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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I'm glad Angela went home just so I don't have to take anxiety meds to watch the damn show next week. She made me so jumpy. She came across so fragile and weepy and delicate, but there's something very strong/confident/cocky about her. She was very stubborn in team challenge vs. submissive doormat. She was amazed she was getting so much criticism as if she never heard a negative word her entire life. She complimented herself often a la "it has my delicate touch". Weird juxtaposition IMO. I really liked Christine's, Emily's and Samantha's designs. I thought Mitchell's was pretty cool. Fade's was nice, but it looks like something I already have from J. Jill. Very soft, flow-y and comfy like pajamas you can get away with wearing out of your house. And even though I'm not a fan of her personality, I thought Amanda's was good too. I didn't get why the judges were so judge-y and told her she was lucky she had immunity. There were FAR worse ensembles out there! Which brings me to the "winning" design. WTF?? I am no fashion maven but HUH? If the goal is to be as different or weirder than everyone else, I can see other designers compromising their own aesthetic to create some Barnum & Bailey Clown Gown just to get attention from Prissy-pants Posen and Nina the Grinch Garcia. BTW Nina- read your magazine's beauty pages once in a while...perpetual frowning and scowling causes wrinkles. I too am sick to death of the "Warrior" theme. If they want to portray women as independent or fierce then why do many of the designs incorporate kick-pleats up to the coochie and plunging guess-my-cup-size necklines? As a woman, I know we are strong and sexy in thousands of ways. Looking great and feeling confident can be accentuated by the clothes and makeup we wear. However, I feel its BS to tell women and young girls they are valued for their strength - but only if they have the right shoes and show enough side boob.
  2. Can someone explain to me why Cullen is pretending to go along with the Swede's masquerade as the Bishop? Why doesn't he tell the Mormons who he is for real? Where's the little boy who's family was murdered by the Swede? He would be an eye witness.to back up what Cullen knows. I know the Mormons in the fort don't like or trust him, but they can't all be so blind and pig headed if the little boy were to tell his horrible story. And if the whole fort o'Mormans hate Cullen so much, why not let him leave? Where did Mickey get all his money to buy the land? I watched every episode of every season and I don't recall how he came into all that cash. All I remember of his story was it looked like he was the murder back in Boston and not Sean.
  3. Count me in as baffled by the "winning" team. I don't think they were the best team, but certainly not the worst. I don't understand how Amanda's dress o'muslin- which did not come from the theater and made up 90% of the garment-was the best. I also thought Korina's dress was the worst of the 3. It looked very amateurish and home made like what a Brownie troop might make for a fashion badge. The duct tape strip pattern were very uneven and messy looking. I don't like her personality much either. Very smug and smirky. I applaud PR for gathering together people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, but why do we need to hear "I'm Mexican!" "I'm Native American!" "I'm a poor immigrant from FillInTheBlank!" in every talking head? Be proud of where you came from. Admire your family's struggles to give you a better life. Celebrate your culture in your work if that's your aesthetic, but I don't need to hear the same one-note autobiographical by line every time you are on screen. Why pigeon-hole yourself with such a narrow definition? It only gives Heidi & Co. something to hand out biased snark or praise IMO. I think Angela had better get her shit together ASAP. The other contestants will eat her alive. Even the sympathetic ones will turn on her if the tears and self-doubt continue. For what it's worth, I liked her design this week (and her look book stuff from auditions). It may not have matched up to her teammates' outfits, but I hardly think she should have been singled out like that. Nina needs to lighten the fuck up. She gets more crotchety every year. Is she auditioning to be the new Anna Wintour?
  4. So I just read Sonja's blog on BravoTV...I don't know if I can snark on the poor thing any longer. We've tossed around words like Delusional, Grey Gardens, etc, but she is truly off the rails. She has created a fantasy world and she needs professional help.
  5. Mackenzie is "THE #1 pop star"... in multiple countries???? Really? Admittedly I do not listen to the radio 24/7 nor do I read Billboard to see who's on top of the charts, but I do live in a house with 2 tweens who are pretty pop savvy. I asked both my girls if they ever heard of Mac Z or her song and they had no idea who or what I was talking about. When I told them Mac was the cute little girl from Dance Moms, my 10 yr old said "I guess if she's got a video on YouTube she can be called a singer." That Christy woman is really pathetic. But I'd have to say all those moms (old team & new) are pretty awful people for putting their kids through this horror show. And I'm sure there's a thread for it and I didn't (won't) watch it, but how did Asia get a show? I found her and her mother very OTT and super annoying when they were on DM. She may be a talented dancer but I couldn't get passed her annoying little chipmunk face and "oh Snap!" gesticulating every 2 minutes.
