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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I guess I had it kind of easy as a parent b/c my daughter slept through the night pretty quickly. When we went to a 3 mos check up I asked the doctor when babies typically stop waking up every 4 hours & sleep 8-10 hour stretches. She told me when a baby hits about 12-14 pounds, they have enough fat on them and their stomachs can hold more so they are more satisfied and can sleep for longer periods. Sure enough, as soon as she hit 13lbs at around 5mos, my daughter slept from 7pm to 7am. Did not like the phone charger guys or their product. Over engineered for sure. There is no way a little sliding door would work every time somebody swiped their finger once. Anyone with a smartphone or iPad will tell you the swiping thing takes multiple efforts many times. As for fingerprint recognition, I don't believe that high tech technology would work in that low-end gadget for a minute either. Besides, there are too many competitors offering FREE charging all over the place now. On a shallow note, Robert needs a haircut. Don't like the flowing locks look he's sporting!
  2. I don't watch the live feeds (but I'm ever so grateful for those of you recapping), but aside from the hipster MC on the show, does anyone refer to themselves as a "pioneer" inside the Utopia bubble? They had a slim chance of being pioneers on Day 1, but that chance withered and died much like Bella's garden. These idiots are not pioneers in any sense of the word! Can you imagine if the thousands of people who blazed trails West were as unskilled, lazy and entitled as the Dopey Topes? "Well, I walked aaaalllll the way from the porch to the barn and I'm sweaty and hungry! I need a handful of Doritos and a tequila chaser, then I'm takin' a well deserved nap to catch up on the 20 hours sleep I require every day." I haven't seen it mentioned, but who's form of government are they following next? Is "Marketing Genius" Kristen still leading?
  3. When I first read that was one of her "business" ideas, I thought she meant some kind of pants, as in I bought this new pair of chinos at the Gap. Then I thought maybe they were chinos with rip-away crotch or they were somehow infused with an STD antibiotic. But then I realized it couldn't be because I don't think Bri knows what pants are or how to keep a pair on.
  4. When Little Nucky spied through the window, was that his father and mother going at it? Or did his mother start having mid-day "dates" to supplement the household income? I wasn't sure how to interpret that scene. I guessed the boots outside were a signal for the kids to stay out (kind of like hanging a tie or sock on your college dorm room to alert your roommate to get lost). So glad Al's days are numbered. I read that the real Al Capone contracted syphilis and it rotted his brain away. That, combined with his cocaine addiction and his rage issues made for a ticking time bomb. I don't care how good the money was, working for him was like taking your life in your hands every day. Lucky and his syndicate wouldn't have tolerated Capone's "management style", so if Ness hadn't taken him down, I think Lucky, Bugsy or Myer would've taken him out. Bye Sally. I've never been a fan of Patricia Arquette's acting, but I was sorry to see Sally taken out that way. I'm guessing Nucky and Bacardi won't be working together after all.
  5. She's too high maintenance for him. She seemed like a nice person overall, but I don't see these two make it for the long haul. He's too jealous. Sorry dude, but if you are dating a model/actress part of her job is to be around attractive men in revealing clothes. You can't have it both ways... "Look at me! My GF is a smokin' hot model!" but then get pissed when her job requires her to be a smokin' hot model.
  6. Evelyn's look made me think of Betty Rubble meets the B-52's. Mickey just doesn't seem to have anything to offer. I don't care how good the sex is, even if they go at it like rabbits, there's still many more hours in a day to fill. He eats like a caveman! Even if he were the world's nicest guy, all that smacking and loud chewing would have me climbing the walls & plotting his speedy demise.
  7. Wow, this show and the complete disregard for linear time and logic... * Amber finds out last episode she was pregnant 15 min after doing the deed with Ryan * Now its 8-12 weeks later and... -the Snowflake Academy is ready to open in spite of the fact that permits, construction, inspections, admissions, staffing takes many MONTHS or years to do in non Braverman world -it's Aug/Sept time frame, so why isn't Haddie back East for college? Please don't tell me she's doing an "internship" at Snowflake Academy -wasn't Baby Aida blonde and have a much lighter complexion as an infant? -as others said, what the hell kind of school is Snowflake Academy??? Is it for "gifted" kids? Bullied kids? Autistic kids? I'd love to hear the fake tuition for this fake school...39 kids with special needs and customized lesson plans/instructors in a downtown SF rehabbed lofty space...maybe THAT's why Haddie isn't back at Columbia. -Adam can run to Vegas 48 hours before his stupid school opens? I guess St. Christina can handle it all. -Max had better hope Haddie & Nora have understanding partners in the future because once his idiot parents are gone no one else in the world will tolerate him GAH! This show
  8. When this show is cancelled in a few weeks I'd love it if the producers don't tell the Myopians and keep them trapped there. FOX would make more money from the live feeds. And bonus for the other mactor famewhores in SoCal - there'd be 15 less selfish, immature, uninformed, unemployed, STD-riddled people standing in the casting call lines for a chance to be on TV. This Utopia crowd makes the casts of some "Real World" & "Big Brother" seasons look like Rhodes Scholars.
