are responding positively to her stuff. I liked Kelly's too. Like one of the judges said, she has been refining her stuff each week and that's a good thing. On a shallow note - I really want the hair and make up people to ambush her and give her a refresh. The 1983 Boy George/Cyndi Lauper look needs to be retired.
  17. I love (most) period pieces. I am a history nut, specifically anything to do with the Kings of England. I am not so entrenched in real facts that I can't let some stuff go for the sake of a TV show. Never watched SOA. Have always hated Katey Sagal in anything. So, I went into this with very little expectations and I'm glad my entertainment bar was set low...like, in the basement low. Most of you already pinged the Dra-cluelessness of Katey's performance in this, so no need to go there. I like some of the characters and I'm interested enough to watch next week, but I don't know if I have the stamina to tolerate the egomaniac power couple show runners. And as for the comparisons to (or Sutter's desire to be compared to) GoT...I've read GoT. I've watched GoT. This, Sir, is no GoT. Do not blaspheme aagain and take you sad-ass CGI "dragon" with you. Spend the special effects budget on writers and historical advisors instead.
  18. Just saw a Fan Duel ad for the first time. It was 8 minutes long!!! I was only half listening but I kept looking up from my laptop and saw it was still going. I don't understand fantasy sports nor do I watch/follow footbal, so I'd never play. I also don't gamble or play the lottery because it seems like throwing hard earned money away is foolish. I'm even more skeptical of any company that can afford to run info-mercials day & night telling me how "easy" it is to make money. The old saying "the house always wins" should be part of the fine print legal mumbo-jumbo at the bottom of the screen.
  19. What's up with the 2 week breaks in between episodes?? I get that last week was Labor Day but wha'ts happening this next upcoming weekend that is interupting this show?
  20. Wow...I'm betting if her intimates line is successful we'll see some other "familiar" designs pop up too. Since the show (and Heidi as a producer) owns the designers' designs they can copy anything they want. I'm confused by the foundation bra they were given. Heidi specifically said "don't just cut & paste fabric" on the existing bra. But isn't that what the majority of them did? The re-covered the template with their fabrics/embellishments right? How else would they use the foundation if not covering it with a colored lace or stretch fabric? I'm not a sewer so I'm easily confused by the technicalities these guys are facing. Merline's looks better on the website, but that thing was all kinds of wonky on the runway. The main straps in the center were very crooked and the execution looked almost as bad as Blakes, If Swapnil had more of the white strapping for his bottoms, he probably would have won. Ashley's was very good and even Kelly did a great job. Kelly's own personal look was miles better than previous weeks too. Speaking of styling, I thought Tim's trademark, product placement admonishment to use the Whatever Wall "thoughtfully" was kind of useless this week. If I'm wearing "sexy time" lingerie I don't envision with purse or bracelet will be the perfect finishing touch. I know they always put lingerie models in heels for that slutty sex goddess effect, but I think shoes were superfluous accessories for this challenge too!
  21. I like VB as a personality, but this show is meh. She hasn't made anything I haven't done before. That said, she is waaay more pleasant and relatable and watchable than Giada or Ree or whoever that farmhouse, not-Paula Dean, woman is.
  22. So OK Nick, we get it. Samantha is the most gorgeous "thing" (Nick's word). While having arm candy is very alluring and you think it finally makes you the guy "everyone" is jealous of and wants to be...that's for the short term. Eventually all the staring at her beautiful face & various lady bits will become boring. Then what? Every dialog between a couple can't start and end with "You are so beautiful!" & "Um, thanks." I hope Nick watches these episodes and observes Samantha's behavior & body language during their VERY one-sided conversations. She looks bored. Disinterested. Not present. Vacant. Pre-occupied with thinking of 100 other things rather then Nick. To give her the benefit of doubt -maybe she's shy or too aware of the cameras to let her real emotions show? Lord knows I couldn't/wouldn't ever launch a relationship on TV. However, from what we see on the show, Samantha just seems to be there for the vaca and to be surrounded by men ogling & fawing over her. She doesn't seem to have clicked with any of the many guys she texted (I suspect even sexted???) in an effort to be on and stay on the show. All the lamenting from these "couples" about the devastating breakup of Carly & Kirk. Now they all have doubts about their BIP relationships because if those 2 crazy kids couldn't make it work, then what hope is there for us? Uh, guys? They knew each other for 3 weeks, right? Same time as (or more than) all of you, correct? It isn't as if they were legendary star crossed or time tested lovers like Tristan & Isolde, Antony & Cleopatra or even Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie. I'm glad this show is over for many reasons but here a just a few: - no more puffy faced, liver lipped, floppy mop top, 2nd degree burn victim, Justin. - never have to hear Tenley's baby voice again (unless there's an AARP version of BIP in the works for all the sad old bags over 30) - no more contestants whining how they've sacrificed time away from their toddlers in order to "find love/baby daddy/mama" for the kid
  23. I was reading this this forum for this episode and it made me realize something...although I had DVR'd this and I thought watched it, I never finished it! The last thing I remember seeing was Grant asking Cullen if he wanted a race to finish the railroad. Never saw the attempted murder of Young and his (temporary?) resurrection . Never saw the Swede take off, or Cullen tearing off after him. I guess since I've been watching this whole season with only one eye and one ear, so I assumed the train race convo was the no-hum ending to a hum drum half-assed season. I just went On Demand and caught the parts I never saw. Obviously my interest in this has dried up. Any other show I'd been invested in, I would have recognized I had 20 minutes of unfinished show.
  24. Thank goodness that little whiner is gone. Bottom of the barrel for several weeks and boo-hooing that she "is sooo sad" about having her feelings hurt because they had the nerve to judge her (insert entitiled twenty-something snowflake frowny face emoji here). My DVR cut out As uninspired as Amanda's garment was though, I thought Kelly's was way worse! That contraption was unforgiveable. There was nothing redeeming about it. I haven't warmed up to Candace one bit. Something about her irks. Not sure if it's the Pulp Fiction-Betty Page-Natasha Badanov "look" or the smugness. Probably both. Some people are naturally inclined to take over and think they know best, so this season it's Candace. When she TH'd her reason for picking Amanda 1st so she could help raise her up or some such self-aggrandizing statement, I threw in the towel of trying to like her. Really, Candace? You're the Sewing Savior now? How'd that turn out for you? I hope the other women learn from that trainwreck if there are additional team challenges. Nothing but love (like in the case of Joseph & Blake) for the Boys + Merlene. The painted flowers were ::just:: abit much - they looked great from a distance, but up close they reminded me of arts-craftsy. Add me to the list of "Who gives a F***" about the stoopid nail polish. If they hadn't been a sponsor or artificially planned part of this challenge, NO ONE would ever notice nails in a runway show.
  25. . cpcathy- Have you had a chance to see the movie "Wet Hot American Summer" or the Netflix series "Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp"? You may change your mind! I like Christopher Meloni as a comedian almost better than his SVU drama days! I have not been a big fan of Jason Ritter in the past. He drove me crazy on "Parenthood". But I think he's brilliant in "Another Period" and in all of his "Drunk History" spots.
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