  6. Totally agree! The pattern of the lace around her bust made her boobs look like they were pointing in opposite directions... as in 180 degrees opposite. Too bad none of her dozens of employees can influence her to make better choices. And who was the makeup artist on set for the reunion? Whoever it was definitely had it out for Sonja and Aviva. Both women can look stunning on occasion, but they both looked like mannequins on that couch. Way too much going on there. Sonja has a very cute nose but all the shading made it look wonky Put the bronzer down and back away slowly. . I think LuAnn wins. She's been a great Greek chorus all season and she was cool and collected (so far). I hope she's back next year. Carole's blonde doesn't work IMO. The cut/styling wasn't the most flattering either. I'd still choose her and Heather (and LuAnn) as my NYC BFF's though! Let's all pray last night was the last we'll see or hear from George ever again. It pissed me off that Andy was smirking when he brought up how the fans were repulsed by George and his actions. It seemed to me as if he thought anyone who doesn't want to hear about some octogenarian's scrotum or watch his sexual assault of these women is so uncool or not in on the "joke". That man is vile and disgusting and has a scary level of sexual predatory rage under his leathery skin. I'd never let any of my children spend a second alone with him.
  7. I haven't watched my DVR'd episode yet but glad to hear there's very little Elliott (but boo! Josh Harris has screen time again). I did watch "The Bait" and was dismayed that Elliott and his latest GF were featured. It's so obvious none of the older captains have any respect for him. Why do they give him the time to meth-head mumble about how awesome he is for "owning" a boat or how in luuuurve he is? I'm for sure not interested in his love life (I feel like I need a shot of penicillin just for typing "Elliott" & "love life" eewww). We all can make an educated guess that the young lady is his Mrs. Right -Now, not "the ONE". Run, dear, run. And please throw every last article of 686 clothing into the bait box on your way off deck. I still don't get why other tee shirts or hats have to have their logos blurred but King Douche gets to promote whatever the fuck 686 is (I refuse to Google it).
  8. We've had a lot of thunderstorms and heat and humidity in my neck of the woods recently and I've been cursing my frizzy hair all week. After watching the good doctor's semi smooth hairline turn into full-on 'fro I guess i should quit my bitchin'. She was really calm and maintained her patience with Mr. Machete. I would have lost it on him at many points. I thought it was really good planning on their part to bring along shelter materials in case they got held up on the way to extraction. It probably cost them some energy to haul that through the jungle, but as a non-survivalist couch potato, I thought that was a brilliant risk.
  9. Why do these rescue shows pick businesses that are too far gone? These people have run their hotels/restaurants/bars/bakeries into the ground over several years. Jesus couldn't be a savior to these idiots. Wouldn't it be more uplifting to find a place in trouble but not so deep in a hole that some paint and a new menu could make a difference? I don't care how many free mattresses or tablecloths Overstock.com offers up...The Monticello was NEVER going to turn around under that incompetent fool's direction. His alcoholism was a problem, but I think his spoiled brat attitude was the bigger issue. I feel really bad for the 50 people who lost their jobs. Maybe their old boss will let them sleep in his fleet of cars since they can't make rent now. I'm also baffled how the staff could hang on there for so long under such dismal circumstances. That place must have had 20+ rooms in the main hotel, and they aren't used? The front desk girl said she was the only earner for her family and only made $500 every 2 weeks! The chef was working hours off the clock for free? The prep chef only worked 12 hr/wk to support a family? There are too many things behind this story we don't know. I'm guessing the economy hit the hotel hard and they couldn't rent out the rooms so he started closing them off to save money. Maybe instead of another hotelier buying this sad place someone can turn it into a nursing home or a Senior Citizen Center...looks like that's the target audience anyway.
  10. On first watch, I didn't see the likeness between Adam & Madonna. Then I watched again...in a dark closet in a different room down the hall from the TV while wearing a blindfold. Gotta say, if I squint...still don't see it, you jackass! Whoever the hell Saaphyri is...she looks a little long in the tooth to become a "star". I guess people like the patients on this show are a dime a dozen in LA-LA land. So phony and plastic and fake looking and they do it to themselves on purpose!
  11. Hi fellow alum, Grammaeryn! Yes, I went to UMASS/Amherst in the late 80's. I'm proud it's become a great University over the years, but I'm sad that I won't be able to afford it when my daughter is ready to go off to college. It isn't a "Safety School" anymore!
