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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I was a little upset at the negative comments about lobster and clams. They are DELICIOUS! They are messy to eat but if cooked properly...Man, there's nothing better for a summer dinner by the beach. I feel bad for Mady & Cara's acne prone skin. It's hard enough to be on TV AND be Kate's daughter, but to have your teenager pimples broadcast must be really difficult. The 3 boys just seem sooo sweet and caring! How do they thrive in that house full of high-strung females? The 5 girls all seem so whiny and complain about everything. Most of the time the girls are pouting or blaming someone for their horrible lives. The 3 boys are so laid back. I hope they can maintain their even keeled personalities until they are old enough to escape Planet Kate's gravitational pull.
  2. For some reason I laughed uncontrollably for 5 minutes at Tom's baby cologne pitch "Baby...(spritz spritz) you smell GOOD!" Also loved: Leslie's "We Didn't Start the Fire" rewrite. It took me a while to learn all those Billy Joel lyrics, and now I fear I will never sing them his way again. The WHH Museum's "What if he'd worn a coat?" exhibit is exactly what is missing in a lot of historical museums in my opinion. Yay! Craig showed up! I'm over the April needs a passion/career storyline. Every.Damn.Season. I want to get off that treadmill.
  3. I didn't get how those mini moving vans were supposed to be showrooms. I had assumed they'd get small RV's so they could create a lounge atmosphere. Maybe one of those RV's with the pop-out "living room" and a canopy to create the outdoor seating both teams ended up with? But I also assumed they'd be allowing the crowd to try on shoes and shop. Instead it was a walk through a claustrophobic shoe museum. If they couldn't allow people to try shoes on they should have billed the event as a Sneak Preview of a new Ivanka Trump line & treated it like a fashion show versus "look but don't touch" display. Maybe have a raffle and give away a pair or 2 of the shoes if you attend the event and then show up to Nordstrom's shoe department with your entry? And what the hell was the Nordstrom lady's name- Tasty??? It sounded like a name you'd hear in a "Gentleman's Club". Geraldo needs to be given full control on the next task and no one else should give any input or do anything beyond what he says. Let him implode with his stupid out dated ideas. And why does Kate think she's worthy of a 3 hour (or whatever) hair and make up job for a 4 hour task...on a Trump show? And her "Stylist" missed the mark by about 10 years on the '50's 'do. I love Sig because I'm a huge Deadliest Catch fan. I agreed with his ideas for the GoPro's. I sure hope he doesn't sink himself in next week's task. But it seems like whenever there's a job that is "in my wheelhouse", that person fails. My DVR cut off so I didn't see who they referred to as the "party girl", but I'm guessing Brandi gets sloppy drunk/high on anxiety meds since that's how she rolls on Real Housewives.
  4. I bet Aviva has a copy of her dramatic scene in the fake Divorce Court all cued up to show casting directors. She is working it hard and she so wants to be on TV. Watching RHONY and suffering through her seasons I thought her husband was somewhat normal. If he's going along with this BS than he is as delusional as she is. I guess any of these people willing to go on these shows just shows how desperate and unfulfilled they are without cameras on them 24/7. Are the Carrolls for real, accredited therapists? They seem to have as much professional integrity as "Dr" Jenn on Couples Therapy. Maybe they all graduated from the same for-profit online "college"?
  5. I feel bad for Ian and there should have been allowances made for the problems that he had no control over (broken freeers, temperature of the tent & Diana's removal of his cake pan). Poor Norman is circling the drain but I don't know why. His Baked Alaska looked the prettiest/best decorated to me. His cake and ice cream were the right consistency and there weren't any complaints about the flavors. So why is he called out for being "safe"? Because he made vanilla ice cream??? The rules were they could use any flavor they wanted to. Is this competition about wacky flavor profiles or who can bake the best looking/best tasting items? So if Norman ground up some African violets or sprinkled dessicated hissing cockroach larvae in is ice cream, he'd be better off? Stop picking on Norman! I've made tiramisu before, but I had a complete recipe to follow so it wasn't very difficult! I also used lady fingers (store bought), so my layers were pretty even thanks to the premade "sponge". I think my recipe called for dark rum instead of brandy mixed with espresso. I didn't do the fancy chocolate work these folks can do, nor could I have bisected that baked cake without creating a pile of crumbs. Martha is continuing to be a front runner for me, but unless something tragic happens to one of Richard or Luis' upcoming "bakes", I think one of them is going to win. I'm sure it's been covered, but can someone explain the difference between sponge - cake - pudding? I know in America pudding is more closely related to a curd or custard consistency.