  9. Wow. I should be shocked but I'm not. Too bad the only TV show that recognizes and rewards people for having an education is "Jeopardy".
  10. YIKES! The hair! The lipstick! The ORANGE! Man, this woman did herself no favors by forgoing a mirror. He clothing choice on first day was an absolute no. Those cutesy flared short skirts are not meant for those of us who have one ounce of flesh on our hips, ass or waist. When will people learn that just because "Forever 21" sells it doesn't mean you need to buy it. I'm not going to fat shame this woman - we come in all shapes and sizes and she has some great curves to show off. She just needs a stylist...or a friend with taste to help her out. Her personality however was shame worthy. All these "prisoners" keep bitching about the house. I'd KILL for that house! It's my dream cottage! I know they're trapped in 4 rooms for a week, but looking at the outside of that place, it's definitely larger. There's at least one other bedroom and maybe a 1/2 bath. I bet the producers are squatting in the extra rooms. Anyone know where they film this? I'm guessing West Coast. I call shenanigans that some of these dolts "never met before". These 2 latest fame whores live in adjacent states, not 3000 miles apart. If I ever thought the person I was "dating" online was potentially THE ONE, I'd damn sure meet face to face within several months, especially if I lived a few hours drive down the NJ Turnpike.
  11. This whole show confuses me with it's upside logic, but the cooking/food thing is sooo stupid. Why don't these fools cook for themselves? Is there a LAW that Aaron is the only one allowed in the kitchen? Did the Producers tell them "no eating unless King Aaron prepares it or you figure out how to steal in the middle of the night"? Are the rest of them so useless in the real world that they can't boil pasta or rice? If they are unhappy with the meals or portions, go to the pantry and make a PB & J or have a bowl of cereal. They all keep bitching about MY Utopia, MY this or that. Well, in MY Utopia, if I'm hungry I get off my ass, go to the kitchen and find something to eat.
  12. I can't confirm it, but I think several of the girl models have done print work for American Girl catalogs. If I could find my 7 yr old's latest copy of it I'd look, but I don't want to a) admit I have that kind of free time or b) find out that I'm right, thus proving I do in fact have too much free time. Sandhya should have been sent home this week. I haven't been a fan of her designs, but I do kinda see the appeal of such newness and quirkiness for the judges. But that baby romper was beyond age inappropriate. I showed my daughter a screen shot of all the outfits and she picked Sandhya's as the worst. She voted Char's #1, then Kini's 2nd. She liked Emily's 3rd. She called out Sean's broken peace sign immediately! Sean's might have worked better if he made bell bottoms or wider legs on the jumpsuit and used the chambray as deep cuffs/border. It just needed more detail. Oh yeah, and he should've stuck with the fringe! Maybe a short row across the upper back, shoulder blade level? TIm may not like fringe but the judges are going cuckoo for cocoa puffs over it this year.
  13. I'm all for breastfeeding and doing it in public isn't an issue for me. For those who make whichever choice, power to you! I just wish there was a little more respect from those that breastfeed towards those who don't. I don't think anyone who chooses NOT to do it is against breastfeeding. We know the benefits of breast milk and the bonding experience. However for many parents breastfeeding isn't physically possible. For some it's not economically possible. If breastfeeding women want to erase the stigma or shaming of nursing in public, they need to help stop the shaming of women who didn't or couldn't make the same choice. I'm tired of hearing the imperious tone of how if a mother realllllly loved her baby & want to bond, etc she'd nurse. I attended a play group with my daughter when she was in pre-school. The topic of breastfeeding came up and I was one of two in a group of 10 who did not nurse. We were treated to such condescension and disparaging remarks for about 15 minutes on how we missed the opportunity to bond, pass on immunities, feel like "whole women" blah blah blah. When there was finally a chance to speak I said " I would have chosen to nurse if I had been able to get pregnant. After 5 failed IVF's. we adopted and she didn't come home to us until she was 18mos old." The other woman said she had developed thyroid cancer early in her pregnancy and due to all the drugs and radiation she could not nurse.
