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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. OK, I wasn't going to watch this debacle, but after reading your comments here I felt compelled to ogle the train wreck. Wow. Just wow. The 12 "ladies" may not represent the majority of their generation (God help us, please tell me that's the case), so I'm sure TPTB looked for the most shallow and vapid girls possible. I'm just amazed at how many 20-somethings think (I just turned 40 BTW). Their "Princess-ified" view of the world is incredible. I guess it's an offshoot of the Snowflake generation. As girls, they are Pretty-Pretty Princesses from their 1st b-day up through their extravagant Sweet 16/Graduations/Wedding "events". They have all been told all their lives they are unique, special, prettier/smarter/more talented than any other snowflake in the drifts. It 's as if they think these attributes were bestowed at birth & they don't have to work for any of it or experience any failures along the way to achieve success. As a result, there doesn't seem to be one ounce of humility, self awareness, an ability to handle adversity or empathy in these dolts. This isn't a blanket statement for the entire generation, I mean no offense to the 20+ yr olds who value their dignity, make education a priority, posses life skills and contribute to society beyond looking good in a bikini on TV. And I'm not letting this young man off easy either. If "Faux Harry" really wants to find a meaningful relationship, here's a tip for you: Don't start off by LYING to the girl before the first date. Oh, and going on national TV - especially FOX!!! - looking for love hasn't turned out so great for many of the other fame whores who blazed the trail before you (see "The Bachelor/Bachelorette). I need to go take a Silkwood-style shower and volunteer a few hours at the Senior Center to work off my guilt over watching this.
  2. If Carole isn't interested in Nick (or he's not into her), I'm available! Holey Moley! He was good looking! Good thing Sonja wasn't around for that date. She would have presented her rear end a la "baboon in mating season" to that man in 2 seconds. Sonja did look fabulous at the Ramona intervention. Ramona didn't look as put together as she normally does.
  3. I have disliked Elliott since he showed up, but I'm wondering if he really owes that much in back child support or is his ex trying to increase what she gets based on any changes in his financial situation? I don't know how child support orders work other than the court tells you what to pay and the custodial parent can ask for more if the ex's income increases. If that little self-important shit truly owes his kids the money, he is stupider than I ever thought. Everyone in Alaska knows you, your ferret face and your boat (as an aside- at least he's stopped mentioning every Goddamned time his mug is on camera how he's a boat owner, youngest boat owner who ever sailed the seas, he's a captain who owns his own boat- ad nauseum). Trying to run from a State Trooper on a small island??? Stop professing your love for your kids if you aren't providing for them. Man up, go to court and get it settled. Unless he has been abusive or is currently doing drugs, most courts will arrange visitation if he really wants to see the kids so badly. Pay for a good attorney, get off the cell phone for 10 solid minutes and focus on your family. And that's the other thing (among 8 million) that bug me about Elliott. On past episodes this season he's talking about how he can't wait to go see his kids and his "wife". Last week he said how he loves Val, can't wait to see her blah blah blah. Dude, she's just not that into you! Especially if you are short changing her children every month. So in your mind you may have a "wife" and kids sitting by the fire waiting to welcome you home, but I don't think it exists.
  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was confused by the "empty nest" theme. I thought I maybe missed an episode where Grace ran off to do missionary work or joined a convent, then she popped up for a minute. I won't miss Zack, but really show? Is that a realistic portrayal of a 1st child going off to college? I get that he has a summer job, but he didn't look like he packed everything he'll need for living in a dorm once college starts. He looked like he had a backpack. That's supposed to last until Thanksgiving? And wouldn't his doting parents be present to help him move in, get settled, etc? Peter & Alicia are supposed to be great, involved parents. I don't care how much you trust your kid's independent spirit- every mother of a son shows up on Move In Day to make their "little boy's" bed, albeit probably the only time it gets made. I like the idea of Diane joining their firm. I don't like the idea of Alicia running for office. She's tired, people!
  5. I love "Louie" as a show and Louie CK as a performer, but this Amia thing bothers me too. I really liked Vanessa, & she would be a great addition to the cast, but I can understand why they may not pair up. It would be too rom-com sappy as the "perfect" happy ever after (temporarily anyway)ending, and that is definitely not what "Louie" is about. I try not to watch TV with my feminist glasses on to often, but the Amia fake relationship strikes me as another version of a male fantasy (TM possibilities). Amia is a quasi-attractive, almost silent, amiable, agreeable to whatever Louie wants to do. He's so smitten with her because she can't talk back - unlike every other woman in his world. It's too bad the wonderful Evanka can't stay in NYC! I was never a huge Charles Grodin fan, but I'm loving his character and his cute doggie with "enough legs".