  6. That was one of the worst runways I can remember. WTF did Michelle put out there? And the word is "voluminous" NOT volumous. If I were her model I would have cried thanks to that makeup. And the outfit. Avant Garde is beyond my understanding in the best of seasons, but none of this dreck looked good or fashion forward. Fabio should have gone home for being a one trick "sea whores" (TM Dmitry). Pink - again. Bad fabric choice - again. Gender neutral p.o.v- again. And what is his obsession with the word "asexual"? He may not have been the best designer in his original season, but Justin was the one I was rooting for this time. So I guess it's Sonjia for the win? Or Dmitry? I can't stand Michele or Helen. Michele's voice and Helen's nails make me feel stabby. Fabio is meh IMO as a designer. His own outfits are much more interesting than anything he's put on his model. Jay is completely forgettable to me. Once again the guest judge is someone with no sense of taste or fashion. Nicole Shrenxzade or whatever is in the same category as Snooki & her buddy as far as fashion expertise. Zanna looked almost put together this week. I wish she'd stop by the damn CHI salon and get a blow out or some conditioner though.
  7. We got a glimpse of every kid minus Jabar (I don't count Haddie any more since tno one else remembers her)! I think that's a first this season. Wow the kid playing Victor got so tall and thin. Max is still as rude as ever. It annoys me to no end how everyone just smirks and smiles at Max's awful behavior. He shouldn't talk to his grandparents that way, but everyone treats him with kid gloves. I hope the actor playing Max doesn't have a hard time getting other roles since he (and the writers) made Max such an unlikeable person. How have Amber & her dopey mother managed to stay in La-La land for so long? Amber's ready to drop that baby and her apartment looks like a college dorm room. Aside from the crib, there is not one item that shows preparedness for a baby. And I hope she puts an ID chip in her kid because when he/she is old enough to crawl, he/she will be out that open door and on the streets of Berkley in a minute. SHUT THE DAMN DOOR! And was that crib supposed to be a combo set up? Was that 12" x 12" section on the top of the drawers supposed to be a changing table? Amber is a tiny framed girl, but her baby will out grow that in a few weeks. I can't even with the stupid Luncheonette plot. Jasmine is a "Wendy" allowing her Peter Pan to flit off into Never Never Land again. I guess her part-time filing gig is covering all the expenses now? Let's hope she doesn't get injured on the job with a career ending paper cut. And Kristina, enough with the passive aggressive BS. Flaring your nostrils and quivering your voice is not how you address your husband's latest dumb ass idea. As annoying as Max is I think the writers have made Drew very annoying as well. All the wounded puppy scenes with this kid- GAH! Every time that poor kid shows up I feel like there's a emo sound track following him. I hope he finishes college despite his family showing up in his dorm or demanding rides hither & yon. Once he gets a degree I hope he lands a job on the East coast and gets away from these people. Julia & Joe's story was the only one I liked (minus Sydney's appearances).
  8. Just watched this On Demand. I've long believed these "competitions" are all scripted. Further proof - that ridiculous group dance. The choreography was not intricate or difficult for Abby's supposed great dancers. Cartwheels and angry faces don't impress me as dance technique. I don't watch this dreck as often as I used to but I have noticed Abby never offers up the level of choreography that I've seen in other studios. I guess when you have to put those kids on a bus every weekend to fake competitions, they can't handle learning new difficult dances in such short time frames. And I think keeping Mackenzie in this group is further proof that Melissa's hubby is footing Abby's bills. Mackenzie is adorable and may have commercial appeal as a print model or acting in community theater (please don't let her pursue her "singing" career). However, she is not a great dancer. I think she peaked as a little girl when she was doing cutesy gymnastic tricks dressed as a daisy. IMO she doesn't have the same ability as Maddie - AND THAT IS OK! She may still like to dance but it would be great for her if her PITA,fame obsessed mom and teacher would let her do it for her own enjoyment vs. trying to make a Maddie v2.0. That said, I don't think Maddie is the end all, be all, mostest & bestest talented EVER in the world dancer. As posters here & on TWOP have noted for years, just look on You Tube for a thousand videos of a thousand fantastic dancers.