  12. Did I miss a scene?? The episode description mentioned Andy but I never saw the TB or its crew at all. I was not in charge of the remote last night so I couldn't mute the Saga scenes. He may be captain but that little weasel hasn't got the respect of his crew. Loved his temper tantrum on deck...his nasally squeaky voice must've gone up 3 octaves. I get that he's the owner/boss and if it were any other captain, I'd be on his side. The crew needs to follow orders, unquestioned and with pep in their step. But since its Elliott...HAHAHAHA!! They broke your shit! On purpose! Mandy did well to hang in there and not give up. She was coddled (a lot compared to any male or non-relative), but she still did the work. However, now that she had her chance to prove to herself & her dad she's capable, she should go learn more on another boat. She was a distraction to the captain & crew and I just didn't care so much about this story. Junior is a damn fool to come back so early in the healing process. He's potentially causing more damage and affecting his future. There's more to life and living than sitting on a boat. Could he have hired another captain to finish his season? His boat & crew would still make money (minus the hired captain's salary) right?? Or is Junior just so egotistical that HE is the only one who can do the job? Does anyone know if the repeat run later on the same night as the original episode contains all the idiotic Tweets and FB posts? I need to find a less "enhanced" version before I quit this show altogether. I can't tolerate the "Squeee! OMG! They caught crab!!!" pop-ups much longer.
  13. Oh pleasepleaseplease report back to us, AZChristian! I am curious if his peers think he's as big an asshole as many of here do.
  14. When I was in college I worked in the Dining Commons as part of work-study program. One particularly slow day while on the hot dog station, I started reading the huge Costco-sized box of hot dogs. It read "Grade D but edible". We all know hot dogs are not made from the finest cuts of meat, but what the hell is "Grade D" made of??? This made me curious so I did a little research after my shift. I discovered the Massachusetts State Government offices, Prisons, Public Schools and the State Colleges/Universities received their food supplies from the same company. However, the government was on top of the quality charts, then the prisons got the next best grade of meat and dairy products. The schools & colleges got the rest/last pick. After that, any time a politician from either party says they are "doing fill in the blank for the children" I roll my jaded eyes.
  15. Once upon a time I liked that song. Now it has been irrevocably rendered useless thanks to Caterwaul "Cali-oke" rendition(s). How delusional one must be to not notice the very few customers present laughing and snickering during your one woman, one song set? She thinks people called ahead to find out if she was singing was a good sign of her popularity. No, dear. They are calling to see if it's safe to come out for dinner and drink without their ears bleeding. I was confused by GR's message re. staying true to the area a la Mexican cuisine. On his numerous other "improvement" shows he admonishes the restaurant owners for being too similar to everyone else on the block. He "researches" the neighborhoods to discover there's no "insert specialty place here" for miles around, and then tells the owner "we're going to be the only farm to table/vegan/gastro pub/steakhouse in town!" If the lady was enamored w/ Tuscany or Italian, then do it better. Get a chef w/ that background/skill (or train the nice lady she currently has in the kitchen). The pool did look great, but I see those bean bag chairs being filthy and torn after a few months. I think that outdoor "stage" was originally a cabana area before Miz Showbiz bought the place. Gordon just reversed it back to its original purpose. It looks like it was built to be a shaded cabana or maybe a bar area. I'm sure Cali re-repurposed it as soon as Gordon left the driveway...probably stapled her precious plastic grapes to it to create a Tuscan pergola. Even the cheapest motels serve some kind of breakfast! It may be store bought muffins or danish, and a bowl of fruit along with carafes of coffee, but its something! I agree that if she didn't like the cost of laundering tablecloths, she should have stuck to bare tables. The vinyl looks cheap and it smells bad no matter how often its wiped down. I will give this lady credit for not being a "dirty pig" though. Overall, the rooms & the kitchen looked clean. GR didn't find fault with her on those points!
  16. Jon Stewart was great on Jerry's show and Jerry was awesome on the Daily Show! Both episodes had me laughing and smiling. So sad Jerry doesn't do more episodes each "season".
  17. I watched this show (or half watched from partially covered eyes). I was so horrified by all of those procedures. And the patients were pretty frightening too. That Jenn girl was a little "off" to me. She kept saying how she had no self-esteem but she seemed hella comfortable in front of the camera. But I think her mom's nose terrified me the most! It was like a thin layer of skin draped over the remaining bone and no cartilage! Was she in a horrible disfiguring fire? It reminded me of that scene in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" when everybody's face was melting. Yikes! I don't understand why butt lady was turned away, yet Jenn was put through. They both had psychological issues. Is it because she stated out loud she had body dysmorphia? Are those patients more litigious if they aren't happy? Don't 98% of Dubrow & Nasif's clientele suffer from acute feelings of physiological inadequacy?? If it weren't for that disorder, they'd be out of business!
  18. Sad to see Rochelle go, but she's to light and airy for the gravitas required by Grrr. I wish her a lot of success wherever she ends up. Melanie - I just don't see the star quality. I guess she was better than the majority of the field but that's not saying much. Jason is obnoxious, so according to my track record of picking winners in reality shows, he will win. But I want Scott to win just to see his cute family again.