  6. I totally am with you, Ohwell! I can't stand Frances O'Conner's protrayl of Rose. I read the real Rose died in the influenza epidemic. Very sad that so many died from the Spanish Flu so quickly after so many died in WW I. I never trusted Delphine, but I think it's because Polly Walker in "Rome" was so deliciously eeeevill.
  7. Why is this a show??? HOW is this a show??? It's got to be 100% scripted, right? The premise is so ridiculous it can't be anything but a fake "reality show". I can't see how they could get 12 or 20 participants to play along unless they knew upfront this is all a sham. There can't really be women out there soooo stupid to think that Prince Harry - 4th in line for the crown of England, most eligible bachelor in the world etc etc - needs to "search" for a wife from a pool of American skanks? The Joe Millionaire premise worked (using the term loosely) b/c "Joe" was an unknown and they told the women he was from some famous family. I can see how they could have been duped because that guy's face wasn't ever on People or various tabloids. If these women truly believe they are vying for Prince Harry's love, they deserve to be embarrassed on TV for their stupidity/fame whoring/gold digging.
  8. In addition to Ramona's intervention, can the ladies schedule one for Sonja as well? Aside from all the money troubels & her lack of reality-based business plans, needs to be stopped from making a bigger fool of herself. Her constant attempts to "seduce" young men is just beyond icky. It was so uncomfortab;e to watch her flirting with the 20 yr old on the boat. He was obviously NOT into her at all and looked like he wanted to be anywhere but on that lake with that crazy stalker. Learn to read the room (or pontoon) for God's sake! (and WHY would you tell someone you just met & want to jump into bed with that you've been labeled "unmatchable" on dating websites???). The 20-somethings may be fun boy toys but there is no way these fetuses are looking for relationships nor can they provide the emothional stability Sonja needs. Unfortunately, due to all her whacko behavior on this show, she has flushed her marketability down the non-working toilet. No matter his age, no successful & financially secure man is going to hitch his wagon to Sonja's at this point.
  9. The real shame of Tasha's boot is that we'll never hear from her again. As a smart, strong woman she might as well have been snuffed out in Week 1 or 2 for the amount of recognition she'll receive. At the finale, whether they win or not, all Probst's attentions will be on Spencer (for dodging the bullet So. Many. Times.) and Tony (for his awesome strategery). Tasha and any of the females booted before her will get between 0 and 4 seconds of screen time. J'Tia might get slightly more time when Jeff calls her out for being so useless. Morgan's DDD's will get more screen time than her face. Sarah and Jefra...take a lot of selfies back stage 'cos Jeff won't talk to loser! females!. As for Trish and Kass, they may get up to 30 seconds each, but only to reinforce how awesome Spencer/Tony outwitted them...(even if - Gods of Misogyny forbid! - one of them makes it to F3).
  10. I said it in a previous episode, but Ramona is the worst person to invite anywhere. She bitches about everything on her way to the place and the whole time she's there. Doesn't matter if it's a charity event, a vacation or drinks at a restaurant. The others should just stop inviting her places. Her energy and crazy rantings ruin the experience for anyone within 20 feet of her. I don't condone Mario's cheating but I can almost see his reasons for wandering away from this shrew. There are no words for her behavior on this trip. If she thought the Berkshires were akin to Depression-era Appalachia, then STAY HOME. So, why didn't she? Because she is a fame whore who can't miss her camera time and she's jealous of the others if they get more story arcs than her. She's so obviously & overtly jealous of Kristen's youth and looks. Ramona used to appear somewhat sane in past years, but she's gone around the Jill Zarin bend this year. Totally unlikeable. I so wanted that canoe to flip when Carole bailed. I'm also confused about the "blowout" mystique. Ramona's hair didn't look extra special to me in this episode or at the spa last week. As others noted, who gets a fancy blowout to go to a spa or for a rustic girls' weekend get-away in a heat wave? And so what if it gets wet or de-poufs a bit? Ramona can't grab a blow dryer and re-do it? I'm baffled. I guess once one becomes sooo wealthy from one's self-made millions, the ability to do things for oneself atrophies (i.e.- blow drying hair or carrying luggage).