  9. Can someone help me with the correct pronunciation of TO's first name? I remember hearing teammates, fans & sportscasters call him "Tah-RELL" but Trump calls him "Terral" (rhymes with Daryl or feral.). Moot point since he's out the door, but drives me crazy when someone's name is switched up haphazardly. I can only imagine what EYE-on has had to deal with.
  10. I hate that Kate + 8 were in my state So every one of those 8 shrieking shrikes has an iPad? And I see Kate's perma resting bitch face has only intensified.
  11. The vest thing was not a good product as it was shown. It looked incredibly small to me. The back section didn't look like it was big enough to hold standard file folders or notebooks that even Pre-K & K kids carry to school. I can see it being useful to take in a car or on vacation to put some crayons and paper or a favorite stuffed animal, but not for school aged kids. And it didn't look big enough to put over a winter coat for those of us living in colder climates. Is the kid supposed to strap that on first and put a jacket on over it? Even if they make larger ones, I do not see kids past 2nd or 3rd grade wanting to be seen in one of those. If it's taken 17 years to get it off the ground then I don't think it's a product the world is clamoring for. The stick on ties were sooo stupid. What a dumb idea. I could maybe see if they made party decorations in that material - "Happy B-day" banners, pennants, balloon shaped stickers, holiday themed, etc. The reusable feature would make more sense in those applications. The ties look like some dopey novelty I could find in Spencers gifts. What little kid wants to wear a tie at a party? Come to think of it,in what circumstance would any adult want to wear a stick on tie? Maybe I'm just not a "fun" person? They should be thankful Cuban took that loser off their hands. These 2 sisters should go design cutesy invites and baby announcements for their suburban mommy friends. The cookies sounded good, but I'd probably only buy them once. I don't mind baking from scratch because I don't find it that taxing to measure, bake and clean up. And I don't mind having "40 cookies around". I freeze or give the extras away. It's not rocket surgery. For people who don't want or have the time to do all the measuring or waste money on ingredients, it may be OK. But if I'm feeling that uninspired to bake from scratch, there are a lot of short cut options on the shelves already. There are GF, vegan, organic mixes/kits out there in addition to the good old standby Pillsbury Roll O' Dough. Water bottle guys didn't address how to clean the tops/spouts of some designs. I guess you could just drop it in a bowl with one of the tabs? I don't see the need for this one either.
  12. Wow, Brandi's BFF Jennifer looks AWFUL! And didn't she used to spell it "Gennifer" or some weird Hollywood spelling? Anyway, she needs to stop accompanying Brandi to the cosmetic surgery counter at their local Walmart, because both of these woman have completely distorted their faces. I don't love the flokati rugs Yo was laying down in Bella's apartment. Those things are dust magnets. I used to work in a store that sold those and they got filthy real fast just sitting on shelves. They weren't cheap either. But I suppose people with Hadid/Foster money treat them as I treat paper towels and just get new ones. I have an adopted daughter and I would NEVER say out loud, never mind on TV, that I thought her different genes made her less like me in personality or drive or intelligence! My daughter was born in Korea and my husband & I are 2 of the whitest pale Irish Americans I know. We don't even compare genetics when it comes to obvious differences in our appearances. What network is Eddie & Leanne's show on? I never heard of it. Not a fan of either of them but I'd watch it just to see their side of the story. I love how Brandi started off last night saying she hopes one day they can all sit around the table at Thanksgiving as one happy family. Then 10 minutes later she's still talking shit about them. I am liking Lisa R more & more, but that jewelry was hideous. I have seen similar junk at Burlington Coat Factory or T J Maxx - usually on the clearance racks. Yeesh. I'd write a check just to not have to look at it anymore. My neck and wrists are itchy thinking about putting that on my skin.
  13. Watching the Tuesday Mean Girls show. One of the moms just confessed her little darling psycho is dating a 47 year old man. Her daughter is 16. She seems nonplussed by any of it, and obviously she has been a lousy parent. That said, isn't Dr. Phil & the psychologists he brings on all mandated reporters??? Can't they (shouldn't they) intervene and call CPS to look into that? Holy smokes! I think one of the biggest problems with all the cyber bullying and plain old bad behavior is because of social media. These kids have all grown up in the age of reality TV. Everybody can be famous even if it's because they do something stupid. It gets posted to FB or You Tube and they think they are stars. They count their worth in how many "likes" or followers they have. It's all surface and no depth.