  14. My biggest gripe about the anti-vax side is they always go on & on about their rights to keep their kids safe from unknown ingredients and greedy pharma CEO's. Well what about MY right to protect MY kid from the virulent germs your kid is carrying and spreading as she scoots across the floor of a public space bare-assed? I think the other attachment mom from the group picked at her head scabs a little too much and scratched brain.
  15. Amanda wants her own Master Suite??? WTF? None of these people have a pinky toe stepped over the rational side of the fence. Full-on BSC. How the hell will Amanda or Josh sell that home improvement project? What funds will be used to pay for it? Maybe Amanda thinks Josh will harvest the wood it from Utopia trees and saw it into planks in his Walton's- style lumber mill (which also needs to be built before Josh can start churning out Amanda's custom ordered Pottery Barn Kid's crib and changing table). Not only is Amanda crazy for requesting this sh**, she's nuts for thinking her baby will thrive amongst these idiots. Just ask the chickens and the cows how the communal Utopian Wellness Program is working for them. I hope CPS is near by to take the baby into custody.
  16. Too bad when these "celebs" sign the release papers, TPTB can't slip in a section about "I agree to a permanent sterilization procedure". These people should not be procreating. And for the participants past their child bearing years, have them consent to leave their bodies to science...then immediately have all that DNA destroyed so future scientists can't clone or reanimate these poor excuses of humanity.
  17. I thought I would be rooting for Roe as she so far as been level headed and mature. However, not knowing she was making an empanada makes me question her cooking chops. Of course she is still miles ahead of someone like Denine. I will never understand how a culinary student - not a graduate- thinks s/he will be able to win the position of a head chef. I don't care how much of a cooking genius one may be, the person would still need some exposure to real restaurant or catering work to have any credibility in front of the hiring manager. Granted that's real world requirements,and this show is highly scripted dreck, so all logic, common sense and reason must be checked at the fame-whore casting door. I wish the Hell's Kitchen would shake things up and change the menu more often. FOX must've made a deal with beef and scallop vendors for a life-time contracts. Why do we have to watch these people bungle Wellingtons, risottos and scallops EVERY season? I've never made a Wellington and they look tricky, so I guess the chefs need skill to cook them properly. But scallops and risotto? These are fairly simple for even casual home cooks to make. Too bad the contestants haven't figured it out after all these years. About the Wellingtons - do the contestants prep them themselves or are they pre-made? Making the duxelle, searing the fillets then assembling them with the prosciutto and pastry is time consuming! These wannabe chefs are always too busy doing pointless "challenges" all day to do any of that detailed labor.
  18. Just watched this b/c I was bored...like a bunch of you I haven't clue who these fame whores are other than Juan Pablo. His face was plastered all over the rags at the grocery store, so I assumed he was a major jerk. Assumption validated. I think Treach bothers me the most. He seemed very volatile. He has 6 kids, two with his current therapy partner and it sounds like he probably has several more out there if the cheating allegations stick. I think Cicley is along for the TV exposure. She mentioned she wanted to be an actress and was really "on" in all her time on camera. Jersey Shore girl looks like she's pushing 40. YIKES So very sad that we make "celebrities" out of so many untalented douches.
  19. Thanks for filling in my Eli-memory gaps. How could I have forgotten about that FIB-bie beat-down?? I hope Mrs. Eli was able to get out all the blood from her good sitting room.
  20. I'm a little concerned that Al Capone (or his accountant) will figure out Mueller & Eli "stole from Peter to pay Paul". One bag of an estimated $20 G's is missing, but Behold! another bag with that amount arrives in 24 hours? But maybe Al's coke & syphilis addled brain won't be sharp enough to see it. I wonder if BE will reenact DeNiro's "Baseball" scene from The Untouchables? Was anyone else waiting for the elevator car to drop or for guns blazing when the doors opened on each floor when Eli & Mueller left All's?? I was so anxious until "Mutt & Jeff" safely walked off the elevator! Can someone remind me why Eli had to split town and hide out w/ Al in Chicago? I can't remember what happened to trigger that event. I knew that was Joe Kennedy at the meeting! Now there's an up and comer poor Irish boy who knew how to keep legitimate biz separate from the dirty side. Talk about an "empire"! As a young Bostonian, entrenched in Kennedy lore and adoration, I was surprised when I learned a bulk of the Kennedy dynasty was built on booze. Very relieved we didn't have to see Gillian suffer through a prison rape, but wouldn't her clothes be at least a decade out of fashion for Ms. Matronly Matron? But I suppose being au courant didn't matter in the Depression. (sigh) Narcisse is back next week. I was hoping he'd be gone after last season. His character was very tiring IMO.