  11. I am with you completely on the cluttered up cluster fuck screen display. Dear Disco: I pay for HD cable to see the full screen of what's happening on the show your sponsors and ratings bean-counters hope I choose to watch. I do not want my visibility crowded by 1) Tweets - I don't need to see fanboy & fangirl "squee!" everytime a crab pot comes over the rail 2) the Disco logo - duh! I selected the channel/network to watch so I know who you are 3) the chyron for the show I am currently watching - see duh! above 4) an ad for what show is coming up next - I am definitely NOT interested in yet another show about "wacky pioneer survivalist motorcycle building off the grid hunters livin' on the edge!!"
  12. I hope after this season we don't have to hear whining from "special interest groups" on behalf of racers. Will the AARP insist on tasks suited to 55+ contenders? Will oxygen tanks, Hover-Rounds and discounted coffee be mandatory? It's a raaaacccce. If you feel you are too old to compete, don't apply!
  13. I really like this show and the topics discussed in every episode so far have been interesting to me, but I can only watch it On Demand in broad daylight. Neil's voice is so calm and soothing that I fall asleep if I watch at night. Some have disliked the animation and think it "dumbs" down science, but I like it better than seeing any "dramatic reinactments".
  14. I wish the pressure to look "young" in Hollywood would stop. There is an epidemic of bad fillers out there! Stockard Channing's face looked ridiculous. Even at their peak, I doubt these actresses, models, singers etc ever had such outlandishly hard, round and shiny cheeks. (Seriously, I don't get why these tortured & filled faces all shine...after the injection does the doctor apply Turtle Wax and buff them?) I want Alicia to snap out of it already and go back to being a kick-ass lawyer. At lease we weren't subjected to watching Kalinda seduce her way into the crime scene...again. Zack is going to be pulled into the Silk Road drug plot somehow, right? Dear The Good Wife wardrobe dpt- please stop putting the women in the asymmetrical neckline look.
  15. UGH! I can't take much more of Rose! The actress is horrible. Since she has no friends left in London, can't Rose be sent packing back to her daughters in America?
  16. The blonde sorority girl was too ridiculous. But since her generation thinks the epitome of "success" is getting on TV despite having no talent (hello- entire Kartrashian tribe), I'm sure she thinks she was brilliant. Is anyone else having trouble understanding Kashia? I'm sure some people in GA/OK/WA would have a hard time with my Boston accent too, so for those of us who speak with egregious accents, subtitles please! I can't say I'm rooting for anyone in particular this season. Maybe when they get rid of more dead weight, a "winner" will start to emerge.
  17. It seems impossible at this point but I'm for ANY final that doesn't include Tony. Thank the reality gods he will be off my TV in a few more weeks, one way or the other. Can you imagine having to work or live with this guy? The smugness must suck all the oxygen out of any room he enters. On paper he is playing the game re. out witting I guess, but he is totally screwing himself on the social aspect. Please please please let the group figure out a way to oust him before the end! I'm already prepared to have my finger ready to 'mute' him during the last episodes. Whether he's bragging from the jury or from a Final 3 spot, I don't want to hear all about his brilliance and mad skills. And I didn't need any more reasons to dislike the guy, but this Tyler Perry Presents the Super Secret Special Madea's Medalion of Miracles really ruined this season for me.
  18. There's something very creepy about the producer guy. He so smirky and sleazy (IMO). He seems to get off on watching the girls' misery and the moms' weekly scream fests. I wish they'd stop the reunion shows. None of the adults will ever admit they are wrong or change their ways so its just a rehash of the Same Shit Different Day. After seeing Asia back for this reunion I realized how glad I was she was gone. I know it's awful to say about a child, but I do not like that kid. Mackenzie looked adorable on this episode & in her video, but if she needs that much auto tune "enhancement", she needs to go for voice lessons to get better.
  19. I agree with candy moocher- Ramona totally sees Kristen as the girl Mario was cheating with. There is no other explanation of her over the top dislike of Kristen IMO. I think Kristen is one of the most natural looking beautiful women on any of the RHO shows. She should hold an intervention for her friend Brandi and tell her to stop already with the fillers. Why do the West coast women look so tortured? I guess the plastic surgeons on the East coast understand having "work done" shouldn't turn the patient into a cartoon character. Luann looks good, Sonja does too. Sonja's boyfriend probably cut and ran after that burlesque debacle and seeing Sonja act all cuckoo for cocoa puffs. If he was attracted to an older woman in the first place it was probably because he was looking for a level of maturity (and sex), not frat house antics. Is Carole seriously thinking about removing the kitchen from her apartment? I hope better heads prevail and the design team talk her out of it. Put a desk in there with some shelves, but don't erase the kitchen! Even if she never plans to sell, eventually when she's dead, someone will have to sell/move in there. I'd think the new residents would appreciate a stove and fridge. Looks like Ramona continues her craziness next week in the Berkshires. She's the worst house guest ever. I know Bravo pays for these foolish trips and likes to wind these nuts up with the drama, but in the real world, who would ever invite Ramona (or Sonja) to stay with them? They bitch about everything and they are so ungracious.