  14. Why is Matt Czuchry sooo skinny? He looks awful. Is he ill or did he drop weight for his "facing prison for a long time" story line (or maybe another role)? I get in real life a person might lose weight or look unhealthy due to such stress, but I didn't think a CBS drama would garner such method acting preparedness. Bottom line, I hope the actor is well IRL. I laughed out loud at Alicia's indignation re. partners making decisions without her. HA! Between them I don't think there are enough fingers to count the times Alicia left Cary out of the loop. The sexism thing was kinda out of left field for me too. Sure, she was upset about a ton of shit that went down that day, but I think lashing out at Diane about sexism in the political arena was not really on track.
  15. Just watched this on demand because I'm home sick today. I'm only familiar with 2 of the couples, but its so obvious the Bad Girl is shooting to get her own show. I am not the most social media savvy, but how does one make money by posting one's fat ass (not phat) on Instagram? Do you sell the pictures? Or is it like You Tube where you can get $$ from advertising? If fat flabby cellulite laden ass pix are a money maker than me and several of my suburban soccer mom friends have been missing this gravy train. I am vaguely aware of "Speidi", and I know neither one of them are Mensa members. However, has Spencer always sounded drunk/high? Maybe he had too many procedures and they've affected his speech? I was impressed that Heidi could squeeze out tears through her overwrought wax works. This whole enterprise is so ridiculous but like any televised car wreck, I can't turn away.
  16. I haven't taken the time to google my dream kitchen appliances, but do I want one of those ovens with the retracting door! Genius and I don't know why I haven't ever seen one before on the dozens of cooking shows I watch. How simple would it be to pull a roast or pizza or manage several racks at a time without being a gymnast to avoid the damned door? I'll take a proofing drawer as well please. (And while I'm living in my fantasy world, I'll order the spectacular fridge Yolanda Foster has on "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills"). So much kitchen envy, so little cash in the bank... Still loving Norman, but if he doesn't fancy it up a bit Mr. Hollywood is going to show him out of the tent. I don't agree with needing flash and dazzle, but the judges seem intent on disliking simple things. I'm confused by the doughs allowed to proof in the drawer vs. room temp as directed. Paul said they'd not maintain the rise and be flatter/less air pockets. We saw that come true with most of the drawer users. However, Martha used the drawer too and her ciabatta was one of the best. Did she take it out sooner/later than others & that made the difference? I've only recently started making bread (simple ones) and I'd like to understand why MArtha's was an exception to the physics Paul explained! The stromboli sounded fantastic, but again I am confused. Paul warned Nancy that if her roll wasn't tight enough there'd bee huge gaps between bread and fillings. Nancy rolled it tightly, and the inner dough didn't cook. Was it because she had too many fillings over all? Was it just too tight? Or because the some fillings were too "wet"? Inquiring minds want to know! It's very shallow, but I am also glad I don't have to look at Jordan's teeth or scraggly hair any longer. He was a very pleasant person and has talent, but I felt like I was looking at an exaggerated cartoon of the old trope "Brits have bad teeth despite national health care". And his choice for his filled bread had epic fail written all over it.
  17. If Crosby really intends to make a go of his business, does he understand that he has to lower his standard & work with all sorts of artists? Commercials, pop, indie, etc will all help pay the bills. Why does he think because his dump of a place was once a landmark he can just hang out an "Open" sign and artists will flock to his door?? It didn't work before the robbery and that biz philosophy won't work post insurance pay out either. He can't work with temperamental artist as we've seen. He has nothing for disdain for any paying customer who isn't part of the Bay Area Kool Kidz Klub. He has no patience or people skills to hustle for clients. If I were his spouse I'd tell him take the insurance check and cash it before the company figures out they made a mistake. The unrealistic portrayal of the insurance nonsense may be one of the final straws for me re. "real world" issues covered on this show. Cancer, cost of college, divorce, illness, aging parents, bullies etc have all been handled with very fuzzy ties to the real world, but I know this is a TV show and these are not real people. However, the insurance story really irks me. I have a friend who's home burned to the ground 2 days after they signed the papers. They had workers come in to start renovating on their first day of ownership. One of them left a heat gun on when they stopped work for the day. The fire started slow and burned for hours before anyone knew it. That was over a year ago. They are still dealing with the bank (and still on the hook for the mortgage payments) and the insurance company hasn't paid one cent.