  21. I know the censors would never allow it, but... these doofs are in CA right? They could get a medical marijuana license and make a boatload of cash. Red would have something to do and use his very limited "skill set" while staying out of everyone's way. If he gets his own "prescription" for his "pharmaceuticals" he will certainly mellow out & "gain an appetite" and scarf down quinoa, beets or whatever is put in front of him. Bella can let her chickens be free range in the crop rows and have something to do with all her compost. The chef guy will have free herbs to use in his recipes and Nikki will be thrilled because it's organic. Problem people pacified! Does being poly amorous mean you can have intimate relationships without the consent or agreement of the other people in your love group?
  22. I'm obviously waaaay out of the loop & too naive (despite being over 40), because I can't figure out the need for Farrah's icky brand of Tupperware molds. (Please understand, I'm OK in my blissful ignorance! No need to enlighten me, my fellow PTV posters!) I watched the 1st part and was wondering where all Farrah's "crispering" was and lo & behold! She almost filled the last 30 minutes of part 2 with her patented cry-whisper. Still amazed at how many young women "reality personalities" are so messed up so soon in their lives. I'm don't mean because they had babies so young. I'm referring more to the overt sexual dress & behavior and plastic surgeries. Yikes.
  23. Porn mom is definitely in need of some therapy. She is forcing her obsession with sex on her kid IMO. Like many others have said here, it's great to teach kids to biological terms for their genitalia or body parts. Help them be unashamed of bodily functions and changes. However, it's also a good idea to let those discussions go at the child's pace. When kids ask the questions, then it's time to answer them as directly and as age appropriately as possible. I don't believe the 2 year old is going to want or retain a lengthy discussion about your labia and orgasms when she sees you naked one day and asks "what's that"? Hypno mom seems fairly harmless. A little quirky maybe, but if she believes in it and thinks its helping her dubious kids, meh. I do think the cat is laughing at her attempts to hypnotize him.
  24. My friend and I thought of a challenge but I'm not sure if they've done this before. Have each designer pick another designer's losing look (not any that got the person eliminated, just any non-winning look) and then re-design it to see if the new twist improves it. I know they have had challenges where they had a second chance on one of their own designs, but I'd loooove to see another one of these people re-purpose a Sandhya or Amanda creation. And on the flip side, I want to see what kind of "spastic monkey with a spin art kit" ensemble Sandhya would churn out. Also, how do they expect us to believe the runway is anonymous? The models are permanently assigned & work with the same person until the designer is aufed right? So, by Week 2 or 3, Zac & Heidi should start remembering who models whose clothes (I excluded Nina because she only takes notice of the important people on the runway). A bit of topic maybe, but is one of those Samsung fridges part of the prize package? I don't get all the oohing and ahhing. Why do I want a fridge with TWO doors to clean? What's the point of the clear door? I don't typically artfully arrange my groceries once I get home, and I don't have time to give much thought to how pretty the carrots look next to the red cabbage.
  25. Sandhya is definitely unique and definitely presents stuff "not seen before". That doesn't mean its "good". Circus, Insane Clown Posse, Barnum & Bailey are the only thoughts I had watching that creation walk down the runway ( I will NOT call it a rain-way). The pinwheels on the back I can kinda appreciate, but the extraneous debris hanging off the bottom was too much. I'm baffled by the judges admiration of Sandhya. It's not as if this has been a contest for "Best Idea I've Never Seen", but they keep droning on how Sandhya "has ideas". You know who else has "ideas"? Every single person on the planet. It doesn't mean we are all equipped to excel in a particular field. I really did love Sean's concept and I'm glad it worked. However, that dress was ill-fitting and not much to look at in respect to "Design". This is another case where the idea won out over execution, so maybe this show has become "Project Idea"? Amanda - Ugh & Fug should be her label Korina & Emily - Grace Jones & David Bowie wore all that "futuristic" stuff decades ago. Quick lesson from the dictionary, ladies (bold is my edit): avant-garde (from French, "advance guard" or "vanguard", literally "fore-guard") noun 1. new and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts, or the people introducing them. And in addition to retiring the jumpsuit & catsuit, can Emily please stop putting hoods on every damn thing she makes? Kini's was cool but also reminded me of Leanne/Christian designs. I think the pop of color a few posters mentioned would have helped tone down the S&M aspect. Maybe red or blue or purple in the inside pleats of the skirt would be interesting (ONE color, Sandhya, not the whole Crayola box of 64). Fade seemed like a great guy but I knew he was doomed when I saw his power button. Poor guy thought since Samsung TV's & fridges were being whored out this week that he needed to focus on technology. He didn't get it that it was a rain challenge apparently.
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