  19. This show was featured on "The Soup" last night. The clip showed "Bear" punching fish (WTF???) and doing his Forrest Gump running thing. I guess looking foolish in front of thousands of people isn't as big a deterrent as it once was. But if you're getting paid to look like a bunch of dumb twits, that's incentive enough.
  20. Heather needs a stylist. She has so many connections in the fashion world and yet she still manages to choose unflattering clothes for herself. That white dress was not good. Unless she wanted to look heavier and accent her hips, that skirt did her no favors. I don't think that dress would look good on anyone. Maybe if the top part continued to hug the body like a sheath or even flair a bit like an a-line?? That mini-hoop skirt effect is just a big NO. On a positive note, Heather did a great job with the party. Carole got everything she wanted (minus the snake handler and some dying butterflies). It looked like a good time. I don't get Harry. At all. First, aside from money, I don't think he's attractive. He must be crazy talented between the sheets (or he flashes his bank statements) to keep finding women to sleep with him. Second, I don't understand his actions at the party. If he wants to move forward w/ Sonja and starts talking dogs & next steps...why would he leave with LuAnn minutes after giving Sonja the ring from his Cracker Jack box? Bye Aviva. I hope you continue to do your charity work and help other amputees. You seem to enjoy it and you handle those interactions like a normal gracious person. Your husband is successful & supportive. Your kids are lovely and you are probably a great mom. You have many things to be proud of and thankful for (your gross dad is not among them). However, I don't think you should be on TV anymore. Quite frankly, it brings out (amplifies?) the crazy. Because I consider myself a well-wisher, I wish you, your family, your leg and your inhaler long and happy lives together. I'm just sorry I couldn't fit all this on a banner.
  21. I am gloriously ignorant of any first-hand Elliott nonsense since I DVR'd & either FF or left the room when he and his GF showed up. I tried to block him out while watching The Bait live, but timing with the pause & mute buttons weren't in my favor. So from your posts here, it's confirmed she is as big of an asshole as Elliott then? Deliberately serving someone food with an allergy/intolerance is just so wrong. I am assuming the crewman was OK from reading this forum, but that was a horribly mean and dangerous thing to do. Very sad Nick on the CC had his drunken temper tantrum, but he's an experienced guy and knows that shit can not be tolerated. And of course Ghost Dad Phil shows up again. Poor guy is missing out on quite the Disco paycheck...he's getting almost as much screen time dead as when he was alive. Maybe Phil's estate is like Elvis' and it's still earning an income from all his appearances?
  22. I'm all out of brain bleach so I'll be DVR'g this from now on so I can FF past anything related, but not limited to: the Saga, Elliott and issues with his junk.
  23. I try my best not to comment on a person's looks, especially women. As a female I know there are crazy and unrealistic expectations for women to meet or try to achieve in regard to their outward appearances. However sometimes I can't control myself. Carrie may have a great body (her butt looked amazing), but the face...not seeing "model" material in the classic sense. She's attractive (on the outside), but I don't think she's really stunning. Her attitude was horrible. Very passive aggressive and bitchy. She seemed very entitled to me. I also think she was a little pissed that her partner didn't cuddle up to her the first night beyond the body heat issue. I think she was mad he didn't find her irresistible. I'm sure she's used to guys doing her bidding.
  24. So are we to assume Chandler has left the British lady & her kid to die on the Russian ship? In reality, this would be the correct military response; no negotiating w/ terrorists, don't out the lives of many in harms way for one, etc. But this is TV- Michael Bay TV- so I'm going to guess there will somehow be a super sneaky spy attack mission at some point to save the civilians. I'm confused how Admiral Cuckoo for CocaoPuffski thinks he'll rule the world. First off- it's a pretty big effin' planet and his numbers are few. You need strong centralized government/autocracy to "rule". Second, every village and city in every country is lousy with dead rotting bodies. How are you going to address that? Billions of corpses can't be put into mass graves or bulldozed into lakes or oceans. The soil would be unusable for farming for a while I'd think and the water supply would be tainted. You need land and irrigation for agriculture & pastureland. They can't float on a boat forever without fresh food supplies. Are they all going to become pescatarians?
  25. Once upon a time it was pronounced "FRustrated", but so many people have bastardized it, I'm wondering which incorrect version will take over -will it be Kashia's "FLustrated" or Joy's "FUSStrated"? My dad was a Navy pilot and flew some of the first jets. Those planes were not jets. I'm just glad we didn't have to hear Scott & Jason call each other Goose and Ice Man. I'm also eternally grateful we weren't subjected to Jason heaving all over the cockpit. I am surprised Joy flipped out at such a late stage in the game, and I did have her pegged as the winner. I still like Rochelle so I'll root for her now. Scott is OK but seems too timid. Melanie irks me. I don't like Jason's screaming and bloviating about how sucky women are, but since I don't like him that means his chances of F2 are pretty good.
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