  18. The shirt thing would have been a hit in the 80's but I don't see many professional women wearing that look any more. She was a nice lady and I hope she can move into another successful venture. I am surprised none of the sharks mentioned her logo looked very similar to certain other "Skinny" product. The owner even reminded me of that other Skinny Girl. Why does Kevin feel it necessary to call people stupid or cockroaches? Sure some of these entrepreneurs have no business being in business, but he is just so rude when he isn't into a product. The bagel bites looked yummy, but I think I would only buy them from a bakery or food truck. A few freshly made at a time is all I want for a quick breakfast or snack sounds perfect. I don't need a big bag O' bites. The shelf life of a dairy product would bother me too. If they tell me it's been shelf stabilized then there's too many chemicals in it for me. I'll just go to my local bakery and get something fresh. The Doorman concept is good, but I'd think they would need the blessings and cooperation of the big guys in the online shopping world. I missed if he said he had agreements with Amazon, Walmart, QVC, etc. I have never done online dating and don't know many friends who have, so I can't give any anecdotal input. But is seemed like a no- go business to me. Pretty sure Match and e-Harmony have that market sewn up.
  19. Did the alarm at the Luncheonette go off AFTER the robbers cleared the place out? To remove an entire sound mixing board takes some time, along with all the other crap they took. Drew shouldn't be feeling guilty about Zeke, but Camille sure should about moving from their mortgage free rural home & into a frickin urban tree house with hundreds of stairs. Hank hasn't been my favorite character but now that he knows Sarah can't commit or go "all in". I hope he can get back with his ex. Sarah can go find her next "loser" to bring home. I still think Zeke dying might be a red herring. Ever since the word came that there'd be a death on Parenthood, I'm anxiously guessing who it will be instead. I thought last night Drew was a candidate- killed in car accident on way to get to hospital. But then the car didn't start, so phew! They covered who was watching Julia & Joel's kids while the parents were at the hospital, but any mention of Nora, Max, Aida or Jabar? Since Christina is the only adult/admin/educator at Snowflake Academy (aside from part time culinary arts professor Adam), did she get the word out to all the 'flakes that school was cancelled? Or maybe Zeke conveniently had his episode on a Friday night?
  20. I'm not size-shaming or calling out someone's weight due to pregnancy, but holy mother of prego's! How big was AM's baby when she finally delivered? I'm guessing he was the size of a 1st grader. She must have been so frickin uncomfortable those last weeks. And she really has to stop with the Aunt Bea updo's and the Krystal Carrington earrings. She is aging herself with these choices. How fresh and natural did she look in the USA Today picture? Less is more. Justin's was the only one I liked. Fabio's outfit was cool but I don't remember the suit. Loved Samantha's jumpsuit, but ooof! That swim suit was criminal. Michele's swim suit was constructed well, but I can't stand her. That "dress" was awful. Not cohesive, not fitted, not flattering. Why is she still there? And why did she apply several Brillo pads to the top of her head this week? I thought for sure Sonji would be in the bottom with that whacko top, but once I again anything I recoil from the judges love. Plus her blue lips are getting to be more distracting. I think in a few close ups she had blue stain on her teeth. Dmitry's dress looked ok from distance but on close ups I could see puckering on the seams. It was better than the drapey Grecian goddess thing he started though. As for Zanna's anti-Garanimal style choices - I'm more convinced each week her assistant's spin her around in a closet blindfolded a la pin the tail on the donkey. Why was Isaac counting the designers at the start of the runway? Did he forget that NO ONE went home last week? So, 8 - 0 = 8 still right?
  21. How does Bravo think anyone watching this isn't aware its all scripted? Prince Pink Pants and his stooopid medals? I think those can be ordered from Oriental Trading Co. How can he claim to be royal? He has an adoptive relative who bought a title somewhere down the line. Doesn't make him in the same league as Prince Albert or Prince William. What a joke to even have him on this show. Jill Fucking Zarin??? Poor Ally needs to move cross country and get long gone from that self promoting witch. Ally will never have any peace in Jill's toxic orbit. And Patti's BS about not being able to keep Jill away from the whole process...priceless.Maybe I'm just so anti-Jill, but it seemed like she had more camera time than her daughter. I'm too lazy to look it up but who is Kristin Cavallini? Is she a relationship "expert"? Her advice could have come out of a bucketful of fortune cookies.