  20. I hope Jax is doing well. He was dealt a pretty shitty hand at birth, so if his hearing can be improved, I hope the surgery worked. I also hope he gets his hair cut. Aviva...wow. Every week she elevates the crazy. At least we weren't subjected to Mandy-Melissa-Abby drunk-ass. Or Harry. Or George. Sonja is just in such deep denial about her situation. I think she's overloading herself with all her "businesses" to avoid the reality. Something I learned last night: Aviva is to Author as Sonja is to Comedian. Huh, who knew? I have written many "published" posts on various forums. I have told jokes and made people laugh. I guess I am also an author AND a comedian! BRAVO, call me when you want to do a RHO - Boston! I'm available.
  21. It will never happen b/c for some reason women playing Survivor seldom ban together to take over, but my Survivor wish is for the 4 remaining ladies to look around and notice they now out number the guys and can get rid of the untrustworthy, non-goat Tony and physical threats Woo & Spencer. Kass' notion that Tony is annoying therefore he won't get jury votes is one of the most shit-for-brains ideas ever. Spencer may be tight with Tasha now but I'd bet my last dollar he'd vote "bro's before ho's" and kick her to the curb soon. He may weasel his way into Tony's graces and throw Tasha under the bus as soon as next week. Tony & Woo have been buds for a while and there is NO WAY Tony would allow him to go before Jeffra or Kass. They only way any of the women see final 4 or 3 is to unite now. But it will never happen.
  22. The other thing that bothered me was the new mom Christy. Man, was she trying hard to bring the dram and get air time! I also didn't like her busting out the religion. I am not religious and I know a lot of people are and seek comfort from prayer. That's great. But it's the hyper competitive moms (and dads) like the ones on this train wreck that tend to pray for "wins" or even for something detrimental to happen to the opposition. That is disturbing to me. We didn't see their prayer circle, but I hope it was more "please protect our girls from harm" vs. "please let us win another plastic trophy".
  23. My Tony hate grows each week. I think it's his voice and rapid fire speaking pattern in addition to his huge ego. Next week we get to watch him sink further into cuckoo for cocoa puffs territory with his "stealth" spying. UGH. He's a paranoid hamster running on his wheel, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone else is following him. I hope Spenser can pull this off and go to the finals w/ Tasha. There isn't anyone else I can root for.
  24. It's been said many times on various forums, but Child Protective Services needs to be made aware of these horrible "moms". The level of immaturity and stunted emotional growth is astonishing in most of the adults on this show. If one of them has an issue with another mom, why do they need to belittle the kids? To call a child untalented, a loser, continuously point out their flaws, etc in a public manner is just reprehensible. I don't agree with Abby's teaching methods, but she's the only one in a position to criticize the way one of her students is performing. As a spectator mom...SHUT IT! And enough of all of these stupid women boo-hooing how mean Abby is, how she ignores their kid, gives them crap costumes/choreography. "Out kids don't deserve this treatment!" is their weekly battle cry. YOU are the jackass fame whores willing to emotionally scar your own children for 15 minutes on TV. If any of them felt any real empathy for those girls, they'd pack up their kids and leave the studio. There are hundreds of studios to choose from in every state.
  25. Loved the rooftop party setting. So jealous of that view and the pool! I'm guessing Ramona and Sonja were given their scripts with the direction to "play nice" w/ Aviva. If not for the 2 of them coming to her aid, there's really no need to film Aviva. Maybe Ramona was trying to keep any light from shining on her marriage troubles and stirs the shit as a distraction? I like Kristin more each week. I hope she gets a great settlement for her DB soon-to-be ex- husband. Heather was right on with her summation of how Aviva "communicates" with only answering someone w/ another question. So annoying. It doesn't make Aviva look smarter or classier. She highlights her inability to argue or debate with confidence or conviction. I know I'm going to Hell for this, but my ticket was punched long ago...I think the wrong end of Aviva fell into that farm equipment.
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