  22. I KNOW!! This kills me every time. I am an adequate home cook. Through trial & error I learned to follow tried & true recipes. I have a really great one for braised short ribs that says cook a minimum of 4-6 hours. I tried to rush & cut the time once to 3h 45m and another time 4h on the dot. Nope. Gotta keep 'em in the oven (my oven anyway) 5 hours to get the right fall off the bone tenderness. If I'm given 3 hours for a task I wouldn't opt for something I know I can do with 5-6 hours. Sheer stupidity to attempt otherwise. Bye Doug, you were my favorite. I don't have any strong preference for the rest, but please, anyone but Greasy George.
  23. All the focus has been on Brandi's alcoholic slurring, the wine toss & her endless role as poor widdle single mom victim. Will no one address the really unexplainable horror of Brandi's hair at Yo's party?? What was that football shaped lump at the back of her head? And why was it secured in place with some tacky quinceanera or bat mitzvah accessory from Claire's? (maybe they stopped tere on the way to the party to pick up the "apology" gift for Eileen) I thought she had a live-in hairdresser? What is his real occupation 'cos he can't do hair for sh**. He must be fronting some of the rent at the house and be her paid escort to help her navigate through doors, stairs etc when she's sloppy drunk and teetering on ridiculous 5 inch heels. The other distractions were the blue veins on her boobs. I thought she had tattooed a map of her neighborhood streets up there so she could find her way home at 4 in the morning. If King David speaks to Yo about his embarrassment and distaste of Brandi's antics, you know Our Lady of Lemons will cut her off ASAP. One mustn't displease the King. And enough of singing his praises to all the realm any time you have friends over. It's a little Stockholm syndrom-y to me. Loving Eileen & Rinna! I think Lisa R is hilarious. I so would have been in that fridge too. Although, I probably would have rearranged a few shelves to set Yo off. And for the love of God! Can we just stop with the waterworks over kids going to college/moving out! It is a part of a healthy young adult''s life. These dolts are acting like they never realized their babies would get older and move on. Most of these women were married & parents in their late teens or 20's. Your wealthy, pampered kiddos are off to college or careers, not heading into Afghanistan or Syria. They will be back...when they need a car, money, clean underwear.
  24. GR is one of the most odious people on the planet. What circle of Hell would it be to be married to him or have him as a father or employer? The burn out rate must be off the charts in his orbit. I think many successful people are extra alpha, A-type personalities and that overdrive helped get them to the top of their game. However for every dickish "celeb" that achieves power & success by berating and steam rolling others, there are others who've made it to the top without being raging assholes (in public anyway). It's funny to see Lorenzo Lamas turned off by GR's egomania. I have a friend who worked with him once at a summer stock theater in Maine. Her job was to make living & transportation arrangements for the actors. LL demanded his house have a heated outdoor pool and 10 bedrooms so all his kids could visit. The theater is in a seaside town and while there are a few luxurious homes, its mostly cottages and small un-McMansion like houses. Not very many have pools, never mind heated ones since the beach is a quick walk or drive. She found a rental place with 6 bedrooms and a pool (unheated) and told him it was the best he'd get. He then asked for a decorator to come in and re-do the place because he thought it wasn't to his Hollywood standards. She said no, that's not part of the deal. He was only there for a week long run of whatever play, and NONE of his 10 kids ever came to stay. He treated the playhouse staff like crap and the other actors complained about him too.
  25. I loved the US version and I was so excited to see it on my local PBS! It's so silly, but I had a smile on my face for both episodes (Ep 1 & 2 were aired back to back). Loved the challenges, the contestants, the hosts & the judges. Everyone is so sweet and charming. I like reality shows with people who can be competitive but compassionate, congratulatory and empathetic toward their competition. I even love the tent and especially the little lambs bleating all over the place. Nancy and Richard are definitely strong contenders. Martha is impressive as well. I love Norman and I will cry when/if he is booted off.
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